United states tax collector

Chapter 396 Thoughts of all parties

"If this is the case, it can indeed explain Kaqira's behavior..."

Henrietta was also thoughtful, but soon seemed to think of something, and added: "But having said that, this is not necessarily a bad thing for us. Think about it, if the White House learns that Dai Wei has such a plan, what will happen?"

"Yes, even if we all put pressure on the White House, they may not necessarily refuse to sign, but if they know that David intends to replace it with Kaqila, then the entire White House will definitely be angry!"

"Haha, yes, we can use this matter to make some fuss. In this way, maybe the White House will have a direct conflict with the IRS, and then there will be something good to watch!"

All the Freemasons present also came to their senses.

Although judging from the recent attitude of the White House, they do not seem to object to this bill, but if someone wants to covet their position, then they cannot remain calm.

So, even though David may have used this method to 'conquer' Vice President Katira, the consequences may be to directly offend the White House!

"Inform the Illuminati and the Angsa people that we will immediately start a three-way video conference to study this matter carefully!"

Henrietta didn't know if the Illuminati and the Angsa Group had thought of this, so he had to notify them quickly and launch an attack together.

White House.

As for the remote tax avoidance bill, Paideng himself has naturally been paying attention to it. After seeing the bill passed, he was both pleasantly surprised and a little worried at the same time.

Fortunately, the bill has passed the House and Senate. It only needs to be submitted to his Oval Desk and signed by him to take effect.

Once it takes effect, it is foreseeable that there will be a huge amount of financial funds for him to allocate and dispatch in the future, and he may also become the richest president in the United States.

What's worrying is that now he is the only one left to pass, and the three major groups will definitely not give up. They will definitely put tremendous pressure on him in the future.

If he signs it, he will offend the three major groups, which control all walks of life in the United States. If he offends these people, he will be constrained in the future.

But if he didn't sign, how could he be willing to pay such a huge amount of financial funds, not to mention that it would directly offend David.

In order to pass this bill, David even dared to rub the three major groups on the ground. If he offended the other party, even if he was the president of a country, there was no guarantee that he would be unscathed.

After thinking to no avail, Paden could only raise his head and look at his chief of staff, Wilder, and asked: "We have to find a way to prevent us from being involved in this matter..."

"Yes, sir, but I think we have to go back a little bit on this matter. Don't you think it's a little strange that Vice President Kachila actually chose to vote in favor?"

"Is there anything fishy about it? What David is best at is coercion and inducement. There are so many members of Congress who can't handle it. It's no wonder that Kaqila can't handle it."

Paden didn't think there was anything surprising about this matter. As he said, David could handle so many members of the House of Representatives and the Senate. If he wanted to handle a vice president without any real power, it wouldn't be easy.

"No sir, before this, no one would pay attention to Vice President Kachila, and I don't think David has time to collect any dirty information about Kachila, but not long after the Senate vote was tied, , the three major groups and David all went to find Kaqila, but in the end Kaqila chose David's side, which is worthy of scrutiny..."

After hearing Wilder's words, Paden's expression became serious at this time.

Yes, before there is a tie in votes, no one will care about a vice president like Kaqila.

During this period of time, David had to deal with members of both houses of Congress and withstand various pressures from the three major groups. It was unlikely that he would prepare measures against Kaqila in advance.

But when the votes for the bill were tied and required arbitration, he was able to convince Kaqira so quickly. I am afraid that he did not use pure coercion.

Another point is that Paden has known Kaqila for more than a day or two. He knows very well that this woman's character is not one that will easily compromise when threatened.

On the contrary, this woman's character requires absolute benefits to easily impress her!

In other words, David and Kaqila most likely reached an agreement in private!

And there are not many conditions that can impress Kaqila so quickly...

Thinking of this, Paiden's expression gradually darkened.


Just when the atmosphere in the office was a bit solid, the landline phone on the desk rang. Wilder put aside his thoughts and picked it up directly and said: "I am White House Chief of Staff Wilder..."

Soon, Wilder's expression darkened. Finally, he answered the first sentence on the phone, hung up the phone, looked at Paden and said, "The Freemasons called. They said, David I have the intention to 'take action' against you, and the reason why Kaqila voted for that bill was because she saw this opportunity."

Paidon had been thinking about this speculation just now, but now his face became even uglier after hearing this. He said, "So, this David is worried that I refuse to sign, and he has done some tricks against me?"

"It's possible, but we can't just listen to the one-sided words of the Freemasons. They should also want to provoke us and make us refuse to sign!"

Wilder is not a fool, and of course he also sees through the Freemasons' thoughts.

"For now, let's ignore these. What we should think about now is how to avoid being angered by the two parties, but at the same time, we can get the most benefits for ourselves?"

"I think there is a feasible way!"

Paiden's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked: "What is it?"

"It's very simple. We can talk to the IRS and tell them that we are under great pressure. If they want us to sign, then David must bear the crime of threatening us. In this way, I think the three major groups will not vent their anger on us!"

After hearing Wilder's words, Paiden's face was shocked.

Didn't Kaqila get David's promise to support her in her promotion? Then he could take advantage of the situation and pretend that he was threatened and had to sign.

In this way, the three major groups will not vent their anger on him.

After all, I was threatened, so I had to sign it. You can't blame me, right?

Of course, the only question now is whether David is willing to take the blame for him!

"Your method is feasible, but you have to think about how to operate it."

"Leave it to me, Mr. President!"

"Okay, then you go and arrange it!"

Wilder said no more and turned away immediately.


Thompson International Hotel.

"It seems that David is still a step ahead. Yes, in this case, we should think about cooperating with him."

In an office on the top floor, a tall man in a suit and a red tie smiled.

"Father, Kaqila was indeed won over by David, but I think... this may not be a good thing for us now!"

Unlike his father, Ivanka was worried at this time.

"Oh? What do you mean?"

The man looked at his daughter with some doubts.

"Think about it, Kaqila holds such a decisive vote, and the Freemasons directly sent Nanxi, obviously determined to get her vote."

"But in the end, Kaqila still voted for David, what does this mean?"

"It means that David must have offered her a better price, and given Kaqila's position, what price do you think can impress her so much?"

Hearing Ivanka's analysis, the man's face suddenly sank.

He had too many thoughts about the passage of this bill before, and he didn't think about this problem properly.

Now hearing what his daughter said, it is worth thinking deeply.

Although Kaqila's position as vice president is basically a nominal position, she is nominally the second person in the United States.

Facing such a person, what else can impress her except the throne that is one step away from her?

Yes, the conditions David gave her must be related to the presidential throne!

"Father, I have been in contact with David before. Although he did not tell us his more detailed plan, judging from his style of doing things, it is impossible that he has not thought about the bill passing the Senate and the House, and then the president signs it."

"After all, although the bill has passed the Senate and the House, it has not yet occupied two-thirds of the votes, so we can only start with the president."

"My guess is that if the White House is influenced by the three major groups and refuses to sign, then David is very likely to start with the president, and he should go through the impeachment procedure."

"If the impeachment is really successful and Paide is removed from office, then Kachila will be able to take office smoothly!"

"This may also be the reason why Kachila refused the three major groups and cast such a critical vote for him!"

Although Ivanka was born as a supermodel, in fact, after her father entered the White House, she became a think tank around her father. After several years of experience, her insight has long been extremely sharp, and she quickly deduced everything.

After hearing this, the man in the red tie also nodded in approval.

This move can be said to kill two birds with one stone. Once successful, not only can the signing be bypassed, but also the other party will be grateful for supporting Kaqila to take office.

If he wants to do something in the future, it will be much more convenient to have Kaqila, the president of his own people.

"But speaking of it, father, there are still nearly two years before the presidential election in 24 years, and if Kaqila really has the opportunity to take office, it means that she can only work for less than two years."

"But I think that with her temperament, she will never be willing to work for only two years after finally winning the throne of the highest power."

"The most important thing is that she has now surrendered to David. If she has David's support in the future, it will be extremely bad for us..."

Hearing his daughter's words again, the face of the man with the red tie froze instantly.

And he immediately had a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

Let alone Kaqila, even if anyone else reached that position and enjoyed the wonderful feeling of that position, they would be unable to give it up.

After all, the most wonderful thing in the world is power.

In any position, with just a few words, he can change the fate of tens of millions of people. No one can let go of this kind of pleasure of looking down on the world!

So once the election in 24 years really comes, Kaqila will definitely seek re-election at all costs.

What should he do then?

In order to make a comeback in 24 years, he has been planning for the past few years, but he didn't expect that there would be such a strong opponent at that time!

The key is that this opponent may be supported by David. He has seen how difficult this person is now. Even the top three groups in the United States have been messed up.

If Kaqila continues to get David's support at that time, he will not have much confidence to win.


This situation must not be allowed to happen!

He finally saw the hope of regaining the throne, but he can't end up making wedding clothes for others!

Thinking of this, the man with the red scarf turned to look at his daughter and said, "Let's go, we have to talk to him!"


At the same time, in an office in the Senate.

"Madam Vice President, this matter has been settled. I believe that the IRS will be grateful to you, but I think there is something I should remind you of..."

Windsor hesitated.

"What is it?"

Kaqila took a sip from the water cup and raised her head to listen.

"I have thought about it. Even if David succeeds in getting Paide to step down, his term of office will only last less than two years. You can only do this for a short time. You will have to seek re-election in two years. If you can still get David's full support, then the probability of re-election will be great..."

Hearing this, Kaqila fell into deep thought.

From the conversation with David at the Naval Observatory to now, her mind has been filled with one idea, that is, to challenge the throne of the president!

As for the question of re-election after the challenge, she really has not considered it.

After all, in her current state, being able to win the presidency is already very good. As for re-election... she can't think so far ahead.

But now it's different.

Now the Senate has settled the tax avoidance bill.

And she has calmed down.

Think about it carefully. It's not easy to ascend to the supreme throne. How can it be done in just two years?

And it's just two years.

The tax revenue collected by this bill has just been used for the construction and welfare of various industries. These are all political achievements. How can it be taken advantage of by the latecomers!

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