Universal Asylum

Chapter 1295: Human race

Therefore, Wang Sheng's possibility that Daojie, that is, the world of the world is the origin is equal to zero.

  Maybe owning the Dao Realm does not necessarily have a source, but it must be due to the Dao Realm? Perhaps this has something to do with the length of time in the third part. Isn't the origin gradually coagulated after the third part, otherwise why do they think that they have no origin.

  Wang Sheng guessed this way, and at the same time guessed what effect these sources had, whether it was only a currency between the third part or a treasure that could promote cultivation.

   At the same time, there is the so-called tinder, what is it.

   is not as good as himself, because the body devours stars and is interested in fire, but these people know the fire clearly, and even know the state of the fire.

   Tinder seems to be precious, even a rare treasure, which is rushed by all the third steps.

  Wang Sheng deeply felt his limitations. He still knew too little about the things after the third part, so that there was no basis for guessing. This is the result of people who have no heritage.

   It's ridiculous to say that he experienced such a thing in the time of the monk's time. There are still some defects like this. It is not that he is not working hard enough and ignorant, but that he is progressing too fast.

   And the third part of the world, did not really enter, even if it is known by the heritage, it is destined to have limitations.

  Some information is just the advantage of time, and the third step, the most not missing is time.

   As for being afraid of the wrong road, Wang Sheng didn't need to worry at all. His road was only himself. Even the third part thought that this road was the only self. His road was not of any inheritance and could be helpful.

   "The poor Daoxing Lingxu sons are all human races, and the poor Dao is very happy to have such figures as Daoyou."

   An old voice was transmitted like the previous Dao Fa Tianzun.

   Same human race?

   This breath Wang Sheng has the impression that he was one of the people who watched around before, and he did not shoot or target him.

  Human race, there is a lot of information leaked out in one word.

   The third part and below has gradually lost the concept of the human race. There is no racial concept between powers, only the involvement of forces. Of course, how many races are involved in the forces is one thing.

  Spiritual cultivation reaches a certain level, then it is a family, if it is the same family. Perhaps in terms of life form, these great powers are the same family.

   is like Wang Sheng, and no one has any similarities with him.

  Wang Sheng could be said to be a human being, and there are people similar to him, such as Tianyi, and the ancient world may also have such races.

Heaven can be said to be the basis of Wang Sheng’s flesh, but later he experienced the flesh of the ancient god. Eventually, he still embarked on the path of becoming the **** of the flesh. On the basis of the flesh, the heaven and the ancient **** are closer to him. His identity has nothing to do with the inheritance of life.

   However, Wang Shengdao's heart has always been natural. He cultivated the original nature. He recognized his identity as a human race, and he was not reluctant. He was a human from beginning to end.

   But such thoughts, he saw very little in the universe, and it is rare to reach his current level and still insist on race.

   But now I have written Lingxuzi but revealed a lot of information, there is a race after the third step!

   Otherwise it will not speak like that.

   Wang Sheng looked to the side, an old Taoist in a blue robe, very simple, seated an ancient sword, is also ancient in style, can't talk about the fairy style bones, just clean spirit, an ordinary old man.

  It is like the generation of great Confucian scholars without strength who Wang Sheng saw in human society!

   "Under Wang Sheng, I met Dao You."

   This Lingxuzi really adheres to the appearance and image of the human race, and Wang Sheng bows his hand to salute.

   "Wang Sheng Daoyou is a new entry to Taoism. He may be unfamiliar with the communication between us and others. He is also a human race, and the old Tao naturally helps one or two."

  Lingxuzi handed out a jade rune, "This is a rune seal that introduces some common sense. It is often used by those who first enter the Dao realm to understand it. Dao friends can use it. After using it, many things are understood by nature."

   Wang Sheng looked closely, and this jade rune indeed contained the third part of the information. I was afraid that even if this jade rune was not the third step, it would be unbearable.

  Wang Sheng readily accepted, "Tao is friendly, Wang Mou is ashamed to lead, and also invites Dao You to wait a moment."

  Wang Sheng directly held the jade rune in the face of Lingxuzi, and the jade rune immediately shattered. Numerous messages went directly into the consciousness and was known by Wang Sheng.

  In a flash, Wang Sheng seemed to have learned countless time histories and a lot of knowledge. His Dao heart began to change, and a sea sponge began to expand, which was actually visible and full.

  Wang Sheng seemed to be exposed to a mysterious thing in an instant. He was very familiar with it, and even knew its ingredients and some subtle tastes in an instant.

  Conceptual awareness!

Wang Sheng came immediately, and through the filling of Dao Xin, did he even directly cross the consciousness that still needs time to be truly in contact, and actually started to understand conceptual consciousness, so that he can directly use conceptual consciousness~www. wuxiaspot.com~Although the number is not large, it is enough to let his combat power and the path of understanding conceptual consciousness go a long way.

Wang Sheng opened his eyes, and Ling Xuzi was amazed. He seemed to feel that the Daoist in front of him seemed to have a huge change in an instant. If a simple standard is used, Daoist Wang Sheng seems to be full of oppression. It felt like he felt it in the stronger third.

   "Daoyou seems to have a great understanding!" Lingxuzi smiled congratulations.

  Wang Sheng once again bowed his hand, and he solemnly said a lot, "Wang Mou remembers the feeling of Taoism."

   Lingxuzi cannot know how much Wang Sheng has gained because of such a simple jade charm, nor can he believe that he will change so drastically.

  Although there are still some doubts, Ling Xuzi probably still knows Wang Sheng’s comparative mood, and also sighed, "The Taoist talent is extremely talented, and my human race is weak. It is also a blessing to have such a character as a Taoist."

  Is Jinlin a thing in the pool, changing dragon in case of change!

  Wang Sheng didn't know the sigh in Lingxuzi's heart. Now he already knows what human race is and there are many other common senses.

   race does exist, and the concept of race in the third step is stronger than he thought.

It can be said that the third part can be coexisted as a third step. If a third step does not join the race, it will become a wanderer. Such a wanderer is safe and better to say. It is really difficult to go further. extremely difficult.

   The fundamental limitation is that races check and balance each other, and there is little room for wanderers to survive.

   Wang Sheng had to say that he was very lucky!

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