United states tax collector

Chapter 369 Two senior CIA officials resign

"Director Sawyer, do you think this is still important now?"

David's answer made Sawyer's face distorted a little more.

Yes, since David went through so much trouble to find all this dirty information and came to his residence, how could he just come to chat with him?

There must be some conspiracy!

Thinking of this, he tried to calm down a little, and then asked: "Tell me, Chief David, what do you want me to do!"

"It's simple, I need you to resign, that's it!"

David said slowly.

When Hulk heard this, he clenched his fists unconsciously.

He was in the CIA, and it took him decades of hard work to climb to this high position from a small intelligence agent. Now he was asked to resign and give up his great future with just one sentence. How could he be willing to do this!

"Inspector General David, you are not allowed to interfere in CIA affairs. And even if I am willing to retire, the Intelligence Department is an important department after all, and the president will not let me retire without special circumstances!"

Sawyer, unwilling to abdicate, could only threaten the president.

Originally, he thought that David would be wary when he mentioned the president.

Unexpectedly, David not only showed no fear, but also sarcastically said: "He said it doesn't count!"


Sawyer suppressed his anger and asked: "Inspector General David, I know that leaking your whereabouts to the Speaker of the House of Representatives Nanxi may have caused your displeasure, but that is the Speaker of the House of Representatives. I cannot offend you. I hope you will not Please forgive me once, and if I need it in the future, I will go through fire and water without hesitation!"

It has to be said that although Sawyer was angry at this time, he had not lost his mind yet. When he saw that things were getting worse, he directly expressed his intention to follow David's lead. .

Anyway, for him, being able to keep his position and the power in his hands is the most important thing, and everything else is secondary!

But unfortunately, what he didn't know was that the biggest reason why David wanted to touch him this time was actually for his own safety.

After all, since the other party can leak his whereabouts to Nan Xi, he can also leak it to the three major groups in the future, putting him in a threatening situation.

Therefore, even if the other party surrenders, it is of no use. Only when the other party is beaten down and Elvis can control this important department will he feel at ease!

"Director Sawyer, don't give me a toast or a fine. I'm asking you to step down now. It's a decent way to step down. Your money, your freedom, and your network are all still there. If you don't want to be dignified, If so, then I will definitely find a way to help you look decent!"

Listening to David's firm tone, Sawyer's face gradually turned pale.

It seems that the other party will definitely not let him go!

And just as David said, now that he takes the initiative to retreat, he can still have a decent ending.

Otherwise, the information David has is enough to convict him of tax evasion, treason, power-seeking, etc.

When the time comes, he will not only be ruined, but also imprisoned. What's more, this may be another big scandal for the CIA.

Because he is the director of the Intelligence Department, and he is definitely considered a high-ranking official in the CIA department. It would be surprising if such a high-ranking official is involved in so many crimes.

While Sawyer was still having an ideological struggle, Elvis was also stirred up in his heart.

Ever since David called him a few days ago and asked him to disclose Sawyer's whereabouts, he knew that his boss, the director, would definitely be investigated.

But he didn't expect that in just a short period of time, he would actually grasp the lifeblood of his own division chief.

What is recorded in this document?

How could he actually make the dignified CIA Director of Intelligence look like fish on a chopping board?

"Okay, I will do as you ask..."

After a lot of confrontation between heaven and man, Sawyer's reason finally defeated his anger and chose to compromise.

"Put your phone out."


Sawyer was a little confused and didn't know why David would let him do this.

"Call your Deputy Director Haltz and ask him to come over and have a chat."

"What, you...what do you mean?"

"Nothing else, just say it's urgent and ask him to come over and talk. Hurry, my time is limited."


In the end, Sawyer did not dare to say the words of rejection, so he could only call Haltz's phone number.

About twenty minutes later.

"Sawyer, you are so anxious to ask me to come here. If you can't give me an explanation..."

Haltz complained as he pushed the door open and entered.

But when he entered here, he saw that besides Sawyer, there were a group of people waiting here. He was stunned for a moment, but then he asked: "Deputy Director Elvis, why are you here?" this?"

"Deputy Director Haltz, this is Inspector General David of the IRS, he wants to talk to you."

"What, David?"

Haltz was startled at first, then suddenly raised his head and looked back, and sure enough he saw David sitting on the sofa.

But after all, as the deputy director of the CIA, he had seen countless storms and waves, and he quickly calmed down.

Then he walked to the sofa and sat down, and asked in a calm tone: "I didn't expect to see the famous Inspector General David here. It's really a pleasure to meet him."

David smiled, pointed to the document he had shown Sawyer before, and said, "Deputy Director Haltz, you might as well take a look at this document."

Sawyer's expression on the side tightened, and his lips wriggled slightly, but in the end he couldn't say anything. Helz picked up the document,

But not long after, Haltz's face turned gloomy after watching it. His husband glanced at Sawyer, then turned his attention to David, and asked: "Inspector General David, what do you mean?"

"Director Sawyer, maybe you can explain this to Deputy Director Haltz."


Sawyer was a little embarrassed, but finally looked at Haltz and said: "Deputy Director Sawyer, I will submit my resignation to Mr. Director tomorrow..."

Haltz's face became a little gloomier again. By the time he finished speaking, he could certainly tell that it was because of this document that Sawyer would say the words of submitting his resignation.

But Sawyer was his right-hand man after all, and of course he didn't want to see this happen. Then he looked at David and said, "Inspector General David, our CIA and your IRS have always been on the same page. Even before, we had We’ve had many cooperations, and if there’s anything we can discuss, there’s no need to do this, what do you think?”

"Yes, but what you said happened before. Since Deputy Director Sawyer leaked my whereabouts, it's another matter."

"What, you..."

Haltz looked at Sawyer. Now he finally understood that David would come to investigate. It turned out to be this reason.

"Director Sawyer will resign voluntarily. Of course, Deputy Director Haltz, as his direct leader, cannot absolve himself of the blame. I heard that your grandson was just born, so why not go back together to take care of him?"

"What did you say!"

Haierzi's eyes were as big as copper bells. Of course he heard what the other party meant, and then said angrily: "Impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible! Deputy Director Haltz, I said something to Director Sawyer before, and now I also give you the same words, 'You can behave yourself, otherwise, I will help you behave'! "

David said in a cold tone.

But this also angered Haltz even more. He glared and said, "David, don't think that your IRS is invincible because of its power. It's not your turn to dictate matters regarding our CIA!"

"Really, so you are definitely going to go against me, right?"


Haltz wanted to continue the attack, but Sawyer held his wrist. The latter then said: "Inspector General David, this matter is really unacceptable. Can I persuade Deputy Director Haltz alone?" ?”


After getting David's consent, Sawyer immediately pulled Haltz into a room.

As soon as he entered here, Haierzi cursed loudly: "Faq, what are you doing? Why do you let him, the director of the Intelligence Division of the CIA, get so many clues?"

Of course he had reason to be angry. As she said, Sawyer was the director of the CIA's Intelligence Division.

This is a big intelligence leader who specializes in catching others, but now he has let people catch so many tricks. This can be said to be contrary to Tiangang.

"I...Deputy Director Haltz, you also know that David is very powerful, not to mention that there is a 'traitor' here, so I..."

Haltz was a little embarrassed, but still tried to argue.

When Hearz heard this, he became even more angry and cursed: "Damn Elvis, I will make sure he doesn't get any good results!"

"Director Haltz, this matter is not important now. What is important is that we must comply with his request. You also know that he is ruthless. Otherwise, we will be disgraced..."

The reason why Sawyer called Haltz over was of course to exhort him.

The things he did, such as exchanging information, were actually approved by the deputy director, so the two of them were like grasshoppers on a rope.

No matter who makes a mistake, the other must suffer as well.

"Are you crazy Sawyer? If you resign at his request, how will we explain to the director and Mr. President?"

Haierzi still didn't listen. They had to give up a great future. How could he be willing to let so many years of hard work come to nothing.

"How can the resigning director and the president give us an explanation? But if we don't follow his words, once this scandal breaks out, it will affect our families. Think about the consequences, Deputy Director Haltz."

After hearing the word family, Haltz could no longer argue.

If some of the deals they made with Xiong Country agents were exposed, they could be labeled as collaborators and treason.

With such a big crime, their family will never be able to hold their heads high in the United States in the future!

Seeing that Hertz seemed to be much more awake, Sawyer continued to add: "Although we have abdicated, our relationship network is still there. We can support our close associates. When the time comes, what difference will there be between being in this position?" ?”

"It's easy for you to think about it. Now David is obviously going to strongly support that damn Elvis. If we retreat, then all the resources will probably be taken over by him!"

"No matter what, it's better than having a scandal exposed and ending up in ruins, right?"

When Sawyer first heard that he was going to resign, he was still very unwilling, but now that he had Haierzi as a scapegoat, he was actually a little easier to accept.

"You damn bastard, you've dragged me down this time!"

Hailzi was still full of resentment. If Sawyer hadn't been caught, he wouldn't have been implicated like this.

"Deputy Director Haierzi, this matter is indeed my responsibility. I'm sorry for you..."

"Haha, what's the point of talking about this now, bastard!"

Hailzi didn't want to dwell on this matter anymore, so he pushed the door open and walked out first.

And Sawyer followed closely behind, and the two returned to the hall one after another.

"How about it, tell me your decision!"

Seeing the two people come back again, David asked with his legs crossed.

"Okay, I will do as you ask, but I have a condition."

"What condition?"

"I can submit my resignation, but if I want to work in another department, I hope you can not stop me."

With his resume as the deputy director of the CIA, it is easy for him to work in other departments, which is also a factor that Heerzi is willing to compromise in the end.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to accept the gap of power falling into someone else's hands all of a sudden.

"Okay, but in exchange, I need you to do me a small favor."

The reason why David wanted to get rid of these two people, in addition to the fact that Sawyer did threaten his safety, was mainly to control the CIA more firmly.

So as long as these two people leave this organization, he doesn't mind them working in other departments.

"What favor?"

David pointed his finger at Elvis and said, "After you abdicate, I hope you can recommend Elvis as the director of the CIA Intelligence Department. Is that okay?"

Although he had guessed David's purpose long ago, Elvis was still moved after hearing this.

According to the current trend, these two people will most likely have to obey.

And with the recommendation of the CIA Intelligence Director and the Deputy Director in charge, it is basically a sure thing to take the position!

At this time, Helz and Sawyer's faces turned blue and purple.

Why would they be willing to compromise so easily?

In fact, there is another secret, that is, after they step down, they can promote their own people to achieve the effect of behind-the-scenes control.

But now that David asked so, their plan was considered to be in vain.

After thinking about it, Sawyer said: "Inspector General David, you promised before that as long as I retire, you will keep my network, but now..."

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