United states tax collector

Chapter 363: USB flash drive shows its power

"This...what can I do!"

Donald's tone was obviously more anxious than before.

"Don't worry, Deputy Director Donald. Even if the three major groups know that I am operating this bill, I am still confident that I can push it forward!"

"Are you really confident?"

"Really, don't worry!"

"Okay, but remember to keep in touch at all times and don't take everything on yourself!"

"Got it..."


In the afternoon, on Senado Island, the Freemason Group was also holding a meeting.

"What, he went to Alabama?"

"What is he doing there?"

"Not sure..."

These days, the Freemasons have been waiting for David to make a move, but now they hear that David has actually gone to Alabama, which makes them feel a little puzzled.

Just when everyone was still wondering, a man in a tuxedo came in and came to Henrietta and whispered, "Sir, Governor Borgwana came suddenly, and brought a congressman with him, saying that he had something important to see you about."


Henrietta showed some doubts, because before the meeting was held, Borgwana had reported to him in advance that he could not attend the meeting because the head of France was visiting California.

But why did he come here suddenly now?

"Let him come!"

No matter why Borgwana came here suddenly, it must have happened that he could leave the hospitality of the head of state and run here.

So Henrietta didn't care about so much suspicion and quickly motioned for him to come in.

A few minutes later, Borgwana came in, and with him came a short-haired woman in her forties.

And if David was here, he would recognize that the woman in front of him was a congressman he had met a few days ago.

"Mr. Henrietta, gentlemen, this is Congresswoman Samantha from Georgia. She is here today because she has something important to tell you!"

Looking at Borgwana with a very solemn face, the people present also realized that the next thing to be said must be very important, and they pricked up their ears to listen.

"Ladies and gentlemen, just five days ago, David from the IRS found me and threatened and induced me to vote in favor of a bill he was about to promote in Congress!"

"Bill? What bill?"

"He is promoting a bill?"

"I was wondering why he has been so low-key these days. It turns out that he is conspiring to promote a bill, but what kind of bill is it?"

Hearing Samantha's words, a group of Freemasons were instantly in an uproar.

"This bill can be collectively referred to as the 'Foreign Tax Avoidance Bill'. As the name suggests, this bill will re-correct the tax avoidance share in tax havens such as the Cayman Islands and the British Virgin Islands. In the future, these tax havens will not enjoy a large share of tax avoidance, and all companies will pay taxes according to the tax amount of the United States!"


"Fuck! How dare he!"

"It's such a vicious bill, bastard!"

After Samantha finished speaking, the Freemasons at the scene, including Henrietta, were shocked, but soon many people who came to their senses began to curse.

You know, the entire Freemasonry group controls countless companies, and the registered places of these companies are basically in tax havens such as the Cayman Islands and the British Virgin Islands.

If this bill is really passed, the amount of tax they need to pay in the future will be a sky-high amount of tax, which is simply asking for their lives.

"Haha, I was wondering why this damn David wouldn't retaliate against us. It turns out that his revenge is already going on in secret. He actually wants to push such a bill. He is so vicious!"

Joshua knew that David would definitely retaliate, but he really didn't expect that this bastard would dare to push such a bold bill!


Originally, many people present were still angry and cursing because of this bill, but Prescott's laughter made them all look sideways.

"What do you mean, Prescott, you can still laugh?"

If it weren't for the fact that the Rockefeller family was too important in the Freemasonry group, many people at the scene would have sent out "greetings".

People have put knives on their necks, and you are still so happy?

"I think everyone should understand that since this bill stipulates that those tax havens will no longer enjoy tax incentives, it is not just aimed at us, but at the Illuminati, the Freemasons, and the wealthy class in the United States. As long as we spread this news and make a good article, what do you think will happen?"

After hearing Prescott's explanation, many people at the scene immediately came to their senses.

They had been guarding against David's revenge before, so when they heard about this bill, they subconsciously thought that David was taking revenge on them.

But now think about it, if such a bill is to be introduced, it will definitely not be signed only for their Freemason group, it is aimed at all the rich people!

And if this news is spread, won't the rich people in the United States explode?

"Prescott is right. We can indeed use this bill to make fuss. If it can arouse the anger of wealthy people across the country, the IRS will face unprecedented pressure. By then, David will be playing with fire and burning himself. must!"

"Haha, I originally thought that this bill would be a butcher's knife for us, but now I think about it, it may also be a reminder for David, because once this bill is leaked, the IRS will stand on the side of all the wealthy people. Opposites, and we can unite to gain more strength!”

"Then what are you waiting for? I think we should use channels to push this bill out quickly and let all the rich people in the United States join in to encircle the IRS and David!"

The Freemasons present could not sit still, and they all shouted that they wanted to break the news immediately.

The seven major families headed by Joshua also looked at Henrietta one by one, but found that Henrietta had no intention of making a decision and seemed to be still thinking about something.

After about one copy, Henrietta broke away from her thoughts, looked at Samantha and asked: "Ms. Samantha, what I want to know is, since David went to Georgia, besides you, is there anyone else? Have you talked to other congressmen?”

"He did, and as far as I know, many Georgia lawmakers have been 'persuaded' by him."

Upon hearing this, Henrietta's face darkened slightly, and the others present also slowly turned from slightly excited expressions to silence.

According to Samantha, David found her five days ago.

And after so many days, only Samantha came to inform them, but the other congressmen did not get any news. What does this mean?

This means that these congressmen must side with David to help him promote this bill.

What’s more worth pondering is, before David went to Georgia, did he go to other states?

Could it be that this agreement has also been reached with other congressmen?

If he really gets hold of most of the members of Congress, even if they pass this bill at this time, the effect may not be very great.

After all, it is the members of Congress who really decide whether a bill can be passed, not the rich or the common people.

"Ms. Samantha, I would like to ask, how did David intimidate you? Was it tax evasion, or did you have any other leverage against him?"

It was Joshua who asked this question.

He wanted to use David's coercion method to see if he could analyze how many members of Congress the other party fed and housed.


Samantha looked hesitant, as if she had something to say.

"Ms. Samantha, since I brought you here today and you have revealed such important news to us, then you are one of our own. There is nothing to hide from our own."

After hearing the news, Borgwana rushed over with Samantha in a hurry. He really didn't ask in detail how David was intimidated.

"All right……"

Samantha made a decision, she said: "I did have some tax problems, and he caught me, but in addition, he also held a video of me on Loli Island, and data."

"What did you say!"

"Video information about Loli Island? How could he have it!"

"Fake Squid!"

After hearing that David had the video and data of Loli Island in his hand, many people present cursed again.

Although Loli Island is run by the Illuminati, it is so famous that many of them here have visited it.

And since David has Samantha's video tapes and information, doesn't it mean that he may also have theirs?

Many people's faces turned blue and purple when they thought that their naked and majestic appearance would probably be made public in the future for all netizens to appreciate and laugh at.

"As far as I know, after the Eberstein incident occurred, although the Illuminati tried to silence him, one of his assistants escaped the Illuminati's pursuit, and it was said that the assistant carried a A USB flash drive belonging to Eberstein contains information about all the people who landed on the island. Could it be that this USB flash drive fell into David's hands? "

Borgwana's words made those present who had landed on the island look even more ugly.

When they thought of David laughing at them with his vulgar look in front of the computer after getting the USB flash drive, they wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in immediately.

Although Henrietta has never been to Loli Island, his expression is not much better at the moment.

Because he knew very well that there were countless dignitaries from the entire United States who had been to the island, and there was naturally no shortage of members of Congress among these people.

If David really gets hold of the USB flash drive, he can just take out the black material inside and threaten these people, but not everyone belongs to Samantha in front of him.

If this is the case, they will be in danger!

"Go, send a message to the Angsa people and the Illuminati people. Tell them these two things first, and then tell them that in two days, invite them to come to the island to discuss this matter!"

Vatican Holy See.

At this time, it was already 11 o'clock in the evening local time. Augustine, who had finished handling his affairs, had returned to his room and was getting ready to sleep.

But as soon as he lay on the bed, there was a knock on the door. He stood up again and said: "Come in."

"Archbishop Augustine, there's a call from the Freemasons."

"Freemasons? Give it to me!"

Augustine took the phone from his subordinate, but as he listened, his face first showed surprise, shock, confusion, and finally lividity.

After hanging up the phone, he said, "Notify Archbishop Sandy and Croft to come to my office immediately!"


About 20 minutes later, the two archbishops walked into Augustine's office, but both of them looked a little bad, obviously being woken up while asleep.

"Augustine, you know I have to take medicine every night to fall asleep, what's the matter so urgent?"

Sandy is over 70 years old and has many physical problems. He was finally woken up after falling asleep with the help of medicine, which naturally made him a little annoyed.

"Just now, there was a message from the Freemasons that David is pushing for a bill. Once this bill is introduced, it will limit the tax amount of all overseas tax havens, and will be levied according to the local tax amount in the future..."

"What did you say!"

"Is there such a thing?"

Before Augustine finished speaking, the two interrupted in disbelief.

These days, it is not only the Freemasons who are on guard against David's revenge, but also the Illuminati.

But David did not say anything, but this speech brought them a big wave?

Once such a bill is introduced, the interests of their entire Illuminati group will suffer a serious blow!

"The news from the Freemasons should not be false, and according to them, David has already forced many state legislators to reach an agreement with him. As for how he forced them, in addition to other means... he also took out some videos and data from Loli Island..."

"What did you say!"

"Videos from Loli Island? How is this possible? How could he have them!"

Sandy and Croft's eyes widened as big as copper bells.

You know, Loli Island was originally operated by the Illuminati, and no one knows how many people have been on the island better than them.

Of course, the reason they operated this island was just for the exchange of interests and to attract more upper-class people in the United States.

As for secretly recording and collecting data, it was not the original intention of the Illuminati. After all, once this was spread out, the Illuminati would not be able to get off the stage.

This was completely done by that bastard Eberstein out of selfishness.

But no matter what, if David really had the videos and data from Loli Island, it would be difficult to deal with!

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