Universal Asylum

Chapter 1995: Go to 1

"Not everyone can explain it as a team, and they are willing to tell you."

Zhulong knows from Wang Sheng’s attitude that Wang Sheng did not refuse to make sense, which is also what he expected. No one can see an opportunity and not be tempted, even if he knows that there is a disadvantage, especially this disadvantage is not as good as imagined So big.

"Before you know oneness, you need to know a concept, how big the world is and how much the world is."

"There is also the most important thing, what is a parallel world." Candle Dragon's last sentence is deeply meaningful.

Wang Sheng's eyes lit up, how big the world was and how much he could make guesses about, but the last question of the parallel world, he did not expect Zhulong to ask him.

The concept of a parallel world can be obtained by simply finding an ordinary person on the earth to hear the news.

Because of the different timelines, everyone will have different choices, and these choices will appear in countless parallel worlds.

Each parallel world has a different self and a very different career.

Wang Sheng remembered that he had been in contact with the parallel world when he practiced the rules of time in the universe.

But the time rules of the universe at that time were all false, and the parallel world was naturally false.

But the infinite realm is different. The time here is true and real, and the past can be truly changed, and the situation can be changed through the past.

There is no such thing as a parallel world at all. There is only one timeline. Wang Sheng knows this thing very well, but he never thought about why the parallel world would not exist.

Now through the candle dragon, he found this thing a bit strange.

Wang Sheng's eyes must be, if the parallel world does not exist, that is to say, there is no self in many worlds, there are no many avatars, and there are no many heavens. All people are unique and there is only one world line.

In his understanding, normalization is all it takes to achieve unity on this timeline.

And it is not just him who can do this, or that he can achieve himself on a unified timeline when he reaches the level of three days.

The reason why Wang Sheng crossed the void sea was because a person who had reached the three heavens and then went to hide, and Wang Sheng moved to belong to the star world that treats the other party, and he had to leave the vast world after being threatened.

It is enough to show that the existence of the Three Heavens can already unify its past and future, which is what Wang Sheng always thought of.

Now when Zhulong talks about the parallel world, Wang Sheng suddenly has more speculation.

"It seems to be the same as I imagined. In your eyes, there is no parallel world." Zhu Long shook his head immediately when he saw Wang Sheng's reaction.

Wang Sheng heard the subconsciousness in the candle dragon words, that is to say, in the candle dragon and even more existence, the parallel world exists!

In other words, it is precisely because these parallel worlds cannot be seen that Wang Sheng is one.

Zhulong smiled, "It seems that you think of it, yes, in the eyes of all people who have not been unified in the world, there will be parallel worlds, and the true concept of unity is to merge all parallel worlds and the main world, and integrate all possible Fusion, and at the same time let yourself not be born different timelines, this is normalization."

He looked at Wang Sheng with the kind of jealous light in his eyes again, "Since you don't know the parallel world, you prove that you have not gone through the process of fusion, or that the process of fusion has been completed unintentionally. Or you are born to be one person, no matter what kind of possibility, it is enough to prove that your talent is still a chance!"

When others have worked hard, Wang Sheng has already won the final laurel. He has already seen the key points, and he only needs to follow the step-by-step efforts to reach that level.

Wang Sheng can understand Zhulong’s jealousy, or if this person is not himself, but someone else, he must also be jealous.

"With the existence of the timeline, there will be the existence of a parallel world. The arrival of the three heavens can unify oneself on a timeline, that is, the premise of discovering a parallel world is reached, and only the strongest one arrives in the highest space. Only then can we truly discover the parallel world, and even enter into the parallel world to merge or eliminate."

Zhulong explained the meaning of the existence of the strongest and the three heavens from another angle.

At the same time, Wang Sheng suddenly realized that the level of strength can indeed distinguish between various levels, but from the perspective of Zhulong, it is the real reason why there is a gap.

Wang Sheng noticed the last stop of the candle dragon. He fell into contemplation. There are two meanings revealed by the candle dragon.

There are two methods for normalization.

One, enter into all parallel worlds, merge the other world's selves, until all the fusion is completed, and be promoted into a real state of unity.

Wang Sheng is no stranger to this method. After all, there are countless mythical worlds in the universe, and ultimately all mythical worlds are integrated to create the great universe.

The second method is to eliminate!

The elimination of oneself in each parallel world naturally reduces oneself and is also moving towards unity.

Just like addition and subtraction, in the end, you can reach the number that suits you best. Some people choose to increase integration, and some choose subtraction to eliminate.

This is the difference between the two avenues, and it can also evolve into a dispute between the two.

"No one knows which method is correct, because no one in the record has achieved the same through these two methods." Zhu Long shook his head, his voice low, he also hoped for a clear result, but did not.

Wang Sheng frowned, "Your Excellency said that in addition to Wang Mou and Heavenly Dao, there is also a once normal existence."

Zhu Long smiled~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but it had a ridiculous meaning, "Yes, there is another one, but that person's birth is like you, or even more strange than you, no one can imitate his path. "

"He was the first soul born between heaven and earth. All worlds were born before him, only himself. At that time, even parallel worlds were too late to be born. When his real birth consciousness began to make choices and began to birth parallel worlds. , He achieved oneness!"

"He is the creator of this world!"

Wang Sheng knew what Zhulong said. Before the person was born in heaven and earth, the timeline was too late to be born, and naturally there is no so-called parallel world, that is, the other party is born into a realm.

This kind of existence is naturally incomparable. At the same time, he thought of other possibilities, because there was no time at the time of this birth, so any attempt to occupy this place through time retrospective is futile.

Wang Sheng was speechless, because he did not expect that the two normalizations that Zhulong had heard of, including him, seemed to be achieved in an incomprehensible way.

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