United states tax collector

Chapter 395 The Last Level

"Madam Vice President, what you said makes sense..."

Windsor also instantly felt that what Kaqila did was right, and then opened the car door and got out.

When the two got out of the car one after another, the media reporters at the door of the Congress immediately swarmed around.

"Madam Vice President, as the Speaker of the Senate, this bill is now in such a critical situation. Who will you vote for this crucial vote?"

"Madam Vice President, the Senate vote is actually tied. Now the decision is in your hands. What will you do?"

"Madam Vice President..."


Faced with the crazy questioning of the media reporters, Kaqila did not mean to answer, and walked into the Capitol under the protection of the secret service.


Seeing Kaqila's arrival, the senators present were instantly alert.

Whether it was supporters such as Raglan or opponents such as Grace, they all clenched their fists at this time.

Ignoring everyone's gaze, Kaqila came to the stage and said, "Hello everyone, I am Kaqila, the Vice President of the United States and the Speaker of the Senate."

"I have been paying attention to the tax avoidance bill, and I am honored to make the final decision now..."

Kaqila will not waste this opportunity to shine in front of the public, and she talked for more than half an hour.

Since she is the Vice President and the Speaker of the Senate, her status is relatively prominent, so even if many people are a little impatient, no one dares to interrupt or raise questions.

Until nearly 50 minutes later, the situation finally reached the climax!

"I know everyone is curious whether I support or oppose this bill, so let's vote!"

After the words fell, Raglan and others looked at each other, but finally raised their arms.

In a short while, the senators who supported the party raised their hands, no more, no less, exactly the same as before 50 votes.

Seeing this situation, the eyes of the whole audience were focused on Kakila again.

Kakila looked around at the senators present, and finally raised her palm and said, "I support this bill to pass the Senate!"

Buzz! ! !

Kakila's words were like a bomb, making the eardrums of the senators present buzz.

But soon, the supporters such as Raglan hugged each other and shouted in celebration.

As a senator in the Senate, he should not have lost his composure like this.

But this bill is too much of a focus, and the most important point is that this bill is related to his future.

Now that it has passed the Senate and the House of Representatives, no matter what, his reputation and political capital have been earned this time!

In addition to the supporters such as Raglan, at the same time, all the staff in the IRS were ecstatic.

Even Donald and Vertonghen, the two giants, showed a rare loss of composure at this time.

This bill is definitely a milestone for the IRS. If it can be officially implemented under their hands, then as the two leaders of the IRS, they will naturally be remembered by countless people.

After they retire, there will definitely be a generous contribution to the historical contribution wall of the IRS.

"It seems that Vice President Kachila has made the right choice!"

"Yes, Director, but Inspector General David has made great contributions to all this!"

Hearing Donald's words, Obadiah also came back to his senses and turned to look at David and said: "David, this bill can pass the Senate and the House of Representatives, you are the first to contribute!"

"Director, although it is worth celebrating that it has passed the Senate and the House of Representatives, it is not the time to make a final decision yet. We still have a lot to do..."

The bill passed the Senate and the House of Representatives, and David was of course very excited.

But after all, there is still one last step, and this step is for the president to sign it and take effect!

Next, their focus will not be on the Senate and the House of Representatives, but on a direct confrontation with the White House. This requires a 12-point bet!

"David makes sense. The next step may be the real challenge..."

Donald put away his original excitement and his eyes became deep.

At the same time, in Senado Island.

"Fuck, fuck! This damn bitch, how can she agree to the passage of this bill, who can tell me!"

"We have promised to support her to become president for 28 years. Isn't this damn bitch satisfied? What else does she want?"

"Damn, why did she vote in favor, why?"

Countless Freemasons are going crazy.

They spent so much money and manpower, what for?

It's to prevent this bill from passing the two houses!

But now, after paying so much, they still can't stop the bill from passing the two houses.

What is it called losing both the wife and the army?

This is it now!

"Everyone calm down. Although this bill has passed both the Senate and the House, it has not yet been enacted. If this bill is to be enacted, it must be signed by the President. We haven't lost yet!"

Joshua has to take a lot of responsibility for the passage of this bill, because Henrietta had given him a lot of power to handle this matter.

So he was afraid of facing the public's attention and hurriedly tried to change the topic.

But it was better that he remained silent. When he spoke, he not only failed to change the topic, but also reminded everyone present of her.

"Fake Joshua, you still have the nerve to say that you are responsible for this!"

"Joshua, during this period, all our major families have been listening to your orders and providing money and effort. But now, let alone revenge on that damn David, you can't even resist his offensive, too Disappointing!”


Faced with overwhelming accusations, Joshua was unable to express his pain.

To be honest, before David appeared, the Freemasons could be said to be the master of the sky, and there was nothing they couldn't accomplish.

But since David appeared, not only have they been hit repeatedly, but now they can't even resist, let alone fight back. This is extremely frustrating.

Is this David... really sent by God to punish them?

"Okay, it's meaningless to say this now. What we have to do now is to guard the last hurdle. Otherwise, if the IRS breaks through this last hurdle, then we will have no choice but to be slaughtered!"

Prescott can't stand it anymore. At this juncture, what's the point of pursuing this?

If you have this time, you might as well think about how to make the next deployment.

"Prescott is right, we have not lost yet, and the most important thing now is to hold on to the president's signature!"

This time it was Henrietta who spoke.

And with his speaking out, the members present also regained some sense and no longer focused on blaming Joshua, but started discussing business matters.

"Although I don't know how this Kaqila was drawn into their camp by David, Paden is a smart man, and he will never be drawn into their camp so easily!"

"That's right, Paden is not Kachila. As the president, he has too many worries. If our three major groups put pressure on him, he will not fall to the IRS as easily as Kachila. "

"Kakira is a 'bachelor commander'. She has nothing to lose, so it is normal for him to gamble, but as Paden is the president of a country, he will indeed be cautious..."


As many people present said, after all, Paden is the president of a country and has too many aspects to worry about. It is impossible to dare to offend the three major groups at once.

Therefore, everyone present was somewhat confident in holding on to this last hurdle.

"Wait a minute..."

California Governor Borgwana seemed to have thought of something and said: "Our three major groups control all walks of life in the United States. I believe David knows this, and I believe he also knows that if we all put pressure on the White House, , what kind of statement will the White House make?”

"In other words, if the bill is really submitted to the White House, there is a high probability that it will be rejected. I believe he is absolutely clear about this!"

"But now, although this bill has passed both houses of Congress, it has not gained a big advantage."

"Not to mention forcibly bypassing the president's signature; the required two-thirds of the members have agreed. So, don't you think it's a bit strange?"

Upon hearing his words, all the members present were startled.

Yes, for a bill to be successful as legislation, it must pass the House of Representatives and the Senate, and finally be signed by the President before it can take effect.

It's not impossible if the president doesn't sign, then two-thirds of the members must vote in favor.

But now, David has made it clear that he does not have that many votes.

By then, the White House is likely to be under pressure from the three major groups and refuse to sign.

But knowing this, why would the IRS work so hard to implement this bill?

Didn't David, who was always very good at making people think about this, not think about this?

Or were they really negligent?

This is impossible!

As soon as this idea came up, it was instantly rejected by everyone present.

Even if David neglected this point, even if the two giants Obadiah and Vertonghen also neglected it at the same time, no one in such a large law enforcement department as the IRS could take this into consideration?

So, this is absolutely impossible!

The only explanation is that they have already thought of a way to deal with it!

So what exactly is the method? Many people at the scene can't figure it out yet.

"I feel that it is too difficult to win the votes of two-thirds of the members. The only feasible point can only appear in the president!"

It was still Borgwana who said this.

His words were also supported by many Freemasons present.

Two-thirds of the members of the two houses of Congress want to deal with these people without talking about it first. The workload alone cannot be completed in a day or two.

Moreover, the votes have already been cast, and David does not have that many votes at all, otherwise he would not be stuck in the Senate and let Kamala come out for arbitration.

Therefore, the IRS is most likely to target the president!

"Could it be...!"

While everyone was still deep in thought, an exclamation interrupted everyone's thoughts.

When everyone looked back, it turned out that the person who made the exclamation was none other than the financial tycoon Soros.

"Soros, what do you know?"

All the Freemasons looked to hear what he would say.

"We have given Kamala conditions to support her for 28 years. Why did she still choose to side with David? Unless... David's side offered better conditions!"

Hearing this, many people rolled their eyes at Soros.

Do I need to tell you this?

Even a fool knows it!

If David hadn't offered better conditions, would he have risked offending their three major groups and voted for the bill to pass?

"Don't worry!"

Soros saw the dissatisfaction of the crowd and continued, "Since we have offered conditions to support Kaqila's 28-year rise."

"If David wants to offer better conditions that can impress Kaqila, there are only a few."

"Or, support her to take office in 24 years, because it is nearly 4 years faster than us, so this is naturally very attractive to Kaqila!"

"Or support her to take office in the near future, which may be able to impress her!"

It must be said that Soros has become a figure who can call the shots in the financial field. He still has some brains. Based on some clues, he has come to a very close conclusion.

"Wait a minute, Soros, let's not talk about what happened in 24 years. You said that she will be promoted in the near future... Could it be that the IRS is preparing to assassinate the president!"

A member of the scene didn't quite get the idea and said this shocking statement.

"Idiot, David is a bit cruel, but he still has principles and wouldn't dare to do such a thing."

"I think he might have been preparing to impeach the president!"

"This also explains why they knew they didn't have the votes of two-thirds of the members and knew the president might not sign, but they still worked hard to pass this bill through both houses!"

Soros gave him a speechless look and then expressed his opinion.

"What, he is already planning the procedure to impeach the president!?"

Everyone was shocked at first, but if they thought about it carefully, it really made some sense.

First of all, the IRS must know and prepare for the White House's plan not to sign.

There are only two ways, either to win the support of two-thirds of the members of both houses, but now it seems unlikely.

Then there is the procedure of impeaching the president. If the White House really refuses to sign, then the best way is to replace the president to sign!

Secondly, once the impeachment of the president is successful, who will be the biggest beneficiary after the president steps down?

Of course, Vice President Kachila!

This also explains why Kachila rejected their support for 28 years.

After all, there are nearly 6 years between 28 years and now.

Instead of waiting for so long, it is better to have a chance to take office now!

If they were Kachila, they would probably choose the same way.

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