Universal Asylum

Chapter 1258: Ancestor entrance

With the master in control of the entire universe, a more excellent sequence was born above all things, Heaven!

It is complicated to say that the attributes of Heavenly Dao are only a process without lines, idealism, in fact, the speed of attributes is very fast.

As if there was a conscious roar, the core will of the universe fell into rage just after waking up, and his realm was violated! And it was violated by so many people.

His power was weakened and changed more than when he slept, just like a sick giant, not only did he not heal when he slept, he became more serious, and he was covered with parasites.


Deep in the earth, Wang Sheng suddenly opened his eyes, and countless messages flowed through his eyes. He knew the causes and consequences of this period of time, and at the same time felt a strong repulsive force. A snare appeared around him to restrain him.

He was slightly silent, and the stone pillar in front of him was only less than one ten thousandth of the original, and even his height could now be appropriately waved.

"Not doing everything!"

Wang Sheng sighed in his heart that the next time he wanted refining and refining, he would only follow the step-by-step refining and refining process. In this way, the refining of deep consciousness is like cheating, and he cannot enter again after he wakes up.

He stood up, the snares on his body were unheard of, he reached out and touched the stone pillar, and lifted it gently, the jade white nearly transparent stone pillar uprooted as if a long stick appeared in his hand.

Wang Sheng sank his hand, but quickly adapted to this weight. At this time, his snare was more obvious, and the repulsive force was more serious. Wang Sheng took a deep look at the sky and turned to enter the depths of the void, as he moved away from the universe The farther away, the snare on his body became darker and darker, and eventually disappeared completely.

It is not only Wang Sheng who feels the rejection, the universe is cleaning up tumors. Such cleaning is indistinguishable. Any existence that is beyond the control of his power must be clear. The universe has no real consciousness and there is no expression of affection.

The color of the clouds changed, and the Dazu ancestors and the ancient ancestors all changed slightly in their appearance. The same repulsive force appeared on them, weaker than Wang Sheng, and no net was born, but the oppression was more intense and they must be cut apart. Going out, not only them, but also Wuxianzun who also reached the other shore, who really stepped into the other shore, except the demon emperor on the spot, were all rejected.

It is conceivable that once the three people are rejected, it will definitely be a major blow to the big Zhou Tianxing formation.

"Infinite Heavenly Venerable!" Xuan Zu sighed slightly and reached out to cover the Heavenly Compass on the three people. The repulsive force immediately canceled out, but the terror changes happened to Xuan Zu. A transparent shape appeared, and it seemed to be vaporized and disappeared in the universe.

The awakening of the universe's heavenly path made Xuanzu's agent of heavenly path directly into an awkward situation. Originally, he didn't take the initiative to expose nothing, but the three people who cast spells to maintain it caused the anger of the universe.

The three ancestors of the Taoist ancestors have a stable atmosphere. Although they can still feel the exclusion, they can finally bear it. If they are thoughtful, they cannot use too much power, otherwise they will be excluded immediately.

"Your Majesty seems to be alright!" Dao Zu looked at the demon emperor who had always looked indifferent, knowing his itinerary and origins as if he did not understand anything.

The demon emperor responded lightly, "This seat has its own destiny, and it has not exceeded the limit of the universe."

Dao Zu bowed his head, feeling the limit of the universe now, frowning slightly.

The universe has always had limitations. The strongest once could not wrap up the emperor. Once they entered the realm of the emperor, they would be rejected. At this point, they did not feel much because of the deep sleep of the universe, but this limit was strictly enforced in the universe.

Among the people present, only the ancient emperor had the most obvious feelings. Among the limits outside him, the students had embarked on the current path. It can be said that it was a transnational country that went directly to the other side of the mighty state, and it seemed to be a blessing due to misfortune.

The previous restriction was the realm of the great emperor. This time the restriction of Daozu and others clearly sensed that they were afraid of the powerful realm under the other shore. Once exceeded, they were unreasonably excluded!

Exclusion seems to be related to the realm and has nothing to do with strength. The demon emperor present has accurate strength on the other side, and he has not been excluded. Since he himself denied the relationship with identity, the credibility is very high.

The World Extinguishing Black Dragon already has the strength of the other bank, and now it seems to be even stronger, but because of the realm of peak power, it has never been able to enter the other bank and has not been excluded.

It seems that a certain peculiarity on the other side triggered the exclusion of the universe and violated its rule of existence. The Taoist thinkers and colleagues spoke to everyone about these speculations.

However, this seems to be a good thing for everyone in the big week and the stars. With the rejection of the core will of the universe, although it has completely fallen into the peak of the battle and the state of fierce heat, it is also conducive to their current situation. After all, the previous status is really It's too embarrassing.

"Daoyou, the next plan needs your full help." Dao Zu solemnly looked at Xuan Zu, who had never spoken~www.wuxiaspot.com~The state is too bad to be distracted.

Xuan Zu reluctantly opened his eyes at this time, his face was old, his eyes were not turbid, but instead he was radiant, without any setbacks.

He nodded in a hoarse voice, "This time for the poor Dao himself to fight for life, the poor Dao naturally dare not slack off, there is a lot of work."

Daozu and others stood up and bowed down, "Please invite Taoist friends!"

This is equivalent to asking Xuanzu to commit suicide, but Xuanzu is on the way!

Xuanzu's upper body changed, and began to be transparent. In general, the lower body's changes gradually disappeared in front of him. Xuanzu's smile finally became a memory. He nodded toward everyone present, even the indifferent demon emperor slowed down. Slowly shaking his head, I don't know what to express, is it a sigh for Xuanzu's road, or the disappearance of his voice and smile.

Just in front of everyone's eyes, Xuanzu's body disappeared completely, and the great compass above Daozu's three heads whistled, seeming to bemoan the master's disappearance.

In the tremor, the compass showed more cracks, the universe heavenly path was awakened, the master disappeared, and its existence will be weakened infinitely. Perhaps after sheltering the three ancestors of Daozu, they will truly step into the fall.

Heavenly Dao regained consciousness, and no alternatives could survive. Bodo was originally a part of Heavenly Dao. Xuanzu still exists and there is room for escape. You can choose. The Avenue Compass can only completely contain Heavenly Dao and become a part of Heavenly Dao. This is a settlement.

Xuan Zu finally chose to enter and join together for his own path, and it truly disappeared in the world.

Taoist ancestors salute again for Xuanzu's choice. They have no sorrow, and they can make choices on their own avenues, which is the highest honor for these cultivators.

"Xuanzu Daoist has entered the Dao, and then rely on the power of everyone to help Xuanzu Daoyou become enlightened, everyone!"

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