United states tax collector

Chapter 412 Musk's Regret

Soon, more than an hour passed quietly.

Sean and Thompson, who were originally full of confidence, gradually became depressed.

Originally, they thought that even if the three major groups intended to stir up trouble in the stock market, they would definitely proceed in a cyclical manner depending on the situation.

Because if they sold a large number of stocks, once they did not achieve the desired effect and were caught by them, it would be a loss of both the wife and the army.

But what was unexpected was that these guys did not play by the rules at all.

If they did not make a move, they would sell like crazy, not caring how low the market price was, as if the stocks in their hands would become waste tickets if they were a little late.

This made the traders of the major families curse.

Of course, they cursed, but they still had to guarantee the tasks assigned by David.

After regrouping, the major families could only go with the flow and madly invest money in the stock market, hoping to stabilize the situation as soon as possible.

However, the situation of the stock market is beyond anyone's control. The crazy selling of the three major groups has gradually caused a new round of panic in the stock market.

Stockholders are also afraid that they will be trapped in the next step, so they also sell their shares like crazy.

This has not made the situation any better, but more serious than when it started.

Fortunately, after a melee, the time finally came to 4 pm, which is the closing time of the American stock market, and Sean Thompson's people can be regarded as relieved.


Sennado Island.

"Fuck, they have managed to bear this!?"

"We sold so many stocks in large quantities, but we couldn't trigger the circuit breaker. We suffered a bit this time..."

"Yeah, not to mention the stock market crash, even the circuit breaker failed to break, which is still a bit below our expectations..."

"I knew that David, that bastard, must have made this plan, and now it is true, otherwise he would definitely not be able to bear it today..."

The circuit breaker mechanism is also called the automatic suspension mechanism.

It refers to the suspension of trading measures taken by the exchange to control risks when the stock index volatility reaches the specified circuit breaker point.

So far, the US stock market has been circuit-broken five times in total.

The first occurred during the financial crisis in 1997. The other four occurred in 2020.

And every time the US stock market is circuit-broken, it will cause global shock.

So the Freemasons present were very sorry.

Because David is currently conducting a tax audit on Wall Street. If the stock market encounters the sixth circuit breaker at this juncture, they can use this to put the pot on David's head, and this guy will have a good time.

But unfortunately, things did not develop as they imagined.

Hearing these people's remarks, Soros and Buffett, the two stock gods at the scene, cursed fools in their hearts.

Although they sold stocks very quickly, David was able to deal with so many members of Congress, which means that he also dealt with the chaebols behind these members. Although these chaebols are not as good as their three major groups, they are also not to be underestimated.

And now this stock market war has only started for a day, and you want to defeat them in one fell swoop, how is this possible!

Although they thought so in their hearts, neither Soros nor Buffett dared to say such offensive words.

Among them, Soros said tactfully: "The Kennidi family and the indigenous families in various states are still quite powerful. It's only been a short day. It's not so easy to defeat them. Let's work hard next time!"

"Soros is right. The situation in the stock market cannot be rushed. Our three major groups control the stocks of so many American companies, which means that the initiative is always in our hands. We can play with them slowly!"

Buffett also echoed.

After hearing the explanations of the two stock market tycoons, the originally restless people calmed down.

At this time, Henrietta also looked at the two and said, "Do you think we need to do something at this stage?"

Soros pondered for a moment and replied, "We need to use the media and social software that we can still control now to publicize and inject unfavorable market news into stockholders, so that they will be more panicked after the market opens tomorrow."

When he blocked those countries in Southeast Asia, he used this trick. Relying on the overwhelming propaganda before the market opened, he caused the people to lose confidence in their own currencies and shorted the currencies of these countries.

So he thinks that this trick should also be effective in the current American stock market.

"Time is tight, and there should be a lot of funds from Ken Nidi and the local snake families in various states that have not been transferred in time. I think we can use the funds supervision of the Securities Regulatory Commission to hinder the operation of their funds, so as to delay their investment in the stock market!"

Buffett also echoed his opinion.

"Very good!"

Henrietta looked at the people present and said, "You all heard it, do it!"


New York, Manhattan Branch.

"According to today's closing situation, the Nasdaq Composite Index is at 17127.66, down 9.63% from 15423.03 on the previous trading day. It's still 10 percentage points away from the circuit breaker mechanism, and this is only the first day. If the three major groups launch a more rapid offensive, then we..."

In the office, a woman with a ponytail is constantly explaining. Her name is Megan, a clerk in the Manhattan branch who is proficient in the stock market.

Since David didn't know much about the stock market, she was sent over to explain the situation to David when the market opened.

"Today the Nasdaq index fell by nearly ten percentage points. In other words, if this continues, the circuit breaker may occur at any time?"

Although he doesn't know much about the stock market, he also knows what a circuit breaker in the stock market means. This means that investors will suffer great losses and will also cause panic in the market, and the stock market crash will not be far away.

"Our funds are still a bit weak now. If there are no more funds to enter the market to take over, this will indeed be the case."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work Megan, you can go back and rest."

"Okay, then I'll come over tomorrow when the market opens."

After Megan left, David immediately picked up the phone, dialed a number, and said, "How about Keppel, have you contacted Masco?"

"Following your instructions, I have been contacting him, and even contacted his assistant through an intermediary, but he seems to be avoiding us and unwilling to talk to us..."

After hearing this, David's eyebrows showed a "Chuan" shape.

When he was renovating the CIA, he happened to meet the new world's richest man, and even reached a cooperation agreement with him at that time.

However, after his foreign tax avoidance bill was passed and he planned to start the mid-term elections, he could not contact the other party.

Forget it, now I hear Keppel saying that the other party actually wants to avoid him. What's going on?

Could it be that the three major groups did something against Musko?

Or is it that Musko is on the opposite side?

This seems somewhat unlikely!

As soon as this idea came up, David immediately rejected it.

According to the information he obtained, Masco had nothing to do with the Freemasons and the Angsa Group. On the contrary, after seeing his rise, these major groups were worried about being threatened and suppressed him many times. Masco.

So logically speaking, it should be impossible for the two to stand together.

Then there must be another reason that forces Masco to avoid him!

"Inspector General, are you still listening?"

The voice on the other end of the phone brought David back to his senses. He thought for a moment and said: "In this case, help me immediately notify Sean, Tom, and... these people, and ask them to arrive in New York before 9 o'clock tonight. Meet me at Times Square Hotel!”

People like Sean and Tom are currently in Washington. It only takes more than an hour to get here, and it is only four o'clock in the afternoon, so there is still time.

The offensive of the three major groups will definitely be more intense tomorrow.

So the purpose of calling these people together was naturally to discuss and arrange the tasks for tomorrow's market opening.

At the same time, Washington, Thompson International Hotel.

"Father, there is something wrong with this. If this continues, let alone the 50-80 billion US dollars we estimate, I think it will be difficult to stabilize the market even with 100 billion US dollars."

According to the previous speculations of Ivanka and Thompson, given the scale of selling by the three major groups in the stock market, as long as they spend 50 billion to 80 billion to enter the market, they will not be able to completely bottom out, but they can at least stabilize it for at least a week.

But judging from today's situation, let alone a week, I'm lucky to be able to survive tomorrow.

"The decisiveness of the three major groups is indeed beyond expectations, but don't think about this method. It must be planned by those two old bastards Soras and Buffett!"

Freemasons are a group of profit-seeking people.

Although they did pour the milk at the beginning, the milk was not poured out all at once.

The group of people at the time were observing the economic market at that time. Once the economic market regained vitality, they would immediately stop their losses.

And this time, Tang Pu felt the same way.

He felt that this was just the beginning, and it was impossible for the three major groups to dump all the milk in their hands.

But I didn't expect that they could actually make such a decisive move.

As for such a decisive method, thinking about it now, he felt that it must have something to do with Solo Spafit.

Only under the leadership of these two people who are known as the stock gods of the world, others can do this kind of thing with one heart.

"It should be so. Such decisive and ruthless methods are what Sauras has always used!"

"Forget it, leave him alone, what did Masco say?"

Tom Pu knew very well that he could not lose this war, so after thinking about it, he decided to find a foreign aid to help.

And the only person who has good relations with their family and has this strength is Musko, the newly richest man in the world.

"His secretary has already replied and said that he will come to see you, father, at 6 o'clock tonight..."


While the two were talking, there was a knock on the office door, and Tom had no choice but to shout patiently: "Come in!"

"Mr. Thompson, Inspector General David's assistant Keppel called and asked you to come to the Times Square Hotel in New York before nine o'clock tonight. He wants to see you."

"Nine o'clock...Okay, I understand, you can get out!"

The situation in the stock market today was so intense. Obviously David noticed something was wrong and held a meeting to lay out the next plan. This is normal.

Thinking of this, Thompson looked at his daughter and said, "You just said that Musk will come to see me at 6 o'clock?"

"Yes, it takes us more than an hour to get to New York. After meeting him, we can fly to New York in time!"

"Okay, let's do it!"

At 6 o'clock in the evening, a Tesla arrived at the door of Thompson International Hotel.

The car door opened, and a man about 1.9 meters tall and with a slightly peaceful look came down.

He is Musk, the current richest man in the United States, a technology madman, the controller of Tesla and Spacex, and known as the modern Iron Man.

"Mr. Musk, welcome!"

Thompson and his daughter, who had been waiting here early, came up immediately.

In Thompson's business empire, Musk has always been his business partner.

And when he took office as president, he immediately hired Musk to serve on his advisory committee.

But later, for some other reasons, Musk resigned from this position in 17 years.

But in any case, the two of them have a good relationship in private.

This is why Musk can avoid David for some personal reasons, but it is difficult to refuse to see Thompson.

"Mr. Thompson, Ms. Ivanka, hello!"

"Come in first and talk!"

Thompson and his daughter took Musk through the hotel lobby and went up to a private room on the upper floor.

After both parties sat down, Thompson asked impatiently: "Mr. Musk, I believe you already know that I have joined David's camp, and I heard that David had invited you before, so I came to you today for this matter."

"Excuse me, Mr. Thompson, I did reach a verbal agreement with David before, but as the situation developed later, I thought it would be better for me not to get involved."

"Don't look at everyone calling me the modern Iron Man, but in essence, I am just a businessman. In America, as long as you are in business, you can't get around the three major groups no matter what, and you have seen what the major groups did to me before. I don't want the situation to become more difficult, I hope you can understand!"

Musco said this with a little struggle.

In fact, from the perspective of his heart, he wanted to cooperate with David.

Not to mention that David has now controlled Congress and has become a rising star force in the United States, just the repeated suppression of him by the major groups in the early years, a man must also take revenge, right?

The reason why he finally broke the contract was mainly because he heard a rumor that when the tax avoidance bill was in the Senate, the three major groups took action against the families of those congressmen.

Family is his weak spot.

This is why he was afraid to bet on David even after seeing the bill passed. (End of this chapter)

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