Universal Asylum

Chapter 2066: 0 Yan

Because of the balance of power, he became more ordinary, and a truly natural state of mind flowed in his heart.

Wang Sheng's pace moved more and more wonderfully, countless fierce beasts passed by him, unable to find or even touch his body or even his clothes.

Wang Sheng's will spontaneously touched a higher latitude. In that latitude, he saw a ray of light. Wang Sheng understood the meaning of these rays and represented every powerful existence.

Either the rules are real, or they are real creatures.

When Wang Sheng noticed them, several lines of vision also dropped, looking at Wang Sheng's will.

Wang Sheng avoided the sight, and there was a strange feeling in his heart. He had no such feeling when he entered the latitude, and could not understand or even see these sights, but now he understands these light rays for the first time, and is also discovered by these light rays. .

Perhaps his presence is more conspicuous?

Wang Sheng withdrew his will, did not deliberately explore, nor deliberately hide, but just maintained a natural state of mind, allowing emotions to flow in his heart, slowly nourishing his body and his state of mind.

Wang Sheng had a great joy in his heart, which he had never had in the past.

It feels like cutting off all the shackles for the first time, but more intense.

Wang Sheng's thoughts may be related to latitude.

In the end, the sea of ​​latitudes he used to travel was only half a latitude higher than before, and there was no real difference in latitude from his world.

Only now is it true contact with the latitude world.

This is the first time that we have truly got rid of the latitude.

This ease makes the mind infinitely pure and clear, like a glass transparent and transparent.

It was getting closer and closer, closer and closer to that state, and no obstacles were felt.

He seems to have no barriers to the realm, as long as the strength is reached, he can reach that realm.

In this process, Wang Sheng did not expect his Dao Xin to change first, and his Dao Xin seemed to go to a higher level.

His consciousness always enters the latitude inadvertently, breaking through one layer or even two layers. Even he has a feeling that even without using supernatural power seeds, he can easily break through the third layer.

This is a change in consciousness.

Wang Sheng's consciousness is naturally in the latitude, and there is no situation that will attract so much attention in the beginning.

Wang Sheng's consciousness dissipated the light and returned to its original nature.

Under such circumstances, Wang Sheng felt a large beam of light rising in the first layer of latitude, which was not strong, but normal light of life.

Densely endless, Wang Sheng could vaguely see a huge figure outside these lights, covering all the creatures in it.

This is a strange new brand!

Wang Sheng returned to his consciousness and left the first layer of latitude to see from the void, but he didn't feel this way. He had a sense of understanding. He was in front of his eyes in the latitude, but there was still a long distance in the void.

However, if you can drive from the void, you can cross this distance like a supernatural power.

Wang Sheng's consciousness wrapped his body directly into the first layer of latitude, and the light of life in the distance could even reflect his body and consciousness.

Wang Sheng took a step and his body made movements, but in fact he didn't move, and the way he really moved was that his consciousness carried his body constantly through the front.

Wang Sheng felt that he had received a lot of information in an instant, and he understood more about this first layer of latitude.

Wang Sheng has really come to this world's ethnic group and saw the most central beam of light. The breath contained in the beam of light is the breath of the founder, but he did not arrive completely, and there is still a distance.

Wang Sheng stopped, and there was a layer of obstacles ahead. If he went further, he would be discovered by the other party, and such obstacles were also at the level of the founder. He had no ability to avoid them.

Wang Sheng lightly touched the invisible defense in front of him, and a layer of mask rose.

Then the core beam of light suddenly burst out, and a consciousness spread from the inside of the world, perceiving the existence of Wang Sheng.

"Where do you come from?"

Wang Sheng saw a figure condensing out of the core beam of light, but then came to Wang Sheng and looked at Wang Sheng across the defense.

"Wang is from an ancient surviving family. This trip is only for visiting neighbors and friends."

"Ancient relics?"

This figure paused for a few seconds, and it seemed to be distinguishing the origin of the ancient ancestors, but the reaction was overwhelming for a while.

"Ancient ancestors!?"

The voice was obviously a little surprised, and then calmed down, "It turned out to be a friend of the ancient relics."

At this time, in the core of this race, high-level leaders gathered together, looking dignifiedly at the question of the ancient survivors.

"Several years into the abyss trial field, has been promoted from the last one to less than one million."

There are countless races here, and races within a million are already enough ahead.

You have to know that they have countless years in this trial field, including those races ranked after hundreds of millions.

That is to say, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the ancient survivors directly surpassed most of the races in just a few decades.

But seeing this person in front of them, they seemed to understand that such a change occurred.

After all, this is a peerless powerhouse involving the realm of the founder, even if their race has only two such powerhouses.

And talking to Wang Sheng is one of them.

"No refusal, no provocation, but no indulgence."

This is the result of the negotiation of this race. In fact, it is equivalent to nonsense. The only thing confirmed is that Wang Sheng is allowed to enter the clan.

"My Qianyan tribe welcomes friends from ancient relics."

The defense opened, and Wang Sheng entered this race called Qianyan Clan. He was impressed and ranked within 300 in the ranking list.

Meeting such a strong race with such a large void seems to be a coincidence. In fact, this is not the case, because Wang Sheng is a race found above the latitude, and the weak race cannot reach such a latitude.

So in this latitude, you can meet such strong families.

The existence that greeted Wang Sheng was one of the masters of the Qianyan tribe. As for several masters, this is not something that can be revealed.

Wang Sheng was not curious about this.

Its name is Thousand Souls.

"Brother Qianshen Dao, the aristocracy could even lift the clan into the void latitude, which really amazed Wang Mou."

The reason why Wang Sheng dared to ask this question did not reveal his own lack of understanding about this place.

On the one hand, naturally because his strength does not care about these, on the other hand, he judges many races in this void world, and only a few races can enter the latitude of the void.

Because there is no absolute strength, it is impossible to enter this void latitude and break through here.


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