Universal Asylum

Chapter 1116: World origin

Even if it is fixed in place, the evil dragon is still struggling, the strength of the struggle is not weak, but it can’t get rid of the limitation of being unable to Wang Sheng, all the body of this evil dragon is finally fully revealed, only the upper body is brave and domineering, all scales The armor erected, the flesh and blood could not be seen inside the scale armor, it was completely condensed by the waves of black mist, which seemed to contain boundless aura, the lower body of this evil dragon was a white mist, the mist seemed to be divided into a piece of scale armor The film surrounds the evil dragon, and the more it spreads back and forth, there is no real entity at the end, as if such a evil dragon was drilled from the void.

"Not completely formed!"

Wang Sheng fixed the power of this evil dragon, more than suppressing its power, its strength is actually not strong. What really is powerful is that it can bring threats to the mechanism and the power to make an emperor unable to move. Wang Sheng is just Restricted the evil dragon from using this power to escape, purely from the strength point of view, it can be compared with Xiao Yan, who has never been detached, and it can be seen.

The lower body of this evil dragon is wrapped in clouds, not a peculiar cloud, but the appearance of its body. Wang Sheng has seen the essence when he is limited to this evil dragon, except that the upper body reveals the substantial scale armor, which The evil dragon is completely formed by clusters of evil spirits. The strange evil spirits give it a special ability. The essence of this evil spirit is only afraid of being very high. It can even threaten the emperor. It is enough to prove that the origin of the evil spirit is a level with the emperor. Yes, combined with the power of that space, this evil dragon has the complete power to kill the emperor.

The evil dragon that has been seen through the essence has greatly weakened the mystery in Wang Sheng’s eyes, and the danger is basically non-existent, but the value of this evil dragon does not decrease but rises, and his eyes shine, what is the reason for the evil spirit of the evil dragon. Here comes such a power, and the most important point is that it has formed a wise mind, which can already be regarded as a soul.

Wang Sheng came to the evil dragon and looked at this grisly head. The blackness of his feet was the real substance. It was like a scale armor outside, a bifurcation like antlers, a huge and mighty dragon head, and it looked extra domineering. It is a real Eastern Dragon. Seeing the vigorous figure, there are vague pleadings and fears in his eyes. It seems to see an exceptionally weak mind, which is completely incompatible with the evil spirit of this evil dragon. Wang Sheng extended his finger to enter In the space, click on the eyebrow of this evil dragon, at this moment, the body of the evil dragon trapped suddenly moved, and the whole turned into a ball of air floating in the void, a group of quintessential energy air king Wrapped in Sheng's fingers, the sound of Ziz kept ringing. It seemed that this finger was being eroded continuously. Wang Sheng felt a bit of pain, but he did not retract his fingers. His eyes narrowed and watched the change of the evil dragon.

What a pure source, a strong corrosive force, looming beyond the level of this evil dragon, even has a harmful effect on his physical body, to know how powerful his physical body is now, especially Daoguo With the unity of power, the flesh is even more unimaginable. Although it is only trivial damage, it is not something that ordinary power can do.

Wang Sheng exuded strange powers in his fingers. When the group's original changes were more dramatic, it was about to erupt, damage itself by one thousand, and hurt the enemy by 800, and once again stop the evil spirit group transformed by this evil dragon from the inside out. This time, the evil dragon is truly completely settled. Knowing that there is such a change in the evil dragon, the king monk cannot give a little chance to the evil dragon.

He manipulated the space to completely block the evil dragon that turned into shakiness, and reduced it into a group in front of him. It was a black and white shape. When combined, there was a little Daoyun coming out, and there were strong fluctuations in the faint. This is the level. The fluctuations are not worse than the survival energy of the emperor level.

"What is this, and why does it exist on Earth."

"It looks like something of a primitive kind. A world often produces such a thing." Tianyi seemed to understand, and at the same time returned to the anti-inflammatory question, it was a bit curious to see Wang Sheng, and immediately explained it carefully. Tao: "This thing is actually quite common in the universe. You should know that there are unique creatures such as innate gods. No matter where they appear, such innate gods are the objects of hunting by the heavens, because they are essentially the origin of the world. It is a metamorphosis, and it can be more or less accelerated to understand it. It has a great effect on detachment. Even in some higher worlds, the source of the transformation can be completely used by detachment, but That's all."

Tian Yi looked at the locked Dragon Sorrow with surprise, "If this thing is the source, it can indeed explain why this thing has a dragon shape~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and it looks like it has a sacred mind, because he is the appearance of an innate god. , But such a powerful source of the world has never been heard, if it is true, let alone detachment, even if it is effective for the emperor."

Speaking of this, he didn't pay attention to the fact that Wang Sheng had moved in his heart. It seems that the formation of the wisdom of this thing has been explained here in Tianyi. It is not surprising that the real point is that it may be useful for the level of the emperor!

Useful to the emperor, so what about the mighty? If Wang Sheng is not bad, it should be equally useful, because in essence, the life levels of the emperor and the powerful are the same, even if Wang Sheng’s current strength is the same as the rice level of the powerful emperor, That is to say, this thing may be useful to yourself, which is commendable, and even the only thing on the road of the monk's cultivation. His curiosity about this thing is even more important.

"Assume that this is really the origin of the world, then why does it appear on the earth, is it." Tian Yizhu did not go on, but everyone knows what he is going to say, is it the earth's origin of the world!

But can the earth be born with such a strong world origin? Does this mean that the existence of the earth is indeed secret? If it is just a projection world of Kyushu, it is impossible to give birth to such a strong world origin.

"All speculation requires factual evidence, let me see how this thing was born."

Wang Sheng stretched out his hand and held a black and white air mass that was shrunk into the size of his palm. The other hand waved, and a long river of unreal but broken time appeared in front of his eyes. This is a long river of time belonging to the earth. Once Wang Sheng went back to the earth Time, but found that the time of the earth is not true, regardless of the existence of any time of the earth on all levels. Now even if the time of the earth does not exist, he can also find the real time.

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