Universal Asylum

Chapter 192: Immortal

Chi State, Dashi State, Huayi State, Golden Buddha State. Pen%Interest%www.bi

At the beginning of the split of the four countries, the four countries had invaded each other by war, tried to devour the other party, and dominated the Central Plains. But after repeated battles, they found that their respective strengths were similar. The number of domestic trainers might be different, but it was enough to decide a battle. The number of masters in battle is completely equal, so that no one can do nothing.

After a long battle, the main and the faction appeared in the four countries. They advocated stopping the war, temporarily setting aside the Central Plains, and developing their own. Until the overlords in the four countries appeared enough to overwhelm the other three countries, the Central Plains was decided.

In the years of war, the four countries have long been exhausted, and the views of the main and the factions have been accepted, so the war has gradually reduced. Over the course of hundreds of years, the four countries have basically no major wars, only a little trouble, and even the four countries have begun to trade with each other. Without the consumption of war, the four countries are gradually becoming stronger, and they have completely become overlords. The power of any country is far superior to other small countries.

The powerful national strength brought about the expansion of ambition. The four countries once again coveted the lush Central Plains, wanting to dominate the mainland, and seeing that the war may be launched again at any time. At this moment, the people of other surrounding small countries suddenly discovered that the sky had dropped a few bright colors. Shining straight into the four countries.

Chi Guo, originally a remnant of a large tribe, developed and flourished. In the tribe era, their tribe was a rare large tribe with several moral trainers. Even if the tribal era perished, they passed down the tradition of moral trainers. In line with Orthodoxy, they reproduced again, established city-states, conquered the Quartet, and finally established the Chi Kingdom. The ancient tribal era was more powerful than it was hundreds of times stronger.

Such a powerful kingdom has worshipped gods since ancient times. The gods they worshiped originally had no faces and no form, and more of them paid their respects like heaven, but they were passed down through the ages of the Chi Kingdom tribe. At the end of the demise, the sky suddenly dropped a divine yellow dragon and a number of old men in Taoist costumes, helping them guard the Taoism and the last ethnic talents.

These tribes are grateful to Dade, and they all think that the Huanglong joint old people are the gods that the tribe has always worshipped. Therefore, when the Chiguo city-state was first built, the gods they defeated became intangible and tangible.

Until now, Chiguo has become the overlord, and the stone statues of these gods have been established in several areas and worshipped sincerely day and night.

On this day, the people of Chi Guo suddenly discovered that a yellow light in the sky had fallen and fell directly on the stone statue of the Yellow Dragon, which had been worshipped for hundreds of thousands of years.

The people around me thought that God was clearly spirited and immediately bowed down piously. Among these people are old people, young people, children, and pregnant women with big stomachs, and no one knows. They are in the yellow light. Light brought a little yellow dragon into the belly of a pregnant woman.

On this day, the Huanglong stone statue radiated light for several hours. After a few hours, all the people in the Chi Kingdom knew that the true name of the Huanglong **** they worshiped was Huanglong Real Man. In the future, the real name of the long lawsuit can protect the family.

Chi Guoxia was delighted, and shouted that God was obviously spirited. For a moment, the cohesion of Chi Guoxia reached the extreme!

The same thing happened in the other three countries at the same time.

Dashiguo, a clear light wrapped a seven-bird feather fan into a stone statue, the stone statue shined in the light, an invisible light fell into the belly of a pregnant woman around; things did not end, soon after the clear light fell, there was another yin-yang light wrap With a flame falling into a stone statue in Dashiguo, the light also fell into the belly of a pregnant woman.

On this day, Dashi Kingdom successively lowered two gods, and knew the real names of the two gods in the dark, one was a true moral monarch and the other was a red sperm monarch.

There was also a **** coming in Huayi Kingdom, but a golden light was wrapped in a golden rope and fell into the stone statue, and then a round bead was shot into the belly of a pregnant woman. Soon afterwards, the real name of the **** was also known across the country and he was afraid of leaving Sun Zhenjun.

The three kingdoms each have their own gods descended, and the Dashi Kingdom is still two. This grand moment shocked and envied the surrounding small countries. They thought they were indeed orthodox, with the support of the gods. The three kingdoms were also excited. .

Only the Golden Buddha Kingdom, which is one of the four kingdoms, panicked from the lord of the kingdom because they could not wait for the gods to come and wait for the gods to come. Even the lord of the kingdom could not bear the nature to worship in front of the statues of the gods and pray for the gods. Advent.

But no matter how he did it, the stone statue showed no response.

"Your Majesty, I should wait for preparations!" The main hall of the palace, the Golden Buddha State Master, is also a very powerful moral trainer, Shen Sheng said.

The lord is a majestic middle-aged man. As the lord, he has no cultivation as a mere mortal, but his distinguished identity is enough to make up for everything.

Hearing the words of the Master of the Kingdom~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He nodded somberly. He knew the meaning of the Master of the Kingdom. He knew that the other three kingdoms all had gods apparently coming, but he did not have the Golden Buddha Kingdom. In the name of Heaven's Order, he jointly conquered the Golden Buddha Kingdom, fortunately to remove an opponent in order to dominate the Central Plains in the future.

In his Golden Buddha Kingdom, although there are a lot of morale trainers, and the masters are enough to be equal to the other three countries, I am afraid that in the face of the general situation of the three countries, there is no resistance. Therefore, in this moment, the sovereign has prepared for the worst .

"Go ahead and mobilize the priests everywhere to get them back to guard Kyoto!"

Seeing that the guard was about to rush out of the hall with orders, then there was a ecstatic shout outside the hall.

"Your Majesty, overjoy! Overwhelming gods from the Golden Buddha Kingdom!"

"What!?" Such good news, even though the owner was calm, he was momentarily chaotic and stood up in surprise, while the next national teacher also looked excited.

Then a guard ran into the palace, panting but looking proud: "Your Majesty, just now, the **** of my Golden Buddha Kingdom has come!"

Confirming the news, the master and the master were even more delighted, and the master was eager to rush down the throne and eagerly said: "Which **** is it, take this king quickly!"

The guard responded quickly, and suddenly a group of people went to the place where the gods came. The team also met the same surprise minister who rushed on the road. The team was getting bigger and bigger. All the powerful and powerful people in the basic Golden Buddha Kingdom arrived. Finally, these people came A square, looking at the stone statue in the middle of the square.

It was a stone statue of a young Taoist, but the strange thing is that the stone statue is not a Taoist costume, but a handsome armor. The stone statue also holds a long three-pointed two-edged sword, which is very majestic.

At this time, the stone statues flickered violently with white light, apparently the gods were coming, and the ordinary people around the stone statues were already filled with ordinary people who came by the wind and bowed one by one piously.

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