United states tax collector

Chapter 316: The long-awaited court hearing

After Keppel left, David's cell phone rang on his desk. He picked it up and saw it was Donald calling. He immediately picked up the call and said, "Deputy Director Donald."

"David, the influence of the Amazon incident is too great. The major media giants have exerted a lot of pressure on us. Our General Administration has also discussed and decided to let the media enter the scene and let them See our fair and open sentencing!”

In the past, the IRS did not allow the media to enter the court hearings. This was because many cases were difficult to convict according to judicial procedures. In order to avoid causing controversy from the outside world, closed trials were chosen.

But this time, the hidden tax alone is enough to crucify the Amazon Group, so a direct public trial will be more beneficial to the IRS's image and public opinion.

"I understand, I'll make arrangements right now!"

After hanging up the phone, David immediately handed Keppel in and said: "Let the media know that this trial will be broadcast live in public!"

In front of the Los Angeles Internal Revenue Service.

A staff member in charge of speaking came out and said to the media here: "Everyone, please be quiet and listen to me. In order to ensure the fairness and openness of this trial, we will adopt a public live broadcast method for this trial. The following is I will select a few media members who will enter the court hearing later..."

"What, the IRS actually opened a public live broadcast this time."

"This is great. We can hear with our own ears which local tax violations are committed by Amazon, and we can also see the embarrassment of the senior managers of Amazon Group!"

"The Los Angeles Internal Revenue Service dares to conduct a public live broadcast. It must have sufficient evidence in hand. Dumb Mason is in danger this time!"

After hearing people from the Los Angeles Internal Revenue Service make this announcement, the media at the scene and people on social platforms were all excited.

I want to ask them if they want to see real-time footage of the trial scene?

Of course this is what I wanted to do.

And what are they most looking forward to seeing?

Of course, it was the demeanor and appearance shown by Jeff and other senior executives of the Duma Amazon Group after the charges were confirmed.

Let them see if the high-ranking big shots in the past behave like shit after being convicted or even going to jail.

While the media and the public were still talking about it, a group of senior executives from Dumason also received the news. Among them, Jeff's face was terrifyingly dark at this time.

He came here in person and asked to see David, but David still disappeared. He also told the media that he could enter the venue to get this signal live. What does this mean?

This means that the Los Angeles IRS is not even 100% sure of convicting them, but it is at least 80% or 90% sure. Now we are in big trouble!

He has experienced countless storms and waves in his life, but he believes that this situation may be the biggest crisis in his life!

After a few minutes of silence, Jeff finally took out his cell phone, then walked to the corner and silently made several calls...

The time came to 12.20.

Today's court hearing started at 12.30, and there are still 10 minutes until the end, so a large number of invited people have already entered the courtroom on the seventh floor.

At this time, the media who were invited to come in for the live broadcast have also set up cameras and are ready to broadcast everything on site in real time.

When the time came to 12.25, David, who had just come out of the judge's office, also came to the scene.

He looked around the gallery and found that there were quite a few big figures from the political and business circles here today, including California's Governor Borgwana, the Lieutenant Governor, the Secretary of State, and members of both houses of Congress.

At the end of his gaze, he found the Dumb Amazon Group and others sitting in the lower right corner, and these people did not shy away from meeting his eyes. Among them, Jeff's eyes were particularly gloomy. If he looked carefully, he could even see that With a hint of resentment.

But David didn't pay much attention. He went straight to the auditorium belonging to the Los Angeles Internal Revenue Service and sat down.

When the time came to 12.30 sharp, Nicola, wearing a judge's robe, walked out of the right aisle, and everyone at the scene stood up in accordance with the procedure.

"Bang, the case against Duma Amazon for alleged tax violations is now open!"

As Judge Nicola dropped her gavel, the scene and the crowd who were paying attention immediately entered a state of concentration.

"Now I would like to invite the prosecutor, the Los Angeles Internal Revenue Service, to speak!"

David stood up from his seat, walked to the stage with a document, and said: "As we all know, the Dumb Amazon has not paid a penny in taxes over the years, but I want to know how they did it. Many people are not clear about it, and I need to explain it here. First of all, they rely on a policy called 'value-added tax reduction', as the name suggests..."

"So that's it..."

"With Director David's popular science, I finally understood Duma's tax avoidance operation..."

After his explanation, some people at the scene and watching the live broadcast who were not very clear about taxation finally figured it out.

They say that why Amazon has been able to avoid paying taxes for so many years is because of such a policy.

"Okay, now we get to the point. VAT reduction is indeed a tax policy of our IRS. If companies use this to avoid taxes according to procedures, our IRS will collect less taxes, but we won't mind. But if there are companies that clearly do not meet the VAT reduction standards, but have been using this policy in violation of regulations, and have been using it for several years, then our IRS can't keep suffering from this loss, right?"

After David finished speaking, there was a big uproar at the scene and on the Internet.

'Some companies clearly did not meet the VAT reduction standards, but have been using this policy in violation of regulations', who else could this refer to except the Mamason Group that is now being accused?

On the defendant's side, no one noticed that La Kroy and other members of the Mamason Legal Department all looked a little unnatural.

As the legal department of the group, they certainly knew how the group avoided taxes, and this VAT reduction just accounted for 40 percentage points of the group's tax reduction.

But then again,

After the Los Angeles IRS announced that it would investigate them, they had been working overtime and dealing with this issue day and night. Could it be that they were caught?

Regardless of what these people were saying, David directly raised the document in his hand and said: "Your Honor, I have an investigation report here that can prove that from 2017 to now, the Amazon Group has been using this policy in violation of regulations, and relying on this policy, they have at least evaded nearly 10 billion US dollars in tax shares!"

"Evaded nearly 10 billion US dollars in taxes..."

After hearing such a number, the audience and the people watching the live broadcast couldn't help but take a breath.

The document was soon presented to Nicola. After opening it and carefully examining it for ten minutes, she turned her head to look at Lacroix and others in the dock and asked: "Defendant representative, according to this document report from the Los Angeles Internal Revenue Service, Cincinnati, Ohio, Montpelier, Vermont, and... these places said that the value-added tax reduction they enjoyed did not meet the standards of the local government. How do you explain this?"

"Your Honor, I want to see this document."


The document was quickly taken away by the court staff and handed over to Lacroix, and Lacroix and the members of the entire legal department immediately checked it carefully.

But as the content gradually came into view, everyone's expression became extremely ugly.

Although they have been dealing with this matter for some time.

However, there is a very important regulation in the value-added tax reduction, that is, the factory's equipment and facilities must meet the local government's indicators.

And a large number of equipment and facilities here must be booked with some companies in advance before they can be delivered.

But in such a short time, how can they book or even be delivered?

The problem now is that David didn't know where he got the detailed data of the factories in these regions. If they wanted to quibble, they only needed to send someone to the local factory to calculate and confirm it, so they couldn't quibble even if they wanted to.

At this time, Lacroix was completely desperate. He turned his head and looked at the audience seats where the group's senior executives were, and shook his head slightly.

Although Jeff and others had not seen this document report, they understood it even if they were stupid when they saw Lacroix's performance.

This document report must be the kind that is difficult to refute, and the first charge of their group is likely to be confirmed!

"What do you think, defendant representative, do you have any objection to this document report?"

Hearing Nicola's questioning on the stage, Lacroix and others looked at each other, and finally Wilbur said: "Your Honor, the policy of value-added tax reduction is mainly connected with the state governments. I think the IRS does not understand the details well enough, so it should be shelved for the time being, and let us negotiate with the states..."

This is a solution Wilbur came up with after racking his brains.

The reason is very simple, because each state has its own way of taxation, and the main details of this policy are indeed discussed with the state governments of those states. If they can define it as being under the jurisdiction of the state government, then they have the possibility of making a big deal out of a small matter, instead of being used as an excuse by the IRS to accuse them.

Each state in the United States has independent jurisdiction, and the same is true for taxation. This argument is not far-fetched, so Nicola did not directly refute it, but looked at David.

"Your Honor, I admit that what the defendant's representative said makes some sense, but it does not need to be shelved, because I have invited the tax auditors of these states, so why not let them come to court to explain."

When he heard that David had invited the tax auditors of various states, Wilber La Coroix was completely desperate.

If they can invite these people, they must be sure to let these people stand on their side, so their purpose of hanging the value-added tax reduction on the state government and making a big deal out of a small matter is likely to be ruined.

"Okay, then please ask them to come out."

Soon, the IRS inspector came out with four people from the left passage.

When the four people arrived at the scene, the leader spoke first: "Your Honor, I am the tax auditor of the Ohio State Government, my name is Morata."

"Your Honor, I am the tax auditor of the Vermont State Government, my name is Luke Wu."

"Your Honor..."

After the four people introduced their identities, Nicola said: "Four auditors, we have a document here, which is about Amazon's violation of value-added tax reduction in your state. What do you think? ?”

The court staff took the document into Morata's hands, and the four tax auditors also looked at it carefully.

After reading it, Morata was the first to speak: "Your Honor, according to this report, Amazon's value-added tax reduction in our state has indeed not reached the target."

"The same thing, your Honor, is falling short in our own state of Vermont."


After reading this document and report, the four people all agreed.

"Well, according to the discussion of the representative of the Amazon Group, the details of the value-added tax reduction are the details that he has reached with your state governments, and this matter should be negotiated with your states. What do you think?"

Listening to Nicola's question, Morata immediately replied: "Your Honor, regarding the value-added tax reduction policy, the Amazon Group has indeed reached a detailed agreement with our state, but this is a detailed agreement issued by the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS has jurisdiction over tax policies, and the IRS has much more professional jurisdiction over taxation than our state tax departments. I think it should be left to the IRS.”

"Your Honor, Comptroller Morata and I have the same view. First of all, this is the policy of the IRS and the IRS has jurisdiction. Secondly, this is the result of the IRS investigation, so we should not intervene."


The auditors of the four states spoke one after another, and their content was consistent, that is, to leave this matter to the Internal Revenue Service, and the Internal Revenue Service absolutely has jurisdiction.

"In other words, you are willing to hand over this jurisdiction to the Los Angeles Internal Revenue Service. Are you sure?"

Nicola confirmed again.

"We confirm!"

The four of them answered in unison.


Nicola turned to look at Lakluwa and others, and asked: "Representatives of the Dumb Amazon, now the states have admitted that you are suspected of violating the value-added tax reduction policy, and are also willing to hand over jurisdiction to the national tax Bureau, do you have anything else to say?”

After hearing that David had summoned the state auditors, Wilbur Lacluva and others knew that there was no chance, so what else could they say at this time, everyone bowed their heads and fell silent.

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