United states tax collector

Chapter 378 On the eve of voting

"Mr. Henrietta, I have been delaying the legislative numbering issue for you for several days. This has obviously made the IRS very dissatisfied with me. Maybe David is secretly preparing to deal with me."

"If he stands up again at this time, who can guarantee what he will do to me with his methods? I am already a person who is about to retire and I don't want to get involved in too many disputes..."

Nan Xi's face showed a look of embarrassment.

"Nan Xi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, I know you are retiring, but don't forget that the midterm elections have begun. Now that David has reached an agreement with so many members, the arrangements you have made can really be realized smoothly. ?"

Upon hearing this, Nan Xi's face immediately darkened.

But before he could continue his thoughts, Joshua over there added: "You just said that Josh and David colluded, and who got the legislative number?"

"It's him Josh!"

"And why would he risk offending you and me to get this legislative number?"

"It must be a promise from David!"

"Given his status as whip in the House of Representatives, what kind of promise do you think can impress him?"

"As far as I know, he is not an unambitious person. With his position as the party whip in the House of Representatives, and with the support of David, what do you think will happen to the Speaker of the House of Representatives left by you?"

After hearing what he said, Nan Xi's face turned completely gloomy.

Are you saying she hasn't thought about why Joey helped code that bill?

This is obviously impossible!

It's just that she wanted to pretend to be confused first, and then slowly think of a way to solve the matter later.

But now, Henrietta and Joshua's words seemed to be reminding her, but how could she not hear the hidden meaning?

That is, if she does not side with the three major groups, then all the political arrangements arranged before retirement will not only be disrupted by David, but the three major groups will even hinder her!

"Join us, Ms. Nan Xi. I can't guarantee anything else, but at least in this midterm election, we can guarantee our human and financial support to your 'disciples'. Even if Josh gets David's full support, but If we are here, your chances of winning will be much better."

Henrietta continued to strike while the iron was hot.

As for Nan Xi at this time, after careful consideration, he really didn't have too many choices.

If Josh really gets the support of David, and now David has won so many congressional seats.

When the mid-term elections reach a critical moment, these votes will definitely be used for her previous deployment!

And if she offends the three major groups at this juncture, all the political capital she has left behind may be wiped out in an instant.

But now if we try our best to help the three major groups, with the support of the three major groups, we may be able to make some changes.

After weighing the pros and cons, Nan Xi gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, Mr. Henrietta, then I will fully intervene in this bill, but you must also fulfill your promise just now!"

"Of course!"

Henrietta finally showed a smile, and then said: "Okay, today's meeting is here, and you, before the voting starts, win over the legislators from each state at all costs, and strive to get more The odds of winning!”

"Got it Mr. Henrietta!"

Everyone present agreed.

With the current Speaker of the House of Representatives helping to lobby, they won't be able to relax too much, but at least they will get twice the result with half the effort!

The day after returning to Washington after the conference.

Nan Xi did not hesitate at all, and immediately summoned a large number of congressmen in Washington to talk in her capacity as speaker.

In this conversation, she changed from her usual gentleness and directly warned these congressmen in a tough tone, asking them to make the right choice regarding the off-site tax avoidance bill and not to be taken advantage of by 'treacherous people'!

Due to her status as Speaker of the House of Representatives and her ruthless tactics, many congressmen who had already talked to David suddenly became hesitant.

There were even some who couldn't resist the pressure and made various guarantees such as saying on the spot that they would definitely follow Nan Xi's footsteps.

Soon after, the IRS Office of Inspector General.

Elvis walked in and said with a serious face: "Something happened."

"What's going on?"

David retracted his attention from the file and looked up at him.

"Nan Xi personally ended up, and now she is crazily intimidating and coercing those congressmen to make the so-called 'correct' decision!"

Upon hearing this, David frowned slightly.

Nan Xi has controlled Congress for so many years, and her behavior has always been domineering and ruthless. If she personally comes to threaten and intimidate, although not all members will listen to her, some of them will be unable to withstand the pressure and will defect. .

It seems that keeping Nan Xi here is a disaster, and we should have found a way to deal with her long ago!

But it's too late now, the bill is already imminent and has to be released!

"Forget it, don't worry about him for now, just continue as planned. Also tell the people in your department that they have to work extra overtime these days. I want to know every move of every council member here! "

David said solemnly.


over the next few days.

Thanks to the operation of Church, Josh and others in the House of Representatives, the dialectic and improvement work of the committee went very smoothly.

Finally, the chairman of the Legislative Committee stood up in person and announced in front of the media that the preliminary work of this bill has been completed, and the voting process will start in three days.

Some people were excited and some were nervous when they heard the news.

The excited ones are of course the ordinary people in the United States and the audience from all over the world.

On the surface, this is just a bill, although some of them are deadly to the capitalists.

But in fact, this is a battle between the IRS and the American capitalists.

No matter which side loses, it may be the beginning of their own destruction.

So these people and the audience are naturally looking forward to seeing this good show.

As for those who are nervous, they are the Freemasons, the Ansa Group, the Illuminati and the American capitalists.

Of course, it also includes the IRS and even David himself.

Although both sides have made various efforts during this period, no one can guarantee that they will win before the voting results come out.

The most important thing is that this bill is not like a black tax bill. If it is passed, the unlucky ones will be those insignificant criminals.

If this bill is passed, all the capitalists in the United States will be unlucky, and these capitalists who claim to be the "masters" of the United States naturally cannot lose.

For the IRS, even if this bill is not passed, it seems that there is no big loss.

But in fact, if this bill cannot be passed, it means that the capitalists headed by the three major groups have the upper hand in Congress.

And with the revengeful character of this group of people, they will definitely retaliate against the IRS.

And if the three major groups that have the upper hand in Congress take advantage of the situation to propose to abolish the black tax bill, or to reduce the power and disarm the IRS, then the IRS will naturally find it difficult to resist.

For the IRS, they can't afford to lose this gamble either!

Two days passed in the blink of an eye under the tense mood of all parties.

Tomorrow is the time for Congress to vote on the tax avoidance bill, and everyone's breathing began to quicken.

At Nan Xi's residence.

She and several members of the three major groups were sitting on the sofa. Although no one spoke, it could be seen from their expressions that they were all uneasy.

And the only thing that could make Nan Xi, an old fox in the political arena who had been in the American political arena for decades, so uneasy was this bill that concerned his life and property.

Not far away from them, the staff were flipping through books of information, as if they were counting some data.

About ten minutes later, a man with glasses nodded, walked to the two of them and said, "Speaker Nan Xi, according to the current count, our votes are 235!"

Hearing this number, the tense expressions of Nan Xi and others suddenly relaxed.

A few days ago on Senado Island, the Freemasons counted 221 votes. Fortunately, after a few days of hard work.

In addition, she, the speaker, stepped down personally; after a lot of coercion and inducement, she got another 14 votes, which is a pretty good result.

"Give me the numbers of those members who are still wavering!"

Nan Xi was still a little worried. After all, the voting would start tomorrow. In order to be more secure, she decided to make one last effort.

Soon, the staff took the list to Nan Xi, and she began to dial numbers one by one, doing the final "ideological work"!

At the IRS.

David was also carefully checking a list at this time.

But it can be seen that his mental state is not good, and the periphery of his other two eyes is a little dark. Obviously, he didn't sleep well these days.

Seven or eight minutes later, David put down the list and nodded, "So, now we have 239 votes in total?"

"Yes, Inspector General, this is a big advantage for us. Of course, all this is due to your sleepless efforts in the past few days. Otherwise, we would not have achieved such an advantage!"

Munson was not complimenting.

In the past few days, he personally prepared a list of swing congressmen for David, and then watched David personally bring swing congressmen to their camp.

All this is not to say that it took a lot of effort, but at least it consumed a lot of energy, so it is right to achieve this result!

"What about them, how many votes are they counting now?"

David looked at Jerry, who was also in a state of depression.

"According to the information from the CIA, the number of votes is about 230-239!"

Jerry replied.


David's face showed a trace of heaviness.

These three groups plus Nan Xi, the old fox, seem to be really strong. Under his strong pressure, they can still get so many votes.

Although this is just the number of votes counted on the surface, there will definitely not be so many votes after the voting.

But no one can guarantee who will get more than 218 votes at that time.

It seems that we can only see the result when the congressional voting officially starts tomorrow!


While David was still thinking, there was a knock on the door, and he immediately shouted "Come in".

"Inspector General David, the director and others are already in the conference room, please come over!"

"I'll be there right away!"


When they arrived at the conference room.

At this time, not only Obadiah Donald was already in place, but other senior executives were also gathered here.

After seeing David take his seat, Obadiah didn't waste any words and went straight to the point: "Okay David, the vote on this bill in the House of Representatives will begin tomorrow. Please report the details to us first!"

Obadiah and the others knew very well that David was busy with this matter during this period, so although he was very concerned and nervous about the progress of this matter, in order not to disturb David's work, he asked as few questions as possible.

But the voting link will come tomorrow, and they can't hold back, and they must get a general idea first.

David nodded and said, "Over the past few days, through the efforts of me and my department, the number of votes counted on the surface is now 239!"

"239, great!"

"As long as there are 218 votes, the bill can pass the House of Representatives. Now we have 239 votes, it should be safe!"

"Even if these 239 votes are the number of votes on the surface, I really don't believe that more than 21 members will defect when it comes to voting!"

Hearing this number of votes, many senior executives were instantly excited.

Because in their opinion, this number of votes is definitely very stable no matter what. .

However, just when they were still in an excited state, David's next words made them feel like a bucket of cold water was poured on their heads.

"Although we have a lot of votes now, don't be too happy too soon. According to the CIA intelligence data, the three major groups have counted a lot of votes, but it is between 230 and 239!"

Hearing this, the senior executives who were happy just now couldn't laugh out loud.

"How come they have so many votes?"

"Let's assume they have 230 votes, but this is also very dangerous for us."

"We have 239 votes, and they have 230 votes. The total number of votes in the House of Representatives is 435, which means that 34 of them are not sure whether they are real or not. This is really dangerous..."

Although on the surface, they seem to have some advantage in votes, this advantage cannot form an absolutely overwhelming advantage.

Even if they really lose the vote, it is definitely not a big surprise.

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