Universal Asylum

Chapter 1259: Angry universe

What Xuanzu wants to do is to insert into the battle between the core will and the jade plate, also to control the Heavenly Dao, and also the choice of the Daozu and others. They will not need a supreme ruthless Heavenly Dao. At that time, the road of self-determination, the first thing after the Heaven Dao regained consciousness It is the lock of all sentient beings, which shows that the heaven is ruthless.

It is their choice to launch a talent suitable for their own endorsement of heaven and earth. It is also the trend of the times. There have always been only imaginary changes in the Great Zhou Tianxing Formation, that is, the fusion of the universe, the formation of the formation with the power of the universe. The cosmic force barrier is counted as a new celestial net, and the ability of the universe to attack is regarded as mutual achievement.

The most important thing is that this position is beneficial to the Three Thousand Powers, and it is also a position that they can stand on, just like the ancient heavens, differentiating form gods, they are the gods of the heavens, and they are the stars of the sky. Guarding, guarding the center, accomplishing yourself, finding a place for these demon gods to settle down, and having further opportunities. The biggest benefit is the control of several powerful forces in the core array, which can be regarded as the supreme of the heavens, and the ancestors are supreme. .

It is beneficial to everyone, and it is also the plan and calculation of Daozu and others from beginning to end, and finally succeeded at this moment.

Before the final battle, Dao Zu looked in one direction of the universe, where the real direction of Kyushu is also the direction of the universe. Has he also made a choice!

He looked down at the Black Dragon and Caifeng, slowly opening, "The two of you can deliberately let the Star God do it!"

It was only after Zhu came to understand why Wang Sheng filmed them here. This was their chance. Was it also Wang Sheng's position and choice?

Since it was Wang Sheng's meaning, they naturally happily agreed. Even the Black Dragon had no resistance or displeasure. He was born with wisdom, and naturally had a pursuit. To become Wang Sheng's pursuer is one of his goals. And becoming a Star God may achieve this goal, and even make him stronger.


In the wild world, Zhen Yuanzi fell into a quiet state, and the repulsive force was also born on him, but it was not as serious as Daozu and others. It seems that the core consciousness of Heavenly Dao did not overly blame him. If Wang Sheng is here, it can be guessed There are some clues.

Even more bizarre is that the wild world, which is a world of myths and legends, has not felt repression or exclusion, but has added restrictions invisibly. At the beginning, many of the other sides of the giant world have also fallen into silence, protected by the consciousness of heaven and the spirit. Tian Dao of the wild world does not feel the rejection at the moment, so the so-called restriction is more digestive for him, but only restricts the whole world. At this moment, Tian Dao cannot cross the wild world, he can only squeeze in the world and wait for the last Change the situation.

But even so, the treatment of the wild world and the treatment of Daozu and others, and even the treatment of Xuanzu, the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao, are really different, just like a stepbrother.

It is not just the many powerful people in the universe who feel the change. At the edge of the universe, there is a huge altar, on which a golden purpose shimmers and the majesty envelopes the surrounding void. When changing, the golden purpose suddenly changes, and the projected place Countless golden mansions form a giant palace phantom in the void, accompanied by endless thunder.

Ancient immortal penalty!

The ancient immortal penalty that had long disappeared appeared again at this time, and gradually solidified, covering the altar and becoming the dwelling of the immortal emperor!

In this fairy palace, a phantom was gradually born, and it looked very tall. Even though the palace is magnificent and noble, the most noble always looks like this figure.

"Fairy Emperor, your condition is not very good, when will the promise be fulfilled." An equally high voice sounded blandly in the ear of Immortal Emperor.

The figure turned his head as if watching a sudden emergence of power.

"The servant maid is only a ants after all. If you can't make a big deal, how can you ruin your plan? Hei Tianzun, you have time to make troubles and make troubles. It's your commitment to imagine how to find the traces of the ancient emperor."

"You don't need to talk much, this deity has already frowned, but the advent of the ancient emperor is much better than you, don't move the stone and hit the foot."

The sound disappeared, the Immortal Emperor looked at the universe far away, in the void, the Immortal Emperor Palace took the Immortal Emperor and the altar away.

At the moment when Wang Sheng was repelled, I wondered whether it was a coincidence or unintentional. In the void outside Kyushu, where there were many demon gods, there was this crack here, leading to the astral world. Wang Sheng appeared at the beginning. The crack of the real one appeared undisguised, and it became huge. He slowly emerged from the dark crack. He stood with his hands, standing outside the void, looking at the surrounding environment, the corners of his mouth slightly curled, and then slowly walked to Kyushu , And finally entered the world of Kyushu in this way, no traces appeared.

At the same time, in a corner of the universe starry sky, a door was quietly opened, which was the door to the astral world. It was once opened by the three emperors and five emperors in the ancient times~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The figure is faintly rejected in the universe, at least it is the strength of the other side.

The person seemed to listen to something on the side, and everyone behind the indifferent nodded, "After a few epochs, I will finally return, but the situation has changed, and I can’t wait for it. I still see what is happening here, but Before that, I was looking for a trace of a person. He was the most optimistic person, but unfortunately it was not used by that person in the end."

"He was already strong at the time, and now it must be stronger. It also proves that he is not an unknown person. Find him, and then decide his policy based on his action position."

The status of everyone behind is slightly weaker, but it is not the relationship between the master and the slave, and the more is the negotiation. The crowd has no objection, and the redundant void disappears quietly.

At the time of the will of the core of the cosmic sky, the universe’s heavens are all dark, no eyeliner can exist in such a void, all blind, and fall into real chaos, even the third step of the power, under the repulsion of the universe Nothing.

Under such circumstances, the undercurrent of the universe is turbulent, the real change is completed in an instant, and no one pays attention, and the dark and bright competition in the universe has also fallen into a white-hot state.

There are Xuanzu and jade discs inside, extinct red tide and many foreign enemies, and many worms inside the universe. The universe has fallen into the most dangerous moment, and there are more eye-catching eyes around it. Under such circumstances, the universe is still It's a crazy counterattack. Fight all those who dare to covet.

Wow la la, this is the sound of time flowing into the jade disk, fragmented by the vibration of the universe's core will. In front of the universe's core will, the jade disk is actually matte and vulnerable!

Suddenly fell into a real life and death crisis!

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