United states tax collector

Chapter 370: Joys and sorrows in the White House

"I'm just letting someone take your place now, so why don't I retain your network? If I really want to kill all your direct descendants in the Intelligence Department, then I don't want to retain it, right?"


Sawyer was speechless for a while, and it was not until a while later that he replied: "To be honest, Inspector General David, the director of the CIA Intelligence Division is an important position. Even if I recommended it, the president would not agree." If so, it may not be possible for Director Elvis to take over..."

"President? He only appoints and removes cabinet members. As long as you all agree on the position of Director of the CIA Intelligence Division, he can't interfere."

There is an old saying in France, "The vassals of my vassals are not my vassals."

This sentence is the same in the United States.

The President of the United States is nominally the supreme head of state, but in fact, he cannot appoint or remove any official position at will.

What he can really directly appoint and remove is only 25 people in the cabinet, which can also be said to be the ministers of 25 departments.

As for the promotion of officials in various ministries, it is handled by each ministry.

The greatest decision-making power is, of course, in the hands of the top officials of each ministry.

Therefore, if Elvis wants to be promoted to the position of Director of the Intelligence Division, as long as the CIA approves it, there will be no problem in the process.

Of course, there is another very important factor besides this.

That is, Elvis is his man, and the White House still relies on him, so it will definitely not get into trouble with him over an issue involving the director of intelligence.

As for whether other senior CIA officials would agree?

There are examples of Sawyer and Haltz here. As long as these people are not hot-headed, they will definitely not dare to refuse.

"Okay, then I will do as you say."

Sawyer's heart was bleeding, but he could only grit his teeth and agreed under the pressure.

David turned his eyes to Haltz and said, "Deputy Director Haltz, I also need you to recommend someone to replace you, but who it is, I will give you a name when the time comes!"

The CIA's intelligence department must be in his hands.

Therefore, in addition to the position of director of the Intelligence Division, the position of deputy director in charge must also be taken.

It's just that he doesn't have a suitable candidate yet, so he should look carefully in the next few days!

Although he had already expected it, when he heard that even his position would be replaced by David's person, Haltz almost didn't have a seizure.

Fortunately, Sawyer on the side quickly grabbed his wrist, which made him calm down.

It took about half a minute to calm down, and Halzi gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I will do as you ask, but I hope you can keep your promise and will not threaten us again in the future."

"Of course, thank you for your cooperation!"

David raised the corners of his mouth slightly and stretched out his hand towards them.

Although the two of them were full of resentment at this time, they could only suppress it and shook hands with David.

"Okay, it's getting late, so I won't bother you!"

David stood up and walked toward the door.

After coming downstairs, Elvis said with gratitude: "Inspector General David, thank you very much for your help. If it weren't for you, I might have spent 10 or 20 years, but I might not be able to get from one area to the next." The supervisor was promoted to the position of Director of the Intelligence Department!”

What he said was really not flattering.

Although he had been the CIA's regional director for Bear Country before, he had some status in the department.

But for a key position like the Director of the Intelligence Department, countless families, chaebols, and even senior officials are keeping an eye on it.

And with neither a big family nor the support of factions behind him, it is basically impossible to win such a key position.

Of course, this is not actually the point where he is most grateful to David.

In fact, David didn't have to come in person to threaten Sawyer and Haltz, but in order to ensure that he would not tell the truth in the department, he still chose to come and kill this evil person. This was a point of gratitude for him.

"There's no need to thank me. If you hadn't reminded me last time, I might have been killed in the explosion. Let this be considered as a reward for you!"

Elvis nodded thoughtfully.

"Okay, it's getting late. I'm going back to rest. I have a lot of work to do next."

"I'll send you Inspector General David..."

This time David returned to Washington to deal with the leakage of his whereabouts. Now that the matter had been dealt with, he got on his private plane again the next morning and headed to the next planned destination. The state continues to push forward with the bill.

In the next few days, David seemed to disappear. No matter how many channels the major media used, they were unable to find out any information about him.

Because he kept a low profile, the media's attention gradually shifted from him to other matters.

However, on November 28, a piece of breaking news came out, which suddenly pushed David to the forefront.

"Hello everyone, this is the New York Observer. According to the information we have received, the Internal Revenue Service has recently implemented a bill called the 'Off-site Tax Avoidance Act.' According to the regulations of the bill, from now on, Cayman Major tax havens such as the Islands and the British Virgin Islands... will not enjoy any tax exemptions and will pay uniform taxes according to local tax rates..."

"Hello, viewers, this is KTPC TV station. According to the latest news, the Internal Revenue Service is operating a bill called off-site tax avoidance. Once this bill is introduced, the tax rates of major companies will be readjusted..."

"Hello TV viewers, this is the CW TV station..."

Since the last time it was the first to break the news that David was not assassinated, the New York Observer has suddenly become more credible than an unreliable media.

And this time, this media broke the news first.

What’s even more shocking is that after the New York Observer broke the news, major TV stations across the country also followed up, and the whole country was instantly in an uproar.

"My friend, let me tell you why there has been no news about Inspector General David recently. So he is busy working on this bill?"

"According to media reports, once this bill is introduced, major companies will no longer enjoy tax exemptions. This will kill them. I think there is something good to watch!"

"Inspector General David is really ruthless. This bill has touched the interests of all capitalists at once, and they will definitely explode!"


The United States is a capitalist country, and this bill can be said to have touched the interests of all capitalists.

So after hearing this bill, all the people realized that there might be something good to watch next!

White House.

In the President's Office, Paden was handling government affairs. At this time, Wilder suddenly opened the door and walked in, and said: "Mr. President, something big has happened."

"What's the big deal?"

It was definitely not a small matter for the White House chief executive to say the words 'something big happened', so Paden's expression was a little solemn at this time.

"According to major media reports, the Internal Revenue Service is promoting a bill, which is tentatively called the 'Off-site Tax Avoidance Bill.' According to the regulations of the bill, the British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands... these tax havens, There will no longer be any tax exemptions and benefits..."

"What did you say!"

After hearing what he said, even Paiden, who was the number one person in the United States, was shocked.

You know, the famous companies in the United States are basically registered in tax havens.

And once this so-called off-site tax avoidance bill is introduced, will it not be like a knife cutting into the arteries of these companies?


Paden seemed to remember something and suddenly asked: "Is this news true, or is it fabricated by those guys to put the IRS on the fire?"

"Although it has not been confirmed, but... I think it should be true."

"How to say?"

“When I was handing over work with some congressmen these days, I received some rumors from some people, saying that David had talked to them, but they all looked embarrassed and refused to say anything about what they were talking about. Although it’s hard to break the pot and get to the bottom of it, we can see that what we’re talking about must be something that embarrasses them. Combined with the current media reports on this bill, it fits perfectly!”

Hearing Wilder's words, the wrinkles on Paiden's brows deepened.

Yes, such a bill will definitely make it difficult for these congressmen.

Even if David had not used coercion and inducement, he believed that absolutely no congressman would take the risk to support such a bill.

"In addition to the congressmen, the three major groups have indeed been abnormal recently. They seem to be nervous and anxious about something. Combined with this bill, do you think it can be explained?"

"I was wondering how David could remain so quiet despite being assassinated by three major groups. This is not like his character at all. Now I understand!"

Paden smiled helplessly.

"Yes, I have to admit that this move of his is really ruthless. If he really succeeds, the three major groups will bleed a lot."

"Wilder, how many congressmen do you think he has won over?"

"Although I don't know the specific number, judging from the anxiety expressed by the three major groups, it is definitely not a minority."

Hearing this, Paiden's face suddenly darkened.

It is not a simple matter to promote a bill. It must be supported by at least 218 representatives of the House of Representatives and 51 senators of the Senate.

And with David's methods, it's hard to say that this kid will definitely not be able to handle the House of Representatives and the Senate.

But what really worries Paiden is that if David really manages the House and Senate and submits the bill to the House of Representatives, will he sign it or not?

If you sign, it will offend all the capitalists in America.

But if you don't sign, you will offend David again.

If this kid gives up his job in anger, then his idea of ​​promoting other people-friendly bills to win people's support will be in vain.

This is really a dilemma!

"Wilder, this bill will not only put the IRS on fire, but it will also put our White House on fire. What do you think?"

After thinking about it for a while, Paiden couldn't find a way to deal with it properly, so he could only ask his chief of staff.

"Since you asked, sir, let me tell you my opinion!"

"If this bill is really passed, the tax revenue it can bring every year will be more than trillions, not to mention tens of billions."

"And sir, you also know what the current financial situation of our United States is. With such an injection of tax funds, the financial situation will be solved instantly, and it is a real solution, not the kind of drinking poison to quench thirst!"

"Let's boldly imagine that with such a sum of money, let alone the childcare bill we planned to promote before, even if you want to introduce any other bill, the finances can afford this money!"

"And by then, our White House this term may be the richest in history. With this political achievement here, I dare say that the next election is meaningless, because you will be re-elected 100%!"

Wilder can be the White House Chief of Staff. Both his mind and vision are absolutely top-notch.

He knows very well that this bill will indeed make all capitalists jump up and down, but putting aside these factors, if the bill is passed, the biggest beneficiary is actually the White House.

Of course, the premise is that their White House can withstand all pressure and sign the bill to pass.

At this time, Pat also changed from frowning to deep thinking. If you look closely, you can find that his thoughtful face flashes with interest.

Although he is indeed old, after his chief of staff pointed it out, he also realized the benefits of this bill.

Yes, in recent years, the United States has basically been in deficit every year.

If he can reverse this situation during his tenure, this achievement will not only allow him to be re-elected steadily, but even in the future history, when people rank the presidents of the United States, they may rank him in the front seat.

Why did President Kennedy many years ago carry out various reforms and have the idea of ​​nationalizing the Federal Reserve?

In fact, it was to get such a merit.

Now he doesn't have to do anything, because David has already done all the dirty work for him.

He only needs to sign the bill at the last minute to make it effective, which is much less stressful than President Kennedy at the time.

If President Kentidi knew about this, he would be so eager to get out of his coffin.

However, when he thought about facing the pressure from the three major groups and all the capitalists in America, Paiden still seemed to have a headache.

"Well, let Obadiah and Vertonghen from the IRS come over now. I want to talk to him!"

After thinking for a while, Paiden finally decided to talk to the IRS and make a decision later.

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