United states tax collector

Chapter 299 The Tough Prosecutor

"Mr. Zhao and Mr. Lin, have you completed your tax returns with the IRS?"

"Mr. Zhao, have you reached an agreement between Binance and the IRS?"

"Mr. Zhao..."

At the gate, seeing Zhao Changpeng and Lin Huaide walking out, a large number of media immediately surrounded them.

Zhao Changpeng pressed his hands down, and then said: "After Director David called the name, our Binance launched an in-depth tax inspection. The result was that some tax omissions were indeed discovered, and today we did declare back payment." Yes, the total is 15.12 billion. I would also like to remind my other colleagues that if you have tax problems, report them immediately and don’t try to get through!”

Now Binance is equivalent to selling out to the IRS, and as an affiliate, he has the good sense to take on some responsibilities to warn other peers.

Of course, this move is also an expression of loyalty to David.

"What, 15.1 billion!"

"Oh, Binance actually paid so much tax, and they look quite happy. What happened?"

“15.1 billion is not a small sum, but after less than an hour of negotiation, Binance willingly handed over the money. It seems that it is really afraid of the IRS!”

After hearing the money mentioned by Zhao Changpeng, both the media at the scene and the people paying attention online were all surprised.

However, many people are puzzled by this.

Because they have already seen that although they have paid such a large sum of money, they are different from the gnashing of teeth shown by people from Disney and Swiss Bank in the past.

Zhao Changpeng and Lin Huaide, who are here now, not only do not look angry or unwilling, but they look a little relieved. This does make people feel a little strange.

But no matter what, since Binance itself has announced that it will pay this huge sum of money, the money must have not escaped.

Therefore, many people in the military-industrial complex, Angsa Group, the White House, and Congress are in a very happy mood at this time.

After David announced that Satoshi Nakamoto would receive 20 billion, they estimated that the IRS's tax treasury already had more than 70 billion. Adding the current 15.1 billion, the total would be almost 90 billion. It can be said that it is the last step away from the 100 billion funds for the black tax bill.

Chicago, 77th floor of Willis Tower.

"Fake, damn Zhao Changpeng, why is he so active!"

"He also warned us not to try to get away with it. Looking at him like that is like a scumbag of the IRS. It's disgusting!"

"Haha, isn't the Ministry of Justice already investigating Binance? Binance will feel better by then!"

After seeing Binance’s statement, Ethereum’s senior executives cursed loudly.

So far, no company in the cryptocurrency world has gone to Los Angeles to file tax issues.

Not only was Binance the first to go, but after paying the tax, they actually gave them eye drops in front of the whole world, which made them furious.

At this moment, they only hope that the Ministry of Justice will intensify its efforts to punish Binance so that they can take this bad breath out of them.

In fact, with the exception of Ethereum, almost all cryptocurrency companies at this moment are angry and even cursing at Binance’s behavior.

But curses are curses. Now that Binance has compromised, some cryptocurrency companies with no background dare not resist. They have ordered the company's tax department to increase their efforts to clear their books, and then rushed towards the Los Angeles Internal Revenue Service.

In the following time, smaller cryptocurrency companies such as Oyi, Litecoin, and Cardano also came to the IRS to file tax returns one by one.

Without exception, these companies all paid back taxes in the end.

However, due to the small scale of these companies, the total value of all of them is only US$5 billion.

Including the US$15.1 billion previously announced by Binance, the total amount received by the IRS in one day has exceeded US$20 billion.

Although the IRS has not yet announced the amount of tax treasury, according to some expert analysis, it is only about 5 billion short of the 100 billion in funding for the W bill.

Under everyone's attention, the time came to half past five in the afternoon.

“It looks like I’m going to disappoint everyone. Big companies like Ethereum and USDT didn’t show up. Let’s see what happens tomorrow!”

As of the end of working hours of the IRS today, there was no trace of large-scale cryptocurrency companies such as USDT and Ethereum. This not only disappointed the media at the scene, but also the public who were paying attention online.

"There is no movement at all from big companies such as USDT and Ethereum. I don't think they are going to fight the IRS, right?"

“It is said that there are investments from dozens of consortiums behind Ethereum. These consortiums definitely don’t want to spend such a large amount of money, so I feel that there is a high possibility of resistance!”

"Haha, the examples of UBS, the Sackler family, and the Disney Group are there. Do they really not learn their lessons?"

But soon, people on major social media became interested again.

The reason is simple. A company as big as Binance can check its tax situation within a day.

There is no reason why companies such as Ethereum USDT cannot be investigated clearly.

And the only reason why they haven't appeared yet is that these companies don't really want to file tax returns.

Could it be that they are going to have a head-on confrontation with the IRS?

If that's the case, that would be great fun!

Everyone is looking forward to what will happen after tomorrow.

Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.

After getting off the plane, Zhao Dechang and Lin Huaide immediately got into the car and headed towards Washington Street.

Half an hour later, their vehicle arrived at 56 Washington Street, where was the Office of the Special Prosecutor sent by the Department of Justice.

After getting off the car, the two of them walked in and saw that two of them were already waiting. One of them, a middle-aged man with tall cheekbones, spoke first: "Mr. Zhao, Mr. Lin, it's already time to get off work. You’ve kept us waiting for nearly an hour, you’d better give me an explanation!”

"This is naturally Prosecutor Morfield. The reason why I asked you to wait until now is because I am here to tell you that our Binance has never been charged with any crimes such as money laundering or illegal fund-raising!"

In the past, Zhao Changpeng would definitely not have dared to show such a tough stance. This is the United States after all, and he has no other background.

But, now that they are protected by David and the IRS, he is naturally no longer afraid of the prosecutor.

"What do you mean!"

Morfield was angry. He thought that the reason why the other party rushed back to Seattle without stopping and kept them waiting was because they were under too much pressure from the IRS and did not want to fight against the Department of Justice any longer, so they came back and wanted to Reach a compromise.

But what I didn't expect was that the other party not only had no intention of compromising, but also became arrogant. It's really unreasonable!

"Don't be angry, Prosecutor Morfield. The reason why we deny these accusations is because the IRS has proven our innocence. They confirmed that we are not guilty of these crimes!"

As soon as Zhao Dechang said these words, not only Mofield's brain felt a little short-circuited, but also the deputy prosecutor Robin van Persie next to him.

Isn’t the IRS’s job to collect taxes?

When will it be their turn to deal with the crimes of money laundering and illegal fund-raising?


After a moment of confusion, the two seemed to realize something.

IRS proves Binance’s innocence?

This seems to be an endorsement for them!

Thinking of this, the two people's faces darkened.

If the IRS really wants to endorse Binance, it will be in trouble...

After thinking about it for a while, Morfield finally said: "Mr. Zhao, the IRS is only responsible for tax collection. I'm afraid they have no say in whether you are laundering money or illegally raising funds, right?"

"It really doesn't matter if they say it, but as long as you, Prosecutor Morfield, say it, it will definitely matter."

"What do you mean?"

"Prosecutor Morfield, let me be blunt. Director David of the IRS recognizes me as a friend and he also wants to be friends with you. What do you think?"

Now that the words are said, Morfield understands, no matter how stupid he is.

According to what Zhao Changpeng wants now, David wants to protect Binance.

But the Internal Revenue Service collects taxes, so why should you interfere in the affairs of our Ministry of Justice?

Just because Binance paid you such a large amount of tax?

But even if you pay a tax to you, you can't meddle in the affairs of other departments like this, right?

The more he thought about it, the more he became more and more insistent, and the above-mentioned intention to rectify Binance, how could he just let it go, and then he replied: "Mr. Zhao, I don't care whether you are friends with David from the IRS, but I am I will not give up the investigation of your Binance.”

Zhao Changpeng and Lin Huaide looked at each other, then the former took out his mobile phone and pressed a number.

After the number was connected, Zhao Changpeng whispered a few words, walked up to Morfield with his cell phone, handed it over and said: "Prosecutor Morfield, Director David wants to talk to you."

Morfield frowned, but still took it and said, "I'm Morfield."

"Hello, Prosecutor Morfield, I am David. I have already learned about your investigation into Binance. Our IRS has also conducted a detailed investigation into Binance. It did not involve illegal activities such as money laundering. I think you There’s no need to waste energy tracking it down.”

“Director David, I respect your career and work, but this matter is a matter for the Ministry of Justice. We have our own judgment as to whether Binance is suspected of money laundering. We hope you will respect us and not interfere with our process of justice. !”

Morfield, who was already unhappy, became even more furious after hearing this. Why is your co-author David from the IRS system teaching people from the Department of Justice system to do things?

"Really? Since you think Binance has illegal money laundering activities, what about companies like Ethereum and USDT? Do you think they exist? Or are these companies just?"

What David means is that if you have the ability, just engage in all cryptocurrency companies, but if you only engage in Binance, don’t talk about justice!


Morfield was stabbed in a sore spot. He gritted his teeth and replied: "Director David, I'm afraid it's not your turn to give advice on matters concerning our Department of Justice, so that's it!"

After that, he didn't wait for David to reply and directly cut off the phone call.

"Are you so stubborn?"

At the same time, in Los Angeles, listening to the beeping sound coming from the other end of the phone, David was also quite depressed, but soon he immediately pulled out a number, dialed it and said: "Let's make arrangements tomorrow. Go to Seattle.”

Seattle, U.S. Attorney's Office.

Zhao Changpeng didn't expect that the prosecutor would be so stubborn that he would not even give David face, but at this point he had nothing to say, so he turned around and left with Lin Huaide.

"Morfield, I'm afraid it's a bit bad to offend this David..."

Seeing Zhao Changpeng and the two leaving, deputy prosecutor Fan Peixi showed a trace of worry on his face.

It would be fine if it were an ordinary person, but now it is Director David. This guy's methods are obvious to all. What if he wants to punish them?

At this time, Morfield's face was also a little bad. He was indeed a little over the top just now. Now that he calmed down, an unpleasant feeling also haunted his heart.

This David is indeed no ordinary person, and his methods are even more insidious and vicious.

If the other party takes revenge, it's hard to say that he can escape unscathed.

But now that the words have been spoken, he can't lose his temper and go to the other party to beg for mercy or anything else. What's more, rectifying Binance is a task assigned by his superiors. If he can't handle it, he won't be able to explain it to his superiors.

"He is far away in Los Angeles now, and he also has matters with big companies such as Ethereum and USDT to deal with. I don't believe he can spare the time to do anything to us. Besides, even if he wants to deal with us, he can find out about us. Let’s talk about the handle!”

At this point, Morfield can only comfort himself in this way.

After breaking up with Van Persie and returning to his residence, he immediately made a few phone calls and arranged some of his own little things, and then he relaxed a little.

The next day, the front pages of major morning newspapers were undoubtedly dominated by cryptocurrencies.

Everyone is looking forward to seeing which companies will come to the door today after Binance and other cryptocurrency companies yesterday.

As for the Los Angeles Internal Revenue Service, after David came to the bureau to explain some things, he then took Nissen, Simons and the other two people through the small door into a car and headed towards the airport.

Since he has discussed with Donald that keeping Binance is more in their interest for the IRS, he must first resolve the problem of the Department of Justice for Binance.

At 10 a.m., the group quietly boarded the flight to Seattle.

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