United states tax collector

Chapter 379 Final Thought Work

"Okay, okay, there's no point in worrying now, just wait for tomorrow's results!"

After Obadiah said this, no one dared to chatter anymore and shut up.

"Oh, by the way, since the voting will start tomorrow, I plan to hold a dinner at the George Kimpton Hotel tonight and invite the members of our camp to attend. I would like to invite you to attend as well."

This dinner is certainly not a celebration dinner.

The House of Representatives will start voting on this bill tomorrow, and no one knows which of the members of their camp are ghosts.

So the purpose of David holding this dinner is to use the system review function to see if he can find anything so that he can make preparations in advance.

In addition, this dinner is also a final warning to those who have ulterior motives!

"Okay, no problem, we will attend!"

Obadiah also guessed the purpose of David holding this dinner, and agreed without thinking.

"Then see you tonight, everyone. I'll go back to the department to deal with some work first!"

When he returned to his department, Keppel immediately came over and said, "Inspector General, you have a call. It's Mr. Sean!"

"Okay, I know!"

Pushing the door and entering the office, David picked up the landline phone and said, "Go ahead, Mr. Sean!"

"It's like this, Inspector General David, I know you're busy these days, so I haven't dared to disturb you, but the House of Representatives voting session will start tomorrow. May I dare to ask you, what's the situation here? How sure are you?"

Although David couldn't see Sean's expression at this time, from the slight tremor in his tone, he could guess that he must be nervous and uneasy in his heart.

But this is normal, the current situation is different from the past.

Kendi publicly stood on the side of the IRS and publicly supported David, which not only intensified the hatred with the Freemasons, but also tore the face with the Ansa Group. .

And if this bill fails to pass, it will be the beginning of destruction for the IRS.

And if the IRS really falls.

Now his Kennidi family may not just run away, they may even be wiped out.

"The progress is pretty good. We currently have 239 votes!"

The Kennidi family is trustworthy, so there is no need for him to deliberately hide anything.

"That's great, great..."

Hearing this, Sean was ecstatic.

As one of the four major families in the United States, he certainly knows how difficult it is to deal with members of Congress. His family has spent huge financial and material resources for so many years, but has not been able to cultivate and win over a few members.

Not to mention that this bill is to win over at least 218 members.

Unexpectedly, David not only really won over, but also exceeded the target by a large margin. This is really a surprise among surprises!

"Don't be too happy too soon. According to the information I got, the number of votes on the three major groups is not less than ours. They probably have 230 votes on the surface."

"What, this..."

Sean, who was relieved at first, looked heavy again. After a long while, he said, "Okay, I know, I won't bother you anymore..."

"Wait, Mr. Sean, I will hold a dinner at the George Kimpton Hotel tonight, and I will invite all the members of our camp to come. If you have time, you can come and meet."

"Okay, that's no problem, I will definitely "To!"

"Okay, that's it for now."

In the Kennidi family home,

Seeing the two end the call, Selina beside Sean immediately asked impatiently: "How is it, father?"

"He said that we have 239 votes."

"239 votes."

Selina was stunned at first, but then she said happily: "Great, father, 239 votes, then we are stable this time!"

According to the previous examples of the House of Representatives, before the voting stage, as long as you ensure that you get 225 votes, the probability of passing the House of Representatives is basically 70%.

Because most members of the House of Representatives are not fools, they know very well what kind of political risks they will face if they turn their backs on the battlefield.

In a small sense, this involves the issue of personal character. In a big sense, since you can turn your back once, who knows if you will turn your back again in the future?

So such a member of the House of Representatives who turn their backs is equivalent to having a black history, which will affect his career to some extent.

Although this bill is a bit unusual.

Because the IRS and the three major groups are fighting fiercely, there may be more members of both sides who will defect.

But no matter how many, they now control 239 members of the Congress, and there will not be more than 21 members who defect, right?

"It may not be stable..."

Sean was not as happy as his daughter, but said with a sullen face.

"What's wrong, father?"

"According to David's intelligence, the three major groups have at least 230 votes on the surface."

"What, how is this possible..."

Hearing this, Selina's smile froze instantly.

As mentioned before, according to the example of the House of Representatives in the past, as long as 225 votes can be confirmed before the vote, it is basically safe.

And now the three major groups also have 230 votes, so who dares to say which side is stable?

"Forget it, no matter what, we still have the advantage!"

After calming down, Selina could only comfort herself in this way.

"I hope so. By the way, David said he would hold a dinner party tonight. He probably wanted to give a final warning to those congressmen. He invited me to go. Do you want to go?"


Selina showed a trace of hesitation.

To be honest, it was actually a coincidence that she was arranged to be with David.

Later, she saw that David's ability was indeed outstanding, so she naturally wanted to win him over.

And then, whether David was promoted to the chief tax officer or did a series of things that shocked Nevada, in her eyes, he was just a grassroots with some ability.

So when she heard that her father was going to use her for marriage, she naturally resisted in every possible way.

But she never expected that this grassroots was not only capable, but also broke many records of the IRS. He soared to the sky in a short time and was directly promoted to the decision-making circle of the IRS.

Now, David has become the youngest, most dazzling and most feared character in the United States, and even she can no longer compare to him.

As for her, she was just a young lady who relied on the protection of her family. Such a huge gap naturally made her psychologically unacceptable.

So since David was promoted to the General Administration, she disappeared from the IRS and never appeared in front of David again.

Because the gap and the shame of being rejected in marriage were too painful for her.

"Forget it, since you don't want to go, then stay at home!"

During this period of time, because of fear of retaliation from the three major groups, Sean has been ordering Selina not to go out and stay at home.

And the reason why he asked Selina if she wanted to go this time was not because he still had the idea of ​​marriage, but because he was afraid that his daughter would be suffocated, and simply took her out for a breath.

"No, father, I'll go!"

After a lot of struggles, Selina still gritted her teeth and said this.

This matter has become a knot in her heart.

And she thought about it, she couldn't never see David for the rest of her life, right?

If you want to untie this knot, the best way is to face it bravely, so that you won't live in pain for the rest of your life!

Sean looked at his daughter, said nothing more, nodded and left.

At seven o'clock in the evening.

The lights in the George Kimpton Hotel were bright, and a large number of security personnel in suits and headsets were on guard around, checking the people and vehicles coming and going one by one.

After confirming that there was no problem, they were allowed to enter.

At this time, David, as the "landlord" of today, had arrived early in the lobby on the first floor of the hotel. At this time, he was chatting with his old subordinates such as Nissen, Bucky and Simmons.

A few minutes later, Munson came over and said, "Inspector General, our first batch of guests is here."

David nodded slightly, stood up immediately, walked to the door, and prepared to welcome the guests.

Soon, a Rolls-Royce appeared.

The car door opened, and the person who got out was none other than Sean. After Sean, Selina followed.

Tonight, she was wearing a pink deep V dress, which fit her graceful figure tightly, perfectly outlining her elegant neck line, collarbone and the pair of proud peaks. Coupled with the exquisite makeup, David was stunned for a moment.

As for Selina at this time, after seeing David's stunned look, she suddenly became secretly happy because she was a little uneasy about seeing him.

It seems that as long as she dresses up a little, her appearance is still enough to catch the eye of Inspector General David!


Hearing Sean's cough, David realized that he had lost his composure and said with a smile: "Mr. Sean, Miss Selina, welcome to your presence!"

"Inspector General David, it seems that we are the 'first guests'."

Although they have not entered the hotel yet, after a glance inside, Sean knew that they should be the first group to come.

David smiled and said, "Other guests will be here soon. I'll greet them first. Mr. Sean, you guys go in first."

"Okay, let's talk later!"

After Sean and his daughter went in, the real 'big team' officially arrived, and the invited congressmen from various states got off the car one after another.

"Congressman Eleanor, Congressman DeFuni... Thank you for coming tonight..."

"Inspector General David, you invited me to the dinner, how can I not come?"

"Go in and have a drink first!"

"Okay, okay, let's talk later!"


To be honest, the congressmen who could come tonight basically had a handle in David's hands, so when they saw David standing at the door and greeting them so politely, they were still a little shocked.

But many people guessed that David's move might be a suspicion of courtesy before force!

For this dinner, David gave the congressmen a time of 8 o'clock to arrive, and after 8.20, all 239 congressmen had arrived.

As for Obadiah and other IRS executives, they were all present.

Afterwards, he walked into the hotel lobby and came to a high platform in the center. He said into the microphone: "Good evening, gentlemen, thank you for coming to this dinner. I believe some of you have already guessed why I asked you to come here. Yes, it's our bill!"

"During this period of time, I have reached a friendly consensus with all of you present. Let's work together to promote this bill and seek benefits for our American people!"

"And tomorrow, this bill will be officially voted on in the House of Representatives. If the 239 gentlemen present can cast their precious votes as agreed, then our bill will undoubtedly pass the House of Representatives!"

After the words fell, the congressmen present did not show much expression on the surface, but in fact, they were quite shaken in their hearts.

Before tonight, the congressmen present did not know which colleagues would come.

Let alone how many people have participated in this bill.

And now hearing what David said, there are 239 congressmen, which naturally makes them a little secretly shocked.

239 people, that is, 239 votes, which is a rare high number of votes in other previous bills.

This Inspector General David is really all-powerful, and he can handle so many congressmen at one time.

It's terrible!

"I know that the three major groups or other capital forces have talked to some of you over this period of time."

"They may threaten you with other things, or promise you huge benefits, so that you will quietly stand on their side."

"So, I must declare here that as long as you stand up now, I will understand and even not embarrass you!"

"But let me be frank. If you don't stand up now and turn against us tomorrow, and ruin our good things, I will not show mercy!"

Listening to David's murderous words, many members of the surrounding looked at each other, and the scene became quiet.

After a minute, no member of the parliament still wanted to stand up.

"I'll count to five now. If no one stands up after I count, I'll assume that you all support this bill!"

David raised five fingers and began to count: "5...4...3...2...1. Well, since everyone supports this bill, I won't say much. Let's go to the bar!"

The waiters came out one by one with trays, and on the trays were glasses of champagne.

After seeing everyone pick up a glass, David on the stage also took a glass from the waiter, raised it high and said: "If this bill is really passed, the credit will not only belong to the IRS or David, but also to everyone present. Come on, I wish our bill to pass the House of Representatives tomorrow. Shred!"


Everyone raised their glasses and drank them all.

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