Universal Asylum

Chapter 1183: Complete Continental World

Wang Sheng has tested the material hardness here, and it really meets the richness of the gas machine here. It is much harder than the high mountains of the universe, but he has not yet felt it when he entered the huge world that engulfed the New Hundred World. Hardness, the hardness of that world is simply magnified by countless times, which is too ridiculous to be realistic, and the environment here is normal with such hardness.

As they get inside, these continents grow larger, and often a whole continent appears, just like the innumerable super-gigantic formations in the universe. A huge star appears. There are already many continents that Wang Sheng has not seen in the universe. After that, such a continent took a long time to speak even with his feet.

Wang Sheng also experimented with the effects of supernatural powers here. I don’t know if his supernatural powers are often related to the flesh. In such a ruled land, there is no limit at all, except for the rules of the exercise, but it is conceivable that the rules of the field People come here, I am afraid that they will be restricted, and they are very restrictive. After all, there is heaven in this world.

Wang Sheng began to feel strange. With his footwork, he should have reached one-tenth of this world, and there should be creatures, but not only there were no creatures in this world, no plants and trees appeared, and he clearly possessed mountains and waters. And such a strange Qi machine that is easy to produce souls, but there is no sign of the emergence of creatures, it is contrary to the rules of reality, unless the rules here are limited.

Wang Sheng has taken Xiaolu out long ago. Xiaolu, who is a rich and powerful air-moment machine here, likes it more and is more suitable for her growth. Xiaolu does not feel any discomfort, but this does not mean anything. He and Xiaolu They are all abnormal creatures. Such a world can be easily upgraded to a standard, and cannot be used as a criterion for judging. It is not easy to fabricate a king of creatures. Every creature looks simple and can be easily manufactured, but it cannot be ignored. To create creatures recognized by the whole world, just like ordinary creatures in the universe, their path to the avenue is actually unlimited, that is, they have the right to approach the avenue step by step, and the right to transcend the true spirit.

Such creation of creatures will definitely leave a mark in the world. It is acknowledged by Heavenly Dao that Wang Sheng now has to attract the attention of Heavenly Dao. Naturally, he will not take the initiative. He now regrets that he has not forcibly swept a chaotic creature, after all, the sky dome There is almost no suppression by the heavenly heaven. He didn't feel it. He knew it was such a situation.

  Wang Sheng now has no way to find out whether the creature is suitable for the survival of the creature, and he has to move on in hope of finding the native creature in this world.

Pieces of huge continents are getting bigger from the middle, and even the distance between these continents is getting smaller and smaller, almost the whole is linked together, almost like a whole, Wang Sheng has lost the concept of the hugeness of these continents, When a thing is too large to describe, it cannot be revealed in the mind, because it is beyond the imagination of sorrow.

   The continent here cannot be compared with that huge world.

Wang Sheng simply marked the Chaochao continent he found with a number for comparison. As a result, after the ultracontinent continent, the continent he saw was not inferior to this continent, and it was beyond the abnormal size. In general, there is no living beings and no living beings.

This situation suddenly changed as he stepped into the next continent. Wang Sheng stepped on the next road, his body shaking, and he had not taken a long time. He once again felt a repressive and unreasonable repression, it seemed that all the energy should be in It can’t appear in the body, his physical strength is suppressed by 50%, and even if it’s not his self-preservation at critical moments, he is afraid that he will be suppressed even more. Of course, if he explodes power at all costs, this kind of There is no way to suppress it, but it will certainly attract the attention of Heavenly Dao.

  Just stepping into this world, I feel that there is a giant mountain pressed against his head. This giant mountain is largely the quality of his body. It is too heavy and too dense, giving him a sense of burden.

Under such a feeling, he clearly found a trace of alienation between his true spirit and the flesh. He could not find it, but under such a high-pressure state, it appeared so simple.

This is not a blessing due to misfortune. Wang Sheng’s heart is happy and happy. Even if his strength is suppressed, it is actually just that the world is self-righteous. He can still explode all his strength. As for the world’s heavenly attention, in fact, as long as his strength is all The outbreak will definitely be concerned by the heaven and earth of this world. This is inevitable, so the limitation on his strength is actually equal to nothing.

But in this state he was able to see the dawn of a complete fusion of the true spirit and the flesh~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He really didn't expect that now his only idea is to maintain this state for a long time, and find a way to break the sky. Before this method, it must be maintained in this state, otherwise there is no such state. It is almost impossible for him to find such a real sky, and then his road will be delayed.

Wang Sheng could not help but sigh again. As long as the external conditions are sufficient, time is never the reason for limiting the state. Perhaps the weight of Daoxin should be added, but there is no doubt that the problem can be gradually solved in time. If you find the source at the beginning, Then the solution is more efficient.

Of course, there may be less key training in Chengdu, but these principles cannot be denied. These trainings are more like sacrificing the time and energy of the early stage to hone the Dao heart that needs to be promoted in the later stage, in order to calm down the later stage. pass.

   But in fact, once the state is reached, it will be much simpler to undergo further training, and it will not delay the breakthrough. Therefore, more reasons for restricting progress are still inadequate external conditions.

Only in this step, Wang Sheng found a further opportunity. This opportunity is not a small one. To this is only for his path. He is special. He can rely on pressure to improve long ago, and only he The physical body can find defects through such pressure, and the power of taking the rest can only feel the suppression.

  Wang Sheng stood in the same place for a long time before opening his eyes. He smiled in the corner of his mouth, and he was in a good mood, and he looked at the continent under his feet, and suddenly there was a feeling that this continent was unprecedentedly complete!

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