United states tax collector

Chapter 368 Musk's Choice

Seven or eight minutes later, the door of the box was pushed open again, and Harrington returned, and behind him, followed by Musk himself.

However, seeing David and others in the box, Musk was instantly confused, and turned to Harrington and asked: "Harrington, this is the important person you said, I don't know him!"

"Mr. Musk, this is...Inspector General David of the Internal Revenue Service!"


Hearing this, Musk was stunned at first, and then quickly shifted his gaze to David's face, constantly looking at him.

"No need to look at Mr. Musk, it's indeed me."

After hearing David's voice, Musk still couldn't hide his surprise, and said: "I didn't expect the famous Inspector General David to come here today. I wonder what he wants to talk to me about?"

David didn't reply immediately, but turned to look at Harrington.

Although he really wanted to know what the two were going to talk about, seeing David's eyes that drove him away, Harrington could only retreat tactfully.

"Mr. Musk, I wonder if you are interested in reaching some cooperation with me?"


Musco was a little confused, but when he thought about how much the Freemasons hated David, he didn't want to be involved, so he shook his head and said, "I'm a businessman, I don't think there's anything I can do to help you, Inspector General David."

"Don't be so anxious to refuse, Mr. Musk, cooperating with me will be very beneficial to you in the future!"

"Very beneficial? What do you mean?"

"Our IRS is promoting a bill called the 'Overseas Tax Avoidance Act'..."

The Freemasons obviously already knew about this bill, and it's estimated that the whole world will know about it soon. In addition, the bill is about to be drafted, so David doesn't mind telling Musk in advance.

"What, you are going to promote such a bill!"

When Musk heard that this bill would limit all overseas tax avoidance shares, even though he had experienced countless storms, he was shocked.

Once this bill comes into effect, tax havens such as the Cayman Islands and the British Virgin Islands will completely disappear. If this bill is really introduced, the rich people in the whole United States will be furious!

This Inspector General is too bold!

"Yes, once this bill is passed, many of your companies will also be restricted. At that time..."

"You can't succeed!"

Musk interrupted David.

This bill can be said to be cutting the flesh of major American companies. Major companies and the rich people behind them are unlikely to agree.

And those congressmen who represent the interests of the rich are even less likely to vote in favor in Congress.

"That may not be the case!"

Looking at David's confident look, Musk frowned.

Although it was his first time to contact David, he had already learned about his methods through the media.

Could it be that... this kid is really sure to promote this bill?

But how is this possible!

To promote a bill is not as simple as checking accounts and arresting people. You have to deal with 218 members of the House of Representatives and 51 senators in Congress.

Even so, when it is submitted to the president, facing such a bill that is enough to cause chaos, it is not certain whether the president will be ruthless enough to sign it.

"I'll tell you the truth, Mr. Musk, I am 80% sure that this bill can pass Congress. Once it comes into effect, I will ignore other people. I believe you should know what it means to you!"


Musco stared at David, paused for a few seconds and asked: "I still don't believe you can handle this bill, but I want to hear what you mean by cooperating with me?"

"Once this bill is passed, you will pay a lot of taxes in the future, which is a loss for you, but I can give your company some tax benefits to make up for your losses!"

"Then what do I need to do?"

"I need you to provide campaign funding support for some members, that's all!"

During this period of time, David has reached an agreement with many members of various states.

These people helped him to run this bill, and in return, he needed to help these people win in this midterm election.

In order to win, in addition to other means, campaign funds are also indispensable.

But because there are too many congressmen who have reached an agreement with him this time, the Kennidi family is a little overwhelmed and has complained to him before.

So these days, David has been thinking about how to get these campaign funds.

Of course, the IRS has money, but this money belongs to the country and it certainly cannot be directly provided to those congressmen.

So after seeing Musk, he had this attention.

First of all, Musk, as the new world's richest man, has unquestionable financial resources.

Secondly, as far as David knows, Musk is not a Jew and has no great intersection with the Illuminati of the Ansa Group, so he is indeed a suitable target for wooing.

"Provide campaign funds for congressmen..."

Musco narrowed his eyes. With his intelligence, he certainly heard the meaning behind this. It was estimated that some members of Congress had really reached an agreement with David to promote the bill, so David would go to manage the campaign funds for them.

"Inspector General David, if I cooperate with you, how much money do I have to provide?"

Musco wanted to estimate how many members David had reached an agreement with through the funds.

"Initially, we need funds for 50 people. Of course, if you are willing to provide more people, that would be the best!"

David naturally saw through the other party's mind, but in the sincerity of cooperating with the other party, he did not report the funds, but directly reported the number of people to show his confidence!

"What, campaign funds for 50 members?"

Musco was a little incredible. This required him to provide campaign funds for 50 members, which meant that David had at least 50 or even more members at this stage.

In this case, no wonder David was so confident to promote such a deadly bill!

"How about it, are you willing to cooperate with me?"


Musk's face showed entanglement.

To be honest, if David really reached an agreement with these congressmen and asked him to provide campaign funds, he would naturally be willing.

In fact, any consortium would be willing to do such a thing.

The reason is very simple. Congress is a legislative body, and if the congressmen can represent their interests, then there will naturally be great profits in the future.

Currently, hundreds of congressmen are controlled by the Freemasons, the Illuminati, and some big families.

Now that the mid-term elections are coming, the seats in Congress will be reshuffled. The key is that David has helped him to pull the strings. How can he not be tempted?

But then again, the situation David is facing now is too serious. He is being assassinated and targeted. If he really falls, and he is involved, he will definitely be liquidated by the three major forces.

Thinking of this, Musk could only grit his teeth and refuse: "I'm afraid I have to say sorry to you, Inspector General David..."

"Don't rush to refuse, Mr. Musk. It will take some time for the midterm elections to come out, and I want to take advantage of this time to get this bill done first. It won't be too late for you to make a decision then!"

Hearing this, Musk seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Now David and the three major groups are confronting each other, so he doesn't want to get involved in this conflict, so as not to hurt the innocent.

However, if this bill can really be passed by Congress and implemented, the three major forces will inevitably lose face and even be seriously injured.

And the IRS will not only increase its prestige by getting this bill done, but the huge tax revenue brought by this bill will definitely make the IRS bigger.

When the time comes, the three major groups may not be able to withstand it, and it is very likely that they will be directly broken up!

After thinking for a long time, Musk really thinks that it is worth betting on this!

"Good Inspector General David, if you can get this bill done, I am willing to cooperate with you and provide financial support to your congressman friends!"

Musco can make such a big business, of course, not only relying on brains, but also relying on decisiveness and courage.

If this bill can be passed, the IRS will have a great advantage, and it is worth betting on it no matter how you look at it!

"Okay Mr. Musco, you are really a smart man!"

Seeing that Musco was persuaded by him, David was also very happy. With the participation of the world's richest man, the issue of campaign funds has finally been settled!


Charity auction lobby.

Seeing Musco come out, and looking pretty good, Harrington finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But soon, he had a strong doubt in his heart.

What did David talk about with Musco, and Musco didn't seem unhappy?

Didn't David lie to him before?

After he brought Musco over, Musco would not be angry, but thank him instead?

The random thoughts in his mind flashed by. In order to make it clearer, Harrington hurriedly went up and said, "Musco, you and Inspector General David had a pleasant chat... right?"

"Yeah, it was okay!"

Hearing this, Harrington, who was already confused, had more doubts in his heart.

Although he didn't understand what the two parties talked about, Musk didn't look angry now, which was a good thing for him!

"By the way, I have something else to do, so I won't stay here any longer, sorry."

"Okay, Mr. Musk, see you then!"


At night, a bright moon was hanging high.

About 10 kilometers away from the CIA headquarters, downstairs of an apartment building.

"Inspector General David, this is where Director Sawyer lives."

According to the intelligence, Sawyer was supposed to attend the charity dinner, but for some unknown reason, this guy didn't come.

There was no way. After getting the documents from Harrington, David immediately found Elvis.

And then, Elvis brought them here.

"How long will it take for him to come back?"

"According to our intelligence, he went to the safe house to interrogate an important prisoner. It may take more than half an hour for him to come back."

"More than half an hour...why don't we go upstairs and wait for him!"

"Sit... or not!"

Elvis opened the car door first, and a group of people got off the car one after another, then walked into the apartment building, took the elevator to the 19th floor.

At this time, Broad took out some tools from his pocket, opened the door in a few seconds, and a group of people jumped in and closed the door.

40 minutes later.

The people sitting in the house heard footsteps coming from outside, followed by the sound of keys being inserted into the door, and then the door was opened with a click.

"Who are you!"

When Sawyer saw the lights in the house were bright and David and his group were waiting, he reacted quickly. It took only a second for him to pull out his gun and point it at David and others.

"Don't be nervous, Director Sawyer, it's me!"

Elvis stood up immediately.

After seeing him, Sawyer was also stunned for a moment, but immediately asked: "Deputy Director Elvis, why are you in my house, and who are these people?"

Being questioned like this, Elvis looked a little embarrassed.

He was from the CIA Intelligence Department, and the Sawyer in front of him was the director of the Intelligence Department, that is, his boss. It was really a taboo to break into his boss's house in the middle of the night.

But when he thought that this director had made David unhappy, he could only put aside his distracting thoughts and pointed at David sitting behind him and said, "Director Sawyer, put down your gun first. Inspector General David wants to talk to you!"


Sawyer was startled when he heard the name, and then his eyes immediately looked behind him. It was David!

Oops, could it be that this guy was unhappy because of that incident, and he came to cause trouble?

"Don't be nervous, Director Sawyer, sit down and talk."

David's words interrupted Sawyer's thoughts.

He walked to the chair opposite David and sat down, and then asked, "Inspector General David, if there is anything, just let someone notify me and I will go over. Why bother you to come in person?"

David raised his hand, and Munson behind him immediately put the file bag in his hand.

He took it and threw it on the table, saying, "Nothing, take a look at this, Director Sawyer!"

Although Sawyer's eyes were full of doubts, he still picked up the bag and checked it.

But the next second, he began to show shock, then confusion, and finally anger on his face.

"Where did you get all these!"

Although he said this to David, his eyes were on Elvis.

In his opinion, to find out such confidential information about himself, he must have the help of someone inside the CIA.

And who is this insider?

Who else could it be except Elvis in front of him!

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