United states tax collector

Chapter 352 David is resurrected

"What Lahan said is right. The current situation is not good for us. We cannot blindly retaliate, otherwise the situation will be even more difficult to control."

Everyone was silent because of Lahan's words, and coupled with the statement of Vertonghen, the chief adviser, no one at the scene could refute.

After all, people are dead, and no matter what they do, they cannot be resurrected.

Therefore, it is better to look forward.

The atmosphere was frozen for about a minute. At this time, Obadiah still couldn't sit still. He gritted his teeth and said: "But we absolutely can't just let this matter go. Yanza, notify the armed base in New York State and let them Mobilize a group of fighter planes and conduct a 'practice' near Senado Island."

"Yes, Director."

When they heard that armed forces were about to be deployed, the senior officials present were nervous, but when they heard that it was just a drill, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"In addition, the Storm Tax Inspection Operation was initiated by Inspector General David. Although he has just had an accident now, we must continue to carry out this operation according to his will. What do you think?"

"I agree with this. Although this action was initiated by Inspector General David, it is also the policy of our IRS. It would be childish to cancel it if someone dies."

"That's the truth, but then again, if the storm tax clearance operation is going to continue, who will preside over it?"

The senior executives present all agreed, but when it came to who would host, everyone fell silent.

David's tax clearance in Silicon Valley has been so successful. If the person who takes over fails to continue the success of this policy, he will have to take some of the blame.

Obadiah looked at Donald and said, "Donald, you will be responsible for this investigation. As for the main location, Wall Street!"

David's assassination not only caused the IRS to lose a lot of help, but also caused them a huge loss of face. Although due to the current situation, they cannot directly send out armed retaliation, he will definitely not make the Masonic group feel better.

Isn't Wall Street the headquarters of the Freemasons? Well, the IRS can just use the Storm Tax Clearance Operation to continue to take revenge on this place!

Obadiah's idea was good, but Donald looked bitter after receiving this order.

It's not that he doesn't want to take a trip into this muddy water, but he lifted David up with his own hands, and now he is so angry that he wants to bite the Freemasons to death.

It's just that he knows his own weight very well. He doesn't have David's auditing skills. And in a place like Wall Street, which company doesn't have top tax and financial teams?

He really has no confidence that he can catch the tax loopholes of these companies.

"What, what's the problem?"

"No...I'll do my best!"

In the remaining two days, people across the country spontaneously organized tributes to David.

However, since David is now 'dead', many lawless elements have also started to make noises about the repeal of the black tax bill.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing was a press conference held by the IRS.

The press conference was attended by Donald, who also followed Obadiah's instructions and announced to everyone that Operation Storm Tax Clearance would continue.

As for the next location, he didn't hide it at all, and directly pointed out that he would focus on Wall Street.

Wall Street is the cradle of world finance. Of course, the world is in an uproar over this.

However, the waves calmed down soon after.

Because everyone knows that only David has the ability to conduct clear tax investigations in places like Silicon Valley and Wall Street, and now that he is no longer alive, even if the IRS will continue to investigate, there is a high probability that there will be no big results.

Do you really think those accountants, financers, and tax collectors on Wall Street are vegetarians?

They have already made the tax and financial issues clear and clear through various methods. Except for David, they are confident that if anyone from the IRS checks it ten times and a hundred times, there will be no mistakes!

The Port of Portland, located on the west coast of the United States, is an important port in Oregon, about 40 kilometers away from Salem.

At this time, on the west side of the port, in a densely packed container area, a blue Volvo ushered in.

After the car stopped, two men got out. They were none other than Elvis and Broad from the CIA.

Brod took the lead in walking to the entrance of a container and opened a hidden cover on it, revealing a small LCD screen inside.

He put his whole palm up, and then there was a beeping sound on the screen, and then the container door opened automatically.

"Elvis, you are finally here. If you let me stay here for another day or two, I feel like I will have to die of suffocation here!"

As soon as the door opened, a complaint came from inside.

"Our safe house is boring to begin with, and who said this was your own plan?"

Elvis smiled and walked in.

I saw a figure sitting inside. This person was crossing his legs and eating a bag of potato chips in his hand. If there were any media present, they would definitely be surprised, because the person sitting here was actually almost confirmed. David is dead!

David shrugged. Yes, this 'suspended death' operation was indeed arranged by him.

When he heard that he was about to be assassinated, he stopped Elvis and told him about this idea, and asked him to see if he could help set up this trap.

After all, the CIA started out by planning, assassinating, obtaining intelligence, and doing all kinds of shady operations. This kind of sleight of hand is naturally child's play for them.

So since David wanted to plan this, Elvis agreed without much hesitation.

The subsequent process was simple.

From the moment the Masonic killer came to Salem, he was closely monitored by Elvis's people.

After the killer entered the hotel and installed the bomb, Elvis immediately sent someone into the suite and placed a jammer next to the bomb to ensure that David would not be killed when he returned because the bomb was detonated in advance.

In addition, the CIA also opened a lower passage in the suite at that time and prepared a body.

Later, David came back from the event and lunch. As soon as he stepped into the suite, he immediately slipped through the passage to the floor below, then quietly left the hotel and came to the CIA safe house.

After that, the bomb exploded successfully, and the firefighters found human remains in the suite. In addition, he hid himself and did not show up, so people all over the world naturally thought he was dead.

There are three main reasons why David planned this fake death.

First, since the Freemasons have even used assassination methods, even if he can get away with it this time, it is hard to guarantee that he can get away with it again in the future.

Once he really died, he wanted to see what kind of reaction the IRS would have, and whether they would directly take action to avenge him.

Or... since he is dead and has no use value, he will simply make a big deal out of it and stop pursuing it.

Secondly, according to the information previously found by the CIA, the Ansa Group, the Illuminati, and the Freemasons have mobilized many people to operate this matter after his death.

Of course, these people only jumped out to operate after seeing him dead. If he was still alive, then these people would naturally not show up.

So he could only fake his death, so that he could see which of the three major forces jumped out. This could be regarded as a bottom line for the three major forces, saving a lot of effort in the future.

In the end, the black tax bill repeatedly encountered the crisis of repeal, but in the end, under his current intervention, it all overcame the difficulties.

And it is precisely because of his existence that many people, or many congressmen, dare not stand up against him publicly.

But once he dies, it is hard to say whether he will disappear after his death.

Maybe some guys will restart this plan after his death in order to please the Freemasons.

And his fake death this time is also to see the reactions of these congressmen, to see which ones can be used and which ones can be eliminated.

In this way, he can prepare for the promotion of another bill next!

As a person, some people may say that in addition to deceiving the Freemasons, the Ansas, and the Illuminati, the fake death also deceived the people of the country.

And these people are David's fans.

David is not afraid of consuming the enthusiasm of these fans and causing their disgust by doing this?

David has already prepared a response plan.

At that time, he will hold a press conference to explain to the public that he discovered the assassination plot against him in advance, and he faked his death to find out the mastermind behind the scenes. I believe the public will understand.

"Okay, Elvis, tell me something I want to know!"

David picked up a piece of potato chips and put it in his mouth, smacking his lips like eating melon.

"I believe you have also seen the announcement of your IRS on TV. Your senior officials said that the Storm Tax Investigation Operation will continue, and directly named Wall Street as the special "care". However, according to the information I have obtained, the Freemasons don't care about this, because they know that Donald, the commander-in-chief, is not you. He can't cause any harm to Wall Street. It's nothing more than venting his anger..."

In fact, David is still quite satisfied with the IRS's approach on this point.

Throughout human history, countless officials have promoted policies that have ended up with death after death.

Now that he is dead, the IRS has publicly stated that it will continue to carry out this operation. This is certainly to save its own face, but there is no doubt that it is mixed with the idea of ​​revenge against the Freemasons.

"In addition, I have to say that your director is still a bit of a backbone. Although he was suppressed by the three major forces, he still ordered the New York State Armed Forces to go out. The Armed Forces have dispatched a lot of fighter jets in the past two days. The fish around Senado Island, the headquarters of the Freemasons, have suffered a great disaster. I guess they haven't slept well in the past two days."


David's expression moved. In order to avoid the disclosure of his fake death, he has been staying in the safe house these days. He only learned all the news through TV media reports.

But the IRS would definitely not announce news like the IRS dispatched armed forces to Senado Island to bomb fish, and the Freemasons would certainly not leak it for the sake of their reputation. Without media reports, he naturally would not know about it for a while.

"In addition, after your 'death', the undercurrent in our United States is quite big. As for the list you want, I also have a preliminary statistics on the list of people who continue to 'show their feet'. You see Look."

David took the list handed over by Brod, and as the names inside came into his eyes, his eyes gradually became sharper.

After his death, more than a dozen important figures in American politics, including the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of State, went to the White House to put pressure. This was no small feat.

But having said that, if these people see that he is not dead, who knows what kind of expression they will show?

Putting away his thoughts, David asked again: "Oh, by the way, what's Gavin's statement?"

Since he suffered an assassination, he has become increasingly aware of the importance of having a backup plan.

For example, the CIA now has Elvis, and although the FBI's main business is not intelligence work, their ability is not weak.

According to his idea, Gavin must be supported, which will be very helpful for his future safety and other aspects of work.

"After what happened last time, everyone knew that Gavin was yours, so after your 'death', his life was not easy. However, he did not intend to bow down to the Freemasons or anyone else. He directly I took a temporary leave of absence due to physical discomfort.”

After hearing this, David was relatively satisfied. As long as Gavin didn't show a rebellious attitude immediately after his death, it was still worth cultivating.

"But...the three guys you arranged to take over News Corporation are not as courageous as Gavin. After hearing the news of your death, they found the Freemasonry in a tacit understanding and expressed their willingness to take over the previous tacit Doko, who is committed to Freemasonry, has been invited to their New York celebration dinner tomorrow..."

"Wait...celebration dinner?"

Elvis slapped his head and then said: "I forgot to tell you, tomorrow the Freemasons will hold a celebration dinner in New York. They also invited people from the Illuminati and the Angsa Group to attend, but according to the information I got It shows that this dinner is not just to celebrate the success of assassinating you. The Freemasonry actually wants to discuss with the two major forces at this dinner to overturn your previous tax policy against Silicon Valley and all Utah companies, and re-establish it. Get their interests back!"

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