United states tax collector

Chapter 292: Deploying aircraft carrier fleets for tax collection?

About ten minutes later, Nissen came to find David and reported: "The number is encrypted. I can't find out who the holder is or the exact location. I only know that the call came from Europe."

David did not speak when he heard this, but fell into deep thought.

Vatican Holy See.

In the room, Augustine hung up the phone and after a moment of silence, he raised his head and looked at Sandy and Croft, and said, "What do you think about this?"

"This bastard has a big appetite. It seems he wants to swallow some of the proceeds from our entire currency. We cannot accept this."

"I don't think it's acceptable either!"

Both of them have the same opinion and do not want to give up too many benefits.

Augustine nodded, and then asked: "But if we break up with him, the financial currency we have worked so hard to build will be severely damaged."

The two also encountered difficulties.

But soon, Sandy seemed to have thought of something and said: "We in the Illuminati have always adhered to the principle of keeping a low profile, which makes many people outside the world not have a clear understanding of us. I think we can use this to hold a meeting." "Roundtable meeting', and then invite David over to show him our 'muscles'. This may be a good way to shock him!"

The so-called 'round table meeting' is actually a meeting where all members of the Illuminati are invited to discuss together when they encounter some major issues.

Sandy's idea is also very simple. Among their Illuminati are political bosses, business tycoons, and prestigious people from all walks of life.

When this group of people gather together, they are a force capable of overturning the world.

After showing this power to David, David might not be afraid.

Augustine and Croft also changed their expressions after hearing this.

Indeed, the Illuminati has always adhered to the principle of keeping a low profile, unlike the Freemasons, which has led to many outsiders not having a clear idea of ​​their strength.

If David knew who their members were and what kind of influence they had, he might not be as aggressive as he is now.

After all, the Freemasons are clearly eyeing David now. If David had any brains, he wouldn't be so determined to break up with the Illuminati!

It’s a good idea!

Having made up his mind, Augustine picked up the phone again and dialed the previous number again.

San Francisco, Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

Seeing that the previous number was dialed back, David paused and picked up: "Tell me, Mr. Ogu."

"Satoshi Nakamoto represents the entire Illuminati, so if you want this tax, come and have a collective interview with our members. I just don't know if Director David dares to come."

"Why don't you dare? Tell me the time and place."

"Do you have a pen and paper now?"


"Okay, then I'll give you the coordinates, remember..."

Following the other party's words, David quickly wrote down a latitude coordinate on the paper, but looking at the coordinates, he looked a little serious.

Although he still doesn't know where the coordinates are, what is certain is that this is definitely not within the territory of the United States.

"This is an island in the Caribbean that belongs to our Illuminati. Members of our Illuminati will be there in two days, so we are waiting for your arrival, Director David."

After finishing speaking, the other party hung up the phone directly as if he was afraid that David would regret it.

"Go check this place out."

David handed the dimensional coordinates to Neeson.

Nissen took the paper and walked out. He came back about seven or eight minutes later and said, "There is a sea area there, and there is nothing."

"This is impossible!"

Since the Illuminati said this was their island and asked him to go there to talk, they would definitely not fool him by giving them false coordinates.

"This... Director, what's going on?"

Nissen checked with the positioning system and found that the place was indeed a sea area, but seeing David denying it so firmly, he couldn't refute it.

"The Illuminati said this is their island and asked me to come here for an interview in two days."


Nissen looked a little surprised, but soon he seemed to think of something again, and said: "I know, it should be the Illuminati who erased the existence of this island."

The people of the Illuminati have always been mysterious and low-key. They will naturally not allow one of their strongholds to be exposed to the global public. It is also very easy to use their energy to erase the existence of an island from maps and positioning systems. .

David nodded slightly, agreeing with Nissen's statement, but he was unable to find out some specific information about the island, which also meant that there were many uncertainties and certain risks.

"Director, that place is far beyond the sphere of influence of our IRS. There is no need for us to go all the way to talk to them. We can just continue to deal with them steadily at home."

Nissen also believes that there is no need to risk going to the Caribbean to talk to this group of people. As long as they put enough pressure on the mainland, this group of people will compromise sooner or later.

David thought for a moment, then changed the subject and said, "Well, you go check it out and see where our aircraft carrier formations are currently."

He knew very well that the Illuminati would ask him to go to this island in the Caribbean for an interview, just to put pressure on him face to face.

Okay, since the other party wants to put pressure on him, then he will make a big move and directly drive the aircraft carrier formation over to see who puts pressure on whom!

Nissen's brain was a little short-circuited when he heard about the aircraft carrier formation, but he soon came to his senses and asked tremblingly: "Director, do you want to bring an aircraft carrier formation there?"

"Didn't you say it's not safe? Bring an aircraft carrier formation there. It should be safe, right?"

Nissen was speechless for a moment.

But David's words can be regarded as rough words but not rough words.

The United States currently has 11 aircraft carriers, and all 11 are nuclear-powered aircraft carriers.

In addition to the main aircraft carrier, an aircraft carrier formation is also equipped with surface ships and submarines such as cruisers, destroyers, frigates, and attack nuclear submarines, as well as carrier-based air wings.

This kind of armed scale is enough to destroy some smaller countries.

If they really went to the Illuminati island, that group of people would not even dare to say anything loudly, let alone do anything to them.

After all, on this planet, apart from nuclear weapons, there is nothing more deterrent than an aircraft carrier formation.

"Okay, then I'll go check it out."

Twenty minutes later, Nissen returned and said, "By coincidence, the USS Washington aircraft carrier group is docked at the port of Los Angeles for supplies."

David nodded and picked up the phone, found Donald's number and dialed it.

"Say it David."

After the call was connected, Donald's voice came.

"Deputy Director Donald, I have made great progress regarding Satoshi Nakamoto. Now I would like to report to you, it is like this..."

Washington, D.C., Bureau of Internal Revenue.

After hearing that Satoshi Nakamoto represented the Illuminati, Donald had a look of shock on his face. After a while, he still asked in disbelief: "Are you sure David?"

"I'm sure of it, and I've already talked to their top brass!"

After being confirmed again, Donald finally believed it, but a trace of embarrassment gradually appeared on his face.

Because of the affairs of the Disney family, the Thackle family, and the Swiss Bank, the relationship between the IRS and the Freemasons is already very tense.

And now that the investigation into Satoshi Nakamoto has revealed the Illuminati, even Donald seems a little over the top.

"Deputy Director Donald, the current market value of Bitcoin is close to one trillion. If it can be included in our regulatory scope, the future income will definitely not be comparable to the small amount of money collected by the Disney family and the Thackle family!"

Listening to the words coming from the other end of the phone, Donald also changed from looking embarrassed before to gradually becoming excited.

Because David is right.

For cryptocurrencies like this, the IRS's current supervision of them is still very weak. If we can take this opportunity to supervise them, the future profits will definitely be considerable.

And as long as Bitcoin, the leader of cryptocurrencies, is captured, cryptocurrencies such as UCDT and Ethereum are also likely to "fall away".

"Okay, then just go ahead and do it. I will convince the other senior management of the General Administration."

After thinking about it, Donald still couldn't refuse the temptation of such a huge benefit.

After all, the Angsa Group dared to go against the Freemasons for the hundreds of billions of arms orders, and the interests of Bitcoin are greater. Their IRS has no reason to be afraid of the Illuminati.

What's more, the Illuminati is not as influential as the Freemasons.

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing I need to apply to Deputy Director Donald. I have talked with the senior officials of the Illuminati, and they invited me to a small island in the Caribbean for an interview, so..."

"No, the Caribbean Sea is out of our sphere of influence, there is no need for you to take this risk!"

David is the hen that is best at laying golden eggs in their IRS, so why would Donald be willing to let him take this risk?

Moreover, the W aid bill is currently being prepared. If David makes any mistakes at this juncture, it will be strange that the Angsa Group will go crazy.

After all, that group of people are now willing to offend the Freemasons in order to get the funds for this order.

"Deputy Director Donald, please listen to me first. They invited me for an interview. I'm afraid they want to pick me up and show off their muscles to intimidate me. But in fact, we can also use this to intimidate them, which will make it easier for them to submit!"

"how to say?"

"I heard that our Washington aircraft carrier group is docked in the Port of Los Angeles, so I want you to go to the Pentagon and borrow it!"

When he heard that the aircraft carrier formation was to be borrowed, even Donald, who was accustomed to countless scenes, was stunned.

In the history of the Internal Revenue Service, it is not uncommon to dispatch armed forces, armored vehicles, tanks, and fighter planes to carry out tax collection work.

But the IRS has never tried to transfer aircraft carriers to engage in taxation work.

The main reason is that the tax work of the Internal Revenue Service is basically carried out locally. If anyone dares to resist, tanks and planes can just crush them over, and there is no need for aircraft carriers.

"Let me take the aircraft carrier formation there. Firstly, it can ensure my safety. Secondly, it can scare them. In addition, since I have the identity information of Satoshi Nakamoto, they have no other choice but to submit!"

Thoughts on the phone David's voice brought Donald back to his senses.

It makes sense if you think about it carefully. In the face of a world-destroying weapon like an aircraft carrier formation, unless the people of the Illuminati are crazy, they will definitely not dare to mess around.

And even if they mess around, if the aircraft carrier formation is really a vegetarian, not to mention a small island, even a country can blow you to pieces.

"Well... okay, just wait for my call!"

Donald couldn't think of a reason to refuse, so he finally had to agree.

After ending the call, he immediately called his secretary and asked him to notify Obadiah Vertonghen and other senior officials to the conference room, and he himself came to the conference room immediately.

Soon after, Obadiah Vertonghen and others filed in after receiving the notice and looked at Donald with doubtful eyes.

As soon as Donald saw everyone coming, he stopped writing and said directly: "Just now, I received a notice from David that there has been progress in the Satoshi Nakamoto case!"

"Oh? Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?"

Upon hearing this, all the senior executives present immediately became interested, and they were also very curious about the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto.

"According to him, Satoshi Nakamoto is not a person, but represents an organization, and this organization is the Illuminati!"

"Illuminati! Satoshi Nakamoto represents the Illuminati? How is this possible!"

"So far, there is no news that Satoshi Nakamoto is related to the Illuminati. Deputy Director Donald, David, is this news accurate?"


The senior executives were in an uproar, obviously shocked by the news.

"There is no doubt about David's ability. He is sure that Satoshi Nakamoto represents the Illuminati, so it must be the Illuminati!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the senior executives at the scene were looking at each other, but none of them spoke out to refute.

Because what Donald said is correct, there is no need to question David's ability. Now that he has found out that Satoshi Nakamoto represents the Illuminati, it is a certainty.

"Since Satoshi Nakamoto represents the Illuminati, I suggest that the investigation should not continue. Although this group of people is not as influential as the Freemasons, their strength cannot be underestimated. Our relationship with the Freemasons is now a bit tense. If you offend them, it will be difficult.”

"Deputy Director Lahan is right. Although the Illuminati is not showy, it certainly has strength. Our current situation is not suitable to offend them!"

"I don't agree with your view. Now the whole world knows that our IRS is investigating Satoshi Nakamoto. If it suddenly stops, what will others think of us? It will make people think that we are afraid of Satoshi Nakamoto." Or maybe we don’t have the ability to detect him!”

"I agree with Kenney's view. Now the whole world knows that we are investigating Satoshi Nakamoto. Once this is not followed up, it will have a blow to our prestige. In addition, Satoshi Nakamoto's value is huge, and such a huge tax We can’t let it go!”

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