United states tax collector

Chapter 314 David, are you scaring me?

"As expected, there is a hidden tax. Dumb Amazon is doomed this time!"

"Dumb Amazon, oh Dumb Amazon, I told you a few years ago that you should not be caught by our IRS. Now you are in trouble!"

"Haha, let's not talk about the value-added tax reduction and illegal tax subsidies. The hidden tax alone is enough to kill this Dumb Amazon!"

After reading this document, the senior officials of the IRS couldn't help but sigh.

For so many years, they have been waiting for an opportunity to clean up Amazon, and now they have a golden opportunity.

And as long as they take action this time, Dumb Amazon will pay a heavy price, so that they can get rid of this breath!

"What are you waiting for, Donald, follow our previous plan!"

When deciding to take action against Dumb Amazon, Obadiah discussed it with a group of senior officials.

That is, given that Amazon has not paid taxes for so many years; and Jeff Bezos has repeatedly spoken arrogantly in public about not paying taxes, once they really catch the handle of this group, someone must pay the price for it!


Donald immediately got up and returned to his office, picked up his mobile phone and dialed David's number, and said: "You have done a very good investigation on Amazon's hidden taxes. We have discussed it. Given that Amazon has not paid taxes for so many years, it cannot just pay the fine. Someone must pay the price for this. Do you understand?"


"Do it."


Los Angeles Internal Revenue Service.

David, who ended the call, showed a playful expression on his face.

In fact, he didn't care much about whether Amazon was severely punished or not. After all, this group was just a stepping stone for him to enter the General Administration.

But since the General Administration has decided to severely punish this group, it doesn't matter if he is the evildoer.

Anyway, his relationship with the Freemasonry Group has reached a very bad point now, and he doesn't mind the other party to settle another account with him!

Putting away his thoughts, David picked up the phone and ordered: "Notify the media that a press conference will be held in an hour, and I will attend in person to explain it!"

Soon, the news that the Los Angeles Internal Revenue Service was going to hold a press conference spread, and this news instantly shocked the media circle and ignited the topic of major social platforms.

"Oh my god, so many days have passed, and the Los Angeles Internal Revenue Service is finally going to speak out!"

"Last time, the Los Angeles Internal Revenue Service said that it would conduct a tax investigation on Dumb Amazon, and this time it spoke out that the investigation would not have a result, right?"

"It should be like this. If the investigation had not been successful, the Los Angeles Internal Revenue Service would not have made such a big move. Let's wait and see!"

Because since the last time the Los Angeles Internal Revenue Service announced that it would investigate Dumb Amazon, there has been no news for more than ten days.

And now the Los Angeles Internal Revenue Service suddenly announced that it would hold a press conference, which made everyone realize that there must be heavy news to be announced at this press conference!

In order to catch the news as soon as possible, all the major media came to the first floor lobby of the Los Angeles Internal Revenue Department at the fastest speed.

Bellagio Hotel.

Because the Los Angeles Internal Revenue Department's investigation has not yet resulted in any results, the legal department of Mamason has not returned to the headquarters during this period of time, but has been stationed here, in order to be able to respond as soon as there is any disturbance.

After hearing that the Los Angeles Internal Revenue Department was going to hold a press conference to announce the matter, Lacroix also summoned the entire team as soon as possible, and asked solemnly: "How is it, have you received any news from other channels?"

"I haven't."

"Me too."


The other members of the legal department all shook their heads to indicate that they didn't know.

Lacroix frowned a little more, paused and said: "Although I don't know what they are going to announce at the press conference, I think it must be something unfavorable to us!"

In fact, he didn't need to say it at all, the other members of the legal department also realized it.

The Los Angeles IRS had been silent for more than ten days, and suddenly summoned so many reporters, which meant that they had either caught some evidence against them or had made a breakthrough in the investigation.

But no matter what it was, they were the passive party on the Mason side.

Because they had no idea what they had in their hands and what they were going to announce.

"Have you dealt with all the tails that were asked of you?"

Laklua looked at the crowd and said.

"Things were a little rushed, but I have dealt with them roughly."

"I have also dealt with them in general."


After listening to the answers of several people, Laklua felt a little relieved, and then he turned his eyes to the TV and said, "Let's see what they are going to announce!"

While the Mason Legal Department was discussing, Jeff and all the board members at their headquarters also became nervous and turned on the TV at the first time.

In addition to these people, Weiruan, Gu Ge, Oracle and even the Freemason Group also stared at this matter with wide eyes.

Under the expectation of everyone, David appeared in the lobby on the first floor of the Los Angeles Internal Revenue Department, surrounded by the crowd, and came to the spotlight with a confident expression, and said: "Hello, media friends and audiences, I believe that everyone has been paying attention to our investigation of Mamason for some time, and today's press conference is also to report this matter!"

"It is about Mamason!"

"That means that the investigation of Mamason must have made a breakthrough, otherwise Director David would not have come out to report it in person!"

"There will be a good show to watch next, but I don't know how much money the Mamason Group will be fined!"

The media and the people on the Internet have actually guessed that this press conference must be about Mamason, and after hearing David's personal confirmation, it made them more interested.

"According to our investigations over the past period of time, there is sufficient evidence to prove that Amazon has indeed violated tax regulations, and the problem is very serious. Therefore, we have applied to the court and will formally sue the Amazon Group in our court in two days!" After David said this, the media personnel on the scene were stunned as if their brains were hit hard by a giant hammer. The people who were watching, as well as Amazon's legal department, board of directors, and even Google, Weiruan, and Oracle, all the major companies watching, also felt that their brains were short-circuited. Since the Sackler family, whether it was against Swiss banks or major cryptocurrency companies, David's way of dealing with it was just that as long as you are willing to pay the money and fines, I will let you go, and I will not beat you to death. Now that it has come to the Amazon Group, why is it suing without doing anything? This is clearly the rhythm of beating the Amazon Group to death! "Oh my god, they will sue Amazon in court in two days. This will definitely be more than just a fine. Someone will definitely go to jail!"

"Yes, if it's just a fine, the IRS can just name Amazon's representative to negotiate. There's no need to go to court. This will definitely be a fine and send someone to jail to serve as a warning to others!"

"Amazon hasn't paid a penny in taxes for so many years. They should have been sent to jail long ago. Isn't their founder Jeff Bezos always saying in public that they don't pay taxes in order to invest more money to benefit America? It's best to send this guy to jail and let him continue to contribute in prison!"

After a brief moment of distraction, netizens came to their senses and began to discuss it.

At the same time, in the conference room of Amazon's headquarters in Seattle, no one noticed that Jeff's figure had begun to tremble slightly.

David is going to sue them in front of the whole world. Even a fool can see that it is definitely not a matter of paying money to settle the matter. Will he end up in jail?

After all, he is the chairman of the board of directors of Amazon. If such a big thing happens to the group, he must bear the primary responsibility.

And he is the world's richest man for four times!

If he is finally sent to jail, it will be no different from being ruined!

The more Jeff thought about it, the more panicked he became. He immediately took out his mobile phone and called Lacroix, angrily saying: "Lacroix, you bastard, what the hell are you doing? Why is the Los Angeles IRS suddenly going to sue us? Why haven't we received any news here?"

He sent the Amazon legal team to Los Angeles early in the morning, and he has not received any news about this matter from the beginning to now. He believes that the legal department must be the first to bear the blame.

Lakluwa and others were actually shocked for a long time after hearing David's announcement, and now after hearing the angry outburst of the group chairman, he looked even more aggrieved. He trembled and replied: "J... Mr. Jeff, we have been paying attention to the development of the situation, but the Los Angeles IRS has not revealed any information about this matter. I... I am also surprised..."

"Fuck, he dared to speak like this, he must have mastered some key information of our group. Think about it carefully, what is wrong with our group! If you can't figure it out, you bastards don't have to come back to me!"


Lakluwa still looked aggrieved, but at this moment, Wilbur on the side suddenly came to his ear and said a few words to him.

After listening, he first showed doubts on his face, then turned into thinking, and finally showed some relief, and then he immediately said to the other end of the phone: "Mr. Jeff, our team has discussed it and thinks that David's so-called prosecution of us may be just a smoke bomb."

"Smoke bomb?"

Jeff, who was still in an angry state, was a little confused when he heard this.

"Yes, he may not have found anything at all. The reason why he wants to sue me now is nothing more than to scare us and make us come to him to reach an agreement!"

"But now he is saying he will sue us in front of the whole world. Are you sure he is just scaring us?"

"In front of the whole world, it doesn't matter. As long as we go to his door and are willing to let him take advantage of us, he can also hold a press conference and say that he has reached a settlement with us and will not sue us anymore. After all, the court is theirs, and the investigation is also theirs. What can't they say?"

Wilbur reminded him of this before, and he thought it made sense.

Because they had been dealing with all kinds of tail issues of the group during this period of time, he didn't really believe that David had any evidence to sue them.

Jeff was silent after listening to this, and then he looked up at the board members sitting there and said, "La Kroy said that David might be trying to scare us and trick us into going to him to reach an agreement. What do you think?"

"Huh...? This seems to be possible!"

"It is indeed possible, because logically speaking, the things of our group have been handled properly during this period of time, and no matter how powerful David is, he is unlikely to be able to catch the handle to sue us in court."


After listening to Jeff's words, the board members also agreed that David might be tricking them.

Seeing that most of the board members agreed with this view, Jeff also asked the other end of the phone: "I ask you, Lacroix, have you and your team dealt with all the things in our group?"

"It's almost done."

"Okay, then we don't have to worry about this matter. If he is really deceiving us, then they will definitely lose their patience at that time!"

"Understood, Mr. Jeff!"

While discussing with Mason, various forces such as Gu Ge, Weiruan, Oracle, and Freemasonry were also discussing it.

And soon these people's views and opinions gradually approached Mason.

Although Mason's behavior of not paying taxes for so many years is hateful, you have let Swiss banks and major cryptocurrency companies go before.

And Ethereum, a cryptocurrency company at that time, was obviously deaf and dumb after you named it. As a result, after paying a huge fine, you David did not say how to punish them severely.

On the contrary, the current Amazon Group, if you don't speak out, you will directly accuse them. This will naturally make people feel that you are bluffing and intimidating. Of course, although many people think that David may be bluffing and intimidating the Amazon Group, there are still two days left, and we can't make a conclusion too early. The result will emerge at that time.

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