Universal Asylum

Chapter 2065: limit

At that time, Wang Sheng will break all restraints, and you can also see the true secrets of this world.

There is also a world of latitude that has gradually interested him.


There was a golden light in the place where the **** light was alien, and when the old ink came out of the gate, it was very similar to the previous Fu Zhao, and a golden light appeared from the golden light.

The divine light is very dim, and then evolved into a figure, it is the God of God.

His face was pale, and the wear and tear of his whole body was too harmful, and even all the details were consumed.

Yun Sheng's golden light was very dim, and a voice appeared from the golden light, which was indifferent.

"The merits left by the Shenguang aliens have been completely consumed, and the fu Zhao has been eliminated."

The sound disappeared, and the golden light disappeared.

Only the old ink is very gloomy, feeling the dry energy and the inside of the body. His mental state is chaotic, and he even produces the anger and shame that should not be in this state.

He quickly calmed down, "The ancient ancestors, as well as that treasure, could even explore the void in advance. Why does this existence have no reputation at all."

"And how did you get here with such strength during this time period."

As for considering that Wang Sheng's strength is to break through this possibility after entering here, he does not consider it at all, because there is no such possibility.

He would only think that Wang Sheng entered here with such strength.

"A force that has truly stepped into that range is also enough to be among the best here, and many people may be interested."

Suddenly, his expression narrowed and he thought of a thing. Perhaps Wang Sheng had discovered that he had not really fallen. He needed to take this into consideration.

He came up with a thought, "Open the battle to star shift, hide the family land."

Ten Xeons outside the door have arrived and heard the command, suppressing the shock in their hearts.


Wang Sheng came under the core of the light curtain again. He raised his eyes and squinted slightly, looked at the light curtain, and seemed to be able to see the existence behind the light curtain. Wang Sheng is now almost certain.

In this trial field, there is at least one founder, otherwise it is impossible to suppress these powerful people who have gradually grown up.

Wang Sheng finally left a water mirror, and then quietly left the core.

Wang Sheng left the huge altar planet without anyone knowing it, came into the starry sky, and then stepped deeper.

Since there is a real founder, Wang Sheng must think about the variables that this existence can bring. He is about to break through the real founder, and consider whether that kind of existence will want to see a real founder born here.

And it is Wang Sheng's unknown existence.

Wang Sheng chose to enter the abyss. He was also very interested in this void world. He wanted to see what is different from the blood world in the black tower.

The real body of the water mirror has always been on Wang Sheng. What remains on the altar planet is only a split.

The body surrounds Wang Sheng, constantly absorbing mysterious power to Wang Sheng. Wang Sheng's body has been absorbing all the time. To strengthen the transformation, he must pull into the membrane of transformation.

Just entering the void world, Wang Sheng has felt the crisis in the void.

These crises did not hesitate for a long time and sent a bombardment towards Wang Sheng. Wang Sheng can also really judge these crises as real beasts one by one.

Wang Sheng's palm issued several times to kill these huge beasts completely. His eyes were deep. He had already felt that there was no difference between these beasts and the beasts in his blood.

It's just that the number of beasts here is not as large as in the blood, or that the blood is deliberately attracting those beasts.

But even so, it cannot be denied that above the altar planet, it is really possible to expand the territory, because there is a safer place with the core of the light curtain.

On this planet, there is no similar altar planet.

Wang Sheng doesn't know how to do this kind of thing, but these planet altars are indeed expanding their territory in a peculiar way.

As Wang Sheng advances, he is absorbing mysterious energy, and absorbing this energy has very few requirements on the environment.

Even because of Wang Sheng's unique path, there is no need to retreat to absorb, because his Dao Xin has already reached the level, and the one life is enough for him to control all strength.

I'm afraid that even if there is a real founder in this world, I can't judge what state Wang Sheng is in.

At least it should not be believed that Wang Sheng has been unified, Wang Sheng has found that among the two conditions of the founder, the condition of creation and power is easier to meet, but normalization is more difficult, and even far away.

Wang Sheng keeps advancing and time is passing. In the process, he can feel that the water mirror left in the core of the altar is used several times, which should be used by the gods to resist the fierce beasts.

The expansion of the territory should be relatively smooth, after all, there is no evil neighbor like Shenguang alien.

On this day, Wang Sheng also saw a larger planet, or a large area of ​​starry sky with this planet as the core, filled with planets, Wang Sheng can sense countless creatures on these huge planets ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But these planets are now covered by a vast golden light.

Wang Sheng can feel the sturdiness of such golden protection, as well as the inside.

Wang Sheng narrowed his eyes for a long while, and finally looked at the most central planet, where there was the breath he wanted to find.

It seems that there is no need to doubt, his guess is indeed correct, and the Lord Lord still exists.

And shroud the Shenguang aliens in this way.

Is it to guard against him!

Wang Sheng turned and left, and the time was not yet right. His hands would only attract the presence of high altitude to watch.

Theoretically speaking, there is still a collection order for the ancient relics and the Shenguang aliens, but the collection order will not be disbanded until the opponent is completely defeated.

"Three years, time should be enough."

This is the estimated time in Wang Sheng's heart and the time for the solicitation order.

Wang Sheng turned away and no one found.

The following time, he kept going into the depths, feeling the existence of countless beasts in the depths here, and constantly rushing towards him.

Wang Sheng spent time constantly killing these fierce beasts, and did not get the status benefits, but these did not delay him, so he did it smoothly and did not give up.

In this process, he continuously strengthened the strength of this body, feeling that he was getting closer and closer to the barrier.

He had a hunch in his heart, I was afraid that the real time was already fast, much earlier than the time he imagined. This is the reason why the absorption speed of Xingxin Water Mirror is getting faster and faster, and Wang Sheng’s body is also there. Absorb the mysterious power constantly.

Wang Sheng also gradually has a unique temperament.

It seems that power can finally support such a fate.


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