United states tax collector

Chapter 291 Confrontation with the Illuminati

Nissen and others had been following David for so long, so they could see that he had gained something on this trip. So as soon as they got in the car, they asked with expectation: "What's the situation, Director?"

"Steve Jobs did participate in the development of Bitcoin..."

Hearing this, Nissen, Simmons, and Bucky's eyes lit up instantly. They have been tracking down Satoshi Nakamoto for many days, and finally got something!

"So, he is Satoshi Nakamoto?"

Simons asked impatiently.

"Strictly speaking, he is a member of Satoshi Nakamoto, because it can be confirmed that Satoshi Nakamoto does not refer to a single person, but an organization."

"What organization?"

"The Illuminati."

These three are his most core confidants, so there is no need for him to hide it.

"The Illuminati!"

The three people changed from curious to shocked.

Since the name Satoshi Nakamoto came out in 2008, it has aroused countless speculations about him, but to this day, no one knows who this person is, and there is no information suggesting that this person has any connection with the Illuminati.

So now after hearing what David said, the three were naturally shocked.

"The Federal Reserve controlled by the Freemasons is a hen that lays golden eggs, and the Illuminati has long been envious, so they created a currency like Bitcoin."

David's words made the three people in shock suddenly realize.

The Federal Reserve is indeed a hen that lays golden eggs. Not to mention the Illuminati, any force is envious. Unfortunately, this institution is firmly controlled by the Freemasons and no one can get involved.

The Illuminati's creation of Bitcoin is a different approach.

Although the value of Bitcoin is far more than that of the Federal Reserve at present, due to the global popularity of this currency, it is enough for the Illuminati to make a lot of money and have a certain say in finance.

"If Satoshi Nakamoto represents the Illuminati, it will be a bit troublesome..."

Nissen Simmons and the other two were in trouble.

Now many people in the Freemasons hate them, and now they have to confront the Illuminati. This may be attacked from both sides.

"You're going to get into trouble. You picked the idol."

Looking at David's eyes, Neeson felt a little ashamed at the moment.

It was his idea to release the investigation of Satoshi Nakamoto to divert the public's attention. Now they are trapped. Let alone the Illuminati, they have to bite the bullet to do anything.

"Just kidding."

David smiled and patted Neeson on the shoulder, then said: "The Illuminati is powerful, but the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto is actually their lifeblood. If they don't want the currency they have worked so hard to build to collapse, they will think clearly."

There is a big difference between the Federal Reserve and Bitcoin.

As the issuer of the US dollar, unless the United States is destroyed, no matter what happens, it will not affect this giant that lays the foundation for finance.

But Bitcoin is different. After all, it is a virtual currency, and its core is that it is not controlled by anything.

But if it is revealed that this currency is actually controlled by the Illuminati, market confidence will definitely collapse, and the bubble inflated by this currency will most likely burst.

I believe the top leaders of the Illuminati will make a choice on this point. After all, these people are the elites of this world and are all smart people.

In the Apple office, since David left, the three people of Law Hosen have been silent with sorrow on their faces.

After a long time, Jefferson said: "He has found us here. Now it is not something we can solve. I think we should inform him."

Seeing that the two were still silent, he didn't talk nonsense. He took out his mobile phone and found a number. After hesitating for about 30 seconds, he finally pressed the dial.

Vatican, European continent.

On the northwest high ground, a church stands here. St. Peter's Basilica, as the core of the church, stands majestically and magnificently.

Its appearance is mainly white, supplemented by exquisite gold decorations. It shines with dazzling brilliance in the sun. The dome of the church is soaring into the sky, and the sculptures on the top are lifelike.

On a building on the west side of the church, a man in white clothes came to the door of a room, knocked and got a response, and pushed the door in.

In the room, an old man in a red robe and a cross-shaped hat was sitting at his desk handling things. When he saw the man coming in, he raised his head slightly.

"Archbishop Augustine, Mr. Jefferson, a member of the American Society, said he has something important to talk to you about."

The archbishop called Augustine took the phone: "I am Augustine."

"Archbishop Augustine, things are not good. David from the IRS has come to us."

The words coming from the other end of the phone made Augustine raise his eyebrows, and he asked: "What about you, have you been exposed?"

"It is precisely because we are exposed that I will call you, and he not only knows that the three of us and Mr. Jobs participated in the development of Bitcoin, but also knows that Satoshi Nakamoto represents our Illuminati."

Augustine's face was completely pulled down, and he continued to ask: "What does he want?"

"He said he wanted to talk to the top leaders of our Illuminati, but I think he just wants to get some money."

"I know, wait for my call."

After hanging up the phone, Augustine raised his head and said to the standing man: "Inform Archbishop Sandy and Croft to come over."

The Illuminati is different from the Freemasonry. The Freemasonry controls the Federal Reserve and has a more obvious identity as a Jew, so many of their members are known to the outside world directly through their public identities.

Just like the Rockefeller family, the Mogan family, the DuPont family, etc., even ordinary people know that they are members of the Freemasons.

The Illuminati is different.

Except for those celebrities who want to show off through the Illuminati, their core members are very low-key, so low-key that many people don't know their structure or who their leaders are.

Another difference from Freemasonry is that the leader of Freemasonry is the Rothschild family.

The Illuminati was founded by Adam Weishaupt. His original intention at that time was to build a world of freedom and equality.

Therefore, in the concept he injected, everyone in the Illuminati is equal, unlike the Freemasons who have clear levels and absolute leaders.

However, although Adam Weishaupt has established a hierarchy-less and equal system for this organization, no organization in this world can lack leaders.

The same goes for the Illuminati.

On the surface, the Illuminati is an organization where everyone is equal and has no hierarchy, but in fact, this organization is currently controlled by three cardinals in the Vatican.

The Vatican has the largest number of believers in the world, and the status of the Cardinal is second only to the Pope. Therefore, the three Cardinals of Augustine have enough prestige to suppress the members of the Illuminati who lead this group. organize.

Ten minutes later, two archbishops, also wearing red robes and cross hats, came in. They were named Sandy Sylvester and Croft Fitzgerald.

"What happened Augustine?"

After entering here, Sandy spoke up immediately.

"I received news from the following member that David from the US Internal Revenue Service has gone to find Steve Jobs. He already knows that Satoshi Nakamoto represents our Illuminati."

Hearing this, the two of them also frowned, and then Sandy said in an annoyed voice: "Damn David, he finally found out about us."

After David announced that he would investigate Satoshi Nakamoto, the three of them already had a premonition that something was wrong. After all, this guy was too powerful.

Now it is indeed the case, which can be regarded as completely shattering their last bit of luck.

"Then what does he want?"

asked Croft who asked this.

"He named us and wanted to talk to us. It seems that he also wants to make a deal with us just like those Utah people."

"Oh, by the way, I heard that the Freemasons are very dissatisfied with him. Now that he has offended the Freemasons, he still dares to provoke us?"

To be honest, Sandy was very happy when she saw David cutting the wool of the Freemasons some time ago.

After all, there is a competitive relationship between the Freemasons and their Illuminati, and everyone wants to be the leader of the world order.

He also wished that both the IRS and the Freemasons would lose in a fight, and then the Illuminati would come out and take advantage.

But what they didn't expect was that David turned around and raised the butcher knife to their heads.

At the same time, he could go to war with two major organizations in the world. How dare he do it?

Do you really have so much confidence in your own strength?

"This person is just relying on the US Internal Revenue Service to have a strong financial background. If it weren't for the IRS as a big backer, he would have been killed long ago."

"Okay, there is no point in discussing this now. You also know that if the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto is exposed, then the currency we have worked so hard to build will face the risk of collapse. How should this matter be resolved?"

"Well, Augustine, why don't we talk to him directly and see if we can give him some benefits to make him relax."

Augustine thought for a moment and realized that there was really no better way at the moment. Then he picked up his cell phone and dialed Jefferson's number just now. He got David's number from him and dialed it again.

San Francisco, Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

David, who had settled here, had just entered the room when his cell phone vibrated with a message. Seeing that it was a number from an unknown area, he paused and finally picked up: "Who is this?"

"Hello Director David, I am a friend of Mr. Jefferson. I heard that you want to talk to us?"

David's expression changed and he replied: "What do you call me sir?"


"Okay Mr. Ogu, Mr. Jefferson should have almost told you. As for my purpose, you must also know it. It is very simple. In one sentence, virtual currency is not a place outside the law. Now that I have checked If there is Satoshi Nakamoto, then the tax must be paid to me. As long as it is paid to me, the matter will end here. As for whether no one knew who Satoshi Nakamoto was before, no one will know in the future. "

The meaning of David's words is already obvious, that is, if you pay taxes, I will not say a word about Satoshi Nakamoto. If you don't pay, the whole world will know who Satoshi Nakamoto is tomorrow!

Augustine naturally heard it, and at this time his fists clenched unconsciously.

Not to mention his identity as the leader of the Illuminati, just because of his apparent identity as a red archbishop, few people in the world dare to speak loudly to him, let alone threaten him.

Trying to calm down, Augustine said in a deep voice: "Since Director David said that virtual currency is not a place outside the law, then it is not. But I must make it clear first that Satoshi Nakamoto is not as masterful as the outside world reports. There are more than 1 million Bitcoins, but only 10,000.”


David laughed at this.

According to the current value of Bitcoin, 10,000 Bitcoins are worth only 560 million U.S. dollars. According to the current tax law, this kind of virtual currency only charges a capital gains tax of 20% at most.

In other words, the implication of the other party is, give you 100 million and get out of here!

How the hell is this money going to be used to pay beggars?

"Mr. Ogu, do you think I am a fool?"

"I didn't mean that. I came to talk to you with sincerity. Our concessions are not small. Don't have too much appetite. Director David will kill you."

"Really, I can charge less tax, but isn't this currency that you Illuminati have worked so hard to build just to compete with the Federal Reserve? It would be a pity if it suddenly collapsed."

On the Vatican side, Augustine, as well as the three archbishops Sandy and Croft on the side, all looked ferocious after hearing this.

David's words touched their sore spot.

Yes, the Bitcoin they spent so many years and so many resources on is indeed intended to benchmark the Federal Reserve.

And this currency has indeed achieved certain achievements in its development to this day.

In other words, it can also be understood that this currency is the hard work of their Illuminati. If it is destroyed by David in this way, it will naturally be a big blow to them.

"David, you have to think clearly. You already have deep conflicts with the Freemasons. If you go against our Illuminati again, can you afford the consequences?"

Augustine threatened with suppressed anger.

"I don't care what the Freemasons think of me, but if you don't hand over this money to me, I guarantee that your currency will not end well!"

"You...well, well!"

Augustine hung up the phone directly after saying three good words.

After David heard the beep from the other end of the phone, he went directly to the next room to find Nissen and said to him: "Call the bureau and help me check the number 0642XXXX."

He wanted to see if he could find out any information from this number and see who the person he was talking to was.

"Okay Chief."

Nissen immediately picked up the phone and communicated with the Los Angeles IRS.

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