United states tax collector

Chapter 357: Implementation of the Bill

Seeing that David apologized so sincerely and said he would compensate for all the losses of the hotel, the media at the scene naturally couldn't find any faults.

In this way, the drama of the assassination and resurrection came to an end, and in the following time, the media began to ask another more concerned issue.

That is, when will the tax investigation against Wall Street begin!

For this question, David did not give a clear date, but only explained that he was currently doing relevant work and would announce the details at that time.

"Okay, everyone, I have explained everything that should be explained. I still have a lot of work to do next. This press conference ends here!"

After leaving this sentence, David Obadiah and other senior IRS officials left the scene.

However, when going upstairs, David came to Obadiah and Donald and said he wanted to talk to them.

Then, a group of three people came to the director's office.

"Director, Deputy Director Donald, the Freemasons, the Anza Group, and the Illuminati have done such a ruthless thing to me this time, I have to avenge this."

As soon as he entered the door, David showed his revenge for the assassination without any concealment.

"Of course, but how do you want to do it?"

The IRS was greatly shaken by David's assassination, and Obadiah and Donald naturally wanted to avenge this vengeance.

"Director Obadiah, Deputy Director Donald, you also know that many of our American companies, big and small, are in the Cayman Islands, the British Virgin Islands... These tax havens open accounts to avoid taxes. If a bill can be introduced like the black tax to restrict their tax avoidance methods, what do you think?"

Why do giant companies like Apple and Google Oracle pay so little tax every year?

The main reason is that these companies have registered in tax havens such as the Cayman Islands and the British Virgin Islands.

If such a bill can be introduced to restrict tax avoidance in other places, these companies will no longer enjoy huge legal tax avoidance in the future.

And this will be a blow to the Illuminati, Freemasonry, and the Ansa Group.

And after doing so, it can also bring an unimaginable amount of tax revenue to the IRS, which will be another major political achievement of David, and it can be said to be a plan that kills two birds with one stone!

Hearing this, the two showed a hint of surprise on their faces.

But soon, Obadiah shook his head helplessly and replied: "We have thought about your idea before, but it is not easy to introduce a bill. The previous black tax bill alone took a lot of effort from our general office, but the black tax bill only targets criminals, and the bill you are talking about now targets almost all capitalists in the United States. This is as difficult as climbing to the sky."

To be fair, this idea is very good, otherwise their IRS would not have imagined it before.

And if such a tax law is really introduced.

In the future, group companies like Amazon, Google, and Apple will no longer be able to use the Cayman Islands and other places to avoid taxes.

The additional taxes collected each year may increase by more than one trillion.

But then again, such a bill will affect the interests of all capitalists in the United States, and these people will definitely fight to the death.

And even if you want to introduce such a bill, after the successful drafting, at least 216 members of the House of Representatives and 51 members of the Senate must agree to pass it.

And even if the Senate and the House of Representatives pass it, it still needs the president's signature.

If the president vetoes it, then two-thirds of the members of the Senate and the House of Representatives must agree, so that the bill can be passed.

In short, all this seems to be really difficult to do at present.

"Director Obadiah, Deputy Director Donald, as the saying goes, everything depends on human efforts. I believe that as long as you put in more effort, nothing is impossible."

It is indeed difficult to promote a bill, but David now has a copy of the black material of the politicians on Loli Island, plus the external plug-in assistance he carries, he is still confident that he can do it.

It's nothing more than a little more effort.

But once this move succeeds, not only will the Freemasons, the Anza Group, and the Illuminati spit blood, completing his personal revenge, but the IRS will also receive an unprecedented high-priced tax revenue, which is worth it no matter how you look at it.

The two looked at each other first, and then looked at David with deep eyes.

After a long while, Obadiah said: "Since you are so confident, I approve you to do this, but this matter is still too important. You need to report the specific details to me at any time."


In the following time, the three of them discussed the details of dealing with the three major forces of the Freemasons, the Anza Group, and the Illuminati.

It was not until one o'clock that David returned to his tax inspection department.

"Oh my god, thank God you are okay, Inspector General."

"Inspector General, when we heard about your death, the whole department felt like the sky had fallen. Fortunately, you are back safely."

"God bless..."


After David arrived at the General Administration today, the first thing he did was to meet with Obadiah and others. Later, he was busy with the press conference and could not return to his department.

So when they saw that he was finally back, the people in the department became agitated instantly, and they surrounded him and greeted him.

"I'm sorry to have worried you."

David also apologized to the people in the department.

"It's okay, as long as you're okay."

The tax inspection department finally welcomed David to take office, and everyone naturally wanted to do a big job, but after hearing about the assassination, the whole department was really like the sky falling.

But fortunately, David is back safely now, which is the greatest blessing for them.

"Okay, everyone go back to work, Nissen Bucky Simmons, come to my office."

These three people were sent by David to patrol the region where they were before, but since they received the news of David's assassination, the three of them immediately rushed back to the department in grief.

"Boss, you scared us to death. Don't do this again next time. At least you have to inform us first so that we can have a clear idea."

"Simmons is right. I have been unable to sleep all night because of this matter these days."

"This matter is really worrying."

Simmons complained first as soon as he entered the office, and Nisenbaki followed suit.

You know, they are different from other people in the IRS. They were promoted by David. If David was really assassinated, not to mention that their path to promotion would be cut off, they might not even be able to keep their current position as regional supervisors.

The emperor has his own ministers, and this is applicable to any dynasty and department.

"I am also trying to avoid leaks."

"Okay, okay, we don't want to pursue this. This time, those Masonic bastards dared to use such despicable means. We can't just let it go!"

"Yes, they must pay the price they deserve!"

"That's right!"

The three said indignantly.

"Don't worry about this, I have a plan!"

"What plan?"

"I plan to..."

David simply told the three people about his idea of ​​promoting the bill, and the three people who heard this idea fell silent.

After a while, Nissen said: "It is indeed very difficult to promote such a bill, but if it succeeds, these three major forces will probably vomit blood."

"Nissen is right, this bill is indeed difficult, but if it succeeds, most of the companies controlled by the Illuminati, Freemasonry, and Ansa Group will no longer be able to evade taxes through tax policies in other places, which is probably more painful than killing them."

"Doing this will not only allow revenge, but also make our IRS a lot of money, it's worth doing!"

The three people felt that this plan was a bit difficult, but they all agreed that once this plan was completed, it would be enough to make these three major forces vomit blood and jump up and down.

"This plan is indeed difficult, and I need you to help me next..."

In the remaining time, David explained the work to the three people.

It was not until half an hour later that the sound of the office door ended their conversation.

"Come in."

Keppel pushed the door open and walked in, saying, "Inspector General, Mr. Ted, Mr. John, and Ms. Sally from the media industry are here and want to see you."

"Let them come over!"

David turned his head and looked at Nissen and the other two, saying, "Go ahead."

The three of them did not stay any longer and got up and left the office.

A few minutes later, Ted, John, and Sally walked in, but at this time they all looked uneasy, with their heads lowered, as if they had made a mistake.

"I can understand your actions, and you don't need to explain anything to me. Just do what I told you to do before!"

Although these three people immediately surrendered to the Freemasons after he was assassinated, as David said, he could understand their actions.

In addition, in his eyes, these three people were just insignificant little characters. As long as he was alive, they could not threaten him at all.

In addition, there was another reason, that is, if these three people were withdrawn, David would not be able to find a suitable person to control News Corporation and help promote his personal image.

Therefore, considering all the above, there was no need for him to touch these three people for such a small matter.

The three people were stunned. They had thought that they would definitely face David's wrath when they came here today, and they even prepared words to beg for mercy.

But what they didn't expect was that David not only didn't mean to make trouble for them, but also seemed to believe them and let them continue to work?

"Inspector General David, this... I..."

After a while, John finally reacted, but he hesitated for a long time and didn't know what to say for a while.

"No need to say more, you go back to work, but I want to remind you that you have to do your work well when you help me, and don't have any other thoughts in the future, otherwise, you know what the end will be!"

"Got it..."

The three knew that David was hitting them, and they quickly agreed in unison.

After walking out of the office door, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief, and everyone felt like they had survived a disaster.

This time David was generous and didn't pursue it, but it's hard to say next time.

It seems that I can no longer make such a fence-sitting decision so easily!


It was two o'clock in the afternoon.

David was in the office looking at a personnel file sent by Elvis, when the door was knocked again.

It was still Keppel who came in, and he said: "Inspector General David, Mr. Sean said he wanted to see you."

"Let him come."

A few minutes later, Sean pushed the door open and said: "Inspector General David, your "faking death" this time is really surprising."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Sean, the reason I did this is to see who will jump out of the three major forces after my death."

David still expressed his apology like he did to others.

"Then you have got what you want now."

"Yes, but by the way, Mr. Sean, your Kendidi family has not had a good time these days, right?"

The Freemasons and the Kendidi family are originally life-and-death enemies.

During this period of time, the Kennidi family has been acting as his helper to fight against this group of people, and he was suddenly stabbed to death. Given the revengeful character of the Freemasons, it would be strange if they didn't kill the Kennidi family.

Sean smiled bitterly and replied: "Don't be afraid of you laughing at us. Just last night, we had already made the decision to move our family, but fortunately, at the last minute, we received the news that you were still alive from the banquet in New York, so we stopped the car."


"You and I don't have to be so polite. Besides, I also have a certain responsibility for this matter. I didn't know that the three major families and the Illuminati had colluded with the Freemasons behind the scenes. If you hadn't received the news in advance, the matter would really be irreversible."

The Kennidi family is nominally a member of the Ansa Group, but the three major families actually colluded with the Freemasons behind his back and planned such an assassination. Strictly speaking, he is more or less responsible.

"It's not your fault."

"Forget it, let's get back to the point. I don't think you'll just let it go, right?"

"Of course."

"Then what do you want to do?"

David pondered for a moment, then said, "I want to confirm one thing with you first."


"How much control does your family have over the congressmen?"

Sean frowned slightly and replied, "To be honest, in the few days since you didn't show up, many congressmen who originally represented our family's interests have wavered, and some have even had contact with the Freemasons, the Illuminati, and the Ansa Group. So if you want to ask how much control our family has over the congressmen, it's hard for us to answer for now."

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