United states tax collector

Chapter 351: Changes in the situation after David's death

With a heavy heart, the firefighters entered Suite 1019.

There was still some smoke in the room, and the fragments of furniture and walls were everywhere, a mess.

"Oh my god... come and see this!"

At this moment, a firefighter near the bathroom area seemed to have discovered something, and his shouting attracted the firefighters who were searching everywhere.

When these people got closer, they became silent.

Because a broken thigh was falling on the ground here.

According to the hotel, since David has entered the room, the owner of this leg... I'm afraid it's almost certain.

"Put it away and search it carefully again."


At the entrance of the hotel.

Since the media reported that David was attacked, a large number of citizens have come to the scene, some of them folded their hands and prayed constantly, some were in tears, and some looked sad.

Even some of the more extreme David fans wanted to rush in to participate in the search and rescue, but unfortunately they were all stopped by the police.

"The firefighters are coming down!"

At this moment, someone shouted, and then everyone looked up at the door. The firefighters who had just gone up to search and rescue were indeed coming down one after another.

"Oh no!"

"NO, how could it be like this?"

"I can't accept it..."

Although the firefighters have not yet announced the results of the search and rescue, the public has seen the bad results from the expressions of these people, and they have made sad voices one by one.

Here, a pot-bellied man stationed outside saw the firefighters coming out and immediately greeted them. He asked with a slightly nervous expression: "I am the chief of the Salem City Police. What's the situation up there?"

"Mr. Chief, we found some human remains in the suite..."

"Human remains, can you confirm that it is Inspector General David?"

The firefighter was a little speechless. How to confirm it if it has been blown into debris?

But he still replied: "Theoretically, it cannot be 100% confirmed. If you want to be 100% confirmed, you have to do a DNA comparison. However, since the hotel has confirmed that Inspector General David has returned to the room, and these human tissues have been found in the room, it should be almost certain."

The police chief looked thoughtful, and then replied: "You have worked hard, hand over the wreckage to us..."

A few minutes later, the Salem City Police Chief came to the media. At this moment, he looked a little sad. Facing the camera, he said: "Hello everyone, I am Salem City Police Chief Lopez. Now I want to announce an unfortunate news to everyone. Just now, our firefighters found some human tissues when searching and rescuing in Suite 1019, but fortunately, there were no other casualties."

After the words fell, there was an uproar at the scene.

If they had a little hope before, then after hearing that human tissues were found in Suite 1019, that hope in their hearts was instantly destroyed.

"I hereby promise to the people of the country that I will investigate this matter as quickly as possible. No matter who did it, our Salem City Police Department will definitely arrest the murderer and give everyone an explanation..."

New York East Sea, Senado Island.

Henrietta and Joshua and other seven family leaders were in the conference room, and when they heard Lopez's words on TV, many people were instantly overjoyed.

"Hahahaha, we succeeded!"

"Hehe, this is the end of angering us!"

"I think we should have done this a long time ago, and if we had done it earlier, we wouldn't have suffered such a big loss!"

Anyway, they won the bet this time.

After solving the threat of David, as long as they spend a little more time, with their foundation, they will soon be able to recover their previous vitality!

At that time, the huge America will still be back under their control, and everything will be back on track just like before David rose!

"Don't be too happy yet. We still have to be on guard against the retaliation of the IRS. It's not too late to celebrate after we settle this matter first!"

Henrietta's words calmed the delighted crowd a little.

However, they were not very worried about the IRS.

You know, they joined forces with the Illuminati and the Onsa Group to carry out this operation.

If the operation failed, the IRS would definitely retaliate because David was still alive.

But now David is left with only his limbs. Does the IRS still want to go to war with the three major forces for a dead person?

At the same time, the Illuminati and the Onsa Group were also very happy when they heard that the assassination was successful, but they would not forget to do the aftermath.

Their people went to the White House to appease those who were appeased and went to the IRS to negotiate. Everything was carried out in an orderly manner according to the previous plan.

This night was a sleepless night for the IRS, David's fans, and even the White House.

However, for the Freemasons and the criminals across the country, it was the most comfortable and peaceful night they had slept in a while.

The next day, David's assassination undoubtedly made the front page headlines of major newspapers across the country.

[Washington Post: IRS Inspector General David was assassinated, which is a great loss for America! ]

[Los Angeles Times: IRS Inspector General David was assassinated, mourned! 】

[Wall Street Journal: He is a good public servant of the people and a tax pioneer who dares to fight, but it is a pity that he is jealous of talents. 】


During David's lifetime, because he touched the interests of many people, the newspapers controlled by these people criticized him from time to time.

But as the saying goes, "the dead are the greatest," since there are no people left, no blind media or newspaper dares to rejoice in his misfortune. They all praise him and pay silent tribute to him.

At nine o'clock in the morning, a large number of media came to the Salem Police Department.

Because not long ago, the bureau issued a notice saying that there was some progress to be announced regarding the explosion at the La Quinta Hotel yesterday, so all major media came and wanted to hear about the case.

"Chief Lopez is here!"

Under the watchful eye of the media at the scene, Lopez walked up to the microphone on stage with a stack of materials and said: "Good morning everyone, regarding yesterday's La Quinte Hotel explosion case, after our all-night investigation, we have made some progress. progress."

After that, he held up several pictures and presented them in front of everyone.

"Chief Lopez, who is this?"

asked a reporter below.

"This person's name is Lopotka. According to police records in Los Angeles and Boston, he was arrested in 2006 and 2014 on suspicion of manufacturing bombs, but was eventually released without charge. As for why he was released , because during these two arrests, two teams of fantasy lawyers were hired to exonerate him!”

"After our investigation, just yesterday, not long after Inspector General David went to attend the event, he entered the hotel. In addition, we checked his credit card and there is a record of purchasing materials for preparing explosives, so we have sufficient There are reasons to suspect that he is the suspect!”

After that, he took out a few more photos, and anyone familiar with the La Quinte Hotel would be able to find that Lopotka in the photos is inside the hotel.

"Director Lopez, if this man is a suspect in the assassination of Inspector General David, what is his motive?"

“The main reason why the suspect was acquitted after being arrested in 2006 and 2014 was that he hired two teams of fantasy lawyers. However, according to our investigation, the two lawyers’ funds were provided by Kasikorn from Los Angeles. Mora family!”

"What, this matter also involves the Camorra family?"

"The Camorra family? Are they the Camorra family that was sentenced to death by Inspector General David and sent to prison?"

"It turned out to be the revenge of this damn gangster family..."

"Logically speaking, the Camorra family has been sent to prison for several months. If they wanted revenge, they would have retaliated long ago. But they waited until Inspector General David completed the tax audit in Silicon Valley. The next step was to take revenge. Wall Street is taking revenge, which seems... a bit unreasonable!”

During this night, countless people across the country were speculating on who planned and implemented the assassination. Now they finally understood that it was the Camorra family who was sent to prison by David himself!

But many people have expressed doubts about this.

The Camorra family had not retaliated sooner or later, but just when David was about to investigate Wall Street, they suddenly launched their revenge.

If there is nothing strange in this, these people don't believe it.

During the discussion, a police officer walked up to Lopez and whispered a few words in his ear. Then Lopez showed joy and said to the media below: "Everyone, I just collected There is good news. Just now, our police officers caught this suspect in an abandoned factory in the suburbs. We will review this suspect. In order to maintain the rigor of the case, we will Hand it over to the FBI, and the FBI will announce the outcome of this matter at that time..."

Washington, D.C., Bureau of Internal Revenue.

"It seems like these bastards made all the arrangements before taking action!"

In the conference room, watching Lopez's explanation on the big screen, Donald cursed with a ferocious expression.

At this time, although Obadiah and others did not say anything, their expressions were not much better.

Not long after yesterday's assassination incident, FBI's Maduaikai came to their headquarters in person.

Although the other party said on the surface that they would do their best to pursue this matter and give them an explanation to the IRS.

But the implication behind the words was nothing more than a hint that cases like their alleged assassination were under the jurisdiction of the police and FBI, and the IRS had no authority to manage them.

As well as threatening them with the IRS, the person is already dead and I just want them not to act rashly.

Just when the atmosphere was somewhat solidified, the door of the conference room was pushed open and Lahan walked in.

"Rahan, what's the attitude of the White House right now?"

Obadiah immediately looked at Lahan and asked.

"The president did not meet with me, but Chief of Staff Wilder did. He gave me a clear message that the IRS is responsible for tax collection, and matters involving assassinations should be left to the FBI. He also asked Our condolences to everyone, let’s be calm.”

"Asshole, how could this happen!"

Obadiah slapped his hand on the table, and the White House almost told him explicitly that he was not allowed to retaliate.

"By the way, I also learned a piece of news from Wilder. Just after yesterday's assassination incident, the president was actually very angry, but later our Secretary of State, Director of the National Security Agency, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Justice The deputy minister... these people went to the president's office collectively, and I think that's why the White House made such a statement."

"What, the secretary of state, the director of the National Security Agency, the secretary of defense... these people collectively went to talk to the president?"

Upon hearing this, everyone present was shocked, including Obadiah, who was still angry just now.

Others don't know, but as senior officials of the IRS, they know very well that the current Secretary of State is from the Masonic Group, the Director of the National Security Agency is said to be from the Illuminati, and the Secretary of Defense is from the Angsa Group.

If these people collectively went to the White House after David was assassinated yesterday, it would be understandable that the White House would ask them not to retaliate.

"Haha, let me tell you, why did Maduaikai act so confident yesterday? It turns out that the three major forces secretly colluded and planned this assassination operation together!"

After Maduaike arrived yesterday, Donald was able to completely confirm that this incident was planned by the Freemasons himself.

But he still couldn't figure it out at the time.

After all, no matter how powerful the Freemasons are, they are not yet powerful enough to dare to directly kill the most prestigious senior officials of their current IRS.

If the Angsa Group and the Illuminati are united, it would explain why they have such courage.

"If that's the case... Director, it seems we really can't act rashly. No matter how powerful our IRS is, we can't possibly overwhelm the three major groups."

"Although the prestige of our IRS has reached an unprecedented level since David appeared, if we don't respond to this incident, the prestige we have established before will instantly collapse. I want to reiterate this point. You must pay attention to it!”

"Now that the White House does not support us and the three major groups have joined forces again, the key thing is that they have even arranged the murderer. The remnants of the Camorra family are justified in taking revenge, so what else can we do? ? Even if we want to take revenge, it’s just a matter of course!”

A dispute broke out among senior officials of the IRS.

But Lahan's last words left everyone speechless.

Yes, let’s not talk about whether they can defeat the three major groups. The key is that now the murderer has been announced to have been caught, and the evidence, motives, etc. have all been clearly arranged by the Freemasons.

Even if the IRS wants to take action, they can't find a reason to take action for a while.

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