United states tax collector

Chapter 300 The entire investigation team is in trouble

After a flight of more than two hours, the plane landed at Tacoma International Airport.

After walking out of the airport lobby, the four of them hailed a taxi, came to the opposite side of the Special Prosecutor's Office on Washington Street, and walked into a coffee shop.

"Half a latte, thank you."

After ordering a cup of coffee and finding a seat by the window for easy surveillance, David set his sights in the direction of the prosecutor's office across the street.

Maybe it was because of the lunch hour, but not long after, many people came out of the office one after another.

[Name: Colclough Boris. 】

[Occupation: Investigator of the Ministry of Justice. 】

[Income: Legal monthly income is 9,800 US dollars, illegal income is 23,000 US dollars. 】

[Income details: On February 3, he received US$5,000 from criminals and canceled the investigation. On April 12, he received US$6,000 and downgraded a case...]

【More details:……】

[Tax payable: US$2,300. 】

[Name: Finn Caesar. 】

[Occupation: Investigator of the Ministry of Justice. 】

[Income: monthly legal income of 9,800 US dollars, illegal income of 33,000 US dollars. 】

[Income details:...]

[Tax payable: US$3,300. 】


As the investigators' information continued to emerge, David immediately took out a pen and paper and wrote down some important information.

It wasn't until half an hour later that no one from the Ministry of Justice appeared in the office. He tore out the written information from the book, handed it to Simmons and Bucky, and said, "Go and find the local government." The IRS, ask them to cooperate and get this information for me.”


In the following time, David was still secretly monitoring the situation in the office, because all he had obtained now were some information about minions, and the Morfield prosecutor had not yet appeared. He had to wait until this moment. Guys just have to show up.

The time soon came to five o'clock in the afternoon.

During this period, there was no call from the IRS in Los Angeles, which confirmed that David's guess was correct.

If big companies such as Ethereum and USDT wanted to come to him to file tax returns, they should have come yesterday. If these companies did not come yesterday, then there is a high probability that they will not come today.

At this moment, two people walked out side by side from the office opposite, causing David, who was still in his thoughts, to come back to his senses in an instant.

[Name: Morfield Norton. 】

[Occupation: Prosecutor under the Ministry of Justice. 】

[Income: Legal income is 18,000 US dollars, illegal income is 610,000 US dollars. 】

[Income details: On March 11, he received $5 from FBI senior investigator Doom to cancel the criminal investigation of his son. On May 4, he received $100,000 from Congressional candidate Rich to help him destroy the Department of Justice. charging documents...]

【More details:……】

[Tax payable: US$241,560. 】

[Name: Van Persie Queen. 】

[Occupation: Deputy prosecutor under the Ministry of Justice. 】

[Income: Legal income is 15,000 US dollars, illegal income is 220,000 US dollars. 】

[Income details:...]

【More details:……】

[Tax payable: US$66,545. 】

"This is easy to handle..."

David smiled. He was worried that the special prosecutor would be relatively clean and it would be difficult to find evidence against him. But now it seemed that he was worried too much.

Most crows in the world are black, and there are always only a few white crows.

Especially for a person like this who has a certain amount of power, with so many people begging for compliments, it is hard to say that someone will not fall.

"Let's go, find a place to stay first."

Although he has obtained evidence against the prosecutor and most of his henchmen, David cannot leave Seattle yet because he still needs to investigate and collect evidence. He cannot leave until the evidence is collected.

The sun sets and another day comes to an end.

Here in Los Angeles, the media squatting here were a little disappointed to see that major cryptocurrency companies such as USDT and Ethereum still did not appear.

But soon everyone's expectations grew stronger.

Because this is already the second day after David’s roll call, but these major cryptocurrency companies still haven’t appeared, which further confirms many people’s speculation that these major companies are going to be in trouble!

The next day, it’s half past eight in the morning.

David, who was brushing his teeth, heard a knock on the door. He quickly picked up the cup and rinsed his mouth, then quickly came to the door and opened it.

Standing outside the door was Nissen. He showed a sinister smile and said, "Everything has been taken care of. Whether it is left to the media or the local IRS, it will make them feel better!"

"No, just sign my name and hand it over to them."

Although they intend to cover Binance, the Ministry of Justice is also a department with real power, and there is no need to slap them in the face in public to arouse their resentment.

As the saying goes, it is better to resolve enemies than to make them end.


"Oh, right."

Just as Nissen was about to leave, David stopped him again and said, "After we're done, let's go to Chicago."

A few days have passed, but there is still no response from major cryptocurrency companies such as Ethereum. It seems that they are planning not to shed tears before seeing the coffin.

And Chicago is the hometown of Ethereum. He also wanted to find out about this company this time. Then he can do whatever he wants to manipulate the other party!

56 Washington Street.

Morfield was reviewing some Binance investigative reports in his office when suddenly there was a knock on the door, and he immediately shouted 'come in'.

"Mr. Morfield, this is a document sent by an anonymous person, saying it is related to Binance."

Hearing this, a trace of suspicion flashed in Morfield's eyes, and then he immediately took it, opened it and took out the file inside.

But as the contents inside came into view, his originally curious expression dimmed instantly, and finally he became furious and slapped the file on the table.

Yes, this document was sent by David.

As for the content inside, it is naturally evidence of his corruption and bribery during this period.

A few minutes later, Morfield suppressed his anger and picked up the phone on the table: "Deputy Prosecutor Van Persie, come to my office, yes now."

Van Persie also heard the urgency in Mofield's tone, and he didn't dare to neglect it. In less than two minutes, he opened the door and walked in. Looking at the scary Mofield with a dark face, he asked tentatively: "What's wrong, Mofield?" Prosecutor?"

"You'll know just by looking at this."

Following Morfield's line of sight, Van Persie also saw the document on the table and immediately picked it up to check it out.

But as the contents of these materials came into view, his face turned the color of pig liver, just like Mofield before.

"How...how could this happen..."

Everyone in Van Persie is going crazy.

Not only does it contain detailed information about him accepting bribes, but it also contains information about almost everyone in their entire investigation team. Who is going to punish them?

How could such detailed information be collected?

Oh, by the way, could it be...

Van Persie seemed to have thought of something, and quickly picked up the file bag containing the documents and checked it. Soon, he found a signature on it.

When he saw the two words "David" as the sender on it, he suddenly understood. Then he looked at Morfield and said: "Prosecutor Morfield, I said it yesterday, I'm afraid if I offend this David. It didn’t take seconds, I didn’t expect that in just one night’s work, we were in trouble…”

Morfield still has a motherly face, but even now he still can't figure it out. He obviously arranged for someone to clean up the tail last night, and it was just a night's work. This bastard Dai Dai Where did Wei collect such detailed information?

"Prosecutor Morfield, he probably sent this as a warning to us. Since he wants to protect Binance so fiercely, I think we should not continue the investigation of Binance. Otherwise, both you and I will be ruined. "

It could be seen that Van Persie was indeed panicked, and the corners of his mouth were trembling.

"If you don't investigate? Then how can you explain to the superiors and those consortiums?"

"Explain? At this point, what else do you need to explain? If the superiors have the ability, they can send another investigation team to investigate!"

Seeing that Morfield was still indifferent, Van Persie continued to admonish: "Prosecutor Morfield, let's save ourselves first. Do you want to go to jail?"

Having said that, Morfield weighed the pros and cons in his mind for a while, and finally picked up the phone and dialed the number of a senior official in the Ministry of Justice...

Soon after, the U.S. Department of Justice received the news, and the entire department's top brass was in an uproar.

However, after some discussions, most senior executives finally chose to agree to cancel the investigation of Binance.

One is because the IRS is indeed powerful.

Second, since David, the evil star, is determined to protect Binance and has dirty information about the entire special investigation team, the top officials of the Ministry of Justice are naturally afraid that they will be investigated.

Of course, the most important thing is that Binance is not valuable enough to make the Department of Justice and the Internal Revenue Service break up.

46 Elliott Bay, Seattle.

Lin Huaide hurriedly broke into Zhao Changpeng's office without even knocking on the door, and said in a surprised voice: "Changpeng, I just received news that the Special Prosecutor's Office on Washington Street has been withdrawn."

"Really! Does that mean that the investigation of our Binance has been terminated?"

Upon hearing this, Zhao Changpeng also became short of breath.

After the talk with Morfield collapsed last night, to be honest, he was still a little frustrated, and also a little worried that David now had to deal with big companies such as Ethereum and USDT and had no time to take care of his affairs.

What I didn't expect was that in just one night, the situation would change so dramatically.

"Although there is no clear news yet, the prosecutor's office has withdrawn, which definitely means that the investigation of our Binance has come to an end."

Although what Lin Huaide said made sense, in order to thoroughly verify the matter, Zhao Changpeng immediately took out his mobile phone, found David's number and dialed it.

The call was quickly connected, and he couldn't wait to say: "Director David, I received news here that the Special Prosecutor's Office has been withdrawn. Did you take action?"

"if not?"

Although these were just three fluttering words, they fell in Zhao Changpeng's ears like the sound of nature. He was also overjoyed and said: "Director David, I really don't know what to say. Anyway, thank you very much. help!"

Since the Ministry of Justice launched an investigation into Binance, Zhao Changpeng has not been able to eat well or sleep well. He even often dreams that control of the company has been taken away, and he himself has been thrown into prison.

And from today on, he no longer has to worry about this!

"You don't need to thank me. Remember the terms we agreed on. From now on, Binance, you have to help me supervise the transactions of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum USDT. Don't make any mistakes!"

"This is natural. From now on, every month, oh no, half a month, I will submit to you detailed transaction data of major cryptocurrency companies."

Although submitting data once every half month will consume manpower and material resources, in order to show his loyalty, Zhao Changpeng believes that it is all worth it.

"Very good, keep in touch, I'm about to board the plane."

Chicago, 77th floor of Willis Tower, Ethereum headquarters.

At this time, Wakelin was discussing with a group of senior executives how to deal with David's investigation next.

At this moment, his assistant broke in and said: "Mr. Wakelin, we just received news that the Department of Justice has canceled its investigation into Binance."

"What did you say? How is this possible..."

Not only Wakelin, but all the senior executives of Ethereum present were stunned.

The reason why Binance is being investigated by the Ministry of Justice is not only that its boss Zhao Changpeng is of Chinese descent, but also because cryptocurrency companies like them are adding fuel to the flames.

And they have already discussed with major consortiums that once Zhao Changpeng is kicked out of Binance, everyone will work together to carve up the world's largest cryptocurrency trading company.

But now it seems that the fruits of victory will be harvested soon, and the Ministry of Justice suddenly canceled the investigation?

What kind of plane is this?

"Mr. Wakelin, I have asked some people in the Ministry of Justice for information. It is said that this matter was canceled due to force majeure factors. But as for what force majeure factors they did not say clearly."


Wakelin and others were confused again.

The damn Department of Justice is a real power department in the United States. What force majeure can cause them to let go of the fat?


A senior executive seemed to have thought of something. His eyes widened and he said: "Didn't Binance go to the IRS to file a tax declaration yesterday? And when he came out to speak to the media later, he acted like a dog legion of the IRS. Could this matter be a national tax return?" Has the bureau come forward?"

These words can be said to wake a person from a dream.

Yes, if there is any department in the United States that can make the Department of Justice give in, the IRS is definitely the one.

If the IRS came forward to protect Binance, then it would make sense for the Department of Justice to drop the investigation!

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