United states tax collector

Chapter 290 Satoshi Nakamoto’s identity exposed

Twenty minutes later, David and his team arrived at the gate of Apple and walked in under the surprised and doubtful eyes of many people.

"Hello Director David, how can I help you?"

A receptionist in the company lobby came over and asked.

"I would like to meet Mr. Lauhausen, Burnier, and Jefferson from your company. I wonder if these gentlemen are free now?"

These people were Steve Jobs' old subordinates, and the department they were responsible for was most likely to be involved in the creation of Bitcoin, so David also wanted to meet them by name and take a closer look.

"Okay, please wait a moment, I'll go make the announcement."

Ten minutes later, in an office on the third floor of the West District Office, three people were sitting here with solemn expressions, and the atmosphere was slightly quiet.

After a while, one of the bald men wearing black-rimmed glasses frowned and said, "Silicon Valley is not his jurisdiction. We don't need to accept his cross-examination, right?"

"Having said that, if we don't meet, it will definitely arouse his suspicion even more. Then he only needs to discuss it with the IRS in charge of our place, and it will be a matter of minutes to investigate and interrogate us."

"Lauhousen is right. Since he came and asked to see us by name, I think it's best to meet us in order to dispel his suspicions."


Two of the three people agreed to meet David, so the final result was of course self-evident. Soon David was brought here by the receptionist.

As soon as they saw the arrival of the director, who was known as the number one executioner of the Internal Revenue Service, the three of them did not dare to make excuses and stood up one after another to greet him.

"Director David, welcome to our Apple company."

"Excuse me, three gentlemen."

After shaking hands with the three of them, David directly turned on the review function and scrutinized the three of them.

[Name: Lauhosen Gabriel. 】

[Occupation: Senior engineer in Apple’s hardware technology department. 】

[Income: monthly legal income of 300,000 US dollars, illegal income of 21 million US dollars. 】

[Income details: Income from manipulating the Bitcoin market through technical means...]

【More details:……】

[Amount of tax payable: US$8,316,000]


As the information of these three people was revealed, David's facial expression also changed slightly.

At this time, he was both happy and shocked.

Fortunately, I came to Apple at the right time. These three old subordinates of Steve Jobs really have some relationship with Satoshi Nakamoto.

And Jobs himself, as many people have speculated, participated in the development of Bitcoin and can be regarded as 'Satoshi Nakamoto'.

The reason why it is said that it is Satoshi Nakamoto but not Satoshi Nakamoto is because through examining these three people, David discovered an incredible secret.

As many people in the outside world have speculated, Satoshi Nakamoto does not actually refer to a single person.

Because no matter how talented or powerful a person is, it is impossible to create a currency with such huge influence as Bitcoin, so many people speculate that Satoshi Nakamoto may be the code name of a group or an organization.

And now through David's inspection, it is indeed true. Satoshi Nakamoto is indeed an organization, and this organization is actually the famous 'Illuminati'!

Over the years, the Illuminati has been overshadowed by the Freemasons in both fame and influence. What is the main reason?

It's because the Freemasons control the Federal Reserve, an institution that can provide them with a steady stream of money, and in the United States and even the world, money is almost omnipotent.

The Illuminati was naturally aware of this. In order to increase their influence and make more money, they contacted Steve Jobs and a group of technology tycoons to create the currency Bitcoin. This is the benchmark for the Federal Reserve.

Now David is suddenly enlightened. He said that it is no wonder that Bitcoin has only been around for more than ten years, and it has suddenly expanded into such a financial monster. If the behemoth Illuminati is behind it, it is not enough. Strange!

Another point is that he said why people all over the world want to find out who Satoshi Nakamoto is, but there is still no result.

If Satoshi Nakamoto represents the Illuminati, then with the energy of the Illuminati, who can find out who Satoshi Nakamoto is?

But having said that, the conflict between David and the Freemasons is intensifying. Now that Bitcoin is being traced, the Illuminati is traced. If there is another conflict, it can be said that there will be more trouble.

But in order to avoid people entangled with him because of the W aid bill, he has already released the news that he will investigate Satoshi Nakamoto. If this suddenly ceases, it will damage his prestige.

David felt a little dizzy when he thought of this.

If he had known that the Bitcoin was an asset of the Illuminati, he might as well have stopped checking it and focused on robbing those Jews.

But it's too late to say anything now. After all, the arrow has to be fired.

"Director David?"

Seeing David stunned and silent for a long time, Raohausen couldn't help but ask.

David pulled up a chair and sat down, knowingly asking: "Gentlemen, do you know why I came to you?"

The three of them looked at each other, and then Lauhausen replied: "If I guess correctly, Director David, you should be here for Mr. Jobs, right?"

"You can say that, but Mr. Jobs has passed away. Today I am here for you three gentlemen."

Hearing that it was for them, there was a slight fluctuation in the eyes of Laohuosen and others, but it was quickly covered up by them.

"In April 2008, the three of you were called to the office by Mr. Jobs. At that time, he proposed to you to construct a virtual currency. The important feature of this virtual currency is decentralization, and its supply is automatically adjusted by its algorithm. That’s right, three gentlemen?”

After the words fell, the three of them held their breath for an instant, but only three seconds later, the engineer named Jefferson retorted: "Director David, I don't know what you are talking about, and I don't understand. Why would you listen to the outside world’s slander that Mr. Jobs is Satoshi Nakamoto? This is just nonsense!”

"In fact, not only Jobs, but the three of you are also 'Satoshi Nakamoto'!"

The expressions of the three people froze, because they had already heard the meaning of these words, that is, David seemed to have known that Satoshi Nakamoto did not refer to just one person.

No matter what they were thinking, David continued: "According to Mr. Jobs's request, Mr. Jefferson proposed an idea at that time, that is, this virtual currency can be generated through 'mining', that is, through computers. Complex mathematical operations are used to obtain new currencies and verify transactions. In this currency network, each participant can act as a node and communicate with each other to execute transactions and verify their validity. Blockchain technology ensures The security and reliability of Bitcoin transactions, am I right Mr. Jefferson?”

After finishing speaking, David looked at Lauhausen again and said: "As for you, Mr. Lauhausen, you proposed the algorithm needed for this currency, and in the end you thought that the NSA (National Security Agency of the United States)'SHA- The 256' algorithm encryption technology is most suitable for this currency, because this algorithm can convert a piece of data of any length into a fixed-length hash value. The characteristic of this hash value is that it cannot be pushed back to the original data. Therefore, each When calculating a hash value, you can only find a hash value that conforms to the rules by constantly trying different input data, right, Mr. Lauhausen?”

David set his sights on the last Bunir and said: "As for Mr. Bunir, do you think that in order to mine this currency, miners need to have sufficient computing resources in the network and constantly try to merge new areas into Blocks join the Bitcoin network to receive Bitcoin rewards. Each new block contains the hash of the previous block, thus forming an immutable chain, also known as a 'blockchain', so you Responsible for the blockchain work, right Mr. Niebuhr?”

As soon as the words fell, waves surged in the hearts of the three of them.

Yes, when Jobs came to them and said they wanted to create a virtual currency, they did come up with several ideas that David is talking about now.

But what they can't understand is why David knows so much now?

If David was there to observe their conversation, they all believe it!

"Director David, I'm not sure why you said that, but Bitcoin and Satoshi Nakamoto's really have nothing to do with us. You've got the wrong person!"

No matter what, they definitely can't admit it.

Otherwise, once the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto is confirmed, it will cause a global sensation, and may even trigger a domino effect, causing the now priceless Bitcoin to collapse.

David did not make a sound, but put the index finger of his right hand on his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "Gentlemen, do you know what this is?"

When hearing David pointing out their various structures of Bitcoin, the three of them were shocked but could still manage their expressions. But when they saw David's gesture now, the three of them could no longer control their expressions. , each one showed an expression of extreme surprise.

For no other reason than this is the gesture of a core member of the Illuminati.

The origin of this gesture can be traced back to ancient Egypt. It is a symbol of the Eye of Horus in ancient Egyptian mythology, representing the protection and power of the Almighty God.

In Illuminati circles, the Eye of Horus has further been given a special meaning. It represents the royal family and the elites who follow the royal family. Many Illuminati members regard themselves as gods and crown themselves kings.

Therefore, this gesture is also regarded as a secret form of communication between members of the Illuminati to express each other's identity and beliefs.

Different from the triangular gesture made by big names in the entertainment industry with their hands clasped together, that gesture is a gesture made public by the Illuminati and is used by their followers.

And David's current gesture was completely undisclosed and only the core members knew about it.

Could it be that……

David is also a member of the Illuminati?

When they thought of this, the three of them suddenly became excited. If David was a member of the Illuminati, he would be one of their own. So why should they worry about Satoshi Nakamoto's identity being exposed?

But soon they seemed to think of something again, and their excitement suddenly died down.

David should not be a member of the Illuminati, because he obviously came here today to find trouble. If he was a member of the Illuminati, how could he find trouble with his own people?

But no matter what, since David made this gesture, there is a high probability that he knows that they are members of the Illuminati, and he also most likely knows that Satoshi Nakamoto represents the Illuminati.

And now the situation is even worse.

The reason why Bitcoin is so popular all over the world is that it was determined from the beginning that a very important core was that this currency cannot be controlled by any institution or government.

This will enable investors and criminals to use this currency for transactions with confidence.

And if it is revealed that Satoshi Nakamoto, the founder of such a currency, is actually the Illuminati, then this will definitely cause a sharp drop in market confidence.

This is why the Illuminati wants to create a Satoshi Nakamoto who will make the whole world confused.

To put it simply, it is used to take the blame.

"You know what my purpose is, and I also know that you have no decision-making power. Therefore, I hope you will send a message to the higher-ups of your Illuminati and say that I want to talk to them."

Listening to David's words, the three of them looked gloomy, but they did not argue any more.

Now that people not only know that they are part of the creation of this currency, but also know that they are members of the Illuminati, there is no point in quibbling.

After a while, Jefferson replied: "Okay Director David, I will bring you the message."

"Okay, I'll wait for your news."

David took out one of his business cards and put it on the table, then stood up and opened the door and went out. After joining Nissenbaki and Simmons outside, they took the elevator down to the lobby on the first floor.

Seeing his arrival, a middle-aged woman of African descent who was waiting here immediately came over with several people and said: "Hello, Director David, I am from the Bay Area Bureau. Director Bruna, I talked to you on the phone yesterday.”

"Hello Chief Bruna."

David stretched out his hand and shook it.

"Oh, by the way, Director David, what can you gain from coming here?"

Bruna's visit in person was certainly not as simple as meeting David. After all, Jobs was one of the suspicious candidates suspected by Satoshi Nakamoto.

And if David really found out something on her territory, then as the director of the jurisdiction, she would naturally want to make a fortune.

In short, she came here just to enjoy the autumn breeze and drink some soup.

David shook his head and replied: "There is no big gain."

Although Bruna is a member of the IRS system, Satoshi Nakamoto is now involved in the Illuminati, and he will naturally not say more until the dust settles.

Bruna was slightly disappointed, and then replied: "Okay, Director David, just let me know if you need anything."

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