United states tax collector

Chapter 289 Is Steve Jobs Satoshi Nakamoto?

San Marino residential area.

A car drove in and stopped in front of a single-family house with a lawn on the front. The car door opened. David and his group got out, came to the door and rang the doorbell.

After a while, a woman opened the door and said with confusion: "Are you...?"

"Ma'am, we are from the IRS and want to talk to Professor Riley."

Professor Rayleigh, known to everyone as Rayleigh Pudogan, is a mathematics professor at the California Institute of Technology and one of the candidates suspected by many to be Satoshi Nakamoto.

The woman looked at David behind Nissen, showed a slightly uneasy expression, and then said, "Come in."

"Is there a guest, Melanda?"

In the living room, a man wearing casual clothes and glasses thought a guest was coming and put the book in his hand on the table. But when he turned his head and saw David's face, his expression froze instantly.

However, it only took him two or three seconds to recover, stood up and came over, and said: "Director David, welcome to your arrival."

"Professor Riley, am I not disturbing you?"

"Of course not, come and take a seat first."

After Riley asked David to sit down, he turned around and shouted to the woman: "Miranda, bring Director David a glass of water."

[Name: Riley Pudoan. 】

[Occupation: Professor at California Institute of Technology. 】

[Income: Monthly income of 21,000 US dollars. 】

[Income details: Comprehensive income from salary and bonuses...]

【More details:……】

[Tax payable: 0. 】

After examining it, David was slightly disappointed.

This professor named Rayleigh has nothing to do with Satoshi Nakamoto, so it can be ruled out directly.

"I'm not satisfied with what you said, Director David. Since my research field is somewhat related to Bitcoin, many people have questioned me over the years that I may be Satoshi Nakamoto. Even people from various departments such as the FBI, CIA, and the Ministry of Finance have come to question me." I have been approached, but in fact, I am not Satoshi Nakamoto, and I don’t know who this guy is.”

Riley denied it directly.

David confirmed that what he said was true through examination, and then replied: "Professor Riley, I believe you are indeed not Satoshi Nakamoto. I came here this time to ask you about Satoshi Nakamoto. Is there any information you can provide?”

Riley shook his head and said: "What I can provide has been revealed online and from various departments, so I have nothing to add. However, I do hope that Director David can find this guy. I am also very interested." I wonder who this guy is who can actually create such an incredible currency.”

In fact, even if David finds Satoshi Nakamoto, if this guy is willing to pay taxes, then according to the principle of confidentiality, he will definitely not reveal his identity.

Of course, in order to avoid discouraging the professor, he would not say it clearly now.

"In that case..."

"Oh, by the way, Director David, I know that uncovering Satoshi Nakamoto is what you are currently trying to do, but regarding Congress' W aid bill, I think you should also intervene. These hundreds of billions of funds should be used It will be more meaningful in the fields of education and research.”

Like many people, Rayleigh does not support the W aid bill. Since he is engaged in education and research, he naturally wants to use the money in his own field.

"Actually, I think so too, Professor Riley, but I can't help it. I'm just the director of the Internal Revenue Service in charge of taxation. I can't say anything about this kind of national strategic policy."

"No, Director David, you collected those funds after all, so your words must have weight..."

In the following time, Rayleigh continued to lobby David without giving up, hoping that he could come forward to put some pressure on Congress.

David, on the other hand, was perfunctory and evasive. In the end, he stood up directly and didn't bother to listen to the other party's persuasion. He just said goodbye and turned around to leave.

Another 3 days passed.

During these three days, the popularity of Satoshi Nakamoto has not diminished. The media is tracking David's progress every day, and people all over the country and even the world are constantly talking about it.

As for David, he also traveled back and forth to review more than forty targets, but found nothing, which also made him a little restless.

At nine o'clock in the morning, David came to the station. He immediately found Nissen and others and asked, "Who is here today?"



Hearing Nissen's answer, David was stunned for a moment. Could this be the founder of Apple?

"Yes, Apple founder Steve Jobs."

"Is he also a target of suspected Satoshi Nakamoto?"

From the information submitted by the Intelligence Division and the CIA, hundreds of suspicious targets suspected of being Satoshi Nakamoto were screened out. It was impossible for him to check them all one by one, so he allocated part of the work to Nissenbaki Simons and the others. , and now I am surprised to hear that this technology tycoon is also a suspected target of Satoshi Nakamoto.

"Yes, this is the information I compiled. Director, you will know after taking a look."

David took the information handed over by Nissen and then began to look at it. As the contents continued to come in, his expression became unpredictable.

According to a report from FX168 Financial Newspaper on October 6, 2017, the late Apple founder Steve Jobs was Satoshi Nakamoto, the father of Bitcoin.

On April 5 of the following year, technical expert Andy said that he accidentally discovered a copy of Satoshi Nakamoto's "Bitcoin White Paper" on his Mac computer. This news triggered various crazy theories on the Internet. , the mysterious creator of the world’s largest cryptocurrency may just be Steve Jobs.

This classic white paper was published in 2008. In this white paper, the author developed a framework for the underlying mechanism that supports Bitcoin, and completed it without third-party intermediaries, including banks or financial institutions. This is also called "decentralization". The birth of “globalized finance”.

What is even more intriguing is that Satoshi Nakamoto disappeared completely in December 2010, while Steve Jobs died in October 2011. It is reasonable to infer from the timeline that these two people are the same person.

And the most important point is that as the world's top technology tycoon, Jobs controls Apple, a top technology company, and he is fully capable of developing Bitcoin as a currency.

It’s no wonder why Jobs has a place among the suspected targets of Satoshi Nakamoto.

"Wait a minute... Steve Jobs passed away in 2011. Even if he is Satoshi Nakamoto, how can we verify it?"

David suddenly remembered this question.

"Although he passed away, if he was the father of Bitcoin, he would definitely have handed over the more than 1.1 million Bitcoins and keys to someone in the company or to several of his relatives before he died. If we want to investigate a child, we can start from this aspect.”

Listening to Nissen's words, David also felt that it made sense, and then nodded and said: "You are right, then let's go to Apple first."

At 12 noon, David and his party boarded the flight to San Francisco.

Los Angeles and San Francisco both belong to California, and the distance between the two places is only 562 kilometers, so in just one and a half hours, the flight had arrived over San Francisco.

Looking down from the plane, the first thing that comes into view is the iconic Golden Gate Bridge. It is like a golden arch, spanning the wide sea, connecting San Francisco and Marin County.

The sun shines on the bridge, reflecting the dazzling light, which complements the surrounding sea water, forming a magnificent picture.

Speaking of which, the Golden Gate Bridge is actually a veteran actor. In Hollywood disaster blockbusters, you can often see the Golden Gate Bridge either collapsing or being burned, or being used as a plaything by Magneto. In short, it is all kinds of miserable.

As the plane gradually approached the city, the cityscape of San Francisco became clearer and clearer. The densely packed buildings were neatly arranged, and high-rise buildings and ancient houses were intertwined, forming a unique architectural style.

In the city center area, the bustling streets and squares are full of people and vehicles, showing the vitality and prosperity of the city.

To the south of San Francisco is the world-famous Silicon Valley.

Viewed from a high altitude, Silicon Valley presents a unique atmosphere.

There are large green lawns and woods here, giving people a peaceful and refreshing feeling.

This green land is dotted with the headquarters and R\u0026D centers of many high-tech companies. Their architectural styles are modern and simple, forming a perfect integration with the surrounding natural environment.

The most eye-catching one is undoubtedly Apple’s spaceship-shaped and technologically-rich Steve Jobs Building.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen, the plane is about to land at SFO Airport in San Francisco. Please grab your carry-on luggage..."

About ten minutes after the announcement, the plane landed at the airport smoothly.

After getting off the first class cabin, some sharp-eyed passengers quickly recognized him because they did not deliberately hide their identities.

"Oh, that's Director David from the IRS."

"Really, why did Director David suddenly come to Los Angeles?"

"Director David, I am your fan, would you like to take a photo with you?"

Many passengers took out their mobile phones to take photos, and some of the more enthusiastic ones gathered around him, wanting to take a photo with David.

Considering that he would be competing for the helm of the IRS in the future, he still had to show some people-friendly image, so David did not refuse and waved to Nissen-Simmons and the others to let these people go.

While he was busy taking photos with fans, some passengers uploaded photos of the queue to the Internet, and the entire Internet instantly went crazy.

"What happened? Why did Director David run away to San Francisco?"

"I heard that Director David is busy tracking down Satoshi Nakamoto during this period, and this trip to San Francisco must be for this reason."

"That should be the case. There are indeed many people suspected of being Satoshi Nakamoto in San Francisco."

"If the most famous person in San Francisco who is suspected of being Satoshi Nakamoto... seems to be Steve Jobs of Apple. Could it be that Director David is going to investigate Apple this time?"

As the news of David's appearance spread, the commotion at the airport became louder and louder, and it even caused congestion. People who didn't know better would have thought that some international celebrity had arrived.

"Director, the car arranged by the IRS is already in place. It's in parking space No. XX in the underground parking lot."

When he arrived, in order to facilitate travel, David also asked Nissen to communicate with the IRS here and asked them to arrange a vehicle.

"Sorry everyone, I still have official duties to attend to, so I'll stop here for today."

David said sorry to the remaining fans, and then quickly led Nissen and others towards the underground parking lot.

After arriving at the parking space, they found that it was a Toyota Overlord. Then everyone got in the car one after another, started the vehicle and headed towards Silicon Valley.

Silicon Valley is located in the San Francisco Bay Area and Santa Clara Valley. After half an hour's drive, David and his team arrived here.

It’s also interesting to say that when the tax audit was completed in Hollywood, many people speculated that the IRS would transfer him to Silicon Valley to conduct a tax audit on the major technology companies here.

But he was not transferred in the end, but now by tracing Satoshi Nakamoto, he has set foot in this place known as the global high-tech holy land for the first time.

"Just stop here."

Hearing David's words, Nissen, who was driving the vehicle, was stunned, and then reminded: "Director, this is still some distance from the Apple headquarters building."

"It's okay, we'll go there on foot."

It was a rare visit to Silicon Valley, and he wanted to use a plug-in to take a good look at the place and see how deep the tax situation was.

Nissen did not dare to say anything more and quickly parked the vehicle on the side of the road.

Not long after getting off the car, some people here soon noticed David's arrival. However, most of the people who can enter Silicon Valley are elites. They are used to seeing big names like Bezos and Cook on weekdays. Not as crazy and enthusiastic as those fans at the airport.

Along the way, through the plug-in's examination of the elites of major technology companies here, David had a somewhat clearer understanding of the tax situation here.

Strictly speaking, the tax situation in Silicon Valley is not as serious as that in Hollywood, but it is because Silicon Valley is so large.

Therefore, as long as a serious tax audit is carried out here, the funds that can be collected will definitely be many times that of Hollywood.

But then again, Amazon, Google, Facebook and other companies in Silicon Valley are American and even global technology giants.

If you want to conduct a tax clearance here, the resistance you need to face will definitely be ten times or a hundred times more than that of Hollywood.

Of course, it is still too early to say that a tax inspection will be carried out here, not to mention that David's jurisdiction is not here and he has no authority to control the tax here. He can only wait until later.

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