Universal Asylum

Chapter 1296: World core

However, Wang Sheng's mind is clear. This kind of clan theory is not based on race as the highest goal. It is also similar to an organization. If Wang Sheng did not show his potential, how could he attract Lingxu to come.

   But this is a common sense, and now the things it sends are worth worthy of Wang Sheng to remove the original mustard.

   There are many races like human races in the chaos, or it is based on this racial organization, and there are many wanderers, not only the ancient world, but also the entire proven chaos.

   The only thing beyond Wang Sheng's expectation is that these powers have forces other than the ancient world, and there are many wanderers.

   People such as Daotian Tianzun, Lingxuzi, etc. are all ancient world powers, but in addition, there are also a small half of them from other organizations or wanderers in chaos.

For example, before dealing with Wang Sheng, the hundred-armed demon **** and the tentacle monster, only the hundred-armed demon **** is a member of the ancient big world, and he controls the hundred-armed **** clan, which is one-third of the entire ancient big world, and is powerful. It is for this reason that the previous human powers such as Lingxuzi didn't do it himself.

   However, the present Lingxuzi guarantees that they will not take action before. The more reason is to see that Wang Sheng's strength is enough to cope, and there is no need to expose it in advance.

"That Pangu Taoist friend must have made good friends with Wang Shengfen's Taoist friend, and his words and Taoist friends are so extraordinary that it is my original intention to wait for the hands." In order to eliminate Wang Sheng's mustache, Ling Xuzi was sincere and even passed This remark of Pangu is also sincere.

  Wang Shengben has no curiosity, but he has once again aggravated the impression of the cohesion between the human race or many races.

  Maybe it is not what I think it may be. The racial division may not be simply a mutually profitable organization, but some people still have enough weight in their hearts.

  Wang Sheng naturally accepted all such kindness.

The current chaotic situation has become complicated. It is not just the ancient world that participated in it. Even among the many powers drawn by the fire this time, only a small part of the ancient world has appeared. There is really a powerful name in the world. Still planning for things in the universe.

  Emperor Emperor, Wang Sheng's accidental cure was one of the human races, and Gu Zun was one of a kind of **** races. This kind of **** race has some prominent names in the entire chaotic immigration. Gu Zun is also enough to shine in the whole **** race.

   These two Wang Sheng are familiar and can be regarded as the first contact, and the rest of the people just got some impressions through the information.

  Wang Sheng thought more about it. As a vested interest in the universe at this time, no one would not know that the wild world has occupied the orthodox universe, and his actions prove that he cannot be separated from the wild world.

   Perhaps this is also the reason why Lingxuzi and others recruited him.

  Wang Sheng pondered, what exactly are they seeking, what is there in this place of great inheritance.

  Even if the information given by Ling Xunzi is tailor-made for him, some vital information cannot be known by anyone.

  Wang Sheng also only knew that the universe is a place of relics left behind, and for this relic place, the ancient world has been laid out forever, and at this time, the teachers were eager to pick the fruits.

   This relic is not that simple. The ancient world joined forces to eliminate the external chaotic forces and explored by themselves, but it was inevitable that many wanderers would come to the wind.

   As for any of these wanderers who is a spy of great power, it is not something that can be known one by one.

   That is to say, the situation of the universe will probably be more complicated at the end. If the ancient world can cover it, it is better to say that if it cannot be covered, it is inevitable to meet the competition of foreign forces.

   Wang Sheng has overestimated the situation of the universe, and now it seems that there are more troubles, but these troubles are a corner of the chaos than the entire chaos.

  Wang Sheng felt his limitations, and the universe was only the outer periphery of chaos after all, even in the information given by Ling Xunzi, the ancient world was a remote place.

   Wang Sheng's past cognition can be sure, the third step is just the beginning, and the world afterwards is very wide!

  Wang Sheng will not be so tall, even if he is only in a corner, it is not that he can ignore it. Wang Sheng’s mind is expanding, but the matter of the universe is not a trivial matter, and according to the countless years of movements of the ancient world, this secret is not small.

  Wang Sheng wants to see what is hidden in this universe. He couldn’t forget the powerful figure at the beginning, and its strength will not be worse in the entire chaos.

   The situation in the universe is the beginning of a greater chaos, and the current competition for fire is just the prelude.

  Fire this kind of thing, and the original source of this thing, Wang Sheng has already understood, but it is something that must be contested after the third step.

How to step after the third step, one thing is clear, that is the Tao Realm, that is, the world of the world should be born, the origin is the Tao Realm can be born on its own in a long time, counted as each third step strong All.

And the source is also the root of the third step of the power to repair ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is like a tentacle, its source must be inferior, because of its limited nature, the Tao world is not strong, the source still has limit.

   It can be said that the origin is another pronoun of the third part. Where there is a place, the master who controls the origin is known as the master of the origin, and it represents almost another level.

   and Tinder are the unique nouns of many kinds of treasures. Such nouns are based on the origin and do not refer to something.

   Tinder, as the name implies, is the power to ignite or strengthen the source. This is the role of all fires and the treasure of its effect on the source.

   And the kind of fire has a genius floor, some people made for the strange things, all kinds of strange, each has its own merits.

   Among them, there is another kind of fire which is the most expensive and most attractive, that is the core of the world!

   The true core of a universe!

  The core thing exists in every world, but most of them are illusory, and the core in the Dao world of the third most step is also mostly illusory.

  The core of the world is actually the origin of a world. Such a core is very valuable.

   And the world where the core can be born is mostly a world higher than the Tao world. Now the core they are chasing is the world core.

   And it is the core of the universe, which shows the strength of the universe!

   Such a precious thing, the core of the world, is destined to cause competition, but because of its dryness, the original force has many zombies and its value has declined.

   Otherwise, the power of recourse at this moment would not be such a point, the whole ancient world will be heard.

  Wang Sheng really knew the preciousness of Tinder and had an idea in his heart.

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