United states tax collector

Chapter 281 The Masonic Treasury

Members of UBS's legal department chose the Bellagio Hotel as their temporary residence.

Yamalin and others, who had just returned here at this time, walked into a suite, and then immediately turned on the computer and started a video call with the headquarters.

"Mr. Jets, we talked with David..."

Amarin recounted the contents of the conversation at the IRS in detail.

"What, he actually found evidence of tax evasion and violation of regulations on our products?"

Jets, who was far away at the Swiss headquarters, and the senior executives of the group also showed incredible expressions after hearing these words.

Their Swiss bank has the world's top risk assessment team.

Since we dare to launch these two products, CUUI and CUUO, the risk must have been reduced to a minimum.

But I didn't expect that despite this, David would still find evidence to convict him. This is really incredible.

They had always heard how powerful David was, and that no one who was targeted by him could escape, but now, they seemed to have learned the lesson.

"Yes, Mr. Jets, and according to him, as long as he wants to check, he can find problems with any of our customers who have purchased these two products."

"What, anyone!?"

"Impossible, I don't believe it!"

"This is a bit outrageous. We have thousands of customers who buy these two products. How could he find out about everyone!"

All the senior executives at the UBS headquarters were shocked when they heard this.

As they said, there are thousands of customers who have purchased CUUI and CUUO. If everyone could check in such detail, wouldn’t David be an omnipotent and omnipresent God?

"Amarin, what do you think? Is David's words credible?"

Jets asked in a deep voice.

"Mr. Jets, judging from his various historical and fierce achievements, coupled with the calm and confident appearance of the conversation just now, I personally feel that although his words are somewhat exaggerated, he is confident that he will convict us. It should be true."

"I agree with Amarin. David doesn't look like he's trying to scare us. And if he can find out the details of one customer, there's a high probability that he can find 2 or 3. As long as the number of people is If there are enough, it will be difficult for us to win the lawsuit."

Amarin Humphrey expressed his views one after another.

Now, senior executives at UBS headquarters can no longer remain calm.

As Humphrey said, David may not be able to find the information and evidence of all their clients, but since he can find one, it is also a high probability that he can find the second and third. It is just a matter of time.

And with this evidence, as long as it goes to court, their Swiss bank may be in trouble.

"Mr. Jets, he gave us two options in the end. The former was not bad, it was just asking them to plead guilty and pay a fine, but the latter... was still about the handover of the Sackler family's property..."

Amarin continued.

In fact, he didn't need to say anything, as the senior executives at the headquarters had already guessed something.

Since David gave them the opportunity to settle out of court, what else could it be besides achieving the purpose of transferring the property of the Sackler family?

"Let's all share our opinions!"

At this point, Jets couldn't make a direct conclusion. He could only let the other senior executives express their opinions to see if there was a better way.

"Mr. Jets, I think that based on the current situation, it is not a wise move to continue to compete with David like this. After all, we still have so much business in the United States."

"Based on the current situation, once we are convicted, if we go to court again, the punishment we will suffer will definitely not be small..."

"The United States is the largest source of income for our Swiss bank. This time we have a bad relationship with the IRS, our future business will probably be difficult..."


Before Amarin and his team arrived in Los Angeles, many senior executives at UBS had the same view, that is, they must not damage their credibility.

But now, many executives are beginning to reverse their views.

There is no other reason for this, because they have seen the trump card held by David. According to the legal department, this trump card does have the risk of causing a thunderstorm for their UBS.

If they still stick to their previous views, all their business in the United States will suffer a heavy setback once they go to court.

I dare not say how much the losses were. A conservative estimate would be at least over 100 billion.

Which one is more important? People like them who can hold senior positions in Swiss banks are not fools, so they can naturally make their own judgments.

But not all senior leaders are inclined to compromise.

At least the vice president of the group did not agree. He said: "Mr. Jets, gentlemen, let me remind everyone that the most important thing in a bank is reputation. If you lose money, you can make money again, but if you lose credibility, it is true." Gone!"

"Credibility is of course important, but if it goes to court, according to the Ministry of Justice and the evidence David has, our losses will be inestimable."

"Now that David has conclusive evidence in this regard, if he takes advantage of the situation to make the matter bigger and introduces a policy to restrict the American people from transferring money to our Swiss bank, then our group may never recover from this."



It makes sense for Amarin to say that the bank should protect its credibility, but other senior executives at UBS know better that with the power of the IRS, and now that they have been caught, the blow to their business will be.

Just when the atmosphere seemed a bit tense, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Jacic, go and have a look."

The man named Jacic was named and quickly walked over and opened the door.

I saw a well-mannered man in a suit and leather shoes standing in the doorway at this time.

"Excuse me, who are you?"

"I am a representative of the Freemasonry. I would like to come and talk to your Mr. Yamalin."


Jacic was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Yamalin and the others inside, and said: "Yamalin, the representative of the Freemasonry is here."

Upon hearing this, Amarin Humphrey and others in the hall were also stunned, and then their expressions all dropped.

After thinking for a moment, Yamalin finally said: "Let him come in!"

After saying this, he immediately turned to look at the computer and said, "Mr. Jets, it's someone from the Freemasonry. I'll hang up first..."

"No need to hang up. Since we are the top brass of your headquarters, let's listen together!"

Before Amarin could finish what he said, there was an interruption from the Freemason representative who walked in.


"Then let's just listen."

From the other end of the video, Jets' voice came.

The self-proclaimed representative of the Freemasonry did not show any signs of surprise when he came in front of a few people. He sat on the sofa and then said: "Let me introduce myself first. My name is Benny Ford." Curt, I came here on behalf of the Freemasonry. I want to ask Mr. Yamalin how the talks between you and your team with the IRS went?"

"This is a secret of our Swiss bank and should not be disclosed for the time being!"

Of course, Yamalin will not leak the contents until the results are confirmed.

Benny spread his hands and replied: "Okay, it's okay not to disclose it, but the members of the Freemasons entrusted me to bring you a message to UBS Group. The reason why they chose to put their money in your bank is because of you." Our bank is a time-honored brand with more than 150 years of history and has the best reputation in the world. I hope you will not make a wrong decision in a moment of confusion, otherwise, you will have to bear the consequences! "

Hearing this, not only Amarin Humphrey and others at the scene, but also Jets and other senior executives at the Swiss headquarters, all looked a little confused.

The Freemasons are threatening them.

If they dare to compromise on the Sackler family's property, then this group will definitely do something with the funds placed with them, and they will naturally hear it.

"Mr. Benny, how about this? Can you teach me what UBS should do?"

Amarin replied angrily, and his words also had a hidden meaning, that is, if we have a choice, we will naturally not hand over anyone's assets. After all, this can also damage the brand.

Benny didn't seem to understand the meaning of Yamalin's words. He patted the collar on his chest, stood up and said, "It's not the turn of outsiders like us to interfere with your Swiss bank matters. The words have been brought to you. I hope Make the right decision."

After leaving these words, Benny walked straight out of the door, leaving only Yamalin and others with gloomy faces.

At the door of the hotel, Benny got into the car, took out a mobile phone from the hidden pocket of his suit, and said to the phone: "Gentlemen, you all heard it, I have brought the message!"

The next second, there was a beeping hang-up sound from the phone.

At the same time, on the east coast of New York, Senado Island.

As early as many days ago, Borgwana had initiated a Masonic meeting through his own authority, but later the Swiss Bank incident broke out, and this incident involved the treasury issues of all Masonic members, so , the meeting was postponed until today.

At this time, in the manor meeting room, Henrietta Rothschild, the seven major families that controlled the Federal Reserve, Borgwana, and a group of Freemasons were all here.

However, the atmosphere at the scene also seemed a bit solid at this time, and everyone's eyes were turned to Henrietta.

After a while, Henrietta said in a deep voice: "No matter what, we cannot let the Swiss Bank hand over the assets of the Sackler family!"

"I agree with Mr. Henrietta."

"I agree!"


As Henrietta spoke, everyone at the scene almost unanimously agreed.

It's not that they agreed because of Henrietta's power, it's just that the Swiss bank was too important to them, it was everyone's financial treasury.

And why did they rush to send representatives to warn Swiss banks?

Of course there is no real concern that the Thacker family's assets will be confiscated by the IRS.

To put it bluntly, although they are all a Jewish group, the assets of the Sackler family have nothing to do with them?

It has nothing to do with them.

What they are really worried about is that once the Swiss bank takes this initiative, if one day their assets are involved, the Swiss bank will also be at risk of moving out.

They must eliminate such risks!

"David is going too far now. Before, he had touched Disney's interests and dealt with the Sackler family, but now he has actually touched Swiss banks. I think, for the sake of huge interests, sooner or later, he will They will also attack us, we must be prepared for a rainy day!”

This time it was Borgwana who stood up and spoke.

To be honest, after seeing David pressuring Swiss banks, he was the happiest one.

Because the Sackler family has no weight at all to the Masonic group.

And if he wants to persuade everyone in the group to help him take revenge on David, there are still some obstacles.

But now, the Swiss bank is the treasury of the group owner after all. Now, even if everyone is worried about the IRS, they may have to take some action.

"Borgwana is right. This guy is really too irritating. If he is allowed to continue like this, it is not impossible that the fire will burn to all of us here."

"After getting such a large amount of profit from Disney, he is obviously red-eyed. We really need to take some actions against him. We can no longer restrict him by putting pressure on the top officials of the IRS. "

"On the surface, the IRS compromised with us regarding his entry into the Bureau, but then promoted David to the top job in Los Angeles. And as David's ability to attract money becomes more and more powerful, who can guarantee that in the future, the IRS will Won't he break his promise and transfer him to the General Administration? But by then he will have become a traitor, and it will not be easy for us to deal with him! "

As Borgwana spoke out, all the members present responded.

Again, they can tolerate David punishing lawbreakers, and they can also tolerate David picking up the wool of those companies, but now David has obviously reached out to the interests of their group, and this can no longer be tolerated. .

"What you are talking about is not the most important thing. It seems that many of you have not paid attention to the most important point, which is the current attitude of Congress!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone at the scene turned their heads and looked. It turned out that it was Sauras who said these words.

"Thoros, what does the attitude of the Congress mean?"

Bennett from the Disney family asked in confusion.

"The E-W war has been going on for several months. At present, the W side is retreating steadily and is asking for help everywhere. However, the political views of our president and Congress are unified, that is, we must aid the W side, so the Congress is currently preparing a plan. "The bill to aid Ukraine is said to be worth hundreds of billions. Think about where this money will come from."

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