Universal Asylum

Chapter 1994: test

His comprehension of the rules of time is not too shallow, and because the team of the dragon is alert, he began to understand the rules of time very early to ensure that he can have self-protection after encountering this matter.

In his time and space fluctuations, an independent small world finally appeared.

The small world appeared, and his time returned to normal immediately. He took a cyan ancient sword and gently chopped towards the void again. A crack appeared suddenly. After opening, Wang Sheng stepped into it and disappeared.

Zhulong looked at the place where he disappeared with a single eye, and the light was diffused, where a phantom began to appear again, and vaguely could be seen as Wang Sheng's body.

However, Wang Sheng glanced before it appeared completely, and a small world appeared around Wang Sheng's body, breaking the power of time and disappearing again.

Zhulong saw this scene and closed his mouth, but a will had fallen above the sky, looking at the sealed Zhulong indifferently.

Zhulong sneered and closed his eyes without saying a word.

Consciousness slowly disappeared.

Time fluctuations appeared again in this piece of time and space, and Wang Sheng's figure appeared, staring blankly at the candle dragon who reopened his eyes.

"Mi should dare to come back, don't you want me to drag you into the water?" Zhulong said in surprise, not seeing any guilt in the team's previous behavior.

Wang Sheng pulled a corner of his mouth and seemed to smile. "If you can do it, you can continue and see if Wang will eventually do what you want."

Zhulong saw Wang Sheng for a long time, and finally shook his head, "I have to admit that your growth process is beyond my imagination, and you do have the qualification to resist. If you maintain this growth rate, I am afraid that you can quickly match The essence of your unity."

Wang Sheng narrowed his eyes, "So is it still an experiment before?"

If Wang Sheng succeeds in escaping from the candle dragon, he naturally has the ability to formally enter the candle dragon's vision.

But if he fails, he needs to bear the result of facing the Taoism consciousness, and the candle dragon can also achieve his goal.

For Zhulong, it seems that Wang Sheng's failure or success can achieve his goal.

There is no resentment in Wang Sheng’s heart. He and Zhulong are not friends. The use of them and coercion are normal. The reason why he still stands here is because he is really curious about Zhulong’s affairs. At the same time, the candle dragon is an introduction for him to open these high-level worlds and truly enter them.

At the same time, he is also really interested in some of what Zhulong said.

For example, the so-called normalization!

Of course, being calculated by Candle Dragon does not mean that he has no anger. On the contrary, if Candle Dragon does not give the result he wants, he will let the candle dragon until the consequences.

"Your performance has increased my expectations for you. If you were a test before, now you really have the qualification to stand in front of you, so I decided to train you as much as possible to see if you can meet the conditions I want. ."

Zhu Long's gaze at Wang Sheng finally got some formal.

"What do you want." Wang Sheng suddenly said.

Zhu Long chuckled, "For me, the most important thing is to get out of trouble and then get revenge, but if I can’t do this, I can lower the requirement, as long as you do something for me."

Wang Sheng didn't ask why he helped Zhulong do things, but just spoke again, "What's the matter."

"Find out Heavenly Dao and investigate his current state."

When referring to heaven, Wang Sheng can be sure that Zhulong's attitude has never been more serious.

Wang Sheng raised his eyebrows slightly, "What do you think the possible state of Heavenly Dao will be."

Zhulong took a deep look at Wang Sheng, and he knew that Wang Sheng had grasped the point.

"Perhaps sleeping, maybe disappearing, maybe in a state of seal, in short, it can't be intact."

Wang Sheng thought deeply, "Is it related to that consciousness."

Zhulong did not answer this question at all.

Suddenly Wang Sheng said: "Isn't it possible, has Heaven already died?"

In Wang Sheng's view, Tiandao didn't find them spying on time, which is the most appropriate possibility.

Zhu Long smiled, "This is the most unlikely thing, I know why you made this speculation, but it can't be used as a reason, you don't understand normalization."

Wang Sheng's eyes flickered, "Normal! You have said this word more than once. Is the state of heaven the same?"

Zhulong sighed, "Normalization is the supreme state, and countless strong men step on the blockade line, they can't take a step closer, just because they can't understand what is normalization, even if it is Heaven, it is only a partial return. One, did not really take that step."

His eyes suddenly became strange and looked at Wang Sheng, "Do you know how strange Mi is, or do you know how lucky you are? You are the only return I have seen or heard of in such a long time For one thing, Heavenly Path is not in this number."

Wang Sheng felt a shock, and Zhulong finally talked about the topic of normalization, but the importance of this normalization seemed to exceed his imagination.

Zhulong's gaze returned to normal, but I don't know if it was an illusion. Wang Sheng saw a trace of fiery in Zhulong's gaze before, and there was some jealousy. Combined with his words, it is the jealousy of the normal state now.

A strong man, and a special strong dragon such as the candle dragon, will have such jealousy towards Wang Sheng. Wang Sheng has once again raised the level of what the normalization represents.

"I can tell you what is normalization, but because I have never normalized myself, or said that the investigation is far away, so if you pay too much attention to my speech, it may affect your next step out."

"So it's up to you to decide whether or not to listen."

Wang Sheng narrowed his eyes to Zhulong, "What is your suggestion."

"My suggestion ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Zhulong smiled, "My suggestion is that you have all been unified, but you don't know what the normalization is, so the state is scared to take the next step and only fear that there will be a bigger one It may be wrong, and the team will understand some risks and avoid some risks. "

That is to say, if he does not listen to normalization, he may well go the wrong way. Hearing normalization, he may also be affected.

But in the candle dragon's eye, the latter is more serious than the former.

Wang Sheng knew in his heart that his path was very different, so he did not really agree with Wang Sheng's guess.

And she is more inclined to understand the unity, he must know what is the real unity, and then to master her own state of unity, in order to ensure that the next path is on the right path.

Rather than moving on without knowing it, it is gambling.

"It seems that you have made a choice, very good, after all, this is an opportunity, because not everyone knows what is normal."

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