United states tax collector

Chapter 411 Stock Market War

New York, Manhattan Branch.

David was still listening to the work report in the office at this time, and at this moment, the phone on the desk rang and interrupted him. He picked it up and saw that it was Elvis calling, and then immediately answered: "Tell me what's the matter."

"Inspector General David, I just monitored that the three major groups are planning to make moves in the stock market."

"Oh? Are they finally coming!"

David was not very surprised to hear this, because he had already thought about this long before the tax avoidance bill was passed.

With the nature of the Freemasons, it is very likely that they will use the trick of "pouring milk" to disgust him.

But he also made Sean and the local snake families in various states ready. Once there is any change in the stock market, they will immediately take over!

"Yes, according to reliable intelligence, they are not making a small move this time. They are ready to pay a big price, and they plan to start as soon as the stock market opens at 9:30. Inspector General David, you have to be careful!"

Elvis can't help with the situation in the stock market, so he can only remind him as much as possible.

"Okay, I got it. Keep in touch."

After the call ended, David's face showed a thoughtful look.

Although he had long been prepared for the three major groups to do something in the stock market, the three major groups did not do so immediately after the bill was passed. This means that there were differences among them, and many people did not want to suffer further losses.

Now, this group of people suddenly reached this consensus, so there is only one explanation.

That is, because he came to Wall Street and announced that he would take action against the foundation, they began to panic.

That is why they wanted to use the stock market to make a fuss and put pressure on him!

However, David must admit that the three major groups' return guns are still more targeted this time.

If the tax avoidance bill is passed, the three major groups will immediately do something in the stock market, then the IRS and him will be under pressure, but not much.

But now it is different. He has come to Wall Street and announced that he will conduct a tax audit here. Once the stock market really collapses.

Those stockholders who suffered losses due to the stock market crash will definitely think that it was because of his investigation that caused panic in the stock market, and the spearhead will inevitably be focused on him.

Thinking of this, David's face became solemn. He immediately picked up his mobile phone, dialed Sean's number, and said: "The three major groups are ready to do something in the stock market. They are coming with great momentum this time, and you must be prepared."

"Are they going to do it...Okay, I know, I will mobilize all funds to enter the market to take over!"

Sean is a smart man. He immediately understood that the three major groups wanted to use this trick to force David to investigate Wall Street, and he solemnly agreed.

After ending the call with Sean, David immediately called the local snake families in various states, told them about this, and asked them to make all preparations.

But even so, David's face still did not show any relief.

Now, whether it is the influence of Congress or the White House, he has surpassed the three major groups.

But in terms of funds, even if he unites more allies, he can't suppress the three major groups.

After all, this group of people holds the economic lifeline of America!

Unless he can make the stockholders of the whole United States see hope and stand on his side, or find a way to operate the national team to come in to rescue the market, it is possible to resist the offensive of the three major groups this time!

After thinking about it, David picked up the phone again, and this time he dialed Thompson's number.

Washington, Thompson International Hotel.

"The three major groups are quite decisive this time, creating chaos in the stock market. Once David can't resist, the stockholders who have suffered heavy losses will naturally put their grievances on him, and then he won't be able to investigate Wall Street again!"

As a former president, Thompson certainly has his own channels, so he also learned that the three major groups are planning to tamper with the stock market.

"Yes, father. Although David had joined forces with many people to make preparations before, this time David has found out about their lifeblood (foundation). They will definitely create chaos in the stock market at all costs. I don't think David can handle it. Why don't we..."

"Beep beep beep..."

Before Ivanka could continue, the phone on the desk rang and interrupted her.

Thomp picked it up and saw that it was David calling. He quickly signaled his daughter to keep quiet. Then he pressed the answer button and said, "What's the matter, Inspector General David?"

"The three major groups are planning to make a fuss in the stock market. Have you heard the news?"

"I just heard some news."

Thomp did not hide it.

"This time they are coming with great momentum, and it's not easy for me to deal with them. To be on the safe side, I invite Mr. Thompson to join in. What do you think?"

Thomp was silent. He had been a president, but he was more of a businessman. So he knew very well that if he joined in this time, once something went wrong, it would not only be a heavy loss, but bankruptcy might be possible.

After all, the financial strength of the three major groups is too strong, comparable to a vast ocean, while his financial strength is only a stream.

What does it mean for a stream to flow into the sea?

It will be swallowed up in an instant without leaving any residue!

Just when Thompson was still hesitating, his daughter Ivanka came up, took his phone and said firmly: "Inspector General David, I am Ivanka. Since you have invited us, we are willing to provide you with all the help!"

Thompson looked at his daughter with some surprise after the phone was taken away, but he still did not say anything to spoil the situation after moving his lips.

"Really? Is this what Mr. Thompson meant?"

Ivanka put the phone back in front of her father and made a gesture to Thompson to agree.

After frowning slightly, Thompson finally said to the phone: "Yes, Inspector General David, since you have spoken, our family is willing to provide help."

"Okay, Mr. Thompson, I will accept this favor and will not bother you anymore, Gu Bai..."

After ending the call, Thompson turned to his daughter and asked: "Tell me why you agreed."

"Father, although we have joined David's camp, we have not made any great contributions in this camp. Do you think that Sean and the local snake families in various states will obey us? They must be dissatisfied from the bottom of their hearts, but they can't say anything because of David's face. This time, it is an opportunity for us!"

"You make sense, but if you do something in other aspects, then I will definitely agree, but now it is in the stock market. Although our family has some money, this financial strength is not enough in front of the three major groups. Once something goes wrong, our basic base will be gone."

Although he has been president, in fact, business is his basic base, so he said so.

"Yes, our financial resources are not enough to compete with the three major groups, but don't forget that there are also the Kennidi family and the local snake families in each state..."

"These people have some influence in the political arena, but even if they are tied together in finance, they will never be the opponents of the three major groups!"

Before Ivanka finished speaking, Thompson interrupted.

"Yes, but father, don't forget that we still have the IRS to back us up!"

"What do you mean?"

"Father, think about it, no matter which country's stock market is really facing the risk of collapse, who will come in to save the market in the end?"

"Of course it's the country... You mean, if we really can't bear it, David may operate the national team to come in to save the market?"

After his daughter's reminder, Thompson finally came to his senses.

"That's right. The IRS has successfully passed the cross-region tax avoidance bill. They have plenty of money now. If we can't bear it in the end, they will definitely operate in this way. At that time, do you think the three major groups can continue to stir up trouble?"

"But since the three major groups have already planned to take action on the stock market, they probably have also made some corresponding stings. David wants to operate the national team to enter the market, but it may not be that simple..."

"Father, even such a difficult bill as the cross-region tax avoidance bill, David has successfully operated it. Now it's just operating the national team to enter the market to save the market. How could he not be sure? Believe him!"

"Okay, you are right, then do it according to your wishes!"

Although the three major groups are financially strong, the IRS is in charge of national taxation, and now the passage of the cross-region tax avoidance bill has made them even more powerful.

If it is really successful, then the actions of the three major groups this time will inevitably be in vain.

So Thompson finally chose his daughter's proposal.

Under the continuous planning of the three major groups, and with the stock market opening approaching, many stock market insiders have gradually noticed some anomalies, and with the outflow of many gossips, the country's attention, which was originally on David's investigation of Wall Street, has gradually shifted to the stock market.

Amid the panic, the time finally came to 9:30, and the US stock market officially opened.

Since the signing of the tax avoidance bill, let alone those small companies, the market value of several major Internet giants led by Amazon, Google, and Weiruan has also evaporated every day.

As soon as the market opened today, there was no surprise, and the stock prices of these major companies were still falling.

However, the protagonists today are not them, but more than a dozen investment banks on Wall Street. They began to sell off the stocks of major holding companies in large quantities, and combined with the rumors before the market opened, this really caused panic in the market.

Soros's financial "herd effect" method quickly achieved results.

Seeing that these leaders on Wall Street had sold off their company's stocks, the worried stockholders naturally sold off their shares in a panic. Less than half an hour later, the Nasdaq index in the United States began to plummet.

"David, why haven't the families you arranged made a move yet!"

"If they don't make a move, the stock market will collapse!"


In the office, David was video-calling with the senior executives of the IRS.

Seeing the stock market plummet, the people of the Kennidi family had not made any moves, and many senior executives could not sit still.

David was also wondering at this time, but just when he wanted to call Sean to ask, suddenly a senior executive shouted excitedly.

"Capital has entered the market to take over!"

When they heard the senior executive's shout, everyone turned their attention to the stock market.

As the senior executive said, a powerful capital was frantically taking over the stocks sold by those investment banks on Wall Street!

And then, the local snake families in various states also invested money to enter the market and joined the action of taking over these investment banks.

The reason why the stock market caused panic was ultimately due to the lack of trust among investors, which led to a large-scale sell-off.

And seeing so much capital entering, they made a big move to cover the bottom, which brought hope to the originally turbulent stock market.

When investors saw that the stocks they originally held were still so valuable, their minds were settled down, and the number of people selling began to decrease continuously.

In this way, the stock market, which was extremely turbulent in the first half an hour, gradually stabilized.

"Good, great!"

"These guys did a good job, and they calmed down the stock market as soon as they made a move!"

"Ken Nidi and the local snake families in various states still have some foundation, and they are temporarily stable."

"Wait, don't be too happy too early, now it's only the investment banks on Wall Street that are selling, and those heavyweight hedge funds haven't left yet!"

Seeing that the stock market has stabilized, many senior executives breathed a sigh of relief.

But immediately after a senior executive mentioned the hedge funds on Wall Street, their hearts were once again hanging.

These investment banks that are now taking action are indeed just small players for the three major groups. The giant companies controlled by people like Soros and Buffett have not yet moved.

"Look, they are selling!"

Just when everyone was still thinking, Donald's words interrupted everyone's thoughts.

Everyone turned their heads to look at the screen, only to see that the market, which had been tending to be peaceful, began to become turbulent again because of a large number of sell-offs.

Seeing this, although everyone was a little anxious, they could only watch the development of things patiently.

At the same time, in the Kennidi family.

"Father, they started selling!"

Selina's expression became serious.

As a top student in the Department of Economics at Harvard University, he also knew that the ones they took over before were just appetizers.

If they really want to successfully block it, they have to fight with the real hedge funds on Wall Street.

"Is the money ready? Don't mess it up?"

Sean's face looked a little serious.

"I have already informed our family that all the funds that can be mobilized have been transferred. Next, we can only see how the situation will develop."


In addition to the Kennidi family, the local snake families in various states that have reached a cooperation with David at this moment have also mobilized a large amount of family funds and continuously joined this stock market war. (End of this chapter)

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