United states tax collector

Chapter 394 Decision

Kakila, who put away her thoughts and returned to normal, said with a disdainful expression: "It is a pipe dream to want to overthrow our current president with just this one document!"

"Madam Vice President, who told you that I only have this one document?"

"What do you mean?"

"This is just the tip of the iceberg we have, do you understand?"

"Inspector General David, I admit that you are indeed very capable, but Mr. President has been in this position for several years, and the resources and power he can control are beyond your imagination. I don't think you can fabricate enough black material to overthrow him!"

As Kakila said, she didn't believe that David could have enough black material to overthrow Paiden.

In her opinion, David was very likely to deceive him, and his purpose was nothing more than to get the vote in her hand.

"Madam Vice President, if I didn't have it, why do you think we dared to let this bill pass the Senate and the House?"

Hearing this, Kakila instantly lost color.

Yes, she suddenly realized a problem.

Yes, now, whether it is the House of Representatives or the Senate, the number of votes in favor of the bill is not enough to reach two-thirds of the total.

In other words, even if the bill passes the House and Senate, it will still be sent back to the House and Senate as long as the president does not sign it.

At that time, it must be agreed by two-thirds of the members of the two houses to take effect.

So the question is, what should be done if the bill is sent back to the two houses?

Either strive for the consent of two-thirds of the members of the two houses, but this number of votes is obviously unrealistic.

So the president can only sign it again!

But according to the current situation, if the bill really passes the Senate, then the three major groups will definitely do their best to put pressure on the White House.

Will Paiden really have the courage to sign it at that time?

And if she doesn't sign, there is only one choice, replace a president who can sign it!

More directly, let her sign it!

And based on this speculation, David may indeed have enough black material to impeach or even overthrow Paiden.

Otherwise, even if the bill passes the Senate and the House, it will not make much sense if the president does not sign it.

"Ms. Vice President, instead of the 28 years they promised you, it is better to take this opportunity now. If you really take office this time, you will be the first female president of our America and the first Asian-African president."

"Just based on these two points, you don't have to make any contribution at all, it is enough to be recorded in the history of America!"

David continued to persuade.

At this time, Kaqila was no longer as firm as before, and she had already had a huge shaken heart.

It is true that the three major groups promised to let her take office in 28 years.

But as David said, 28 years is still nearly 6 years away from now. In the current rapidly changing situation, who knows what will happen then?

There will be no accidents?

And now, there is an opportunity to immediately compete for the highest position in front of her. If she is not tempted, she is not a normal person.

But... if she chooses the camp of the IRS, the three major groups are not vegetarians either. How should they deal with it?

For a moment, Kaqila was in a state of entanglement.

David also saw her embarrassment and assured her: "Ms. Vice President, I know you are afraid of the power of the three major groups, but don't worry, no matter what happens, we will protect you!"

"And after this bill is passed, many of them will be in a state of self-precariousness, and will also consider how to protect their own interests to the greatest extent. At that time, they will not have so much time to deal with you."

Hearing this, Kaqila's heart has been shaken for a long time.

Yes, once this bill is passed, the members of the three major groups may not have the time to retaliate in the first place.

The first thing that those profit-seeking people have to do is to collect their wealth as quickly as possible to avoid further losses.

And even if they want to retaliate, there is still David in front of them. With David's current control over the Senate and the House of Representatives, he is absolutely capable of protecting her!

In addition, if things really develop in the direction David said, Padden will be impeached and step down, and she, the vice president, will take over, and then she will be the president!

No matter how powerful the three major groups are and how much they want to retaliate, they have to weigh the value of the presidential title!

Based on the above, this deal seems to be more cost-effective than the price offered by the three major groups...

"I have a question..."

"Please go ahead!"

"Although the White House did not make a clear statement in this incident, it seems that it is not disgusted with this bill. What if the bill really passes the Senate and the president really signs it?"

If this bill passes the Senate, there is no doubt that the three major groups will do everything they can to put pressure on the White House.

However, according to the current situation, Padden may not refuse to sign.

And if Padden does not refuse to sign, then David will have no reason to mess with her, so how can she get to the top?

"Good question, Vice President Kaqila. It is true that the White House may resist the pressure and sign, but there is also the possibility of refusing to sign. If the White House finally resists the pressure and signs, then I can give you and the three major The group has the same guarantee and will fully support your election in 2028!”

If the White House really signs the bill honestly in the end, then David really has no reason or need to take the risk to engage in such a big thing as impeachment.

Kaqila frowned and said after a moment: "Okay Inspector General David, I understand everything you said, but this matter is of great importance and I need to think about it carefully!"

"Understood, then we will wait for the good news!"

Although the three Davids were also anxious to see Kamala's statement, they also knew that this was the point of the conversation and they couldn't force it too much, so they had no choice but to leave the office first.

"Windsor, what do you think?"

After the three people left, Kaqila immediately asked her chief of staff.

"Madam Vice President, I think this deal is worth doing!"

The Vice President of the United States is inherently a powerless mascot, and as the Vice President's chief of staff, he has even less presence.

And if David's proposal is really agreed to and things develop smoothly, then once Kamala enters the White House, Windsor will naturally become the powerful manager of the White House.

This kind of temptation to reach the sky in one instant is really more impactful than getting it five years later!

"But Windsor, if you do this, the three major groups will be furious, and their revenge is no joke. In addition, the White House may not refuse to sign..."

"Madam Vice President!"

Windsor became a little anxious and said in a serious tone: "It is true that the three major groups should not be underestimated, but now David's strength can be said to be not inferior to them at all, and even exceeds it to some extent!"

"We in the United States have always had a saying, 'He who wins Congress wins the world.' David now has an absolute advantage in the House of Representatives. Although the Senate has not yet reached a state of control, it still has a great influence. "

"And now the bill has reached the final step. As soon as this step is passed and the legislation takes effect, the three major groups will be severely damaged!"

"Also, if you think about it, if this bill is passed, the biggest beneficiary is of course the IRS, but what about the second one? It must be the White House!"

"After all, after the bill is passed, it can be expected that the country's finances will definitely be sufficient, and if the finances are sufficient, the welfare of the people will be guaranteed."

"And during this period of national peace and prosperity, who wouldn't sing the praises of the White House?"

"At that time, you will not only be the only female and Asian-American president in American history, but you will also be a president who has demonstrated outstanding contributions!"

Hearing the description of her chief of staff, Kaqila could not help but fall into a beautiful vision.

Thinking about it, if the bill is passed, the national finances will be immediately sufficient. If she really becomes president during this period, she will definitely get a big deal!

"As for the White House that you are worried about signing, it is certainly possible, but this game is a gamble. We might as well take a gamble that they refuse to sign in the end. If we win, we will make a lot of money, even if we lose. "Didn't David promise to support us for 28 years? This is not too bad, don't you think?"

Kaqila nodded, obviously agreeing with what his chief of staff said, but then he remembered something again and said worriedly: "But Windsor, you also heard some rumors last night, saying that it was the three major groups. They even threatened many senators with their family members..."

"According to the information I received, the three major groups did threaten and even took action. However, earlier, I also heard through some channels that the CIA and FBI took some actions last night."

"According to the reliable information we have received, these senators and their families have been closely watched and protected by these two agencies. I think you don't have to worry about this at all."

"It's not just for the two major institutions in the United States that they are famous all over the world. Although the people of the three major groups are rich and ruthless, they can't achieve anything big with these two major institutions watching."

Kaqila's heart was already leaning toward David. The reason why she was so worried and asked her chief of staff now was actually just to seek more psychological comfort.

And now after this conversation, this idea has been completely confirmed in her mind!

"Let's go to the Senate!"


Windsor, who seemed to have seen herself becoming the White House chief of staff, ran out to make arrangements.

Meanwhile, back in a car at the IRS headquarters.

"Do you think...this Kaqira will agree to stand on our side?"

Obadiah looked at David and Donald with a serious expression.

"Judging from her expression, I think she is very interested in our proposal, and if it were me in her place, I would most likely agree. After all, the opportunity to rise to the top in one fell swoop is not common. ”

Donald replied holding his chin.

"I also agree with Deputy Director Donald's view. Although I have not studied psychology, as a mascot-like vice president, it is difficult to resist the temptation of being able to aspire to the supreme throne. "

"And I also noticed her chief of staff. Her chief of staff seemed to be more eager than she herself was. So even if Kaqira would hesitate, I think her chief of staff would definitely try his best to persuade her to go the other way. From our side!”

David really guessed it. After they left, Windsor, who was eager to take over, did what he said.


After hearing the answers from the two men, Obadiah felt much relieved.

But just then, the cell phone in his pocket rang, and he immediately picked it up and said, "What's the matter?"

"What! Okay, I get it!"

After ending the call, Obadiah looked at the two of them with a sullen face and said, "I just received the news that Kachila's motorcade has already headed to the Senate."

"What! Could it be that she still doesn't accept our proposal?"

No wonder Donald thinks so.

Generally speaking, if the other party accepts the proposal they just made, they should call and notify them in advance.

If you had not called in advance, the result would be self-evident...

In addition to Obadiah and Donald, David's expression also turned pale at this time.

Could it be said that this Kaqila still wants to side with the three major groups?

But it shouldn’t be!

Between the uncertain election nearly six years later and the current opportunity to achieve success in one go, a normal person would choose the latter.

Did the three major groups give her any promises?

At the same time, in Senado Island.

"What's going on over there with Kaqila?"

"What's going on? She hasn't told us the answer yet?"

"Damn it, is she going to vote for David? What benefits has David given her? They don't even care about our promise to put her in office!"

After hearing that Kaqila's motorcade was leaving for the Senate, the Freemasons on the scene all turned pale and cursed.

Like David and the others, they also did not receive any reply from Kachila, so they subconsciously thought that Kachila was going to side with the other party.

Under the speculation and abuse of countless people, at this time, Kaqila's motorcade had arrived at the gate of Capitol Hill.

"Ms. Vice President, are you sure you don't want to notify the IRS in advance?"

In the car, Windsor asked cautiously.

"No, if we notify you now, the IRS will have an expectation, and the psychological ups and downs will not be that big by then."

"If we don't give an answer now, their nerves will be extremely nervous. If we vote to support them at the meeting again, the gratitude of the entire IRS to us will be even higher!"

It has to be said that Kaqila is still very good at controlling human psychology.

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