Universal Asylum

Chapter 193: Thief who changes country name

At a glance like this, the Lord of the Golden Buddha Kingdom was already ecstatic and shouted, "God bless our country! God bless our country!!"

He led a large group of ministers to drive around the people, came to the giant stone statue in person, kneeled down piously, hula and knelt down behind him, praying in unison. Pen × Interest × Pavilion www. bique. info

The white light of the stone statues flickered more and more fiercely, and a subtle three-pointed two-blade knife within it could be seen flickering, and the people of the country were also pleasantly surprised by this divine sight.

At this time, the stone statue coincided with the sound of the atmosphere.

"Golden Buddha Country? What a nasty name."

The voice was clear and loud, and the audience, from the Lord of the Golden Buddha Kingdom to the ordinary people, listened to these words in their ears and froze one by one. At the same time, they had a bad hunch in their hearts.

Sure enough, the next moment, only heard the sound again.

"It turns out that the **** of Uncle Guangchengzi is also here, so it's not good to fight with Uncle Shi, let alone, this area is dedicated to Uncle Shi, and Yang Jian will go too!"

The sound fell, the white light flashed again, and then the rumbling sound came, and the earth shook and shook, and a large group of people could not hold themselves down, but it was the sound caused by the stone statue suddenly shaking from side to side.

At the next moment, the stone statue was wrapped up with white light and uprooted, and it did not stop to turn into white light to roar away, leaving only a large black mass of people and the minister of the country on the square.

For a long while, someone murmured in disbelief, "God, disgusted with our name and flew away?"

There was an uproar around.

At the forefront, the Lord of the Golden Buddha had already looked somber and iron-green. Seeing the gods of his hand flying away because of the name of the country? But he did not dare to complain about the stingy spirits, but he cried in his heart. If he knew that, it would be okay to change his name. After all, their name was changed suddenly hundreds of years ago.

The gods flew away, and the expectations in my heart fell through. I saw that the situation of being besieged by the three countries and even more seriously by all the surrounding countries was about to happen.

"Your Majesty is calm!" The state teacher on the side used Xiu to shock the host, and said in a deep voice: "We still have hope. Although the old deity said before to leave, he said that he would give me the Golden Buddha Kingdom to another before leaving. The deity, this deity is still his uncle, presumably the power is even greater, we still wait patiently to see if the deity will come and make plans!"

"Yes! Yes!" The lord of the kingdom woke up like a dream, and a trace of flame ignited again in his heart. "Yes, there is another god!"

In response, he immediately ordered to calm down the people around him, and he looked at the sky with the eyes of the ministers, expecting another **** to come.

Emperor Tian lived up to his heart, and in a few moments, the sky swept a golden light again, and hovered in the sky for several weeks, crashing into a stone statue inside the Golden Buddha.

The Lord of the Golden Buddha Kingdom was overjoyed, and once again took all the ministers and people to hula and ran to the statue to worship.

But when he heard this stone statue, he also made a sound, but the voice of a majestic middle-aged man.

"Mr. Yang's nephew is too clingy, just a name, but the Golden Buddha Kingdom? This name is indeed not very good, and it is no wonder that Mr. Yang acted like this."

The voice sounded into the ear, and the master of the Golden Buddha Kingdom groaned, the name was not good! Another **** said the name is not good! What taboo did their country name make, and why did these gods use the name one after another!

In order to prevent the grief from happening again, he couldn't help but say: "Also invite Lord God to stay in step, Xiao Wang is willing to change the country name for Lord Lord God, and also ask Lord Lord God to read me in a sincere and dedicated worship, protect My country."

Suddenly quieted down for four weeks, everyone looked at the stone statue, looking forward to the spirit's response.

"Change the name of the country? This is not necessary. The name of a country is related to luck. How can you change it at will? The Golden Buddha Kingdom is afraid that it is not the name of the original country. The luck has lost three points, but it is a pity that this country has the hegemony of the Central Plains. Lucky." The middle-aged man's voice was quiet, and he said.

The Lord of the Golden Buddha Kingdom froze.

Is the country related to luck? And his original country had the opportunity to become the overlord of the Central Plains, but he lost opportunities because he changed his country name hundreds of years ago!

A series of facts filled his mind, and the unnamed fire burst into his heart, but he was annoyed by his ancestors hundreds of years ago. Ping Bai lost a great opportunity, but only to change a rotten name, even rotten names that gods dislike.

"It's okay, it's also fate for you, the Golden Buddha Kingdom, and it's necessary to inherit the friendship of Master Yang's nephew." The voice slowly fainted, and eventually disappeared. Only the corner that no one was looking at, a ray of light fell into a pregnant belly. in.

The stone statue fell into silence, and the gods finally settled in the Golden Buddha Kingdom. The real name of the gods was also passed on, known as Guangchengzi true fairy!

The Lord of the Golden Buddha Kingdom sighed with relief, and after some pious worship, he led all the ministers back to the palace.

Sitting on the throne, he sullenly asked angrily in his heart, "He was a thief who wanted our country to change the country's name!"

The Master of the State thought slightly: "Your Majesty, that man is a moral trainer, and he should still exist in the world today, but this person has a unique behavior, and he has said that he wants to spread the Dharma, and his whereabouts have been uncertain. China’s national teacher gambled for three times, and the bet was to change the name of the Golden Buddha in China. After he won, he mysteriously disappeared, and then there was no news. The latest news is that he seemed to have appeared in a small city-state in Chi Guo decades ago. ."

The Lord of the Golden Buddha Kingdom was very angry, "What kind of dharma is just a thief who deceives the world. I did not know what means to use to confuse the ancestors, and changed the name of the country arbitrarily. It is a pity that China has the potential to claim the Central Plains!" When he talked about luck, he felt a heartache in his heart. If he didn't change his country, he might already be the honor of the world!

"The subpoena continues, and this person is wanted, no matter what his identity is, as long as the person is caught and executed on the spot, the person who provided the information will also be rewarded. Also, if someone finds that there is a person who spreads the Dharma in our country, don't ask why. , Regardless of the plot, all will be executed!" He waved his hand broadly, his voice cold and determined to be very firm.

After listening to this series of commands, the National Master frowned, and could not help saying: "Your Majesty, although I don’t know what means that person used to change our country’s name, that person must have a lot of magical powers. It’s not small, for this person, Your Majesty needs to be cautious."

The master smiled slightly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ turned to look at the master of the country, "Guo, the king only knew that the thief was damaging his luck, and he was a great enemy with his country. Moreover, the king also knew that this thief must be Don’t displease the gods and gods of the country, even if the thief is more powerful, can it be bigger than the gods and gods?"

The voice is faint, but the master of the country is in a deep heart, and there is a feeling of sudden enlightenment, yes, the two gods before and after obviously do not like the name of the Golden Buddha, and Bacheng also does not like the person who named this name and the potential forces behind that person. !

That is to say, this is the grudge between the gods and another group of forces, and no matter whether the gods or this group of mysterious forces, they can't bother! And now they are under the eyes of the gods, naturally they can only rely on the gods, everything speaks to the gods.

All of a sudden, the master of the country thought through the twists and turns, and couldn't help admiring the king. At the same time, his heart was awe-inspiring. The words of the king just now clearly have other meanings.

He is reminding himself and the trainer family behind him. Since there is such a powerful existence of gods and the existence of breaking all balance, the right to speak of this country no longer belongs to his majesty, or the trainer family, and It belongs to the party closest to the gods and adults.

After all, who can surpass the gods and adults!

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