United states tax collector

Chapter 280 Are you not afraid of thunder?

Jets turned to look at the head of the legal department and ordered: "Amarin, take your team and go to Los Angeles immediately, but remember to find out what David has up his sleeve first. If he really has some, The trump card, we must try our best to settle out of court, understand? "

Things have developed to this point.

No matter how stupid he is, he knows that David must have mastered something, otherwise he would never dare to label Switzerland like this in front of the whole world.

"Mr. Jets, I think... think..."

"Why are you hesitating? If you have anything to say, just say it!"

"It's Mr. Jets!"

Amarin did not dare to write any more ink and said aloud: "The cause of this incident has to be traced back to the Sackler family. If it really comes to an out-of-court settlement, why does he ask us to hand over the family's assets? manage?"


This question made Jets pause on the spot.

The rest of the senior executives were also speechless.

Now regarding the two major products CUUI and CUUO, it is indeed possible to cause a huge crisis for the entire Swiss bank.

But if we compromise on the assets of the Sackler family, it will be equivalent to destroying their brand as a bank and losing credibility in front of the world. This can be described as a dilemma!

"If it really comes to that point, I think maybe this is the only way to do it..."

"Are you crazy, House? Doing this will destroy our brand, and the Thacker family is a Utahn. If the family's funds are handed over to the IRS, how will those Utahns do it in the future?" Are you willing to place your funds with us again?”

"Arabella is right. If we cooperate with the transfer of the Sackler family's assets, the rest of the Utahns will also be worried. If they feel that their money is no longer conservative with us, they will have to transfer their funds to us. If we take it away, we may be in a bigger crisis.”

As soon as a senior executive of UBS Group put forward his suggestion, he was immediately criticized by others.

Handing over the assets of the Sackler family will not only damage their brand, but the most serious point is that it may cause concern to the Jewish group.

This group of people are currently the largest customers of Swiss banks. Not to mention that they immediately withdraw their principal, just because they no longer trust Swiss banks and will not store funds in the future, it is a huge loss for them. .

"Okay Amarin, you go over and talk to David first to test out his trump card. After conveying the specific situation back, we will make a decision!"

Jets couldn't think of any good solution for a while, so he could only take one step at a time.

The next morning, the director's office.

"Director, UBS Group, due to this incident, its market value has evaporated by 6 billion US dollars overnight..."

"Director, the representative from UBS Group has arrived at Los Angeles Long Beach Airport and is expected to arrive at the bureau in half an hour."


Listening to a series of situations, David nodded frequently. .

About ten minutes later, the specific work situation was reported.

David said: "Then get ready, let's 'welcome' the representatives of UBS Group!"



Two cars arrived at the entrance of the Los Angeles Internal Revenue Service.

The car door opened, and Yamalin and his party, who had arrived overnight, got out of the car. Seeing their arrival, the media personnel stationed here instantly became restless.

“The UBS delegation is here!”

"It is said that UBS sent almost its entire legal department this time. It seems that it is preparing to have a 'big fight' with the IRS!"

"Mr. Yamalin, please tell me when you come this time, are you confident that you can clearly explain the problems of CUUO and CUUI to the IRS?"

"Mr. Amarin..."

Facing the media's questioning, the people at UBS Group had no intention of being interviewed, and walked into the bureau one by one with solemn expressions.

The IRS had already received news of the arrival of people from UBS Group. As soon as they saw their arrival, they immediately took them to a conference room on the seventh floor.

As for David and some senior officials in the bureau, they were already waiting here.

"Hello, Director David, my name is Amarin, and I am the head of the legal department of UBS Group. These are my colleagues Ricardo and Humphrey..."

"Hello Mr. Amarin, Mr. Ricardo, hello Mr. Humphrey..."

David shook hands with each of these people with a smile.

Then the two parties sat down separately, and Yamalin was the first to speak: "Director David, I don't agree with your claim that our two products CUUI and CUUO are suspected of tax evasion in violation of regulations."

"These two products of ours have been sold in the United States for five years and have accumulated tens of millions of customers. However, because of your slanderous and accusatory words, our credibility has been severely damaged. , this is not fair to us!”

Yamarin knew very well that when facing someone like David, he must not show weakness from the beginning, otherwise, he would be led by the other party's lead in the future.

Therefore, he immediately adopted tougher remarks from the beginning!

After hearing these words, David showed no expression. He directly threw a prepared document over and said: "Mr. Yamalin, this is the information we found about one of your customers. Please take a look. Bar!"

Amarin frowned slightly, but he dared not neglect it and immediately picked up the file and started looking at it.

A few minutes later, as this line of information came into view, sweat stains continued to appear on his forehead.

David is right, this is indeed the information of one of their customers.

What this customer purchased was this product from CUUO.

The model of this product is that the stock is sold and reacquired on the day when the dividend is distributed. Because the transaction time is very short, the tax agency cannot determine who owns the stock ownership.

But in the current document, it is not only found out who the stock owner is, but also the company in which country the owner uses to operate is introduced in detail.

It can be said that once this document is released, it will definitely be a piece of evidence that accuses UBS Group of tax evasion!

Humphrey on the side saw that Amarin looked so ugly and realized that something was wrong. He immediately reached out to take the file and read it.

But soon, Humphrey, who had finished browsing, also showed the same ugly expression as Yamalin.

The CUUO product was tested by many parties before it was released. Not to mention manpower, even the most powerful computers and the most powerful supervision system cannot find out the ownership of the stock after each dividend is distributed. , the holding institution, and the holder.

But why can the property owner, holding institution, and holder of the information provided by David be so clear?

Humphrey racked his brain and couldn't figure this out. Then he looked at David and asked, "Director David, where did you get this document?"

"Do I need to tell you this?"

David leaned back and crossed his arms across his chest, looking sure of victory.


Humphrey choked at the words.

However, he suddenly realized that his question was a bit silly.

Yes, why should people tell him?

Why should you tell him?

"Director David, what I want to know is, regarding this kind of customer information, how many copies of this kind of customer information do you have on hand now?"

This time it was Amarin who spoke.

If only one or two such documents are obtained, although it can be regarded as strong evidence of UBS Group's illegal tax evasion, UBS Group is still confident that it can solve the problem.

Even if it's not straight, it won't hurt your muscles and bones.

But if David holds dozens or more copies, then UBS Group will not be able to get away so easily.

So that's what he's trying to figure out now.

“I can have every one of you customers who buy this product!”

"What! Director David, what do you mean?"

Amarin and the rest of UBS's legal department were shocked.

Can everyone have it?

As mentioned before, the number of American customers purchasing their two major products has reached tens of millions.

Does David still have information like this for everyone?

This is too outrageous!

"There's no other meaning, it's just what the words mean!"

Hearing David's affirmative words, Amarin Humphrey and others exchanged glances, and then Amarin said: "Director David, if our Swiss bank is hit by a thunderstorm, we will not be the only ones unlucky. "

"What does it mean?"

David asked rhetorically.

"It's very simple. We control 26% of the world's cross-border assets, and the largest proportion comes from the United States. In other words, if we have a thunderstorm, the chain reaction will have the greatest impact on you!"

"If there is a financial crisis and all your people are laid off, your tax revenue will drop sharply."

"And after your people lose their jobs, the government will inevitably pay a large amount of unemployment benefits, but where will this money come from?"

"Of course it's drawn from your IRS tax treasury!"

"What your IRS will face at that time is that you will not be able to collect taxes, and you will have to spend a lot of money. So if it doesn't work, your IRS will go bankrupt."

"Have you really never thought about the consequences of this?"

This was a strategy that Yamalin and his party had already thought of when they arrived.

After all, their Swiss bank controls 26% of the world's overseas assets, which is a huge bargaining chip for them.

And if their Swiss bank is really hit by a thunderstorm, the United States and even the IRS will also be affected. This is something David is worried about, right?

Even if you are not afraid, you still have to make some concessions, right?

After saying these words, Amarin and the others focused their gazes on David's face, hoping that David would show a trace of fear or worry.

But what disappointed them was that not only did David's face not show a trace of fear or worry, he still maintained a smile like an old man, and then he even said sarcastically: "Is there anything else you want to add, Mr. Yamalin?"


Hearing such an understatement, Amarin Humphrey and others almost couldn't hold back the curse words.

Is this David so stubborn?

Not even afraid of a financial crisis?

Aren’t you afraid that the IRS’s tax treasury will be drained?

In fact, it's not that David isn't afraid of these things, it's just that he feels that UBS may be more worried about thunderstorms than he is.

And once a thunderstorm breaks out, those Jewish people, Angsa people, and oligarchs from various countries who have deposited their money in Swiss banks will probably immediately go to UBS's senior management to settle accounts.

And now that I have complete control over the initiative, there is no need to be too timid and be led by the other party.

"Director David, that's all we have to say, why don't you just give us an explanation. What do you want?"

Yamalin lowered his stance slightly.

This is also a helpless move. The threat of financial crisis caused by thunderstorms is already a bargaining chip they can think of at present.

But David is now obviously convinced that they dare not completely break up, so they can only lower their stance and negotiate again.

"To be honest, I don't want to go to court with you UBS Group, because doing so is simply a waste of my time..."

Hearing this, Amarin and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Judging from what David currently has in hand, they certainly don't want to go to court. It would be best to reach an out-of-court settlement.

"So, as long as you admit the illegal tax evasion of CUUI and CUUO, pay us a tax evasion penalty, and cooperate with us in handing over the Sackler family property, your business in the United States can be re-opened, and with us That’s the end of the IRS dispute.”

After hearing David's words, the faces of Amarin and others instantly turned the color of pig liver.

Although admitting the violations of CUUI and CUUO and paying another tax evasion penalty is enough to make UBS heartbroken, it is still barely acceptable in order to allow the group's branches to resume business in the United States.

But handing over the assets of the Sackler family is tantamount to letting them ruin their own reputation, which is unacceptable to UBS.

"Director David, you also know how important credibility is to a bank. The foundation of our Swiss bank is credibility guarantee..."

"Don't tell me this, I just want to hear whether you will cooperate or refuse!"

Before Amarin could continue, David interrupted.


Amarin fell silent with a sullen face, and the other members of the UBS Legal Department at the scene were also speechless.

The atmosphere was frozen for a full two minutes before Humphrey said: "Okay, Director David, this matter is of great importance. We need some time to think about it. What do you think?"

"Go ahead, you have one day to think about it. I have a lot of work, and you must give me an answer before tomorrow!"

Although I was very dissatisfied with David's words that could not be refused.

But this is their territory after all, not to mention that someone is still holding their lives. Even if Humphrey and others were dissatisfied, how could they dare to refute too much? They all left the office with a face.

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