Universal Asylum

Chapter 1184: 3 questions

It seems like a complete world in a world. This feeling is extremely contradictory, just like the pattern of Kyushu in the universe, but it is an enlarged version. It seems that this open continent is the core world of this world, and it is also the focus of heaven and earth. Wang Shengji Living in the gap between the true spirit and the flesh, remembering the fluctuations and keeping this feeling stepping forward, he has a hunch that if he is alive, he is in this continent, and the size of this continent may exceed his imagination.

Wang Sheng only took a few steps, he frowned, and a vitality machine appeared in front of him. It was extremely powerful. He was a person who set foot on the road of cultivation. He was already a transcendental level, a vitality that has not been found in most of the world in the world. It was still weird to see, as if there was life suddenly in a dead place, not a human being, but a huge mountain, from where life came, as if this mountain had become a soul, Wang Sheng had not hidden his figure and stepped into the world at the same time The time has triggered changes, and it was naturally noticed that the mountain was approaching Wang Sheng at the next moment. Instead of growing hands and feet, the earth's veins changed like dragons, and the mountain range was crossed towards the front.

There was no rumbling vibration, but only quietly approached, but there was no hidden intention. Such a behemoth was still very noticeable in action, and the speed was not slow, just came to the close distance of Wang Sheng, From a distance, Wang Sheng seems to be standing at the foot of the mountain, Wang Sheng's eyes are strange. Although the achievements of the mountains are rare, they are not incomprehensible. After all, they are material creatures, and there is a possibility of birth, but if you count the chaotic clouds, it seems that this world The way of the rules is biased towards this kind of biological enlightenment. Wang Sheng’s focus is on the appearance of a small temple under the mountain. The temple’s prosperous prosperity has gone through a long time. It is very vicissitudes because the shadow of the mountain looks dark. But a green lamp was lit outside the temple, suppressing Xie Zuo, and the sound came from the blue lamp at the next moment.

"Foreigners, it is also fate to meet the great wilderness, why not enter the temple." The sound conforms to the aging and texture of the imaginary mountains. The picture conveyed in this sound is an old man with a white beard, a low body, and a cane. The image of the father-in-law of the land is not his fantasy, but the sound contains the lines, and this concept is transmitted.

Wang Sheng raised his eyebrows, stepped forward, stepped on the solid ground and approached the small temple, approaching the lit green lantern. He looked at the green lantern with interest, and seemed to hear Buddha singing from it, like the universe. He is really interested in the legendary green lantern in front of the Buddha. Could it be that there are legends in any world?

"Foreigners, it seems that they are very interested in this station of Buddhist lanterns. I have three doubts to answer. If you can answer them, this green lantern can be given to you, and I can answer you three questions." But full of kindness, there is no hostility to Wang Sheng.

   Buddha lamp? It doesn't seem to be accidental, Wang Sheng asked directly: "What is a Buddhist lantern, and I'm bothered to explain one or two."

"Foreigners, is this the first question? You have to think clearly. My answer is very precious. The foreigners who asked Lao Zhang three questions last time paid a great price. After all, they did not answer Shangwu's question. ."

   It seems that the creatures in this mountain haven't spoken for a long time, and they can talk in one mouth, but also let Wang Sheng know the extra information.

   Last foreigner? This is not a coincidence. He doesn’t know what the old man’s consciousness of a foreigner came from another continent or an unmistakable outsider. He prefers the first answer to the discourse. After all, his breath is not so easy to look at. Come out, although the creatures of this mountain are strange, they are only a transcendental state.

Does the last foreigner also refer to creatures from other continents? Now he dare not deny that there are no creatures in other continents. The continent he stepped on does not account for one tenth of this place. The next absolute is very stupid, but There seem to be few foreigners coming from this direction. At least Wang Sheng believes that it is probably the person he is looking for.

   "Lao Zhang can talk about your three questions first and see if Wang can give you the answer you want." Wang Sheng's eyes flashed slightly and he smiled.

"It's a strange way of speaking, but it's generally the same way of talking with the previous foreigners. The young strongman, it seems that you have enough confidence, but I have to blame you to remind you that my three problems are ancient It will survive, and the powerful existence I have asked is beyond your imagination, even the fairy emperor has also asked, but even the fairy emperor has only answered two questions, and the third question I am not satisfied with." Sure enough, it was a nagging Temperament, but Wang Sheng did not interrupt, because in this invisible, he already knew very well the information.

   Fairy Emperor! I have to blame Wang Sheng for thinking about it. In fact, several worlds he passed through had the existence of the heavenly emperor. With the appearance of Buddhist doors, he was not sure whether this world was the same, and he had a familiar setting.

"Lao Zhang can ask ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ha ha, well the first question, how high is the sky!" The spirit of the mountain slowly spoke, and the vicissitudes of the words carried a special rhyme, how many days high! These four characters do not seem to be simple questions, but the four characters formed by the rules. It is very heavy. At this moment, even the body of the spirit of the mountain has disappeared. A high and infinite existence exists in the question of the inquirer Wang Sheng, Wang Sheng seemed to see a strong man who was constantly thinking. He frowned and looked at the sky to understand the problem.

Wang Sheng’s psychedelic consciousness and lucidity were only momentary, but even then he was shocked in his heart, because the presence of this strong man was an infinitely close to the third part of his perception, not the other side of the realm, it was an infinitely close to extinction The existence of the world red tide is a pseudo third step in this real sense.

   How high is the sky! Wang Sheng murmured, this question is naturally not a simple question, not a literal meaning, it is asking for the Tao of Heaven, and it is asking for the Heavenly Tao formed by the way of rules. It is not the height, but the level. In the just picture, that existence Doesn't seem to exceed the limit of the world, could this question be asked?

Wang Sheng was a little bit aware of why even the Immortal Emperor could not answer the three questions satisfactorily, because such a question cannot be understood at that level, nor can it satisfy the existence. Only standing at the same level can answer this question, and There is also a different and non-conspiratorial interference, so that the only people who can answer this question are Gaoya Jianlu or the same path as the strong man.

  Jiang Gaojian, Wang Sheng is not, he has insufficient levels.

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