United states tax collector

Chapter 356 Appearance at the Press Conference

Washington, IRS General Office.

In the high-rise office building, Obadiah, Donald and others were standing in the lobby, looking anxiously at the elevator entrance, as if waiting for someone.

About five or six minutes later, the elevator door opened with a ding, and when they saw the figure coming out, everyone's tense faces finally relaxed.

When they heard Donald bring this news last night, Obadiah and others were a little bit unbelievable. After all, all the evidence pointed to David's death in the explosion. How could he still be alive?

Although Donald tried to explain it later, it was not until they saw David really appear in front of them that they completely believed it.

"You bastard, you should have informed us of such an important matter in advance. It made us sleep uneasy these days!"

Obadiah was the first to come up and punched David in the chest, as if to vent his dissatisfaction.

"Sorry, Chief, I was a bit abrupt about this matter, but..."

"Okay, okay, although we are very dissatisfied with this matter, as long as you are still alive, it's good. As for the explanation... you should think about how to explain it to the media and the world!"

"Yes, David, in the past few days since you've died, mourning activities have been organized all over the country for you, and many of your supporters are even more grief-stricken. If you can't give them a reasonable explanation, I'm afraid it will be difficult to settle it."

Donald had already explained to them last night why David faked his death and why he didn't notify them in advance, so they didn't need to listen to it a second time.

"Don't worry about this, I have already thought of the excuse, I believe it will satisfy them!"

"Okay, in this case, don't delay it any longer. You appeared at the banquet of the New York Freemasons last night. This matter has fermented. Let's hold a press conference to resolve this matter first!"

Although the New York Observer is not an authoritative media, after a report this morning, both the White House, Congress and various departments called Obadiah to confirm the authenticity of this report, so it must be clarified as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if it drags on, it will not only cause public outrage, but also be difficult to explain to the White House and various departments of Congress.

Soon after, the IRS's notice of holding a press conference reached the ears of various media, and the media were also furious when they heard the news.

You know, the report in the New York Observer this morning can be said to have caused a thousand waves. If this is a rumor, the IRS only needs to issue an announcement to clarify it, and there is no need to hold such a high-profile press conference.

Now that the IRS is going to hold a press conference, it is probably not just to clarify the rumors.

Could it be that... the report in the New York Observer is true?

David is really not dead?

As soon as this idea came out, all major media could not suppress the ripples in their hearts. If this is true, it would be a shocking news!

In order to thoroughly understand the truth of the matter, the major media no longer neglected anything and rushed to the IRS General Administration at the fastest speed.

The White House.

After receiving the news, Wilder immediately put down all the work in his hands, came to the door of the President's Office and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

After getting the permission, Wilder pushed the door and walked in. He saw an old man in his 80s with white hair sitting behind the oval desk.

He is the current President of the United States, Paden.

"Sir, I just received a message, I think you should listen to it."

"Oh? Tell me."

Paden put down the documents in his hand and looked attentively.

"Just this morning, a New York media published a front-page headline saying that David was not dead, and he showed up at the dinner held by the New York Freemasons last night. For this reason, I specially consulted the IRS and some people at the dinner last night. Guess what?"


Paden, who was still calm, was suddenly worried. He was also heartbroken for several days about David's death.

After all, the US finances are so difficult now. It's hard to find a money-making person like David, but he was assassinated. This makes it hard to know how to push forward his money-eating bills and policies.

"The people at the banquet said that David did show up last night. Later, I consulted the IRS. Although they were a little vague, just now, the IRS has notified the media to hold a press conference at 11 o'clock, so I think the IRS is likely to use this press conference to announce David's return!"

"What, he's really not dead!"

After hearing this, even the most famous and powerful person in the world couldn't sit still.

If David is not dead, then there is hope for the bills he planned to promote before!

Thinking of this, Paiden immediately glanced at his watch, and then hurriedly said: "It's almost time, turn on the TV for me!"


At the same time, except for the White House, all the forces in the United States and a large number of people were squatting in front of the TV, waiting for the official convening of the IRS press conference.

Under everyone's watchful eyes, the time came to 11 o'clock sharp.

In the lobby on the first floor of the IRS, Obadiah led Vertonghen, Donald and others out first.

After coming under the spotlight, Obadiah said: "Hello, friends from the media and viewers watching on TV, I am Obadiah, the Commissioner of the IRS. The purpose of holding this press conference today is actually mainly to clarify a misunderstanding..."

"Commissioner Obadiah, may I ask if your misunderstanding refers to the fact that Commissioner David died in the explosion?"

A reporter below keenly grasped the key point and asked impatiently.

Donald smiled and replied: "Yes, this matter is indeed a misunderstanding..."

"Commissioner Obadiah, may I ask if Inspector General David is really not dead?"

"Commissioner Obadiah, if Inspector General David is not dead, then whose human body parts were found at the explosion site?"

"Commissioner Obadiah..."

When the reporters below heard that David might not really be dead, they could no longer hold their breath and started to ask questions frantically.

"Please be quiet and listen to me!"

After the scene was quiet, Obadiah continued: "Next, I would like to ask everyone to be mentally prepared. As for what everyone wants to know, our Inspector General David will explain it to everyone one by one!"

After that, Obadiah also immediately stepped aside. Facing the attention of the whole country and the "siege" of so many media, he was also under a lot of pressure. Who let David cause this trouble? It's better to leave this mess to this kid to solve it himself.

"What, Inspector General David is really not dead!"

"Inspector General David will explain to us in person? Where is he? Where is he?"

"Oh my god, that's really Inspector General David, he's really not dead!"

Just when the scene was still in an uproar, I don't know who shouted this, and then everyone turned their heads to look.

In the passage on the right, seven or eight inspectors seemed to be crowding out with someone, and when they looked at the center, it was the face they were "dreaming about", David!

In the eyes of everyone's shock and disbelief, David has come to the spotlight and said, "Hello, everyone, I'm David."

"Inspector General David, this is really his voice, he is not dead!"

"Oh my god, what is going on?"

"No, I can't accept it. The damn bastard has been confirmed dead, how can he still be alive now!"

"This must be a substitute found by the IRS to scare us, I don't believe it!"

After hearing the voice of David, everyone woke up from their dreams.

But his appearance made the criminals who had been happy these days dumbfounded, and many of them even roared heartbreakingly.

You know, since David's death, many criminals have been planning to fish in troubled waters and stop paying tribute to the IRS.

But now David suddenly came back to life, which instantly ruined their plan.

"It's him!"

The White House, the President's Office.

After seeing David appear on the screen, Paden and Wilder's eyes were straight.

"Haha, he is still alive!"

The Kennidi family, Emerson, Sean and other members of the family were all excited when they saw David appear on the big screen.

In addition to them, the major forces who were watching at the moment also had different expressions when they saw David appear.

"I am sorry for making this joke with everyone, but this matter really has a reason. Here, I want to say sorry to everyone, and I also beg those who support me to forgive my behavior this time."

In the lobby on the first floor of the IRS, David said this sentence with apology.

"Inspector General David, what is the reason for your so-called reason? I think this is what everyone wants to know now. Please explain it to us."

At this point, the media on the scene have accepted the fact that David is indeed still alive, but they still have many questions in their hearts.

"It's like this. On the eve of the explosion, I received a tip that someone was going to assassinate me, but I didn't know who planned the assassination at the time."

"In many people's minds, if you encounter an assassination, the safest way is to avoid it directly, but I am different. As you all know, I have offended many people because of the black tax bill and some policy actions. Many people are eager to kill me. Even if I escape this time, they can still plan a second time. So, the safest way is to dig them out!"

After David finished speaking, a reporter immediately asked: "So, this so-called explosion and death was planned by Inspector General David, and the purpose is to dig out the planner behind you?"


At this moment, the scene became quiet, and many supporters who were originally angry because they were fooled by David also dissipated some of their anger.

"According to the investigation results released by the Salem Police Department and the FBI, it is said that the remnants of the Camorra family planned the assassination against you. Is that true, Inspector General David?"

"According to the clues I got, it's not just that, but the specific details are still in the investigation stage, so it's not convenient to reveal too much for now. When the time is right, we will explain it again."

"There is another question, Inspector General David. Whose body did the police find in the suite belong to?"

"That's a good question. This is an unclaimed body that I got through other channels. Of course, even if it is an unclaimed body, my actions constitute the crime of insulting a body. For this, I am willing to bear all the penalties and charges."

Hearing this, everyone at the scene looked at each other in surprise.

According to American law, insulting a body can be punished with a maximum of three years in prison.

But the problem is that David has now said that this body is an unclaimed body. If no one sues, then David will naturally not be subject to administrative punishment.

So even if you are dissatisfied with him, at most you can only condemn his immoral behavior of insulting a body.

Of course, this behavior may be a stain on his career in other countries, but in America, strictly speaking, it is not a big deal.

Americans don't mind you making mistakes. What they mind is that you make mistakes but your attitude is not sincere enough.

Like President Clarkton, he was still having fun in the White House office, but he apologized very sincerely later and continued to sit on the presidential throne.

"Inspector General David, although you have your reasons for this, I still think it is a bit inappropriate. After all, the hotel is a public area, and you knew in advance that someone would assassinate you with a bomb. You should take a safer approach. This time it was just luck that there were no casualties. It's hard to say next time!"

Although David gave the reason for doing so, there was still a reporter at the scene who was dissatisfied with this approach, and his words were quite accusatory.

"My media friend, my approach is indeed a bit inappropriate, I admit this, but the lack of casualties is not just the result of good luck."

After the words fell, everyone at the scene was stunned again.

But soon they reacted. It seems that the lack of casualties in this explosion is not just good luck, but David made arrangements in advance to get such a result!

"Of course, even if there are no casualties, we have caused losses to the hotel after all. I would like to apologize to the hotel. Of course, our IRS will also bear all the losses of the hotel!"

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