United states tax collector

Chapter 282 Is UBS giving in?

"Soras is indeed right. The Speaker of the House of Representatives has indeed been preparing this bill recently, and he even talked to me about it alone. Although this bill is currently supported by many members of Congress, there is also a big problem. The obstacle is where to allocate funds. Now it seems that it is most likely to be placed on the funds that David has recently collected. "

"Similarly, I was also approached by the Speaker of the House of Representatives to talk about this bill. The current financial situation in the United States is indeed very difficult. Apart from the recent funds provided by David, there is really no other place where we can get more funds." The money is coming."


Many of the Freemasons present were members of the current Congress, and they had obviously received rumors about this bill, so they also stood up one by one to express their opinions at this time.

After hearing these people's words, the expressions of people like Borgwana and Bennett suddenly dropped.

The current form is very clear. The "W Aid Act" is obviously the main policy of the White House and Congress.

If you want this bill to pass, you must first solve the source of funds.

At present, every financial expenditure in the entire United States is obviously budgeted. Wherever a sum is drawn from, it will arouse the dissatisfaction of those with vested interests. Only the large amount of money David has made recently has not been budgeted. It is also the only budget that can be used for the "W Aid Act".

So let’s get down to business.

If they take action against David at this time, first of all, the White House will probably be the first to express dissatisfaction, followed by Congress, but these are not the most serious.

The most serious thing is that the funds from the "W Aid Act" are not directly used to remit to W, but are used to purchase weapons and equipment and then send them to W.

And where can these weapons and equipment be purchased?

Naturally, it is the military-industrial complex of the United States.

Whose sphere of influence is the military-industrial complex?

The answer is Angsa Group!

In other words, if they dare to mess with David now, it will be equivalent to cutting off the Angsa Group's financial path.

This is a budget of hundreds of billions.

In the face of such a large sum of money, let alone the Angsa Group, even the Youtai Group will be impatient. When the Angsa Group settles this account on their heads, they will not feel comfortable.

Although the Freemasons dominate the United States and control the country's economic lifeline, the Angsa Group is not a vegetarian. This group of people has the barrel of a gun.

Many of them now hate David for stretching his hand too far, but they don't want to cause a conflict with the Angsa Group.

"Hmm...Looking at it this way, I think it's better not to touch David for the time being, so as not to cause dissatisfaction from all parties."

"That's right, we don't need to take action against David now. We can wait until the 'W Aid Act' is passed and make a decision then."

"No, if we don't take action now, he will take advantage of the support of various forces to attack us before the 'W Aid Act' is passed. What should we do?"

"Borgwana is right. I don't know if David knows about the 'Aid W Act' now. If he knows and reacts, I think with his character, he will definitely increase his efforts to attack us. …”


As the "W Aid Bill" was put on the stage, there were great differences within the Freemasonry group because of the involvement of various forces.

After an afternoon of discussion on this disagreement, no one was able to convince anyone, and Henrietta did not directly express his position. In the end, everyone decided to wait for UBS's position tomorrow before discussing it.

So the time came to the morning of the next day.

A slightly haggard Yamalin and others came to the Los Angeles branch again, and walked in under the gaze of all the media.

In the director's office.

David, who was reading the morning news, saw these people being brought in. He immediately put down the newspaper, leaned back and stared at them, and said: "Mr. Amarin, tell me your UBS reply!"

"The senior management of our group believes that what you said yesterday, Director David, was a bit exaggerated. Secondly, they don't believe that you have so much leverage."

This is also the conclusion he came to after discussing with Jets and others in the group yesterday. That is, before today arrives, he must find out how many pieces of information David has in his hand besides the detailed transaction information of yesterday's customer. .

They were also worried that David was bluffing them.

Without any emotion on his face, David directly opened the drawer below, took out a thick stack of documents and threw them on the table.

Seeing this scene, the faces of Amarin and others suddenly became serious. They did not dare to neglect, and immediately picked up a copy and started to check it out.

After seven or eight minutes, their faces all darkened.

David said aloud: "How about it, do you want to see my chips? Can I have someone get a few more piles of documents like this?"

Hearing that there were still a few more piles, Amarin and the others broke out in cold sweat. Not to mention adding others, these dozen copies would be enough for them to drink a pot if they were brought to court.

It seems that David is not bluffing to deceive them, but he really doesn't know how to collect so many clues about CUUI and CUUO, which is why he is so confident.

Thinking of this, Yamalin could only say: "No, we can talk about the Sackler family's property, but there are some conditions attached!"

After all, the United States is the largest source of funds and revenue for UBS Group, so after some careful consideration, UBS Group executives finally unanimously decided that if the IRS really had enough evidence to prosecute them, then they would have to compromise. .

Otherwise, once the IRS completely freezes all their business, their losses will be immeasurable.

As for whether the compromise will cause panic among the world's richest people, they have already worked out a follow-up plan, but this is a story for another day.

"tell me the story!"

"It's very simple. We will not transfer the assets of the Sackler family directly to you, but transfer them back to their accounts in the United States!"

This is a plan that the Amazon team and senior executives at the headquarters worked out after a night of discussions.

Although doing so is indeed a bit deceptive.

But strictly speaking, it is not really a customer asset that their Swiss bank actively handed over.

After all, I did not cooperate with the IRS. We just transferred the money back to your personal account. As for the IRS freezing and confiscating it, that is none of our business.

"Mr. Yamalin, I have to say you are really smart!"

David was also amused by the other party's method of deceiving others.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the other party is willing to hand over the money, he doesn't care whether he hides his money or not. Anyway, the money falls into his pocket. This is the real kingly way!

Yamalin continued: "This is only one of the conditions. As for the second condition, the IRS immediately cancels the investigation against us and allows our business to reopen, and we do not need to pay any penalties!

David shook his head and retorted: "It's okay to cancel the investigation, and it's okay to reopen your business, but it's impossible to avoid the penalty!"

Upon hearing this, Amarin and others immediately felt unhappy, and then it was Humphrey's turn to speak: "Director David, we took the risk of destroying the sign and indirectly handed over Sackler's assets to you. Forget it, do you know what other pressures we are under?"

"To be honest, after the conversation with you yesterday, the Freemasonry sent representatives to find us. They threatened us that if we dared to hand over the assets of the Sackler family, we would not be able to enjoy our good fruits. , We are under great pressure now, so is it too much to ask you to waive a penalty for us? "

David was a little surprised to hear that the Freemasons had come to see them, but he soon recovered.

Swiss Bank is the safest and most well-known bank in the world. It is normal for the Freemasons to store their funds there.

It is also normal for this group to threaten UBS because they are worried that the Sackler family incident has started this way and their own funds will not be guaranteed in the future.

"Mr. Yamalin, this is a matter between you and the Freemasons, and has nothing to do with us. Besides, how much money have you made in the United States by using these two products? Now let you pay a tax evasion penalty. Is this too much?"

"And if you don't pay this penalty, won't it mean that our IRS will be out of nowhere? Is it really a retaliatory action against you for not handing over the assets of the Sackler family?"

David said without any emotion.


Amarin Humphrey and others were very angry.

If you, Chief David, hadn't forced us to hand over Sackler's assets, would the Freemasons have come to threaten us?

And we have already made such a big concession, but you, Director David, are not willing to give in at all?

This is too much!

If it weren't for knowing that David had control over their two products, they would have wanted to slam the door and leave at this moment!

Ignoring the anger of these people, David raised his right hand, looked at his watch, and said with a hint of meaning: "It's getting late..."

"Okay, Director David, but I want to ask you a question first, how much do you want to fine us?"

Amarin asked through gritted teeth.

David took out a document from the folder next to him and threw it in front of Amazon. , and the subsequent benefits generated by this amount of investment will be 41.2 billion,"

"Your two products were launched on November 3, 2016. According to the new policies at that time, the corporate income tax was increased from 21% to 28%, and the minimum tax rate was increased from 15% to 21%. In addition, for products worth more than 1 billion US dollars, The above companies must pay at least 21% tax. For multinational companies, the tax rate on overseas income will increase from 10.5% to 21%..."

"Today, a few years later, the tax rate in the United States has changed several times, but in view of your cooperation with Sackler's assets, I have calculated a more favorable tax rate for you, which is 20%. , that is to say, you just need to pay a tax of 8.24 billion to our Internal Revenue Service.”

Upon hearing the figure of 8.2 billion U.S. dollars, Amarin and other members of UBS Group's legal department turned green.

Damn it, 8.2 billion is considered a preferential tax rate?

These are all sky-high fines!

Yamalin suppressed the anger in his heart and retorted: "Director David, you are going too far. 8.2 billion is not a small amount, not to mention that our UBS Group pays so much tax to your IRS every year. "

"You have paid taxes, but you haven't paid taxes on these two products. What's more, you have made tens of billions in the United States over the years with these two products, and now you are only asked to pay 8.2 billion. , isn’t that too much?

David asked with a hint of disdain.



As Yamalin said, 8.2 billion is indeed not a small number.

What's more, for capitalists, if you want them to spit out what they have eaten, it is no less than cutting their flesh with a knife.

So in the following time, Yamalin and others took turns to bargain with David.

However, all of them had no effect.

Anyway, no matter what they say, David always behaves like if you want to have sex or not, I will fuck you right away.

In the end, Yamalin had no choice but to slam the door and go out to talk to the group's senior executives.

It was not until a full 20 points later that he returned and said through gritted teeth: Okay, we will pay you the fine. As for the assets of the Sackler family, we will also remit them to them before 12 noon today. in the account. "

“But equally, I hope you, the IRS, can also resume operations at all our branches in the United States as quickly as possible!

Since it is impossible to obtain a reduction in penalty fines.

The executives of Amazon and UBS can only do the next best thing and let the branches here resume operations as soon as possible, thereby striving to reduce losses.

"As soon as your funds are in place, it only takes a word from me to resume operations at your branch."

Since the other party was so compromising, David naturally agreed to this small request easily.

In front of the Los Angeles Internal Revenue Service.

Seeing Yamalin and others who had been talking for more than an hour come out, the media reporters gathered around them as usual.

"Hello Mr. Amarin, what is the result of the negotiation with Director David?"


Amarin moistened his throat and replied: "Yes, after our two days of conversations with Director David, we now have a result."

"Mr. Amarin, what's the result?"

"Mr. Yamalin, will you hand over the assets of the Thackle family?"

"Mr. Yamalin, as the leader of the global banking industry, may I ask..."

The media reporters at the scene went crazy.

If UBS really hands over its assets, it means that the world's safest and most reputable bank will lose its protection for the rich, and a series of subsequent chain reactions may cause earth-shaking changes in the entire banking industry. Variety.

And if UBS refuses to hand over the assets, David and the IRS will formally sue UBS.

Regardless of the outcome, it will be a feast for the global media!

In addition to the scene, at this moment, after hearing Amarin's words, the Internet also exploded instantly.

Prior to this, major social platforms had opened a guessing game for this incident just like they did for Disney before.

1. The Swiss Bank chose to compromise and transfer the assets of the Sackler family.

2. In line with the purpose of the most reputable and safest bank in the world, UBS will fight to the end with David and the IRS!

The selection rate for these two bets can now be said to be almost half to half.

The reason is also very simple. After all, Swiss Bank has its reputation there, and it is the leader in the banking industry. Moreover, it is not a local company in the United States, so the chances of it being dealt with by the IRS are certainly very high.

In view of David's skill and the huge business of UBS Group in the United States, it is reasonable to choose a compromise.

Therefore, the support rate for the two major contests is 50-50.

Under everyone's nervous gaze, Yamalin's next words instantly shocked everyone.

"Our Swiss bank has been established for more than 150 years and has now become the most reputable and secure bank in the world. This is related to the assets of our customers. Of course we will not succumb to the coercion of anyone or any institution. Therefore, we The assets of the Thackle family will not be handed over to the IRS!”


The scene was deathly quiet.

Everyone was so shocked by Yamalin's words that they couldn't say anything.

It wasn't until 30 seconds later that everyone reacted.

"Wardfa, you really deserve to be a Swiss bank, so strong!"

"You know, Director David is sitting in the office inside, and this is also the gate of their IRS, and the head of the legal department actually said in front of the whole world that he would not give in to the IRS. This is not in person. What a slap in the face!"

"Swiss Bank is indeed the most secure bank. I won't say it anymore. All my assets will be deposited in Swiss Bank in the future. This is a bank that even the IRS dares to reject!"

On major social media, people who have come to their senses are all impressed by the courage of UBS.

At the same time, on the east coast of New York, Senado Island.

"Very good, it seems that the Swiss bank still can't ignore our existence!"

"As long as they don't hand over the assets of the Sackler family, then we don't have to be so anxious to deal with David now, which can be regarded as solving one of our headaches."

"Willigood and UBS are still good and very trustworthy. Maybe we should consider transferring more assets there!"

The members of the Freemasonry also smiled with joy after hearing Amarin's reply on TV.

It seems that their threats are still effective!

As long as the Swiss bank doesn't hand over Sackler's assets, the IRS will naturally not be able to touch their assets there!

The most important thing is that there is no need to be so anxious to deal with David.

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