United states tax collector

Chapter 393 David's Price

And hearing that so many people had made promises, including the seven major families in charge of the Federal Reserve, Kaqila couldn't sit still.

Of course she is well aware of the weight of the seven families in charge of the Federal Reserve, and with so many people giving guarantees, this verbal agreement is extraordinary.

It can be said that as long as the Freemasons want to show their respect, they will never dare to tear up this agreement with so many people!

"Vice President Kachila, I'm Henrietta."

Just when Kaqila was still thinking about it in her mind, she was shocked by the sound of an old voice.

Although she had no connection with the Rothschild family, she still knew the name Henrietta.

Although it may appear that the seven major families are in charge of the Federal Reserve, it is actually the Rothschild family that has the final say.

And the head of the Rothschild family is none other than Henrietta!

"Mr. Henrietta, please speak!"

Facing a person of this level, Kaqila had to carefully lower her attitude.

"If you feel that their promises do not convince you, then I, Henrietta, promise you on behalf of our Freemasons, the Angsa Group, and the Illuminati that I will support you in power at all costs in the 2028 presidential election. What do you think? how?"

Hearing this, Kaqila's heart trembled completely.

This is the personal promise of Henrietta, the head of the Rothschild family, and its weight is naturally beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Coupled with the previous joint statements of other members, the credibility of this oral agreement is basically more than 90%.

After all, if two people made a promise to her, there would naturally be a possibility of breaking the agreement.

But now all the Freemasons, including the head of the Freemasonry, have made such a guarantee. If all the Freemasons tear up this agreement, then the credibility of the Freemasonry will be lost in the future. No more.

But having said that, although Kaqila has believed this verbal agreement, as a mature politician, she knows that she cannot make a decision now and must think more carefully!

"Mr. Henrietta, this matter is of great importance. I can't give you an answer immediately. How about you give me some time and let me and my chief of staff discuss it first?"

"Of course."

Although he really wanted Kaqila to make a statement immediately, Idolin also knew very well that such a major matter related to the future needs to be carefully considered by everyone, so he could only agree patiently.

"Vice President Kachila, if you rely on your own network resources, I can guarantee that you will not have a chance to win the presidential throne within 20 years, but it is different now. As long as you cast this vote, with their support , there is a high probability that you will be elected in the 2028 presidential election. I hope you will seriously consider making your choice!”

Seeing that the two ended the call, Nan Xi continued to persuade.

"I know Speaker Nan Xi..."

"Well, please tell me as soon as you have the answer. I will wait for your news..."


Nan Xi was also very sensible. After saying these words, he stood up and left.

Seeing Nan Xi leave, Kaqila immediately looked at Chief of Staff Windsor, who was standing silently next to him, and asked, "What do you think?"

"Their entire group has made a commitment, and it should be impossible to tear up the agreement. And Nan Xi is right. If you rely on your own personal connections as Vice President, it will be difficult to have a chance to win this position within 20 years. This is a rare opportunity..."

Windsor did not give a direct answer, but her words were full of heartbeat.


While the two were talking, there was a knock on the door again.

"Come in!"

"Madam Vice President, Director Obadiah, Deputy Director Donald, and Inspector General David of the Internal Revenue Service are here and want to meet you!"

Hearing this, Kaqila and Windsor couldn't help but look at each other, and then Windsor replied: "I don't think we should be so anxious to agree to the Freemasonry... We should meet with the IRS and listen to them first. It won’t be too late what kind of ‘price’ there will be.”

Kaqila was silent for a moment, then nodded and said: "In that case, let them come over."

Two minutes later, David and the other three were brought in, and Kachila stood up with a smile and said, "Aren't these Director Obadiah, Deputy Director Donald, and Inspector General David of the Internal Revenue Service? What a rare guest!”

"Ms. Vice President, you are joking. You are our Vice President of the United States. It is normal for the IRS to come and report to you!"

Obadiah, like Nan Xi before him, first complimented him upon meeting him.

There is no other way. Who can ask for help now?


Kaqila did not directly expose it, but showed a meaningful smile.

"Ms. Vice President, I believe you already know about the Senate matters. What do you think now?"

This time it was Donald who spoke.

"On the surface, the off-site tax avoidance bill will create a large amount of tax revenue for us in the United States in a short period of time, but from a more profound level, it will cause irreversible harm to major giant companies!"

"The so-called existence is reasonable. The policy of remote tax avoidance has existed for so many years. If we change it rashly, I think it may have the opposite effect..."

Hearing what Kachila said, Obadiah, Donald and David all looked depressed.

It seems that Kachila may have been moved by Nanxi who was one step ahead of them, so she is not very supportive of their bill now.

"Madam Vice President, what you said about existence being reasonable is indeed reasonable, but I don't think it is necessarily a bad thing to change the status quo. You see, after the black tax bill came out, it created hundreds of billions of US dollars in tax revenue in a short period of time. Isn't this a good example?"

This time it was David's turn to stand up.

After seeing that it was him who stood up, Kachila couldn't help but look him up and down, and then said: "Inspector General David, what you said makes sense, but as the vice president of the country and the speaker of the Senate, I don't want to do anything too risky, and I also have my own judgment and political views."

"So, Madam Vice President, you are going to cast this decisive vote against the passage of the bill?"

Faced with David's words, Kachila did not answer directly, but a hint of tacit attitude appeared faintly in her face.

"Madam Vice President, what benefits did the three major groups promise to give you? Is it the presidency?"

"What do you mean!"

David's sudden words made Kachila's face darken instantly.

Obadiah and Donald on the side were also a little pale. Although this kind of thing can be guessed, you can't say it so bluntly.

But soon they suddenly realized that for this bill, they did not hesitate to go to war with the three major groups, and coerced and bribed so many congressmen. Now it's just being rude to a vice president, which doesn't seem to be a big deal.

After all, the current vice president actually wants to cast the decisive vote for the opposition party, which is absolutely intolerable.

Whether it's threatening or forcing, she must be stopped!

"It doesn't matter, Madam Vice President. This vote is for the sake of our country. I think you can't vote for the opposition!"

"That's right, Madam Vice President. If you dare to vote for the opposition, you will be standing against our IRS. Think twice!"

Obadiah and Donald, who understood the pros and cons, spoke strongly one after another to exert pressure.

But this also angered Kachila even more, and she also shouted angrily: "Obadiah, Donald, this is Naval Observatory No. 1, the official residence of the Vice President, not a place for you to be presumptuous!"

"It's not presumptuous, just a warning."


"Okay, Madam Vice President!"

Just when Kachila wanted to say something, David interrupted her and said: "Since it has come to this, let's be frank!"

"I know that Nanxi has come to you on behalf of the three major groups before us, and I believe that the conditions they offer to impress you are nothing more than the presidency. If I am not mistaken, they promise to support you for 28 years, right?"

Although the current president does not represent any of the three major groups, he is not an enemy of the three major groups at this stage.

And before this bill is settled, the three major groups will definitely not dare to support Kachila to take office.

Because the current president, Padden, is obviously seeking re-election, if they support Kachila in 24 years, they will directly offend Padden, and the three major groups are not stupid enough to do that.

Therefore, the three major groups will support Kachila in 28 years!

Hearing this, Kachila did not answer, but looked at David in silence.

"28 years, there are still 5 years to go. As a politician, you should know that politics is always changing rapidly, not to mention that there is such a long time of 5 years!"

"Even if they give you a promise now, who knows who will be more powerful and more prestigious in the political arena by then?"

"For example, Church has accumulated a lot of political capital by drafting this bill. Can you guarantee that he will not run for president in 28 years?"

"There are also former presidents, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other people who covet the presidency. Even if the three major groups give you more support, will you be able to defeat those who are more prestigious than you and ascend to the presidency?"

In the American political arena, it is not uncommon for politicians and officials who are still in power today to step down tomorrow because of a scandal or accusation.

David naturally understands this very well, and he believes that Kaqila in front of him also understands it very well.

Of course, he didn't expect to impress the other party with just this. He still had a real trump card. He believed that as long as this trump card was used, Kaqila would definitely be shaken!

"What do you want to say?"

Kaqila was a little impatient, as if she would get up and drive David away if he couldn't explain it clearly.

"What I want to say is, instead of taking 28 years of risks and waiting for so many years, if you have the opportunity to ascend to the throne you have always dreamed of, what do you think?"

Kaqila was stunned, and then her face sank and said: "What are you talking about? What does this mean?"

David took out a document from the inner pocket of his suit, handed it over and said: "Madam Vice President, why not take a look at this!"

Kaqila looked at David with suspicion for five seconds, and finally took the document, and then opened it to check.

As the contents of the document gradually emerged into her eyes, Kachila's expression also became horrified.

A few minutes later, after she finished browsing, she looked at David with sharp eyes and said: "Inspector General David, you are so bold that you even dare to collect the president's dirty tricks!"

David smiled slightly and replied without fear: "In the eyes of our IRS, no matter who is the president or not, anyone who dares to block this bill is the enemy!"

Obadiah retracted his strange gaze on David and added: "David is right. We have devoted so much effort to this bill and will never allow anyone to destroy it, even the president!"

"Wait...what does this have to do with me?"

"Madam Vice President, think about it yourself. If President Paiden steps down because of impeachment, do you think it has anything to do with you?"

David's words shocked Kachila's expression instantly.

According to the Constitution, if the president dies during his term of office, the vice president will take over the position of president.

If the president is impeached and steps down, the vice president will take over the position.

Before this, if you ask Kachila which one she thinks is more likely, she will definitely choose the president's death in office!

The reason is simple. Although the report given by Paideen's medical team shows that his physical condition is still strong, he is already in his seventies after all.

If there is an accident, it is not impossible.

As for the president being impeached...

Let alone in the entire history of the United States, only four presidents, including the former president, have been impeached.

The probability of impeachment success alone is extremely low.

In the history of the United States, four presidents have been impeached, and the former president himself set a record of two times, but he was not impeached despite this.

As for the other three, only Nicolson's Watergate incident was too big, and he was finally impeached and stepped down.

It can be said that in the entire 200-year history of the United States, only Nicolson was the only president who stepped down because of impeachment.

This probability is lower than the president being assassinated.

You know, in the history of the United States, a total of 10 presidents have been assassinated, and as for the death of assassinations, there are as many as four!

And now, does David intend to initiate impeachment against the president?


Putting aside other things, just based on the black material in this document, it is definitely not enough to bring down the current president, Padden!

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