Universal Asylum

Chapter 1169: Peak 1 hit

Time doesn't exist here. Wang Sheng's torment seems to have spent countless years, but I am afraid that the outside world hasn't passed for a moment. When it was the highest power of the confrontation system, Dao Zu can still react after a moment, but that kind of The situation is that there is no pure third-step power without the third-step consciousness, and the sent-back is not as good as the third-non-system itself, and this time, it is the real third-step confrontation occupation, even if the consciousness of the world-extinguishing red tide is unsensible The awareness of the third step is not comparable before.

So the current confrontation is like a flash of electricity, and I don’t see any chance. Wang Sheng’s consciousness of transformation can sense some clues, but it’s only a little. It’s also the key to his ability to accumulate power. Wang Seng always keeps his mind calm, he Without a hole card, once the real total disappears, it really disappears. It is not like the strong thinking on the other side with the end of the world's red tide. There is no need to worry about the life and death crisis. There is a big horror between life and death. He naturally has fear, but he will not be afraid. Rather, he dares to see through fear and fight hard. This is also the essence of his Dao Xin and the necessity of his Dao Xin existence.


With flesh and blood splashing, Wang Sheng’s continuously healed flesh and blood will only be completely crushed under a little pressure. He is only in vain. This flesh does not play much role in resisting this pressure. It is really his third special. The only effect brought about by the continuous breeding of flesh or blood, or the only benefit Wang Sheng can get now is that the black power in his body is integrated into the body in one step, and the power of Dao Guo is also gradually integrated, even the true spirit, everything is advancing.

Wang Sheng once said that spiritual practice never relies on time. If the savings are sufficient, if the mind is in place, then unless the power crosses the gap of the third step, or even the realm of the great emperor, it can be achieved naturally, and Wang Sheng is now With enough Dao Xin, the pressure now is to make him cross the border and make him transform. It sounds like a good thing, but the progress under the crisis of life and death, even Wang Sheng, is a bit rebellious, and he does it step by step. It is the true meaning of spiritual practice.

  Wang Sheng consciously seized the opportunity to infiltrate continuously. He saw the two tyrannical consciousnesses in front of him constantly confronting each other, and the time he waited for gradually came.

The time of Pangu's incarnation finally appeared too long, and now it is unbearable, but at the same time, the most brilliant power has erupted. From the beginning, the two confronted each other to the current repression. The eradicating red tide had to retreat and put it in The power of Wang Seng began to gradually withdraw, and Wang Sheng's situation had room to relax.

In fact, Wang Sheng is very blocked. I believe that Pangu incarnation can take advantage. If Pangu incarnation cannot take advantage, then Wang Sheng will have to take advantage of the flames and shoot out to help Pangu incarnation achieve balance, but Wang Sheng is somewhat confident After all, compared with the eradication of the red tide, there is no physical body but consciousness, or the entire world is its physical existence, but it is destined to not help him fight, but the Pangu incarnation is both physical and conscious, which is an advantage.

   now has the advantage, Wang Sheng can be said to be successful, he is not in a hurry to condense his real body, but his consciousness is gradually sharp, waiting for the peak moment of the Pangu incarnation. He needs to attack before the peak moment appears to establish the victory!

Time is particularly slow at this time. Wang Shengdao’s heart produces countless emotions in an instant, but all of them are beheaded twice. No one can be at this time. But Wang Sheng must be at this time. The emotional destruction, Wang Sheng began to calm down slowly, in his brain, the root of the cause and effect began to be clear and transparent, and the root of the cause and effect that was limited to his figure was slowly and purely.

Wang Sheng's heart calmed down completely, just like a swordsman. The reflection in the blade of the sword was calm and without waves. At the same time, the third part of his consciousness was unprecedentedly clear and unprecedented. .

The collision is silent. At this level, no matter whether it is Pangu or the ruined red grassland, the forehead of the form cannot be seen, or the level is not enough, but now the Pangu avatar has a translucent outline, which must be made. All open, roaring upwards, the giant axe in his hand raised high, the light under the axe can open up the void, and can smash everything. This is Pangu’s axe, infused with his faith, even if the three thousand demon gods block, even The way forward is unknown, even if the world is enemies, this is the way I will never retreat, not by chance.

  He believes in a giant axe, which blends with his body. This axe will be the undoubted pinnacle.

  The time has come!

  The thought flashed in Wang Sheng's heart, regardless of consciousness or physical body, he had already instinctively shot, just like the sword was out of the sheath, the sword came out of no return! This attack was revealed, this attack, vowed to succeed, this attack, no regrets, this is his peak hit, this is his full blow, like Pangu wielding an axe!

The flesh condenses in an instant, and when it is completely formed, it has disappeared into a phantom. The consciousness returns, and the distant scene clearly sees in front of him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His consciousness condenses on the consciousness, closing his eyes, There is a point in the heart of the manifestation of consciousness, he is the arrow that is about to be fired, to hit this point.

The palace above the head appears and then blurs like flowing water into the body and enters consciousness. The upper and lower lines of the whole body show the lines of the veins. With the palace above the head, it turns into water and enters the body, followed by an unprecedented flash of black light. This is the power he accumulated before. There is also a water-like dimple to contain, a burst of brain burst out.

  Wang Sheng was transformed into a black sword. When a sword was stabbed with no mercy, he split the void and chaotic chaos, and went through.

As if time is stagnating, the Pangu axe is slow and firm, and the consciousness of the eradicating red grass is firmly resisted, but none of this sword is fast. Wang Sheng burns the consciousness into the reaction speed and consciousness of the third step at this moment, he surpassed The speed and limits of Pangu's avatar, he came out of control!

   The world is still and gray, and in Wang Sheng's mind, only himself and that point are clear and transparent, with this color, and the color of that point is constantly flashing and growing!

  Wang Sheng had no other ideas. He didn't think about the consequences and after-effects of this blow. He just sent out the blow with all his strength, and his burst of power called to burn himself.


  Wang Sheng roared, black splendid eruption, accurately hit that point, the true sense of the eradication of red tide!


   shocked, not quietly, but a big explosion, the roaring aftermath spread out without restraint, and at this moment the four other shores of the world below looked up.

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