United states tax collector

Chapter 386 Cruel Means

At the same time, in the IRS, David and a group of senior officials also looked gloomy.

The situation they least wanted to see still appeared.

And the leader of the speech was an ordinary senator, and it happened to be the leader of the majority party in the Senate.

With this guy's prestige in the Senate, it would be difficult to knock him down, and it would be very difficult!

In the Senate, Grace was still talking non-stop.

It was not until 10:30 that he stopped talking about this topic after talking for an hour.

"Okay, I'll stop talking about this bill. Are there any congressmen who want to add something?"

The first half of Grace's words made many people at the scene and the American audience at this time feel relieved, but the second half of the words made everyone nervous again.

But what you fear will come true, and a voice of self-recommendation immediately broke the silence in the field.

"I want to express my opinion on this bill!"

Hearing this, everyone turned their heads and looked, and the cameras of major media all swept towards the source of the sound.

It turned out that the person who made this voice was none other than Senator Langman, who had called for the abolition of the black tax bill!

"Damn, it was Langman who jumped out. This guy had advocated the abolition of the black tax bill before, and now he definitely doesn't want this bill to pass the Senate smoothly."

"Yes, since he advocates the abolition of the black tax bill, don't even think that he can support the cross-regional tax avoidance bill!"


For Langman, the people who were watching were not unfamiliar.

But many supporters of the bill felt depressed when he wanted to go on stage to give a speech on the cross-regional tax avoidance bill.

Because they all knew that this guy was one of the staunch opponents of the bill!

But even though they were dissatisfied, Grace at the scene was different. He smiled and waved, saying, "It is our senator's power to give instructions on the bill. Please ask Senator Langman to come up and speak!"


Langman straightened his collar, walked to the podium leisurely, and said, "As Senator Grace said before, this bill..."


It was just as everyone expected.

Langman also wanted to use his speech to delay the vote. He spoke a lot of nonsense on the stage, which took nearly half an hour.

Finally, as a supporter of this bill, Senator Raglan from Florida couldn't help it and stood up and interrupted, "Enough!"

This interruption not only stopped Langman from speaking, but also made everyone at the scene and the camera focus on him.

Langman frowned and said sarcastically with some dissatisfaction: "Senator Raglan, you also want to come up and say a few words? Don't be in a hurry. After I finish speaking, there is plenty of time for you to speak, even for a whole day!"

"Humph, we are all smart people, so don't waste time playing these tricks!"

Raglan snorted coldly and responded unceremoniously.

Just now, Grace was fine. After all, she was the majority leader of the Senate, so she still had to give her some face.

But who do you think you are now, Langman?

If I don't show you some color, do you really think the Senate is your home!

"Senator Raglan, what do you mean by this? Do you want to stop me from continuing to speak? Do you have enough votes?"

Langman also replied without showing any weakness.

However, Raglan did not mean to continue to talk with him. After looking around, he raised his right hand directly.

And his move was also very clear, that is, to start voting to end the speech session!

The members who supported the bill with him had had enough, and they all raised their right arms.

Seeing this, Grace, the host of the Senate today, could not sit still. She stood up and said, "Since Raglan has initiated a vote to end the speech, count the votes in 5 minutes!"

"Fuck, we should have started this voting procedure long ago!"

"If you want to end the speech and delay the vote, you must have the consent of 60 senators. It won't be enough votes..."

"41, 42, 43..."

Seeing that they were finally going to vote to stop this delay, many people in front of the TV immediately started counting votes.

Not only the audience in front of the TV, but also a group of senior officials from the IRS began to count.

But as time went on, the number of votes on the spot became clearer, and their faces gradually dimmed.

Because it can be clearly seen on the big screen that no matter how you count, there are only 58 senators who raised their hands on the spot, which is not enough votes to end the speech procedure.

In other words, there is no way to stop the opposition members from using their speeches on the bill to delay its passage!

"Damn, David, who are the three senators who didn't raise their hands?"

Donald couldn't help but curse, but after cursing, he turned his inquiring eyes to David.

"If I'm not mistaken, it's Nick from Alaska, Roger from Ohio, and Angers!"

"Shit, these three bastards!"



After learning the names of these three people, many senior officials kept cursing.

But after a while, Lahan said thoughtfully: "Currently, only three senators are insiders. In other words, we have confirmed that 58 senators will support the passage of the bill. This is very important to us." That’s a good thing!”

These words made the others calm down instantly.

That's true. Although this is not a vote on the off-site tax avoidance bill, it can be seen from the vote on the filibuster speech that they have a great advantage.

It is true that there are only three members who rebelled. In other words, if it really comes to voting on the bill, their bill will definitely be passed steadily.

But then again, if you want to enter the voting phase of this bill, you must first stop the delay of opposition members' on-stage speeches.

But this requires 60 votes, which seems to be an infinite loop!

"Is there any other way to terminate their speaking session?"

Obadiah looked at the others present with questioning eyes.

"The speech process is a power granted to members of the Senate by the Constitution. There is definitely no way except to get enough votes for the time being."

It was Vertonghen who answered.

As the Chief Counsel of the IRS, he is naturally knowledgeable about laws and regulations.

Obadiah frowned, looked at David and said, "David, do you have any other solution for this matter?"

David thought for a while, then shook his head and replied: "Currently they are all in Congress. It seems that they can only wait until the end of the day before making plans."

"Okay, that's all it can do!"

Senate scene.

"What about Senator Raglan? There are only 58 votes in favor of terminating my speech. According to the law of Congress, this is not enough!"

Seeing that the number of votes was not enough, Longman and other opposition members instantly became proud.

As for Raglan and others, although they were filled with hatred, there was nothing they could do.

Because what they said is indeed correct. According to the law of Congress, if you don’t have 60 votes, you don’t have the right to directly bypass the speech and enter the voting process.

Of course, it wasn't just Raglan and other supportive MPs who were furious.

There are also a large group of supporters of this bill, but they can only curse a few words online and have no other options.

In this way, after Longman and other opposition members took turns taking turns, the time unknowingly came to 1 o'clock noon.

At this time, it was finally Grace's turn. He said: "I'm sorry everyone, our congressmen haven't finished speaking about some of the opinions on this bill and the areas that need improvement until now. It's getting late now." , I’m afraid I can only wait until tomorrow to continue!”

Grace's words, of course, attracted a lot of abuse from those who supported the bill.

But he didn't know whether he didn't see it or pretended not to see it. He turned around, packed up his briefcase and left.

Opposition members like Longman also looked at Raglan and others proudly, and then left in a swaggering manner.

"Raglan, this is not the way to go. What should we do tomorrow?"

"Yes, looking at the situation of these guys, they are planning to play this trick to the end. They have to find a way to bypass this procedure, otherwise the bill will not be passed."

"Don't worry, I'm going to talk to David right now. He should have a solution!"

Raglan didn't stay too long, quickly walked out of the Capitol, got into his car and headed towards the Internal Revenue Service.

Meanwhile, Senado Island. .

Although they seem to have won today, in fact the current situation is very dangerous for them.

The reason is simple. Relying on this speech process, we can prevent this bill from entering the voting stage.

But as the saying goes, if it can be delayed for a while, can it be delayed forever?

At that time, under the pressure from all aspects, I am afraid that there will always be a real vote as the result.

Now the situation seems to be gradually clearing up. There are 58 votes supporting the passage of the bill. This is an absolute overwhelming advantage!

If it really comes to the voting stage, judging from this number of votes, everything they have done will be in vain!

"Bang, what are you doing? Didn't you say we have 56 votes? What's going on now!"

Prescott couldn't hold back his anger and slapped the table directly.

Although the others did not directly question him, their eyes were full of coldness.


At this time, Joshua's face was also a little bitter, and he hesitated for a long time, unable to say a word.

To be honest, before voting, he had a hunch that the votes in hand would definitely cause many changes.

I just didn't expect the change to be so big, with more than 14 votes defecting.

And as the person in charge of this, he will definitely take the blame.

"I'm afraid that this filibuster won't be able to block the vote for long. Let's not talk about whether David will use other means. Since such a bill that attracts worldwide attention has come to the Senate, there must be a result. Yes, so do we have any other plans?”

Henrietta also said with a face.

The scene was silent for about a minute. A man with a hooked nose stood up and said, "Mr. Henrietta, I think there is a way to solve this problem!"

"Then tell me your solution, Stancho!"

The man named Stancho turned around and took out a pile of documents from the bag he brought with him. After searching carefully, he finally pulled out more than ten volumes and pushed them to Henrietta's desk. before

Henrietta picked up one of the volumes and glanced at it, then looked at him and said, "These are all information materials about those senators. What are they for me?"

"Mr. Henrietta, you also know what David is capable of. What he is best at is weaving dirty information to intimidate the people he wants to deal with."

"Those members of the House of Representatives were like this before, and most of them succumbed to him, and now I believe that many members of the Senate are also like this."

"So my plan is... let's just stop doing it!"

Speaking of this, Stanciu suddenly became fierce.

"Wait a minute Stanciu, what do you mean by never doing anything else?"

Prescott didn't understand and asked immediately.

"It's very simple. The most effective way to control these senators and prevent them from betraying them is to pinch their weaknesses. We can directly attack their families. I will use threats of force or direct detention. In exchange for them voting against it in the chamber, this bill will be aborted!”

At this moment, Stanciu completely showed his ruthless side.

He knew very well that since they could intimidate these congressmen, so could David.

Moreover, David's methods were even worse than theirs.

The previous example of the House of Representatives is there. Although they spent a lot of money and intimidated those members, in the end, David won.

But if his method is followed this time, then those congressmen will never dare to do such a thing as defection again this time!

Because no one is more important than the lives of your family!

Hearing such harsh words, not to mention the ordinary members, even people like Prescott and Joshua who were used to seeing big waves were stunned.

Then they are fucking senators in Congress. Each of them is the top politician in the United States. There may be many presidents among them in the future.

But now this Stanciu actually proposes to take action against the families of these people in order to coerce their votes?

And even if we attack one or two, at least nine more votes are needed to get enough votes to abort the off-site tax avoidance bill.

In other words, if word spreads that they are going to take such extreme measures against the nine senators, no matter how powerful they are, the nation will drown them out!

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