Universal Asylum

Chapter 1168: look for an opportunity

There is no specific consciousness in the eradication of the red tide. Wang Sheng rushed into the high latitudes, and even the ancient giants could not see clearly. In this third battlefield, only the confrontation of consciousness, the form does not exist, but it does not reach a certain level. You can't see it. Wang Sheng can probably see a little outline, which is also the direct reason why he dared to intervene.

If you can’t see the body, you can only defend yourself. It’s like Wang Sheng’s third confrontation with the third step force, and repeated escapes, but they are all embarrassed and dangerous. At that time, he could not touch the real existence of the third step, but Now, he went one step further, and in the face of the consciousness of the third step, he could already resist slightly.

This area is illusory, but it is real, but it is controlled by two confrontations. As soon as Wang Sheng enters, he is instinctively oppressed by the two. Wang Sheng sinks, and his chest and bones are all collapsed. Essence and blood are running wildly, physical strength is out of the body, and they are resisting the targeting of these two consciousnesses. Wang Sheng retreats one after another, trying to offset the pressure, and at the same time, his palm has swayed a breath machine, which directly let him The pressure was halved, which was a breath machine given to him by Sanqing, the essence of the spread of time, in order to let Pangu avatar give up against him at this moment, Pangu avatar has no sanity, but therefore there is more room for manipulation.

The pressure was reduced by half, Wang Sheng was not more relaxed, because the eradication red tide consciousness had noticed that his ants, the pressure on his body increased greatly, his whole body was crushed in an instant, and then reborn in the distance, and then smashed into **** again. The second time, the monk seemed to repeat the scene when he faced the four other shores before, but the four other shores relied on the means of extinction red tide. Wang Shengshi relied on the powerful vitality of his own body, even the third part It is impossible to let him fall easily, not to mention that he has a third special body, whether it is a real spirit or a physical body.

   Wang Sheng had long expected this situation. He struggled to walk towards the aftermath of the battlefield. He could not enter the battlefield. He did not enter the battlefield for a positive breakthrough, just to seize the opportunity and issue a fatal blow!

He wanted to escape, and the World Extinguishing Red Tide would not let him escape. For the World Extinguishing Red Grass, when Wang Sheng could not completely fall for several times, Wang Sheng was already destined to become a larger heart from a ants If it is a true third step power, even if it is a heart attack, but the third step is not only promoted to ants, no need to pay special attention, but the opponent of the third step is the key, but the eradication of the red tide is not specific He will only base his judgment on his own consciousness, and compared with the real third step, both he and Pangu incarnation are far worse. Strictly speaking, it is also a pseudo third step and Wang Sheng can The root cause of meddling.

   If the red tide of extinction is very strong, nine points are aimed at the Pangu incarnation, then this force will be completely transferred to Wang Sheng, or Wang Sheng shall be eliminated first at all costs.

Wang Sheng felt the pressure, remained calm, speechless, and wondered whether he should be happy to admit his status for the eradicating red tide, or whether he was more bitter and bitter than he thought. These emotions could not affect the overall situation. The World Extinguishing Red Tide decided to go all out, and then he came back to this place and was in a state of embarrassment and fled, and then lost the qualification to break his wrist before the World Extinguishing Red Tide.

He was quiet in his heart, and it was not the best choice to directly intervene in the battle of the two, but Sanqing clearly told him that the Pangu avatar could not summon too long a time, this is what it should be, after all, a real third step There is no price to pay for the incarnation. The time and rivers in Kyushu can do this. In fact, Wang Sheng was surprised, perhaps only he guessed, or Sanqing also guessed. Pangu Mengneng has something to do with it. At this time, its large-area world is still hanging beside the universe, and participants are in another battle.

Once the third step is achieved, there will never be an unconscious avatar. The third part, which is the only place in the world, the so-called projection and avatar of Jugwu, even if there is, it must be under the third step can be indulged And such a third step incarnation that can exert the third step power is impossible without Pangu’s consent.

But even if Pangu agrees, the power to release this incarnation needs to be consumed. Since the Qing Dynasty, it has long been consumed to resist the invasion of this eradication red tide outside the river of time. At this time, the power has completely exploded to support it as the main force. It has reached the edge, so Wang Sheng needs to take a risk.

No one is persecuting him, and no one can be persecuting him. He just made the most ethical choice, especially after he could easily suppress the four strong people on the other side. His level is doomed to him and the third step. There has been a gap between the existence of Xia, and there is only the third step, which has made him awe and excited.

Wang Sheng's efforts to withdraw to the edge of the land ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the fierce aftermath of the fierce battle struck, there is no trace of gaps, Wang Sheng has almost no place to avoid, Pangu is even a little incarnation Without the intention to sell, the inflator could prevent him from attacking Wang Sheng, but he could not let him write books for Wang Sheng. In the final analysis, he was just an unconscious incarnation.

  Wang Sheng had expected all this long ago. He was slightly surprised that the importance of World Extinguishing Red Grass on him exceeded his imagination. His current crisis is much more serious than he imagined, but he can still try to support it.

Wang Sheng’s body is no longer complete, only a flesh of flesh and blood is entangled around and madly evading the pursuit of the world’s red tide. His bottom line is that he cannot be forced into the middle to occupy it, so even if he has a deep background, he will Being completely targeted, and thus killed, there is no good ending, as long as he can maintain the peripheral plaque to ensure his vitality and secretly seek opportunities.

Wang Sheng had no other choice, and there was no room for the attack of the World Extinguishing Red Tide. When he attacked him in all directions, he was destined to only bear it. This was also the worst situation he had considered. He would be attacked by the World Extinguishing Red Grass until it died. The Red Tide had to withdraw that power to completely attach itself to the enemy against Pangu incarnation, but then it will be the time for the time to come, that is, he needs to support it by that time.

Wang Sheng’s form can’t find scale anymore, he just keeps a part of the third-step specialization, and he is always insisting that if there is no physical change not long ago, he would not dare to enter this occupation, which is also what he can intervene in. Confidence, as he expected, now he resisted a wave of attacks, and even gradually found a gap, began to retain strength, to save strength for that shot of opportunity.

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