United states tax collector

Chapter 315 Are you scared now?

Two days passed quickly amid the discussions of all parties.

At the Bellagio Hotel, Lacroix and others gathered together early in the morning, but at this time, everyone had a frown on their face.

"The trial will start in 4 hours. How can that damn David still be so patient!"

"In the past two days, the Los Angeles IRS has not shown any intention to terminate the trial. Could it be that they really have something in their hands?"

"It's so close to the trial that he looks so confident. It's a bit hard to say..."

After guessing that David might be deceiving them to take the initiative to reach a compromise agreement, the Mason Legal Department waited patiently.

But it's been two days, and the trial will start in a few hours. The Los Angeles IRS has never shown or hinted that they will come to negotiate.

This naturally makes them a little restless now.

If the Los Angeles IRS really has something on them and goes to court again, then it will really be irreversible!

When thinking of this, Lacroix and other members of the legal department all felt a chill on their backs.

Just when the atmosphere was a little tense, Lacroix's cell phone rang. He picked it up and immediately showed a trace of fear on his face.

Because the person who called him was none other than Jeff Bezos, the chairman of the board of directors of Amazon.

Now there are only four hours left before the court session. His boss is calling now. Needless to say, he must be anxious. When he thought that he might be scolded after answering the phone, his hair stood up.

But he couldn't ignore the boss's call. In the end, Lacroix trembled and pressed the answer button, and said weakly: "Mr. Jeff..."

"What's the matter, Lacroix, the court session is four hours away. What's the situation at the Los Angeles IRS? Have they revealed any "flaws"? "

The flaws that Jeff mentioned, of course, refer to whether the Los Angeles IRS has hinted that they want to come to their house.

"It seems not... They even seem very confident!"

"Damn it, they don't really have anything in our group, do they?"

Jeff's tone became furious.


At this point, Lacroix still dared to say it so absolutely.

"No matter what, you go to the Los Angeles IRS right now, find out their bottom line and their attitude, if it doesn't work...just throw out the idea that we are willing to reach an agreement with them and see what they say!"

Doing so will put the Amazon Group at a disadvantage, but Jeff doesn't dare to gamble, because he is afraid that David really has something in his hands, and once he goes to court, there will be no room for remedy.

"Think twice, Mr. Jeff. We have discussed before that David might bomb us. If we take the initiative to go to his house at this time, we might fall into his trap!"

"Assholes, do you have any brains? Look at how long it will take for the court to start. Even if it is a trap, we have to fall into it!"

Lacroix was choked by this, but after thinking for a while, he still said: "How about this, Mr. Jeff, there are still four hours before the court starts. If it really doesn't work, we can wait until there is one hour left before we go to his house. There may be a turning point."

After hearing this, Jeff thought about it. There is indeed still some time to try. Then he compromised and said: "Okay, Lacroix, but you fucking remember it, don't mess it up."

"Got it..."

After ending the call, the members of the legal department of Mason waited patiently.

Soon, three hours passed.

They still didn't receive any news from the Los Angeles Internal Revenue Service. At this time, many people couldn't sit still and stood up and paced back and forth in the room.

Wilbur was also impatient. He picked up his phone and dialed several numbers in succession. After not getting any useful information, he came to Lacroix and said, "Lacroix, the situation is a little bad. I think we should go to the Los Angeles IRS as Mr. Jeff said!"

Lacroix's face showed anger and unwillingness, but he finally gritted his teeth, stood up, and said the word "go".


As the time for the prosecution of the Amazon Group is getting closer, the heated discussions on major social media are getting louder and louder.

At the Los Angeles IRS, many media are still stationed at the door, hoping to receive the latest news from inside at any time.

"That's... the car of the Amazon Group's legal department!"

Just when the media were still discussing what was going to happen next, someone shouted this at the scene, and then everyone looked up quickly.

As expected, two cars had stopped at the door of the Los Angeles IRS.

And when the car door opened, it was the members of the Amazon Group's legal department headed by Lacroix who got out.

"Dear viewers, there is only about an hour left before the court session. Now we can see that the legal team of the Amazon Group has come to the Los Angeles IRS. It is not known whether they are here to negotiate or beg for mercy. Please continue to pay attention to the reports brought by our station..."

"Oh my god, the legal team of Amazon is here again. Is it really like the TV reporter said, begging for mercy?"

"Now there is only one hour left before the court session. It seems that the outside world is saying that David is deceiving the Amazon Group. It is very unlikely, so it is normal for the Amazon Legal Department to be afraid."

"I don't want Director David to reach an agreement with Dumason. I really want to see Dumason Group prosecuted!"

Under the media's reports and the discussion of people on social platforms, Lakeruwa and others have entered the lobby of the Los Angeles Internal Revenue Service.

Wilbur immediately said to a receptionist: "Hello, we are from the legal department of the Dumason Group. Please help us inform Director David that we want to see him."

"Okay sir, please wait..."

About five minutes later, the receptionist came back and said with regret: "Sorry gentlemen, our director said he has no time to deal with matters now. If there is anything, we can talk about it later in court!"


After hearing this, Lakelua and others felt as if they were struck by five thunders, and they were all numb on the spot.

They always thought that David might be tricking them, and they still retained this idea until they came here near the court session.

But David didn't want to see them, and asked them to talk about anything in court. What did this mean?

This meant that David had no intention of tricking them at all, and had no intention of talking to them from the beginning.

In other words, David and the Los Angeles IRS may have enough evidence in their hands to get their group sanctioned!

If this is the case, then their entire legal department will be doomed!

How can I afford to carry this pot!

Thinking of this, Lackroy was completely panicked. He quickly asked the receptionist: "Please help us inform Director David again, saying that we are asking to see him with sincerity. As long as they are willing to see us, That’s all negotiable!”


After the receptionist hesitated for a while, he finally agreed.

Director's Office.

"Are the files and everything ready?"

David asked looking at Simmons.

"Everything is ready, just waiting for the court session!"

David turned to look at Bucky again and asked, "Where are the people from the Dumb Mason Group, are they all here?"

After suing Amazon Group two days after the announcement, David had someone notify the board of directors of Amazon Group and let them prepare to go to Los Angeles.

It's just that these people thought that David was trying to scare them and didn't care much about it.

"The members of their board of directors are almost here, and Jeff Bess's flight will arrive in Los Angeles in about 10 minutes, and he will be able to arrive on time."



At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and then Keppel walked in and said: "Director, the people from the Amazon Legal Department still said they wanted to see you. They said they came with great sincerity. Yes, as long as you are willing to meet them, you can talk about anything.”

"Haha, this mute Mason knows how to be afraid now!"

"They really thought we were scaring them. Now they finally know that death is imminent, but it's too late to say anything now."

Hearing that the people from the Dumb Mason Group even used a pleading tone, Simmons and Bucky also showed cheerful expressions.

"It's better to tell them that I'm not available and we'll talk about it in court!"


After Keppel left, David made arrangements for the later court hearing.


"Gentlemen, our director is still very busy, I'm sorry!"

After hearing this, Lakelua and the others felt as if someone had poured a bucket of ice water on them, and their whole bodies were chilled from head to foot.

At this time, they only had one thought in their hearts, that it was over, completely over.

After being stunned for a long time, Lakluwa finally took out his mobile phone with a dull expression, and then dialed a number.

At Long Beach International Airport, a private plane was landing slowly.

The hatch opened, and a big bald man came out first. It was Jeff Bess who came from Seattle.

"Mr. Jeff, please call Mr. Cloy."

After hearing the assistant's reminder, Jeff immediately took the call and asked eagerly: "How are you soliciting Clorois? Is there any progress?"

"Mr. Jeff, according to your instructions, we have now arrived at the Los Angeles Internal Revenue Service, but that David... he doesn't want to see us."

"What do you mean I don't want to see you?"

"Our prediction was wrong. He didn't intend to talk to us from the beginning. Maybe he actually has some important information about our group on hand."

Listening to the words coming from the other end of the phone, Jeff's expression suddenly changed. He immediately asked: "Then have you told him that if this is really the case, we are willing to pay a certain price?"

"I have already said that we came here with sincerity, and we used the words "we can talk about anything", but he is still indifferent!"

"Damn it!"

Jeff hung up the phone directly, turned to his assistant and yelled: "Where is the car?"

He has realized the seriousness of the matter and plans to rush to the Los Angeles Internal Revenue Service as quickly as possible to see if there is any improvement.

"Mr. Jeff here..."

Los Angeles IRS.

Because there was still half an hour before the court session, some of the invited celebrities and politicians had already arrived at the scene.

"That's Senator Scalvini, and Senator Ruggieri from the Senate is also here, and that's Boniface, the representative of the teachers' union..."

Due to the huge influence of the Dumason Group, the people invited here today can be said to be a gathering of big names, which also caused exclamations from the media and online audiences at the scene.

While everyone was still paying attention to the arriving political and business figures, a black Maybach arrived at the scene. When Jeff with his iconic bald head appeared, the exclamations at the scene became even louder.

"Jeff Bess is here!"

"The big boss of Dumason has finally appeared, but I don't know if he can come out after walking into the door of the IRS today!"

"It would be funny if the four-time richest man in the world ends up in jail because of this incident!"

While people on major social media were still talking about it, the media at the scene were impatient. They all went up with microphones to interview Jeff.

But unfortunately, Jeff had no intention of being interviewed, and was escorted by bodyguards all the way into the gate of the Internal Revenue Service in Los Angeles.

"Mr. Jeff."

"Mr. Jeff, long time no see."

"Mr. Jeff, I believe this is just a minor disturbance, and nothing will happen to you and your group!"

As the big boss of Amazon, it goes without saying that Jeff has a wide range of contacts. As soon as he entered here, people from the business and political circles came up to say hello.

And Jeff agreed one by one, and then his eyes scanned the field. Soon he saw the people of his group and walked over.

"Mr. Jeff..."

"What's the situation now?"

After Jeff came here, he didn't give everyone much chance to greet them and asked directly.

"We have been communicating with the IRS, but David is unwilling to see us no matter what. It seems that we can only see him in court."

A senior member of the board of directors replied with a helpless expression.

Jeff immediately turned his head and glared at the members of the Legal Department of Lakerua with angry eyes, and then said: "Find a way to send him a message, just say that I am here and want to talk to him in person!"

Director's Office.

Keppel knocked on the door again and came in, saying to David: "Director, Jeff Bess, the chairman of the board of directors of Duma Amazon, has arrived at our bureau. He requests to talk to you in person."

"Don't talk about it, just tell them the same thing."


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