United states tax collector

Chapter 362: Encounter with Bieber, whereabouts revealed

Acerbi's answer fully shows the politician's cunning.

If David can "convince" enough members of parliament to vote, then his involvement will become a general trend, and the Masonic Ansa group will probably be too busy to take care of themselves, and will definitely not have time to specifically target him.

And if David cannot convince so many members of parliament, then this bill will not be passed, and then he will naturally not have to get involved.

This can be regarded as being able to advance and retreat freely.

"Happy cooperation!"

David smiled and stretched out his right hand. Of course, he also saw through the other party's mind, but as long as the other party agreed to vote for this bill at that time, it would be fine, and the rest was not important.


After David left, Acerbi's wife, who had been listening silently, asked worriedly: "Acerbi, this is a murky water. If you don't handle it well, you will be ruined. Why do you agree to him so easily?"

"You should know what kind of person this Inspector General David is. If he dares to come to our house today, he must have made sufficient preparations. If I dare not agree, with his methods, I will not win this midterm election."

Acerbi spread his hands and explained helplessly.

"But... doing this is too risky after all. His bill is obviously fleecing the rich people all over the world. Those capitalists are not people who can be slaughtered at will."

Her wife was still worried.

"Indeed, capitalists are never a group that can be slaughtered at will, but you have to look at who they are facing now. They are facing the most ruthless and capable guy in the history of the IRS. Moreover, the IRS has money and people, and most importantly, it has armed forces. Guns are kingly, and even the most powerful capitalists have to admit this!"

The reason why Acerbi agreed to this was not only because he knew David's ruthless methods, but also because he valued the IRS's armed forces.

Otherwise, if another department came to him, even if it was the White House, he would not get on this ship so easily.

"Having armed forces is not necessarily foolproof, I'm afraid..."

"Don't worry!"

Acerbi interrupted and said, "Now this bill has not even started yet. If David must promote it, he must at least win over 216 House of Representatives and 51 Senators. If he really wins over so many people, will those capitalists still have the mind to deal with us specifically?"

Hearing this, Acerbi's wife thought the same thing.

Now they have only reached an agreement with David privately, and they are not going to formally draft this bill in Congress immediately.

And once it is really drafted.

Then it must be as her husband said, at least 216 representatives and 51 senators must be won over.

When that time comes.

It is estimated that the entire American upper class has been in chaos, and those capitalists will not care about them.

After leaving Acerbi's house, David did not rest, and went to "visit" the other congressmen in Florida one by one.

Of course, not all congressmen are as easy to talk to as Acerbi and Raglan, who only need to be persuaded by emotion and reason to give in.

Two of the congressmen, after hearing about this bill, did not want to wade into this muddy water.

In the end, there was really no way, David could only activate the review function and tell some of their black materials and some incidents involving tax evasion.

He threatened directly that if they didn't stand on his side, he would immediately go to their competitors to "talk".

In the end, the two congressmen were forced to agree.

In the next three days, after David's efforts, another 11 congressmen were "persuaded" by him.

There are 2 senators and 28 congressmen in Florida, two of whom have been dealt with by him, and 14 congressmen have also confirmed that they will stand on his side at that time.

As for the other 14 congressmen, because they have obvious factional backgrounds of Freemasonry, Ansa Group, and Illuminati, after careful consideration, David finally decided not to waste his breath and put his target on other states first.

But when he thought about the other 49 states to go to, and he had to talk to so many congressmen one by one, his head hurt a little.

Forget it, let's take it slowly.

After all, the bill he is promoting now is enough to change the American world pattern in a deep sense. It is impossible to complete it smoothly all at once, and it is normal to spend more energy.

David could only comfort himself in this way.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, David and his group arrived at the airport, and because they had received his notice in advance, the crew had already been in place.

"We're going to Georgia."

"Got it."

Not long after, the Boeing 787 parked at the airport slowly took off and headed towards Georgia, which borders Florida.


In the next week or so, David was still busy promoting his bill in various states.

But because his work was done secretly and not made public, it aroused doubts from many people across the country.

Logically speaking, you, Inspector General David, had just been assassinated, and it was not easy to "survive", so you must do some revenge work.

Even if you don't retaliate, your previous storm tax clearance operation is not over yet. According to your itinerary, you are not allowed to go to Wall Street next?

But you are lucky, you have neither announced revenge on the assassins nor have any intention of going to Wall Street to conduct a tax audit. So what are you doing?

In addition to the people, the Freemasons, the Angsa Group, and the Illuminati were also confused by David's low profile.

They knew very well that David was a man who was determined to take revenge, so when David announced that he had returned alive, they were ready to take action.

But they had already set up their stances, but they still didn't see David's move, which naturally made them confused.

In order to find out what David was doing these days, both the media and the three major Freemasonry groups began to use various channels to explore David's whereabouts.

Assen Airport, Alabama.

"I'm going to see my brother soon, I'm so excited!"

"It's been three years since my Biebers and my family came to Alabama, and today they are finally here!"

"Fake Squid, don't squeeze me!"


Today is the day when superstar Justin Bieber goes to Alabama to attend a commercial performance, so a large number of fans came to the scene early to wait and watch.

The arrival of such a superstar naturally attracted many local media to report on it.

"Coming, coming, oooooo!"

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, my brother is so handsome!"


About twenty minutes later, Bieber, who was wearing a baseball uniform and sunglasses and had a stylish hair, was escorted by bodyguards and walked out. This moment caused bursts of screams from the fans at the scene.

Many people even bared their teeth and bared their claws and rushed forward like crazy. In order to show his people-friendly image, Bieber also patiently signed autographs for fans with a smile.

"Hey... that's... that's Inspector General David, why is he here? Oh my god, I can't believe my eyes!"

The media at the scene were still frantically snapping pictures of Bieber, but at this moment, a sharp-eyed reporter suddenly saw a somewhat familiar person appearing in the passage next door. After a closer look, it turned out that it was not the person who had caused the recent incident. David, who has been speculated by countless media!

"What, Inspector General David? Real or fake, where is it?"

"It's impossible, how could such a big shot suddenly come to our little state of Alabama!"

"My hair seems to be real!"

Some colleagues who heard the reminder didn't believe it at first, but when they turned around and looked, they really found that familiar face.

For a while, the media couldn't care less about Bieber or not. After all, no matter how popular Bieber is, it is only limited to the entertainment industry, and David's current popularity is even more popular than that of the President of the United States.

So they all rushed towards David in the second channel as quickly as possible, wanting to get first-hand information.


Here, Bieber is still working hard to show his grace so as to give a good impression to his Alabama fans.

But when he turned around, he suddenly found that a large number of media suddenly ran to another passage and seemed to be interviewing someone. This made him confused and a little annoyed at the same time.

He immediately turned to look at his assistant and asked, "What is going on? Is Madonna here?"

"Madonna? No way, she doesn't have time to come here right now."

"Is that Taylor Swift?"

"Definitely not. If she was coming here, there would have been rumors already!"

"Then who the hell is here?"

Bieber was even more annoyed. Apart from the two mentioned above, he really couldn't think of anyone else who could make the media abandon him and choose to interview other people.

"I gonna go see."

A few minutes later, the assistant came back from the crowd and said with a somewhat shocked expression: "It's David from the IRS. He doesn't know why he's here."


Although Bieber is in the entertainment industry, he has naturally heard of David as the most popular figure in the United States recently, so when he heard that the person coming was David, he was naturally a little surprised.

But now he finally understands. He said that he is a world-class superstar and is the focus of the media no matter where he goes. Why is it not working today?

It turned out that it was David who arrived!

Here, David was stunned for a moment when he saw so many media suddenly appearing. Then he turned to look at Munson and asked, "What's going on? Has our whereabouts been leaked?"

"This shouldn't be the case. We didn't even notify the local IRS. Logically speaking, the media is even less likely to know. How could they be here in advance?"

Munson scratched his head, also looking puzzled.

"Inspector General, it seems that these people are not coming for us, they seem to be coming for Justin Bieber!"

Jerry saw some welcome signs held by fans in the distance and came to this conclusion after observing them again.

"Justin Bieber is here?"

David also looked up, and it seemed like it was true. Then he was really unlucky. He actually collided with this superstar and was caught by the media.

"Inspector General David, are you coming to Alabama to conduct an inventory of the state's taxes?"

"Inspector General David, there has been no news from you recently. This sudden appearance in our state of Alabama. Is there any purpose?"

"Inspector General David, please say a few words!"

The media had already asked before, but after seeing David's silence for a long time, they couldn't bear to ask again.

"Everyone, I am indeed in Alabama on some official business, but I am not here to conduct a tax audit of the state. However, it is not convenient to announce the specific details for the time being. Please forgive me..."

After saying this, David immediately winked at Munson and Jerry. The three of them also understood and immediately stepped forward to help him open a passage.

After escaping the encirclement of the media and fans, David subconsciously turned his head and looked over, and sure enough he spotted Justin Bieber.

Justin Bieber also saw him, but he had no intention of coming up to say hello, and just nodded slightly.

David nodded in response and then walked out of the airport.

Just now, Larin drove the Cadillac Beast to the gas station at the airport to refuel, and now he also refueled and arrived at the door.

The three of them got into the car immediately, but as soon as David got in the car, his phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Donald's, and he immediately picked it up.

"How about Deputy Chief Donald?"

"I saw on the news that your whereabouts were exposed in Alabama. Is there any problem?"

"Although there are some surprises, it's not a big problem."

"This state is the sphere of influence of the Illuminati. You have to be careful and don't let the details of the bill leak out."

David was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then replied: "Deputy Director Donald, I don't think the matter about the bill can be kept secret for long."

"What's the meaning?"

Donald's tone became nervous. This is a bill that is many times more influential than the black tax bill. If it were to be revealed now, I don't know how much of an uproar it would cause. The pressure on the IRS would be huge. Just imagine.

"Although I have reached agreements with many congressmen during this period, after all, I have to negotiate with more than 200 people. It is unrealistic for everyone to keep their mouths shut."

Of course, David also wants to wait until he has secured 218 representatives and 51 senators before officially announcing the bill.

But as he said, there are too many people involved, and these congressmen are not robots. Each of them has his or her own brain.

He was not sure whether some of these people had agreed to him on the surface, or whether they had reported to the three major groups for other reasons.

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