Universal Asylum

Chapter 2411: Conceptual division

   So they must also be consciously looking for this greatest opportunity and the biggest place of engagement.

  Especially thought that the mother river had rushed into here directly before, and also knew that carrying many world shuttles, using their imprints, to enter here should be a proof that he knew the situation indeed.

As for why these Hundred Yuan Supremes are needed, even the realm of the early Yuan Dynasty does not have to exist to enter here, Wang Sheng can’t speculate now, but he still pays attention to them, these Hundred Yuan Supremes may have an important role in the future, but he wants to See what the purpose of this city is.

Now it seems that their existence of these concepts is more like an accessory. Only those Hundred Yuan Supreme and the existence of the early Yuan realm are the real masters this time. After all, they need the imprint on them to enter here. The two outside This sun concept only recognizes these existences.

Wang Sheng left the house, although he didn’t know if anyone had been here, but if the concepts existed and he knew some of the circumstances here, it wouldn’t be of much benefit if he explored in advance like this, unless there were again in the house The harvest in the first street is the reason why Wang Sheng is still exploring the houses one by one.

  Wang Sheng speeded up next, and soon had to explore the last room. From the middle room, there was indeed a conceptual hierarchy in each room. This street was much stronger than the previous two streets.

However, the difference between the following houses is very small, especially in the last room, there is no existence beyond the level of Wang Sheng's imagination. It is still only a strong concept, and the concept should have exceeded the previous two attack kings. There are many concepts of ascension, but Wang Sheng feels that he should not have reached his level, and naturally has not reached the level of the mother river.

  I don't know what the two attacks on Wang Shengde's concept existed, so Wang Sheng would be regarded as a unit of measurement.

  In fact, after some comparisons, Wang Sheng still roughly judged some realms in the concept.

   If the concept level is divided into nine levels, and at the same time, after each junior high school, the two existences that attacked him should be about the first level of the initial concept, and not more than the second level.

  The conceptual existence in the house in the middle of the street should already be the third floor in the early stage.

   As for the existence of the concept of war in this last room, it should have exceeded the scope of the early stage and entered the realm of the middle stage, because there were many concepts before the obvious strength.

   This is also the reason why Wang Sheng divided these three realms after junior high school, because across one stage, it also represents the earth-shaking changes.

   But the last room had to exist even if it entered the middle stage, it should be only the fourth floor, just entered the middle stage, because there is no Wang Shengqiang, and he judged that there should be a little distance.

  Wang Sheng's position on himself is at the sixth level, that is, the peak level of the mid-term of the concept, which is about to break through the later period.

   After all, he should still be one stage behind the mother river, and the two sun concepts before, should also be at a later level, and should be similar to the state of the mother river.

About seven or eight floors, as for the final concept of still time, Wang Sheng has two possibilities, either the peak of the concept, or has broken through the concept level and entered the next stage, Wang Sheng itself is biased to have broken through the concept level Because he really can’t think of a time that can be still, and independent from the basic time to create an independent world, it really has to jump out of the three realms, not in the five elements.

The same feeling is that the creation of many awakening stones, the original force structure, and the existence of the stone structure that I have obtained before, should have already broken through the conceptual level, and even stronger, as to what level, it is not a king L can be judged.

   This is the division of the realm that Wang Sheng probably judged according to several concept powerful people who appeared, and she thinks it is more accurate.

   Strangely speaking, at this level, the gap is not as big as before.

  'S previous realm, even if it was only a small realm, has been turned upside down, but now, this realm division after junior high school is only a small power leap and can only occupy an advantage and cannot be completely crushed.

It’s as if he’s already on the sixth floor, but he can’t crush them completely, or they can’t ambush himself. This is Wang Sheng’s perfect concept. In fact, he’s already very powerful. Being someone else may be directly injured.

   This gap makes the battle much larger. No one can ignore the existence of any concept, because as long as this concept exists, it has powerful strength.

The emergence of this kind of thing should be related to the uniqueness of the five concepts. After all, unless it is really extraordinary, it is really difficult to distinguish between the strong or not of the concepts, or that they are more just a quantitative difference~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Once a qualitative change occurs, it will directly leave the realm of concept and truly detach from it.

   So from this aspect, they are in the same state.

Wang Sheng still knows a lot about his level. Although he is only the sixth level, his concept should already be the pinnacle of the concept. After all, his concept has been completely perfected, forming a pinnacle framework. Is a truly perfect concept.

  After all, she is the concept of the three in one, which is naturally complementary and very perfect. Other beings must achieve the same degree of perfection. I don’t know how much time it takes to grow, and it can never be compared to Wang Sheng’s perfect concept.

   is just like the difference between Divine Beast and Ordinary Demon Race. No matter how you practice, it is impossible to compare with Divine Beast. There is also a huge gap with the realm. This is the innate difference.

   The reason why Wang Sheng is now the sixth floor is actually just because the quantity is not enough, and he is full of money. He has not been promoted to the concept level for a long time, or there are not a few days at all.

   can be said to be a one-step climb to the sky. The reason why you can reach the sixth floor is because you have already had enough conceptual power in the previous practice, and now it is only excavated once and filled to the sixth floor.

But because of his perfect concept, he should be stronger in battle, which is why he is unsure of his victory against the mother river, because he has too many uncertainties, especially the unreasonable immeasurable real body. Magical power.

  In other words, he is playing promotion, but he is only stuck in quantity. As the concept power increases, it will logically break through.


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