United states tax collector

Chapter 387 Game between the two parties

"Damn Stancho, do you know what you are talking about!"

"Stancho, you are so bold. He is a senator in Congress. Do you think he is a homeless person? No one will care if he dies!"

"Asshole, don't hurt us. David is eager to catch us. If we do this, if they catch this and make a fuss, our reputation will be ruined."

The Freemasons at the scene could not bear it anymore and stood up and cursed.

"Hehe, our elders dared to kill the president at the beginning. Why don't you dare to do such a threatening thing now? No wonder David can ride on the heads of you guys!"

Stancho did not retreat because of the abuse of the crowd. Instead, he was aroused and responded with a sarcastic tone.

"Fuck, what are you talking about!"

"You damn bastard!"

"How dare you talk to us like this!"

There is no doubt that Stancho's words hit the pain points of many people at the scene and made most people explode.

"What am I talking about? I'm teaching you how to win this war!"

Stanciu sneered and continued, "If you really want to win, you have to be more ruthless than David. Now I'm not asking you to threaten the president or the IRS, just those senators, what's the problem?"

His words did not impress the members of the Freemasons present, but made them more angry.

Many people are already ready to teach them a lesson.

"I think Stanciu's opinion makes sense."

At this moment, a voice of support stopped everyone's actions. Everyone turned their heads and saw that it was Samut Schiff, the head of the Schiff family, one of the eight families in charge of the Federal Reserve, who said this.

"At this point, if we want to get enough votes, we have to take extreme measures. What kind of extreme measures? Of course, as Stanciu said, we should directly grasp the weaknesses of these congressmen. This will ensure that they will not turn against us and work for us to the greatest extent!"

"Of course, there are indeed great risks in doing so. Once it is exposed, it will even make us notorious in an instant, but don't forget that it is not only us who are participating in this war, but also the Ansa and the Illuminati are deeply involved in it!"

Samti continued to add.

Hearing this support, Stanciu, who was almost besieged, also looked at him gratefully.

As for the Masonic members who were originally angry, they calmed down a little at this moment.

If you think about it carefully, what Stanciu and Samti said is not wrong.

Relying on coercion and inducement to win votes, whether in the previous House of Representatives or the current Senate, the effect has been obvious and has not met their expectations.

If such extreme measures are taken, although it may cause public anger, it is generally the most effective way to abort the bill at this stage.

Another key point is as Samti said, it is not only them who are now participating in the war, the Ansa and the Illuminati are also deeply involved.

If the three major groups jointly plan this action, not only can the success rate be increased, but even if something goes wrong, everyone can bear it together, and the risk is indeed not as great as imagined.

Thinking of this, everyone present turned their heads to look at Henrietta, wanting to hear what he would say.

After thinking for nearly three minutes, Henrietta looked at Stanciu and said, "I don't disagree with your opinion, but for what you said just now, I hope you apologize to everyone!"

Stanciu's previous provocative words not only offended other members, but also made him very unhappy.

As the core leader of the Freemasons, he must maintain this dignity.

Stancho dared not refuse, and stood up immediately, bowed to everyone, and then said: "Sorry everyone, I was a little too emotional just now, please forgive me!"

"Okay, sit down!"

Henrietta gestured to Stancho, and then said: "CIA has become David's minions, and the situation of the FBI is not much better. Even if we plan to do this, it is not easy to complete this task under their noses..."

"It is true that the CIA and FBI are David's minions, but the National Security Agency is still controlled by the Illuminati. Let this department do this!"

Since Stancho can make this proposal, he has naturally thought of all the arrangements.

Although the National Security Agency is not as famous as the CIA and FBI, it is not a vegetarian.

How did the famous Eberstein die?

In fact, it was the Illuminati who sent the agents of the National Security Agency of the United States to kill him.

And you have to know that Eberstein was imprisoned in the highest level prison in the United States, and he was killed quietly by the National Security Agency of the United States.

Now it’s just a matter of grasping the weaknesses of these senators, which should be no problem.

“Okay, notify the Illuminati and the Ansa Group immediately, and we will discuss the next matter!”

In the following time, the Freemasons, the Ansa Group, and the Illuminati held a three-party video conference.

When Henrietta proposed to take action against the families of those senators, the Ansa Group and the Illuminati were also shocked at first and strongly opposed it.

But under the lobbying of Henrietta and a group of Freemasons, the two major forces finally agreed to this plan.

After all, even if something happens, if the three of them are responsible for it, they should still be able to resist it.

While the three major groups are plotting.

At the Internal Revenue Service, David was also discussing with Raglan and others who had arrived.

But no matter how we discuss it, there is only one conclusion, and that is that the speech process in the Senate must be resolved quickly, otherwise the longer it is delayed, the more detrimental it will be to them!

"Okay, leave this matter to me. You can go back and prepare for tomorrow."

"Okay Inspector General David."

As soon as Raglan and others left, Munson came in holding a document and said: "This is the information that Director Elvis just obtained. These two congressmen can give it a try."

David nodded slightly, took the information and looked at it.

Half an hour later, having almost mastered the information about the two senators, David took Munson and others with him and stepped out of the main entrance.

The time soon came to 9 o'clock in the evening.

David and his party arrived at the door of Suite 1208 of the Westin Center Hotel and rang the doorbell.

About a minute later, the door opened and a black woman appeared in front of Su Yi and others.

When she saw David and others, the black woman frowned slightly, but quickly returned to normal and asked, "Inspector General David, what's the reason for your visit so late?"

"Senator Yuna, can you have a few words?"

The senator named Yuna hesitated for a few seconds, and then made a gesture of invitation.

"Coffee still?"

"Give us a glass of boiled water, thank you!"

Soon, Yuna brought several glasses of boiled water and sat on the sofa opposite David.

David took a sip from the water glass, looked at her and said: "Senator Yuna, I believe you have guessed the purpose of my visit today. Yes, I am here to win your vote. Are you interested tomorrow? Vote for us?"

Yuna shook her head and said: "If I wanted to vote for you, I would have voted for you long ago. Why wait until now!"

"It makes sense, but Senator Yuna, I think you are a sensible person. If I remember correctly, you not only voted for the black tax bill of our Internal Revenue Service, but you also publicly supported this bill many times. ”

"In that case, why do you continue to support our off-site tax avoidance bill now?"

"You should know very well that the benefits this bill brings to the country are definitely hundreds and thousands of times more than the black tax bill!"

David didn't want to use threats right away, so he persuaded him so earnestly.

"Since Inspector General David has said so, I will make it clear. You should also be very clear that the black tax bill only affects the interests of that group of criminals. This resistance will naturally be small, and this is also It’s called political correctness!”

"As for the current off-site tax avoidance bill, it affects the interests of all American capitalists. There are too many involved, and if you are not careful, you will be shattered. So, I hope you can understand my difficulty!"

What Yuna said was very straightforward.

"As a senator in the Senate, you should pursue your own affairs while in office. What you should think about is the interests of ordinary people, rather than thinking from the perspective of a group of capitalists. And what do you think? Isn’t it certain that they won’t be shattered to pieces?”

David was sympathetic at first, but then his words began to reveal a hint of warning.

"It goes without saying, Inspector General David, I have made up my mind!"

"Senator Yuna, do you know why so many members of Congress are taking orders from me now?"

A cold light appeared in David's eyes.

Yuna curled her lips and replied: "No one has ever had such influence on Congress. Even the three major groups, if they did not unite, it would be difficult for them to compete with you in Congress. I admit this. It’s really great.”

"So, do we really have nothing to talk about?"

Yuna shook her head helplessly.

But this time David did not speak, but made a gesture to Munson behind him.

Munson immediately took out a document from his bag and pushed it in front of Yuna, while David added: "Senator Yuna, I think you'd better not read it. It's not too late to change your mind now!"

Yuna looked at the document in front of her and was silent for about ten seconds. Finally, she picked it up and opened it to look at it.

Ten minutes later, Yuna, who had read the entire document, did not show much surprise or confusion. There was only despair in her eyes.

She had already thought that if David could control other members of Congress, he must have many handles on them, and it was not impossible to get her.

Now it turns out that it is indeed the case!

"I have warned you, Senator Yuna, that it would be better for you not to watch it, but since you chose to watch it, give us an answer!"

David said expressionlessly.

"I still stand firm on my previous choice. You can go back. There is no need to talk about this matter anymore!"

"What! Senator Yuna, do you know what you are talking about, and do you know what this document represents? Have you...did you read it clearly?"

Before David could speak first, Munson spoke with a tone of incomprehension.

In fact, it is not surprising that he is like this.

You know, the things recorded in this document are definitely enough to ruin the reputation of Senator Yuna, and she may even end up in jail.

In the past, even the toughest congressmen, when seeing this kind of black material that can destroy themselves, can only choose to delay time, and dare not make a decision outright.

But now, Senator Yuna actually has no intention of compromising?

What is going on?

In addition to Munson, David also frowned at Yuna at this time.

This Senator Yuna is only 48 years old this year. At this age, she is at the peak of American politics and has great potential in the future.

Why is it that she doesn't care about her future now, but she is not afraid of going to jail?

Is there a loophole in this document?

But this is impossible. As soon as this idea came into his mind, it was instantly denied by David.

He had already mastered the dirty stuff in this document long ago, and then handed it over to the CIA for them to fabricate. It was definitely enough to bring a devastating blow to Yuna, and there would be no loopholes.

Then the question came, what made the other party still so determined?

"I know, and I can see it clearly. If you want to do it, just do it. Everyone has different positions, and I won't say how much I hate you!"

David and others, who were already confused, became even more confused after hearing Yuna's words.

The reason is nothing else. From the meaning of the other party's words, it can be heard that there is absolutely no problem with this document.

So what gave her the courage?

After thinking about it for a while, David did not stay any longer. He stood up and walked out the door, and Manson and the other two could only follow him one after another.

"What is going on? This document is very serious to her. She shouldn't be so determined to maintain her previous position!"

After getting in the car, Manson still looked very depressed.

"There must be something wrong. Yuna is very abnormal. What did the three major groups promise to her that made her not even afraid of losing her reputation?"

"Damn it, since she is not afraid, we must teach her a lesson to warn others!"

Jerry and Larin were also indignant.

But at this time, David interrupted and said, "Forget about this matter, let's deal with Mandel first!"

Hearing this, Manson and others did not dare to continue to dwell on this topic, and could only start the car and drive to the address of the next senator.

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