United states tax collector

Chapter 392: Mascot becomes popular


Obadiah's voice interrupted everyone's thoughts, and then turned to look at David, who was silent, and asked: "David, what do you think?"

David held his chin and replied: "The most critical point now is Kaqila!"

Kachila is the first female vice president in the history of the United States and the only vice president of black and Asian descent in the history of the United States.

It is also interesting to say that the Vice President of the United States is almost a mascot without any power.

Therefore, during this struggle, neither David nor the three major groups paid special attention to this person.

If this rare voting result hadn't happened now, who would have paid attention to her?

But strictly speaking, it's not like David never imagined that such a result would occur.

It’s just that during this period of time, he had to do too many things. He had to warn the major families to be optimistic about his own people, he had to personally handle matters to win over other senators, and he had to deal with all kinds of problems with the three major groups. offensive, so I really don’t have time to study this Kaqira matter.

"The result of such a tie in votes is indeed a bit unexpected. It seems that the three major groups' actions last night made them too afraid. As you said, we can only study the issue of Kaqila now. Already..."

Obadiah nodded sadly.

Yesterday, their number of votes reached 58, which was not enough for 60 votes to bypass the speech delay process.

If it can be bypassed, it is estimated that the votes on the spot will be enough to pass the bill.

However, after last night's threat of kidnapping in three old cases, none of the senators who originally supported them dared to cast the 51st vote, and now Kaqira has to be brought out for arbitration.


At this moment, a cell phone ringing disrupted the thoughts of everyone present.

Everyone at the scene was already very upset. When they heard that there were people who dared not to mute their mobile phones on such an important occasion, many people instantly became angry.

But just when some of them wanted to curse, they saw that it was David who had taken out his mobile phone, so he could only swallow the words that came to his lips.

"Sorry, Director, it's the CIA. How about I go out first..."

"No, since it's a call from the CIA, I guess I have something to say, so I'll pick it up here!"

"Okay Chief!"

After receiving permission, David immediately picked up the phone and said, "Speak, I'll listen!"

"Inspector General David, I am definitely responsible for this situation, so I ask for your forgiveness..."

As the director of the CIA's Intelligence Division, Elvis was seriously derelict in his duties if he did not notice that the three major groups were targeting the families of the senators.

But if the bill is finally passed smoothly, then it will be nothing, but now that such an embarrassing situation has occurred, he will have to bear some of the blame.

"Now don't say these useless things, say something useful!"

David's cold words made Elvis' scalp tingle, and he quickly replied: "That's it, Inspector General David, we have received the news, Nan Xi's motorcade has already driven to Building 1 of the Naval Observatory !”

David's face darkened and he replied: "I know, is there anything else?"

"It's gone for now..."

"Keep focused!"

After saying this, David hung up the phone directly, turned to Obadiah and others and said, "Nan Xi's convoy has already gone to Naval Observatory No. 1. He is probably working as a lobbyist for the three major groups!"

"What! Damn it, the response from the three major groups is really fast!"

"No, they went to Naval Observatory No. 1 to persuade Kaqira to give them the decisive vote. We can't let them succeed!"


Building 1 of the Naval Observatory is the official residence of the Vice President of the United States.

But at this juncture, Nan Xi actually went there, and of course the purpose was needless to say.

"I know, so we have to go there too!"

The three major groups have already sent Nan Xi there, so David naturally cannot sit here and wait for death.

"Okay, I'll come with you."

"I have some friendship with Kaqila, so I'll go there too!"

Obadiah and Donald spoke out one after another.

David did not refuse. He first returned to his office to make some preparations, and then got into a car with the two of them and headed towards Building 1 of the Naval Observatory.

At the same time, Building 1 of the Naval Observatory was in the Office of the Vice President.

"Ms. Vice President, I didn't expect that such a result would actually happen. This is not necessarily a bad thing for you, it may even be an opportunity!"

Windsor, the vice president's chief of staff, looked excited.

At this time, although Kaqila looked calm on the surface, she was actually full of joy in her heart.

As a politician, who doesn’t want to get huge attention?

Moreover, as the vice president, she has always been a transparent person in American politics. She finally got such an opportunity to attract global attention. Even if she may be involved in the vortex of struggle, in her eyes, it is still a Something to be happy about.

And you must know that this bill is extraordinary. The three major groups and the IRS have already put their eyes on this bill.

Now the only decision-making power fell into her hands, which also meant that the two parties must be demanding her.

For her, this is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to accumulate political capital!

If it really works well, then it is not impossible to aspire to the highest throne in the United States in the future!


Just as the two of them fell into their beautiful fantasy, there was a knock on the office door.

"Come in!"

"Madam Vice President, the motorcade of Speaker Nan Xi has arrived at our place and said he wants to see you. Look..."

"Nan Xi is here..."

Kaqila was a little surprised at first when she heard the news, but she soon felt relieved.

In various previous statements, Nan Xi has been confirmed to be on the side of the three major groups, and now what else can she do in person? It seems that she must be lobbying her for the decisive vote!

But that's exactly what she wanted to see!

Kaqila raised the corner of her mouth. She never expected that the Vice President's official residence, which she usually kept deserted, would one day become the focus of the country!

With a happy mood, she nodded towards the staff who came in to remind her, indicating that Nan Xi could be brought over.

Not long after, Nan Xi was brought in. As soon as they met, she showed a friendly smile and said, "Vice President Kaqila, did I disturb your work?"

"Nan Xi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, if you need anything, just send me a message. After all, you are the Speaker of the House of Representatives who takes care of everything. There is no need to come here in person."

"Vice President Kachila, what you said is serious. You are the second-largest leader of this country. It is only right that I come to report to you."

Although he could hear a hint of sarcasm in the other party's words, he still wanted to ask for something, so Nan Xi kept his attitude very low and even used the word "report work".

In fact, according to her strong character in the past, she didn't really want to abuse herself like this, because she really had no other choice.

Just now, there was a call from representatives of the three major groups of the Freemasons, asking her to let Kaqila cast the decisive vote for their camp no matter what, even if she knelt down and begged for mercy.

And she herself is naturally very aware of the seriousness of passing this bill through the Senate, so she can only lower her stance like this.

"Haha, if I hadn't held the arbitration vote now, would you, a powerful Speaker of the House of Representatives in Nanxi, come to 'report work' to me, a mascot?"

Kaqila cursed, but she had to say that she felt really happy at this moment.

As the vice president, she usually ignored the president and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Even the heads of various departments often ignored her, but now she finally got angry!

Although she thought so in her heart, Kaqila was of course unable to express her true thoughts. She could only pretend to be shocked and replied: "Speaker Nanxi, what you said is a bit harsh..."

"Okay, let's not talk about it. Vice President Kaqila, I think you should be concerned about the remote tax avoidance bill. Now there is a rare 50-50 vote in the Senate, so I and 'many people' want you to vote. Vote no!”

Having finished speaking the polite words, Nan Xi didn't want to beat around the bush anymore and directly expressed his thoughts.

"Nan Xi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, if things go by the usual situation, since you have already opened your mouth, I will naturally not refuse."

"But you also know the current situation. David from the IRS is not a good person. He has put so much effort into this bill. If I, a vice president with no real power, offends him, I am afraid it will be too much... …”

Kaqila looked troubled, but she was not entirely taking the opportunity to rip off the situation. This was actually her true thoughts in her heart.

Although she had never been involved in this struggle before, she was not unaware of David's tactics.

Let’s just talk about the two major departments of CIA and FBI recently.

It is said that many senior officials in these two departments were forced to resign just because they made David unhappy.

And if she, a powerless vice president, really dares to stand up against this guy like this, then the title of vice president may not be very useful.

"You don't have to worry about this. Now that I've found you, no matter what happens, I and the people behind me will definitely protect you..."

Nan Xi persuaded her with firm words, but Kaqila did not make an immediate decision.

You are all old foxes who have been in politics for many years, and you are not a three-year-old child. Now you need my decisive vote and promise to protect me, but who knows if you will regret it in the future after casting this vote?

And even if you regret it, can I still appeal?

Will I not be the unlucky one then?

Thinking of this, Kaqila still replied with an embarrassed look on her face: "Bu Nanxi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, I believe you also know what kind of people are behind you. To put it bluntly, they don't just promise to get rich. People, so...you know!"

Nan Xi heard the distrust in Kaqila's words, but she didn't mean to be angry.

Because if it were him, he would never believe such a verbal agreement, but it didn't matter, she didn't intend to persuade the other party in this way.

Nan Xi took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, and then placed the mobile phone in front of Kaqila.

The next second, a voice came from the other end of the phone: "Vice President Kaqila, I am Joshua from the Morgan family!"

Hearing the identity introduction from the other end, Kaqila was startled at first, and then replied: "It turns out to be the famous Mr. Joshua. What advice can you give me?"

"It's very simple. If you vote for us, we will not only keep you safe, but also fully support you in the presidential election in 28 years. How about it?"

The first half of the sentence was fine, but after hearing the second half, Kaqila's eyes instantly showed a gleam of light.

In the United States, it can be said that almost 99% of people who choose to be politicians ultimately yearn for this throne, and she is no exception.

Although she has become the vice president now, she is only one step away from the presidential throne.

But this step is definitely the difference between heaven and earth!

According to the current situation, the easiest opportunity for her to take the presidency is that Paden suddenly dies in office.

But then again, although Paden is old, according to the team's medical report, the probability of death in office is not high.

In this way, if she wants to get involved in this throne, it is unknown when she will have to wait.

And now Joshua on the other end of the phone has promised to fully support her in the presidential election in 28 years.

Joshua naturally made a promise, which was most likely a promise from the Freemasons or even the three major groups.

Although it was still the same sentence, verbal agreements were not reliable, but facing such an opportunity, Kaqila couldn't help but be eager to move.


Kaqila suppressed the ripples in her heart and said: "Joshua, it's only 23 years now, and there are still 5 years to 28 years. Who knows what will happen by then!"

The meaning of her words was already very clear, that is, she was somewhat interested in this proposal, but verbal agreements alone could not convince her, after all, 28 years was still too long.

For this point.

At this moment, the Freemasons and others on Senado Island naturally heard it.

"So Vice President Kaqila, if you think that Joshua's promise alone is unreliable, then add our Rockefeller family. I also promised here today that I will fully support you to take office in 28 years!"

This time it was Prescott who spoke.

But it's not over yet.

Then, Gates, once the world's richest man, also echoed: "Vice President Kachila, I am Gates, and I also promise you here."

"Vice President Kachila, I am Soros, and I also promise you."

"Vice President Kachila..."

In order to obtain this decisive vote, the Freemasons began to make promises to Kachila one after another.

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