Universal Asylum

Chapter 1115: Weird Dragon

Liu Yiyi's unreasonable eyes were moist, and she looked at Wang Sheng foggyly, looking at the man who spoke such a domineering words just now, she still waited until she could get the result she wanted.

"I do," she said with a trembling voice.

Wang Sheng smiled happily, and Liu Yiyi suddenly laughed out loud for some reason, with a beautiful expression and unprecedented relaxation. It seemed that he finally determined a figure, which was no longer an unnecessary pursuit, but went hand in hand.

The two were silent again on the top of the mountain, but the mood at this time was different. It was warm and comfortable. It was what Liu Yiyi longed for in his heart, and Wang Sheng was really happy. It was no less than the success of the sermon. He suddenly felt trouble for no reason. There is too much emotion in the cause and effect of the root cause, the figure representing the root cause and effect is clearer, and it really needs to appear in the mind.

Suddenly Wang Sheng walked with a hunch that his roots of cause and effect had matured, and when it could be cut off at any time, this was undoubtedly a step out of the realm, and the same realm as the Taoist ancestors who had taken that step to achieve the power of the world. , Only waiting for him to cut him!

Wang Sheng thought about it, because part of his obsession was actually sentiment or sustenance. He completed his thorough return to the original and returned to the original.

Wang Sheng smiled, it was certainly worth rejoicing, but his rejoicing was very simple, because Liu Yiyi agreed to him, rather than let Liu Yiyi agree for the progress of the realm. .

Liu Yiyi didn't feel Wang Sheng's changes. The two of them stood on the top of the mountain and looked at the distant scenery. It seemed that they couldn't see enough until suddenly there was a sound of thunder and explosion, mixed with anti-inflammatory roar and power. Wang Shengcai's eyes moved slightly, looking down and seeing what happened below.

A huge dragon appeared below, and even attacked to eliminate inflammation, making inflammation less irritating. What is even more different is that the same is true on the side. Until the anti-inflammatory roar exploded, it was suddenly realized that this one was realized. Dragon, what happened next is even more weird. Tian Tian suddenly found himself unable to move, and a threat that had never been seen appeared in his mind. It seems that he will completely eliminate the next moment!

He was terrified in his heart. What kind of power was this? Is there any other creature besides this dragon?

Wang Sheng gazed slightly, feeling that things were a bit strange. Even if he was still fascinated, he could not have noticed the appearance of this thing, but the truth is that he did not realize that this thing appeared without any interest, even if it is now. Closing his eyes, Wang Sheng couldn't see his existence either. Anti-inflammatory was like fighting against the void air.

"Interesting, let's take a look." Wang Sheng whispered, and Liu Yiyi naturally followed.

Walking in the sky, Wang Sheng reached out and pointed a finger. The sky ahead suddenly felt a loose body. The crisis was gone. The strength of the whole body appeared again. He looked up and knew that Wang Sheng had shot.

At this time, the anti-inflammatory and this evil dragon battle reached a climax. It is very strange that the power of the quasi-imperial emperor and the anti-inflammatory can be banned from Tianyi. Although it has an advantage, it is not crushed. Anti-inflammatory can also rely on its own flame. Confrontation, these two different forces make him feel even more weird.

He groaned slightly, but only blocked the battle here, and then heard the sound and anti-inflammatory for a while, he wanted to see what the origin of this thing was.

"You have to stabilize, but I feel that a force has been hovering around me, and it seems to have been waiting to erode me. This kind of feeling of ruining the road is uncomfortable." Xiaoyan's bitter voice came.

Tian Yi looked sternly, "That's how it feels. I thought I was the only one. It seemed that there was really a force lurking on one side."

But neither Wang Sheng nor Tian Yi could find that kind of power. Wang Sheng didn't feel this way in himself.

At this moment, there was a mumble from above, Wang Sheng clearly heard his ears, he looked up and found that Heifeng Li Zhu seemed to be trapped in the sky, and then Feng Feng launched the prototype, but still as Tian Yi just said The situation could not be freed, I knew she was an emperor, you can trap the power of an emperor!

"I felt the crisis of life and death, and my body instinct almost took the initiative to nirvana!" Li Zhu's voice sounded from the bottom of his heart, Wang Sheng raised his eyebrows, and also raised his hand, suddenly Li Zhu returned to freedom, and did not dare to delay, a flash came to Wang Sheng's Around him, his expression was still amazed.

"She is also an emperor!?" Tian Yi's eyes leaked out at this time, and he discovered that the woman who had been quietly following Wang Sheng was an emperor, but a different kind of emperor, but it was a **** beast Phoenix, like the Shenlong, is a rare growth beast. It will gradually increase its strength as the bloodline grows~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even the Great Emperor level has a strength bonus, but at this time it is like a king behind Wang Sheng. Servant.

His eyes were slightly complicated, and then he thought of more important things. An emperor could not resist this force. How powerful is this force. If Wang Sheng was not here, wouldn't it mean that they would all suffer?

When is there such a powerful force on earth? If there is such a power, then the earth has been destroyed countless times, and he is wondering in his heart.

"Weak is weak, strong is strong? Didn't provoke me, because I exceeded his strength!" Wang Sheng murmured secretly, but he couldn't feel the crisis at all, his body was calm, black wind and heaven Did not bring the kind of disaster, it seems to come to him, all disasters will stay away from the general.

"Quick help me, I can't stand it anymore!" The anti-inflammatory shouted, without the slightest hypocrisy, in the face of the life-and-death crisis, hypocrisy really looked for his own way.

Wang Sheng didn't delay, also reached out with a finger, the threat in the anti-inflammatory heart disappeared without a trace, and at the same time, the evil dragon roared and stared at Wang Sheng fiercely, he was about to leave. Too.


Wang Sheng was surprised, this crazy power turned out to be wise, he pointed again, and the dragon body shivered slightly, but only for a moment, actually cancelled Wang Sheng’s imprisoned power and escaped again, but Wang Sheng was already right He is interested, and he will not be allowed to leave, and this thing is undoubtedly a threat to the earth today. If he does not exist, then the earth crisis will come.

He stepped up his efforts to imprison, and found that Nielong could still resist, and increased his strength again, until Nielong was finally fixed in place by him, he had already exerted 70% of his strength, and he was even more surprised in his heart. The strength is enough for him to defeat a few powerful.

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