United states tax collector

Chapter 364: Lonely Boat in Texas

"I'm wondering if the USB flash drive in the hands of Eberstein's assistant fell into his hands..."

Augustine held his chin in thought and said,

"What! It would be terrible if this USB flash drive falls into his hands."

"It's not just bad. Didn't you hear the news from the Freemasons just now? That bastard is running such a bill. If he really holds such a USB flash drive in his hand, how many members will be coerced by him? , once it is actually drafted, it’s hard to say whether we can stop it.”

Although the Illuminati and the Angsa Group Freemasons control many seats in Congress, there are too many members who have been to Loli Island. If David really has the USB flash drive in his hand, maybe it will be a problem. Members of Congress who were originally loyal to them will compromise.

After all, we are now at the juncture of the mid-term elections, and even a little bit of negative news will destroy the political reputation these congressmen have accumulated throughout their lives.

"It's no use worrying now. The Freemasonry has informed us that we will come to their base camp in two days to discuss this matter. Let's go there together!"

In the past, it would have been impossible for the three group backbones to go to the Masonic headquarters together.

But now, this matter is too critical, and they don't care about it anymore.

At the same time, after hearing about Loli Island and the bill, the Angsa Group was also shocked.

After intense discussions for a long time, they finally decided to be invited to attend the trilateral meeting held by the Freemasons two days later to see what the solutions of the other two parties were.

Five days later, in the capital of Texas, in a suite at the Four Seasons Hotel in downtown Austin, in addition to David and Sean, three middle-aged men were welcomed.

"Mr. Basel McGorda and Charlie, since you are here, I will open the skylight and speak out. I know that your three major families have a lot of power in Congress, so I asked you three major families to come over. The purpose is also very simple, I need to use your power in Congress!"

Among the 50 states in the United States, Texas is a very special existence, also known as the "Lone Star Republic".

Its desire for independence ranks first among all states in the United States.

This goes back to Texas, which was once a Spanish colony and later became part of Mexico.

In the early 19th century, Americans began to immigrate to Texas in large numbers. They were attracted by the vast land, abundant resources, and atmosphere of freedom. Mexico was also happy to do so. After all, Americans brought high consumption power and development opportunities to Texas.

But as more and more Americans live in Texas, the American government gradually reveals its coveting of Texas. It has tried to buy this land from Mexico many times, but was rejected by Mexico. After all, this is their money bag.

After that, Mexico implemented measures such as high taxes, military control, and the prohibition of slavery, which suddenly offended everyone in Texas. Whether they were American immigrants or Texas natives, they were all dissatisfied and resisted Mexican rule.

In 1835, a revolution broke out in Texas.

On March 2, 1836, Texas, under the leadership of Sam Houston, officially declared its separation from Mexico and became an independent republic.

In the days that followed, with the push of the United States, Texas was successfully incorporated into the territory of the United States and became a state of the United States.

However, this later intensified the conflicts between the north and the south of the United States, paving the way for the subsequent civil war.

But no matter what, Texas is still the most special state in the United States. It has not completely given up its independence and specialness. It has also retained its own flag and state flag, a white five-pointed star, which represents the freedom and independence of Texas. This is why Texas is called the "Lone Star Republic."

Texas has developed rapidly over the years, with a GDP as high as 2.4 trillion US dollars, second only to California, the largest state.

If Texas were an independent country, it would be the eighth largest economy in the world, surpassing the country of the furry bear, and it could be said to be a truly wealthy country.

It is precisely because of its wealth and the history of Texas that in recent years, the state has frequently announced its independence from the United States.

For this reason, the National Guard was mobilized many times, leading to bloody conflicts with the American military.

Of course, these historical reasons are not the reason why David brought these three people here today.

Due to long-term historical reasons, this state is one of the few states in the United States that has not been penetrated too deeply by the Freemasons, Angsa Group, and Illuminati.

The most influential people in the state currently are the families behind the three men in front of them.

So this is why David found the three of them.

The faces of the three people whose names were called suddenly turned bitter.

As expected, it was exactly what they thought. David came to them for no good reason, and he actually wanted to use their power in Congress?

Is it intended to be used against the Freemasonry Angsa Group and the Illuminati?

But having said that, they don't want to get involved in this muddy water, nor do they want to become victims of either party.

Then the man named Bessemer cautiously replied: "That's it, Inspector General David. Our family has some influence in Congress, but it is very limited and basically has no effect. So, except for Outside of Congress, if you need help in other areas, such as taxation in Texas, we can help.”

"Inspector General David, our family's influence in Congress is limited, but we can also provide help in other places. Please understand..."

"Inspector General David, you know that our family has focused on business over the years, and its influence on politics has gradually declined. Congress also does not have much energy. You see..."

Gotha and Charlie, who were next to him, also looked like they were complaining loudly and echoed.

In fact, logically speaking, Texas is the thorny state of the United States, and the three major families are the most influential families in the state. There is no reason to be so afraid of David.

But there is no other way. In recent years, because the state has gone too far, it has been severely restricted by the American government.

And David is a ruthless character, and the IRS behind him is even more difficult to deal with, so after some discussion, their family decided not to offend the IRS and David unless it was absolutely necessary.

Otherwise, they, who have already been restricted by the U.S. government, will face sanctions from the IRS and this powerful department, and it will be really difficult for them.

David was not in a hurry. After slowly listening to what they said, he slowly said, "Are you done?"


The three of them were startled, and then looked at each other, wondering what David meant.

David turned to look and said, "Mr. Bessemer's memory may not be very good. How about I help you recall that your family funded 14 of the state's House of Representatives seats, and the only two One of the two senators is also funded by you. Does this mean he has limited influence in Congress? "

Bessemer, whose name was called, froze after hearing this.

As a member of his own family, he certainly knows how many members his family has.

And David is right, his family has indeed funded so many congressmen.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually found out their details. It seems that they came prepared. This is really difficult...

Ignoring the stiff-faced Bessemer, David's eyes shifted to Charlie this time and said: "Mr. Gotha, as far as I know, Zekarea, Don, Jeremiah...these 13 The members are all trained by your family. With such a large group of members, your family’s influence in politics has faded? Or do you think that the dozen or so members now have no role in Congress? "


Charlie, whose name was called, was also speechless.

Even if a single congressman publicly criticizes a certain bill or policy, it is enough to cause an uproar in the United States.

Not to mention that their family has more than a dozen of them.

Now that David has pointed it out like this, it is equivalent to what he said before the joke was lying.

"And you, Mr. Gotha, although your family has no senators this term, it still holds 11 seats in the House of Representatives. This doesn't mean you can't help me!"

Godas, whose name was finally called, froze in place with an embarrassed expression just like the two people before him.

After a while, Bessemer finally recovered and asked, "Okay, Inspector General David, what do you want us to do for you in Congress?"

He wanted to know David's purpose before making a decision.

“I need to push a bill!”

“Push the bill?”

The three of them were startled, their expressions changing.

After a moment, Bessemer asked: "Inspector General David, what kind of bill is it?"

"This bill will target foreign tax avoidance policies..."

David spoke out about the bill.

After listening to the bill, the three people's faces showed shock.

In other words, after the introduction of this bill, tax havens such as the Cayman Islands and the British Virgin Islands will no longer exist.

All must pay taxes in accordance with local tax policies. For major giant companies, this is a pain like cutting flesh!

Of course, the same is true for their three major families.

After all, many of the companies they control are almost all registered in these tax havens. If this bill is introduced, they will be finished!

"Wait a minute, Inspector General David, this bill is impossible. Once introduced, it will shake the foundation of our entire United States and cause great turmoil!"

Bessemer, who came back to his senses, exhorted urgently.

"Yes, Inspector General David, you also know that we in the United States pursue capitalism. This is to dig deeper into the roots of capitalism, and no one will agree to it!"

"Inspector General David, you said you are going to introduce a bill like the Black Tax Act, so our family can't help, but this bill... is not suitable for introduction in our United States!"

Gotha and Charlie also reacted and gave warnings one after another.

They are not fools. If they help introduce this bill, their family's interests will be seriously damaged.

It would be strange if the three major forces, the Freemasons, the Angsa Group, and the Illuminati, don't skin them and cramp them!


David sneered and said sarcastically: "Affecting the foundation of the United States? I think it affects the foundation of your family, right?"

"You so-called families."

"We have made a lot of money in the United States over the years. It is no exaggeration to say that the family's accumulation is enough to feed and drink for dozens of generations!"

"Now it's just a bill that will make you earn less. Why does it feel like it's going to kill you?"

Bessemer continued to bite the bullet and replied: "It doesn't matter if you make less, it's just...just..."

He actually wanted to say that if they really dared to help promote this bill, the three major Masonic groups would probably kill them, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say anything.

Because if they don't do it, David is not easy to mess with, and he will definitely find a way to mess with them.

"Don't bargain with me here. I'll give you two choices. First, help me push this bill. After it is completed, I will introduce a tax policy for Texas to make up for the losses you have suffered. Second Second..."

David didn't say any more, but the three of them could already hear a strong threat from his words.

"Inspector General David, what if we still don't want to?"

After thinking for a while, Bessemer still couldn't agree. He frowned and looked directly at David and asked.

David said nothing, turned around and came to the table, opened the drawer and took out a thick document, turned around and threw it in front of the three of them, and said: "After arriving in Texas, I investigated your family's subsidiaries Companies, I don’t know whether I am lucky or you are unlucky.”

The three of them felt a thump in their hearts. Could it be that their company's tax issues were discovered?

With a feeling of apprehension, the three of them picked up the documents on the table, but as the contents inside entered their eyes, their expressions became ugly.

Yes, their companies have indeed been found to have tax problems, and every amount in them is extremely detailed, as if they are connected to their own company's financial and taxation.

If the IRS uses this information to announce an investigation into them, even if they hire a top team of lawyers, it will be difficult to explain clearly.

"what do you want?"

Gotha's face was a little livid and he looked directly at David.

"As I said just now, you have two choices. First, help us pass this bill. Second, our IRS will immediately announce an investigation into your Gotha Company and seize it. Perhaps, we will also investigate your related matters. Criminal penalties for personnel..."

"you dare!"

Gotha's eyes turned scarlet, and then he said: "Do you know what's going on in Texas now? This is a powder keg. If you do this, it will be nothing less than lighting the fuse, and then a new round will erupt. Can you take responsibility for the conflict?"

"Don't scare me. The confrontation between your Texas state and the military will last for more than a day or two. Those trash guys in the military may not be able to do anything to you. I really want to try the weapons of my IRS!"

Since David dared to come to Texas, he naturally knew almost everything about the situation here.

Texas does often have conflicts with the military, and both Texas residents and their National Guard are indeed tough. In addition, it is well known that the U.S. Army has never been very good, so every conflict does not gain much advantage.

But the fact that the military's ground forces cannot take advantage does not mean that the IRS's armed forces cannot take advantage!

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